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Do What I Say: A High School Bully Romance (Dirty Little Secret Book 1)

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by Kai Juniper

  "I feel a punishment is in order," Walker says, "to ensure this doesn't happen again."

  Is he serious? I'm barely a minute late. What about Briggs? There's no way he made it here before the bell went off.

  Everyone's staring at me as I sit down and I hear people whispering behind me.

  "An hour in detention," Walker says. "After school today."

  Guess that ruins my plan to meet with Briggs, not that I was actually going to show up.

  "The rest of the class should learn from Ms. Quinn and be in your chairs and ready to go when the bell rings."

  Wait—what just happened? I can't have detention! I've never had detention! What if it goes on my school record? What if Harvard finds out, or one of the other colleges I applied to?

  My phone dings. I glance down at it and see a text from an unknown number. I ignore it and try to think of how to get out of this. I'll talk to Mr. Walker after class. Maybe he'll let me out of detention if I promise to never be late again. But the guy really hates me because of my dad. He's obsessed with his grass and almost sued my dad for the dead patches, which my dad claims were caused by dog pee, not mowing the grass too short.

  My phone dings again. It's another text from the unknown number. I quickly read it.

  Meet me after school and I'll get you out of detention.

  What the hell? Is this from Briggs? How did he get my number?

  I glance back at him and our eyes meet. I quickly face forward again and text him back. How?

  Doesn't matter. What's your answer?

  Yes, I text back, my heart racing at the thought of meeting with him. Alone. I don't think he'd do anything to me, but who knows? The rugby team has practice out there after school so at least I'll be somewhat protected. I wish I knew what this was about.

  After class I look back at Briggs. He nods toward the door, which I guess is his way of telling me to leave so he can talk to Mr. Walker about getting me out of detention. I gather up my things and go, hoping that jerk wasn't lying and really is going to get me out of this. He has the power to do it, but knowing him, he'll make it worse.

  Music Theory is next, a class I'm required to take to get my arts and humanities credits. Charlotte's taking it with me. She loves music and has played the cello for ten years so I'm hoping she can help me out if I need it. I know nothing about music.

  "I got detention," I whisper to her as I sit down.

  She gasps. "You've never had detention!"

  "Yeah, well, now I do." I slam my book down on my desk, still furious at Briggs for getting me in trouble.

  "What'd you do?"

  "Walked in late to class."

  "Why were you late?"

  "A1," I say, rolling my eyes. "He stopped by my locker after you left."

  "He couldn't have. He was there when I got to class."

  I shake my head. "That's the old A1. A2 is now A1. I get the feeling he's going to be worse than the others this semester so I'm renaming him."

  "This is getting confusing. Maybe we should just use their initials," she whispers as one of Briggs' rugby teammates walks by.

  He sits right behind us. I give Charlotte a look to keep quiet.

  "Think we'll have a lot of homework in this class?" I ask Charlotte, knowing the guy can hear us. He's probably spying on me for Briggs. There's something going on with Briggs, and until I know what, I need to be careful around his friends.

  At lunch I see Briggs on the other side of the cafeteria, sitting at the table reserved just for him. It's not really reserved but everyone knows not to sit there. On his left is Aubrey, inspecting her nails, a bottle of sparkling water in front of her. I don't think she eats.

  Across from Briggs are Finn and Parker. Scarlett slinks over in her tight, pink dress and leans down to kiss Parker on the cheek. He ignores her, his attention on whatever Briggs is saying. Briggs is the leader of the three, although Finn and Parker would never admit that.

  I take a seat at my usual table, located right by the door so I can leave after lunch and go study in the library. I do most of my studying while I'm here so I can help my dad after school. He pays me to work for him a few hours a week, mostly sweeping up the grass that collects on the driveways and sidewalks after he mows. Rich people don't like the noise of a leaf blower so we have to quietly sweep the grass away. I don't mind the job, but I refuse to do it at the houses of people from my school. Luckily my dad only works for a few of them, and he goes there in the mornings, not after school.

  A text pops up on my phone. Meet me at 3. Don't be late.

  I glance up at Briggs and see him staring at me. I look down at my phone and text him back. Can't. I have detention. Thanks to you!

  "Ella, I need to speak with you." Mr. Walker is standing by my table, his hands on each side of his protruding waistline.

  I set my sandwich down. "Go ahead."

  "In the hallway, please." He motions me to the door.

  We go out to the empty hallway. He folds his arms over his chest, which pushes his tie up. It's an ugly tie, green with purple stripes.

  "I've been thinking about this morning," Mr. Walker says, "and perhaps I was a little too harsh on you, given that it's a new semester and students are still getting used to having new classes and a new schedule." He clears his throat. He seems reluctant, like he really doesn't want to let me out of detention but doesn't have a choice. What did Briggs say to him?

  "I'm sorry I was late," I say, to make sure he doesn't change his mind. "My locker was stuck and I—" I stop, wishing I hadn't said that. I don't know what Briggs told him to get me out of this but I might've just messed it up.

  Mr. Walker nods. "Yes, Briggs explained you were having issues with your locker. He said he stopped to help and that neither of you realized the time." He stands up straighter and smooths his tie. "I'm willing to overlook today's tardiness and excuse you from detention if you agree to be on time from here on out."

  "Yes, definitely. I won't be late."

  "Oh—one more thing. Tell your father I might've been mistaken about the grass." He pulls on his white beard. "It seems a dog got loose in the neighborhood and was using my lawn to relieve himself." He gives me an uncomfortable smile. "You can go now."

  I return to the cafeteria and catch Briggs' eye as he gets up from the table, his girlfriend attached to his arm.

  Getting out my phone, I text him, I'll be there at 3.

  When I look up, I see him reading my text, a smirk on his face.

  I hope I can trust him. I should bring a weapon just in case.

  When I get to AP Chem, Briggs is up front, talking to the teacher, Ms. Higgins. I had her last year for AP Bio. She's nice, but tough. Her tests are hard and she doesn't give partial credit on homework. If part of the answer is wrong, it's all wrong.

  "Welcome back, Ella," she says when she sees me. She's one of the few teachers here who doesn't care that I'm not rich, which is why she's my favorite teacher. "How was your break?"

  "It was okay," I tell her, taking my seat in the front row, far away from Briggs, who always sits in the back.

  "Did you do anything fun?"

  Half the class is full now and I don't want people knowing about my personal life so I answer generically with, "Yeah, it was good to have some time off."

  She glances at Scarlett as she walks in. "Hello, Scarlett. How was your break?"

  Scarlett almost rolls her eyes, but stops herself and fakes a smile. "We went to Fiji for Christmas, then went to our ski resort in Aspen."

  Ms. Higgins just nods. She always seems annoyed by the extravagant lifestyles of my classmates. She came here from a low income district. She isn't used to kids driving BMWs to school and wearing clothes that cost more than she makes in a week. I've lived here my whole life so I'm used to it. Even Charlotte is rich but she doesn't rub it in my face.

  Class starts with Ms. Higgins going over the schedule. It's going to be brutal, which I expected from her class, but I'm looking forward to it. She's a really good
teacher and I love science.

  "As for the lab," she says at the end of class, "your partners are listed online, along with the assignments we'll be doing." The bell rings. "See you all tomorrow!"

  I leave and hurry to my locker, checking my phone to see who I'm paired with for Chem lab. I smile when I see it's Rachel. We did a project together for geography last year and got along great. I can already tell AP Chem is going to be my favorite class.

  As the afternoon lingers on, I get more and more nervous about meeting with Briggs. I keep telling myself to be strong and not let him get to me but it doesn't seem to help.

  At the end of the day I head to the stadium. It's down the hill, a good distance away from the school, and when I get there at three, I notice the field is empty. The rugby team was supposed to be practicing today, but they're not. I'm the only one here.

  Did Briggs plan this? Did he make me meet him here knowing we'd be completely alone?

  Now I'm really getting worried. What the hell is he planning?

  It's three and he isn't here, or if he is, I don't see him. He didn't say where specifically to meet so I walk around the whole stadium but he's not there.

  At ten after three, I text him. Are you coming or not?

  "Over here," a voice says.

  I turn and see Briggs in his rugby uniform, standing behind the bleachers.

  "You're late," I say, stalking toward him, my phone in my hand so it's ready if I need to call for help. I should've told Charlotte about this so she'd know where to look for my dead body.

  "I had to change," he says.

  "Why isn't the team here? Isn't this where you practice?"

  "The lawn company treated the field. We can't be on it. We're going off site for practice."

  It's been a few seconds and he hasn't insulted me. This is a first. Is he trying to gain my trust before turning on me?

  "So what's this about?" I ask.

  "I need to be valedictorian."

  I laugh. "You NEED to be? Sorry, but I've already earned it, and I'm not giving it up."

  He steps closer to me. "I don't think you understand. I AM going to be valedictorian."

  "Uh, no, you're not. You may get good grades, but mine are better. I have the highest grade point in school. I confirmed it with the office."

  "There's still a semester left."

  "Yeah, and I'm going to make sure nothing changes. If anyone NEEDS to be valedictorian, it's me. I don't have rich parents to buy my way into college and grades alone aren't enough, especially at Harvard."

  "Harvard?" He folds his arms over his chest. "That's where you're going?"

  "Maybe," I say, knowing my chances of being accepted there is a million to one.

  "Long ways from home."

  I shrug. "Nothing keeping me here."

  "Being valedictorian doesn't help you get into college. Admission letters will be out in March, maybe earlier."

  I know that but I didn't know what else to say. I don't understand what's going on here. This is why we're meeting? For him to tell me he wants to be valedictorian?

  "It could help me get a scholarship," I say.

  "You're poor. They'll give you scholarships just for that."

  "I'm not poor. I'm just not filthy rich. My dad has his own business. He makes good money for what he does."

  "Then why do you live in such a shitty house?"

  "It's the house my dad grew up in. And it's not shitty."

  "He could sell it and make a million just for the land."

  "Maybe, but he's not selling. Could we hurry this up? I need to get home."

  "I already told you what I want." He takes another step toward me, then leans down, getting so close I feel his breath on my face as he stares at me with those royal blue eyes. "I need to be valedictorian."

  "And I told you it's not going to happen," I say, staring back at him. "What exactly are you asking for here?"

  "I'm asking you to back the fuck off."

  "Meaning what? Fail a class so you can rise to the top?"

  "If that's what it takes."

  "You've gotta be kidding me. Why the hell would I do that?"

  "Because I'm telling you to."

  "Like I'm going to listen to you?" I huff. "Despite all the shit you say about me, you really don't know me. If you did, you'd know I don't follow orders, especially from rich pricks who think they can have whatever they want." I cock my head, eyeing him. "Why do you want this so bad, anyway?"

  He looks away. "Because it's expected."

  "By who? Your parents?"

  "It doesn't fucking matter." His eyes snap back to mine. "You're doing this or else."

  "Or else what?"

  His face is getting red, eyes narrowed, his mouth pursed. He looks like he's about to explode. This might be the first time someone's said no to him.

  "If that's it, I'm going to head out," I say, going around him.

  He grabs me and shoves me against the hard metal posts lining the back of the bleachers, then grabs my wrists, pinning them on each side of my head. "You do what I say or you're—" His jaw tightens as he breathes from his nose, like an angry dragon about to set me on fire.

  "I'm what?" I ask, my heart pounding. I'm scared shitless right now but I can't let him see it. Never show fear. I saw that on a show about serial killers. They like seeing their victims afraid. It makes them feel powerful, so you should never show fear. Not that Briggs is a serial killer but the same principles apply.

  "I'll make your life here a fucking nightmare."

  "It already is," I casually say.

  He leans down to my face. "I'll make it worse. Worse than you can even imagine."

  I swallow, hearing my shaky breaths as I force myself to stare back at him and not look away.

  "You understand?" Briggs tightens his grip on my wrists. "Or do I need to prove to you right now I'm not fucking around?"

  A man's voice echos in the distance. It sounds like the principal yelling at some students.

  "Let me go or I'll scream."

  Briggs smirks. "Go ahead. They're not going to help you. You're trash. Nobody gives a shit about trash. If they could, they'd throw your ass out of this school."

  He's right. Even if the principal heard me, he probably wouldn't help. He'd accuse me of making up stories to get Briggs in trouble. He worships Briggs, just like everyone else here.

  "Help!" I scream, figuring I might as well try it. Even if the principal doesn't believe me, he'll at least hear me and come over here. "Help! Someone help!"

  "Who said that?" I hear the principal yell, sounding panicked. "Tell me where you are!"

  Briggs slowly backs away. "Bitch."

  I give him a smug smile as I go around him. "Great meeting with you. Have fun at practice."

  When I'm at the end of the bleachers, I look up and see Principal Perkins standing at the back of the school, looking down at the field.

  "Five thousand."

  I turn back to Briggs. "What?"

  "I'll give you five thousand to fail a couple tests."

  "You're kidding, right? You seriously think I'd take money in exchange for being valedictorian?"

  He looks at me, not answering. I turn and walk off.

  "Ten!" he yells.

  I keep walking.


  I keep going.

  "Fuck," I hear him mutter. "Twenty thousand!"

  I turn back. "Seriously?"

  "Is that a yes?"

  I walk back to him. "You're that desperate to be valedictorian that you'd seriously give me twenty thousand dollars?"

  "Will you do it or not?"

  The answer is no. It's a lot of money but I don't want money. I want to be valedictorian and I'm not giving it up. But before I tell him that, I want more info.

  I fold my arms over my chest. "Why is this so important to you?"

  He looks to the side. "It just is, okay? Just fucking do it. It's twenty thousand dollars."

  "Tell me why and I'll cons
ider it."

  His jaw tightens and he blows out a breath. "I have a deal with my father."

  "What's the deal?"

  His eyes snap back to mine. "What the fuck difference does it make? It's twenty thousand dollars and all you have to do is fail a few tests."

  "You don't seem to get what I was saying earlier so let me explain it again. Unlike all your little minions that follow your rules and do whatever you say, I don't take orders from you. Or bribes. I worked my ass off to get where I am and there's no way in hell I'm giving it up."

  I turn and storm off.

  "You're gonna pay for this!" he calls after me. "I was going easy on you, Ella, but you just started a fucking war!"

  I sprint across the field, up the hill to the parking lot, my heart pounding against my chest. What did he mean? What is he going to do?

  I got here this morning thinking I'd coast through my last semester. I was determined to not let those assholes get to me. But now I've got a target on my back, and the guy I hate the most is holding the arrow.

  Chapter Three


  "Where have you been?" my father demands when I walk in the house at ten. He's still in his suit but his tie is undone, hanging loose around his neck.

  "I had practice," I say, going past him.

  He grabs my arm, yanking me back. "It's ten o'clock. Where the fuck have you been?"

  I look into his bloodshot eyes and smell the liquor on his breath. I hate when he's drunk. I should've come in through the back door and snuck up to my room.

  "I went to a coffee shop to study."

  "You're lying," he huffs. "You don't even drink coffee."

  "They have other drinks. And I went with a friend. She wanted to go there and I didn't want to argue about it."

  "What friend?" he asks, eyeing me with suspicion.

  Shit. What do I say? He knows all my friends and he knows we don't study together.

  "She's not really a friend. She's my lab partner. We had to meet to go over an assignment."

  He stares at me, trying to tell if I'm lying. When he's drunk, he always thinks I'm lying, even when I'm telling the truth.

  "Who is she? What's her name?"

  "Ella," I blurt out. It's the first name that came to my mind. "Ella Quinn."


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