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Do What I Say: A High School Bully Romance (Dirty Little Secret Book 1)

Page 16

by Kai Juniper

  Looking around the hall I see it's mostly empty except for Parker and Briggs.

  "Hey!" I yell at them as they head down the hall.

  They turn back but don't say anything.

  "Can you help me get this open? I need to get my book."

  They turn and continue down the hall.

  "So that's how it's going to be?" I say to myself as I bang on my locker door, trying to dislodge whatever is stuck.

  "Need some help?" someone says.

  I turn and see Oliver there. He's one of the tech nerds that spends all his time in the computer lab. He's friends with Calvin, the guy I drove home when his car wouldn't start. Oliver doesn't look as geeky as Calvin. He's tall and not as skinny, and he doesn't wear glasses. But he still gets picked on because he's quiet and doesn't stand up for himself. I've always thought he'd be a good match for Charlotte but she has no interest in him. She's holding out for a guy that looks like Briggs, but nobody else in school looks like him. Hardly any guys are as hot as Briggs, and he knows it, which is why his ego is so huge.

  "I can't get this open." I step away from my locker. "Something's jammed in it."

  Oliver steps up to my locker and tries the door. "Did you do the right combination on the lock?"

  "Yeah, it's not the lock, it's the door."

  He messes with the lock and a few seconds later, the door pops open.

  "It was the lock," Oliver says. "Someone put something in it."

  "Like what?"

  "Something that makes it stick so it doesn't click into place when you put in your combination."

  I sigh, knowing exactly who would do that. "Thanks for getting it open."

  "No problem." He smiles at me.

  I grab my book and shut the locker. "I have to go. I'm late."

  "Bye, Ella," he says as I'm running down the hall.

  When I see Briggs at Chem lab, I decide not to acknowledge his little stunt to make me late to class. We both know he did it, and telling him to stop his juvenile pranks will make him do it all the more.

  "Do you know how to do this?" he says, shoving the lab manual my way.

  "Yeah, I looked at it this morning. Why?"

  "I'm not in the mood. You'll have to do it." He starts looking through his phone.

  "You're not going to help me? Like at all?"

  He doesn't answer. I thought he might be halfway nice to me after what happened Saturday night, but he's back to his old self. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if those guys turned me in to the cops and made up some story about me being the one at the wheel that night. If they do, I'll find a way to turn it back on them. There's no way I'm letting them destroy my future.

  "For the next few labs," Ms. Higgins says from the front of the room, "I want you and your partner to meet outside of class and brainstorm practical ways you could apply what you learned in the lab. Don't just go online and look something up. If you do, your grade will reflect that. I want you to come up with these ideas on your own and then explain them in a short paper that will be submitted online."

  The class groans and people are rolling their eyes.

  "I know you don't want to meet outside of class," Ms. Higgins says, "but in the real world, you'll need to learn how to brainstorm and problem solve with other people, even people you may not like." She glances at Briggs and me. "And you'll often have to do work outside the traditional hours of your job."

  "We're all rich," Briggs mutters, swiping through his phone. "Nobody's going to be working a regular job."

  "I will."

  He looks over at me. "Doing what?"

  "I haven't decided yet."

  "Just skip college and take over the family business. Mow lawns for a living." He says it in a condescending tone with a smirk on his face as his eyes return to his phone.

  "I'd rather mow lawns than cheat people out of their money like you'll be doing. At least it'll be easy for you since you're used to cheating to get what you want."

  He grabs my arm and whispers, "Shut the fuck up."

  "Everything okay back here?" Ms. Higgins asks, stopping at our table.

  Briggs smiles at her as he lets me go. "Everything's fine. We were just discussing the lab."

  She nods, and continues to the next table.

  Briggs goes up to get our supplies.

  "I thought you weren't helping," I say when he gets back.

  He sets the chemicals in front of me and sits down. "Have fun."

  "I'll do it better without you anyway."

  He hides his phone under the table and texts someone. "That's not what I'm doing."

  "What are you talking about?"

  "For a job. It's not—" He shakes his head. "Just forget it."

  I turn to him. "You're not working for your dad? Is that what you mean?"

  "I said forget it," he snaps. He sets his phone down and rubs his face. "Fuck." He jerks his hand from his face and I notice it's where he has the bruise. It looks even worse today, more swollen and a dark bluish-gray.

  "How'd you fall to get a bruise under your eye?" I ask.

  He glares at me. "Do you ever stop talking?"

  I turn back to the assignment, deciding to just ignore him. He's being an ass, something that'll never change. I don't know why I thought it would.

  As we're finishing up the lab, Drew, the guy at the table next to us who plays rugby with Briggs, goes up to him. "You think I could get out of practice today?"

  "For what?"

  "My knee's bothering me and I don't want to make it worse."

  Briggs looks at him like he's crazy for even asking. "You want to skip practice because your knee hurts? Are you fucking kidding me?"

  He shrugs. "I could ask Coach."

  Briggs stands up, towering over the guy. "Coach listens to me, the team captain, and I don't let people miss practice for some fucking, lame excuse. You play through the pain."

  Drew nods. "Yeah, okay. Just thought I'd ask." He points to Briggs' face. "Someone punch you?"

  "The ball hit me at practice last week."

  "Looks pretty bad."

  "You come over here to insult me?" Briggs says in a threatening tone.

  "No," Drew says, sounding nervous. "I'll see you at practice."

  When he's gone, I say to Briggs, "Do you always do that? Change your story depending on who you're talking to?"

  He doesn't answer. Instead, he picks up his stuff and leaves. There's still a few minutes left of class and he took off, without even telling the teacher.

  He lied to Drew. Or he lied to me. Either way, it's further proof that Briggs can't be trusted. He's only looking out for himself.

  I need to do the same. I need to look out for myself. I thought the four of us were in this together but we’re not. I’m on my own. I have to watch my back around those guys and never let my guard down.

  Chapter Eighteen


  It's been almost a week since we hit that guy and the cops still don't know who he is or what he was doing on the road that night. He's been unconscious this whole time so hasn't been able to tell them anything. Even when he finally wakes up, I doubt he'll remember anything, or if he does, I doubt he'll be able to give them any details. It was too dark and it happened too fast for him to identify the car or who was driving.

  That makes me feel a little better, but honestly, I was never really worried about the guy telling on us. My fear is that Finn or Parker will let something slip. So far they haven't said anything. I talked to Ariel at school on Tuesday and told her Finn was really high when he went to that party and probably said some weird shit. She said they didn't really talk. They just found a room and did stuff.

  I need to keep a closer eye on him. Out of the four of us, Finn's the least concerned about getting caught, but he also has the least to lose. He's not going to college and doesn't plan to get a job. He's just going to live off his parents' money and party all day and night, like his brother does. If he got charged with anything, his parents would hire the
best lawyers and he'd probably end up paying a fine or spending a few nights in jail.

  As for me, my father would beat me, then disown me and leave me with no money and no legal help. I'd be stuck with a public defender handling my case and end up serving time. By the time I got out, I'd be left broke and living on the streets. My mom might help me but I wouldn't count on it. She'd say jail time is my punishment for screwing up.

  I don't know what would happen to Parker. His parents would be pissed but they'd still help him out. They'd get him legal help to keep him out of jail, but having this on his record could ruin his plans for college. Even if that happened, he'd still have money and a family, so he'd be better off than me.

  Ella doesn't have money but she has her father. He'd never turn her away. I've never seen a father so involved in his kid's life. He's at every one of her school events. He even used to go to her soccer games where she spent the whole game on the bench.

  My father has only been to one of my rugby games and he only showed up because he was hoping to get business from one of the other dads, a tech guy who'd recently sold his company for over a billion and needed a place to invest some of the money. My father didn't get him as a client and blamed me because I knocked over the guy's son during the game. It was an accident and the guy didn't even care. My father just needed someone to blame because he refused to believe he wasn't a good enough salesman to get the business.

  It's after eight and I haven't had dinner or done any studying. I spent extra time at the gym after practice because it's the only way I can relieve all this stress. I hit the punching bag for almost an hour, imagining I was punching my father, which I'd actually do if I didn't need his money. I'm so close to being out of this house and out of his control that I'm not willing to do anything to screw it up.

  I need to get my focus back on this valedictorian shit, but not now. Right now my energy has to be spent on keeping us out of trouble. The more time goes by, the safer we are, and once I know we're no longer at risk of getting caught, I can put my efforts back on being first in my class.

  My phone rings and I see Finn's name on the screen. He never calls. He only texts. I already know this isn't going to be good.

  "What'd you do?" I say when I answer.

  "I didn't do it. My dad did."

  I rub my forehead, which is pounding from the headache I've had all day. "What is it? What'd he do?"

  "He took the fucking car in. He took it in to be fixed. He didn't even tell me he was doing it. I told him to leave it alone but he did it anyway."

  "Fuck." I blow out a breath. "Where is it? Where'd he take it?"

  "The dealership. It's there now."

  "I'll go with you to pick it up. When's it going to be done?"

  "After ten tomorrow but I don't know if it'll be there. They always drop it off."

  "Call them and tell them you'll pick it up. Actually, no. Maybe it's better if they drop it off. If we go there they might ask questions, and knowing you, you'll tell them what happened."

  "I'm not gonna fucking tell. Stop acting like I'm too stupid to keep this quiet. You really think I want to go to jail?"

  "When you're drunk and high you're not thinking about that, and you're doing that shit all the time. You're probably high right now."

  He doesn't answer.

  "Did you tell Parker about this?"

  "Yeah, I texted him."

  "I told you no fucking texts! What the hell?"

  "Yeah, I know. I forgot."

  "This is what I'm talking about! You do shit without thinking!" I'm pacing the floor, getting more anxious by the second. "What else have you put in texts?"

  "Nothing. And I didn't give anything away in the text. I just said my dad took the Range Rover in."

  "Did Parker text back?"

  "Yeah, he told me to call you. So what do I do? Should I let them drop it off?"

  "Give me some time to think about it. I'll call you in the morning."

  "You going to the party tomorrow? The one at Kendra's house?"

  "No. And neither are you. It's too soon to be doing that. We shouldn't be around people right now, especially if we're drinking."

  "I'm not going to stop living because of this shit. It's senior year. I'm not spending it at home."

  "Finn, I'm not fucking around here. You go to that party I'll—"

  "Go fuck yourself, Briggs. I'm done listening to you."

  He ends the call. I throw my phone against the wall, trying to take a deep breath but my chest is too tight to even get a shallow one.

  "Briggs!" I hear my father yell from outside my door. "What's going on in there?"

  "I dropped something," I yell back.

  I hear his footsteps as he walks back to his room.

  I've been able to avoid him all week by staying late at the gym, then hiding out in my room, telling him I need to study. This weekend he's making me go to the office with him again but I'm trying to find a way out of it. I need to catch up on homework and I want some time to myself where I can just do nothing. I'm so sick of having every waking moment scheduled with shit to do. I never get any down time.

  Around ten I'm trying to read through an assignment but I'm falling asleep. I put my laptop away and get into bed. I check my phone and see a text from Ella.

  We have to meet to do our lab assignment. It's due on Monday.

  I want to tell her to just do it herself, but knowing her, she'll tell the teacher I'm not doing my part.

  Tomorrow, I text back.


  I don't know. I'll tell you tomorrow.

  I need to know when. What if I have plans?

  You never have plans. I smile as I text it. I love giving her shit. I don't know why. I just do.

  I actually do have plans so I need a time.

  What are your plans? You have a date?

  Yeah, with a guy who's nothing like you. Can we meet right after school?

  Can't. I have rugby.

  Then how about five? Are you done by then?

  I'll be at the gym.



  There's a pause, and then she texts back. Okay.

  What about your date?

  She doesn't text back.

  I laugh as I set the phone down. She didn't have a date. I've never even seen her show interest in a guy, except maybe me. She says she hates me but that day I backed her against the wall, her breathing got heavy, her lips parted, and when I touched her, her whole body shivered.

  She'll never admit it, but there's a part of her that wants me. And I admit there's a part of me that wants her too, just to see what it'd be like. I've never been with someone who challenges me, and takes shots at my ego. It pisses me off and turns me on at the same damn time. It sounds messed up, and it is, but I like it. It's a feeling I only get with Ella. I've fantasized about what it'd be like to be with her. I imagine her yelling at me, and me quieting that sassy mouth with a kiss that would rock her fucking world. I'd run my hands up and down her body, over her tight little ass, her tiny waist, her perky breasts. I'd have her whole body shivering from my touch, begging me for more.

  I look down and notice my cock standing at attention. It's been out of commission for days. I've been too wrapped up in everything going on to take care of my sexual needs. I haven't been with Aubrey for over a week. Normally, my dick would be aching for some action but it hasn't been, until just now, when I was thinking about Ella.

  I grab the lube from my nightstand. Maybe it's wrong but I don't give a shit. I've already got this fantasy going so I might as well finish it.

  An hour later I'm trying to fall asleep but my mind's still on Ella and the scene I played out in my head of me doing things to her while she moans my name and begs me for more. I should be thinking of Aubrey, and I have in the past, but it's never turned me on like this, to the point that I have to get myself off again before I can finally fall asleep.

  The next day my mind is still on Ella and the dirty thoughts I
had about her. When I see her at class I smile without realizing it and she yells at me, thinking I'm up to something. If she only knew.

  "They dropped it off," Finn says, coming up to me at my locker. "It's back in the garage."

  I ignore him, still pissed at him for hanging up on me last night. He knows better than that. He also knows he'll have to grovel to get me to talk to him again. I was trying to help him, and help all of us, and he acted like a fucking child.

  "I'm sorry, okay?" he whispers, looking around to make sure no one's listening. "I was just tired of you telling me what to do. I can't live like this. I can't hide out in my house until all this shit blows over."

  "Yeah, actually you can." I slam my locker door shut and turn to him. "If Parker and I can do it, so can you. You think we don't want to be out drinking tonight? I'd drink right now if I could but I need to keep my mind clear. Just one screwup and we're done."

  "I could go to the party and just not drink."

  "You know that's not gonna happen. If you go, you'll get wasted, and then you'll tell someone."

  "Then what am I supposed to do tonight?”

  "Get wasted at your house. Drink and watch porn until you pass out."

  He smiles. "Actually, that's not a bad idea."

  "I need to get to practice. Get your ass home and stay there. I'm sending Parker over to check on you so you better be there."

  "Where are you going to be?"

  "Where I don't want to be."

  "What does that mean?"

  "I have to meet Ella to do an assignment for Chem lab. I've been putting it off all week but it's due on Monday and she's working this weekend. Tonight's the only time we can meet."

  "Does Aubrey know?"

  "No, and don't tell her. She thinks I'm hanging out with Parker. And Parker told Scarlett he's hanging out with me."

  "Why do you care if Aubrey knows?"

  "Seriously?" I stare at him. "Have you met Aubrey?"

  He laughs. "Yeah, got it."

  "I have to go." I walk off. "You better be home tonight!"

  I let him off easy. I could've stayed angry with him but that would make it harder to keep tabs on him. I'll be shocked if he actually stays home tonight. If he doesn't, Parker's going to go pick him up at the party.


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