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Sunny Eve

Page 7

by Shayla Hyde

  He pulled a pen and piece of paper from his uniform's front pocket. I shakily signed my name in cursive on the slip.

  "Cool tattoo," Andy said, catching me off guard. He was staring at my neck.

  I connected eyes with him and handed the slip and his pen back. "It's actually a birthmark, believe it or not," I said for probably the millionth time in my life.

  "Really? Wow, that's neat," he exclaimed, "I have a birthmark on my big toe that looks like Kentucky."

  Iris burst out laughing as I stared at him in silence. I wasn’t sure of how to respond to that. He awkwardly chuckled before dropping the keys in my open palm.

  "Anyway, you girls have a good day," he said enthusiastically, taking a few steps back.

  I watched Andy as he strutted down my driveway and hopped in a parked truck on the side of the street. I held onto the door for stability and faced Iris again. She was now sitting on the couch in the exact same spot Jake had died the night before. That was just enough the send me over the edge. I dizzily collapsed on the hardwood, causing Iris to spring to her feet.

  "Oh, my God, Eve!" she exclaimed, coming to my aid. A sharp pain suddenly struck me in my lower neck area, and I hunched forward, pressing down on it. Then there was another ache, this one more painful than the last. I cried out in pain.

  "Eve, should I call someone?" Iris asked in a panicky tone, reaching for her cell phone.

  "No," I denied quickly, "No, I'll be alright."

  The pain dulled down to a light throb and I breathed in deeply. Iris was anxiously staring at me.

  "It must have been the way I slept or something," I tried to convince her. “It’s just vertigo and a crick in my neck.”

  Her eyes were narrowed. She didn't seem very convinced, but she nodded in agreement anyway. She offered me a hand, and I shakily reached for it, pulling myself off the floor. "Maybe you should lay back down for a while," she suggested, holding me steady.

  "No, it's okay," I reassured her, "I'll take a bath and see if that helps."

  She nodded, "Okay, but let me help you. You could fall."

  I tightened my grip on Iris's arm and slowly shuffled to the restroom with her aid. She helped me rest on the edge of the bathtub. "If you need me, yell. Okay?"

  "Okay," I agreed, forcing a smile. "Thank you."

  She exited the bathroom, pushing the door shut but leaving it unlocked.

  I leaned over the tub and vigilantly stopped the drain, then turned on the cold water. I carefully slipped out of my clothes. The chilly water filled the tub and I sank inside, descending into frigid relaxation. Chill bumps covered my body, soothing me. I closed my eyes, the room still spinning, and breathed. I had almost drifted to sleep when a pound on the door interrupted me, causing me to jolt awake. I panicked a little when I remembered Kaden was supposed to be coming by.

  "Eve, there's someone at the door! Should I answer it?" Iris called out from the hallway.

  "If you don't mind," I approved.

  A moment later, I heard her conversing with someone but couldn't hear both sides of the conversation.

  "Eve, Kaden is here!" Iris finally shouted.

  "Be right out!" I exclaimed, struggling to lift myself into a seated position.

  Lightheaded, I climbed out of the bathtub. I used the bathroom wall for support. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway toward the restroom. I quickly covered up with my towel, afraid it was Kaden coming to use the bathroom. Do vampires even use the bathroom? I found myself wondering.

  "Do you need help, Eve?" Iris's voice quietly vibrated through the bathroom door.

  I sighed in relief. "I think I've got it," I stated, secretly wanting help but also not wanting her to see me nude.

  I heard her footsteps backtracking down the hall. "Alright, just let me know if you change your mind."

  After I finished drying off, I wobbled over to my clothes only to realize I didn't have any in the bathroom with me. I screamed internally, not wanting to make the naked run, (as if I could run), to my bedroom. I opened a small crack in the door and peeked out into the hallway. I didn't see anyone, but I could hear Kaden and Iris having a casual conversation.

  "Yeah, I heard. Awful situation," Kaden muttered, presumably about Bradley.

  I cautiously slipped through the crack in the door. I quickly and quietly tiptoed to my bedroom and tried to shut the door behind me. Jake had really done a number on my door. It would only close partially. I shielded my body behind it and reached into a box of my clothes, snatching a t-shirt, bra, underwear, and a pair of comfy shorts. When I was dressed, I leaned against my bed and tried to downtempo my heart rate with breathing exercises. My cell phone was on the bed next to me, so I grabbed it and unlocked it. Other than one missed call from Iris from earlier that morning, I had no notifications. I decided to go ahead and shoot my dad a text before he started worrying. Explaining myself to my father the previous night had been fun. My not answering the phone when he called had caused him to cut his trip short. He would now be home in four or five days instead of eight or nine.

  I sent- Hey dad! Just checking in. Everything is OK here. Iris is staying over 2night, and your car finally got here today!

  I slipped my phone into the pocket of my shorts and alertly stepped toward the living room.

  "She's not feeling very well today," I heard Iris say in the living room.

  "What's, uh, what's wrong with her?" I heard Kaden's voice inquire. I stood still, listening to them.

  "I'm not sure. She’s really dizzy," Iris explained.

  Kaden remained silent. I quietly and attentively crept into the hallway, holding onto the walls on each side of me. I rounded into the living room and saw Kaden sitting in the recliner across from Iris. His eyes met mine, and he smiled softly.

  "Hey," I said to him, then switched my gaze over to Iris.

  Iris was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed and hands clasped together.

  "Kaden is here to help me with... something," I admitted, feeling winded.

  "Our history project, I know. Kaden told me," Iris grinned. "That's okay. I'll watch TV 'till you guys are done."

  My eyes refocused on Kaden and he nodded to me. "That's if you still feel like it."

  "I do," I answered quickly.

  He watched me keenly for a moment, then wordlessly rose to his feet. "We can work on it at the kitchen table," I insisted, nodding toward the kitchen.

  Kaden nodded and marched ahead of me into the kitchen. I glanced at Iris and saw a suspicious smirk on her face.

  "What?" I asked, already aware of what she was thinking.

  "Apparently, you have some things you need to tell me," she winked, nodding toward the kitchen.

  I felt my cheeks flush. I knew Kaden could hear her, his super-senses and all. "It's not like that," I chuckled and shook my head.

  "Sure," she winked again, "I pay attention, Eve. I heard you when you said history is your favorite subject. You don't actually need any help."

  I remembered telling her that. My face was burning at this point. "Okay, okay," I threw up my hands. I had no choice but to let her think she was right.

  "I knew it!" she shouted and smacked her hands together, "I'll be in here. Don't let me interfere with anything."

  I rolled my eyes at her humorously and started to stagger away. She gave me a thumbs-up.

  In the kitchen, Kaden was already sitting at the table. He had a cold expression on his face and a crease between his brows.

  "What is it?" I asked, dizzily pulling a chair across from him and sitting down.

  "Nothing," he said, "I just got back from saving Elizabeth's ass again."

  "The security camera?" I asked in a hushed tone.

  He nodded slowly, staring at me, "Yeah, the video caught everything, but I was able to erase it before anyone saw."

  "Great," I said, trying to sound enthusiastic.

  "So, what's up with you?" he questioned me, staring into my eyes.

  "I'm fine, just a little light
headed is all," I shrugged.

  "Can I see your hand for a second?"

  His question surprised me, "Um, yes, but may I ask what for?"

  "I just need to check something," he waved his hand. "It'll be quick." I nodded and extended my arm across the table and dropped my hand in his. He took my clammy fingers in his icy grasp and closed his eyes tightly.

  "What are you doing, Kaden?" I squinted at him.

  His eyes darted open, but he didn't let go of my hand. "You need blood," he told me.

  "Pardon me?" I raised my eyebrows.

  "I'm an idiot. I thought your mark healed you internally as well as externally, but it didn't. You lost a lot of blood. That's why you feel this way," he shook his head, "We need to get you to a hospital." I shook my head, "But I don't feel that bad, just a little dizzy." "Eve, trust me. You need a blood transfusion," he stated, his jaw clenching. He released my hand and rose from the table, joining my side. "Can you stand?"

  "Wait," I stopped him, "Couldn't you just heal me yourself?"

  He narrowed his eyes and shook his head, "That's too risky." "Vampire blood exits your system after forty-eight hours, right?" I questioned him in a low whisper.

  "That's right, but," he began, but I cut him off halfway through. "So as long as I can stay alive for that long, I won't come back as a vampire when I die, correct?" I stared at him.

  "Correct, but seriously, Eve, I don't," he began, being cut off by me once again.

  "If I go to the hospital, won't they wonder where I lost all the blood from? I have no wound to show for it," I made a point.

  He dropped his gaze from mine and sighed heavily. I anxiously awaited a response.

  "It's not like I'm going to die within the next two days. I'll be here with Iris doing nothing," I added.

  "I'm just not sure if it will work on you. You have a vampire-killing mark on your body, and you're going to be ingesting the blood of a vampire," he grumbled, "This could go horribly wrong."

  "We'll just have to see what happens," I shrugged, really not wanting to go to the hospital.

  He turned his back to me, grabbing a glass from my cabinet. "What are you doing?" I asked him, feeling faint. "Are you actually doing it?"

  He opened another cabinet, grabbing a bottle of my dad's red wine. He popped off the cap and filled the glass with it. He then grabbed a knife and slit his palm open with it with no reaction. I winced at the sight and averted my eyes. I heard three quick droplets of blood drip into the glass of wine. He mixed it with a spoon and slid the glass my way.

  I watched the slit on his palm seal back together on its own in a matter of seconds. I hesitantly rose the glass of blood wine to my lips and took a short sip. It was sweet with a tart aftertaste. It wasn't good, but it also wasn't terrible. Kaden focused on me while I took a few more sips.

  "It seems to be working. Your complexion is brightening," Kaden told me.

  “Good,” I whispered.

  He poured himself a glass of wine and cleared his throat, "So, are you ready to ask your questions?"

  I didn't hesitate to begin. "The day we met in the mall. You followed me to my bike because you knew Sebastian was after me," I stated. “Yes. I had actually followed Sebastian there that day because I knew he had ill intentions, and then I saw him following you," he explained. "And then you mysteriously started going to my school the next day?" I raised my eyebrow.

  "That's because of Elizabeth. She likes to play high-schooler. I went to school to keep an eye on her," he told me.

  "What about when I ran into you the other day at the mall? Were you following me then?"

  "No. I couldn't find Sebastian, and I know how he likes to scout out the mall for victims. I was there trying to find him," he explained. "And as it turns out, while I was searching for Sebastian, Elizabeth was killing Bradley."

  "Wow," I sighed. "You really have your hands full with those two." "To say the least," he said then chugged his entire glass of wine. "What are your weaknesses?" I interrogated. “As a, well, what you are.” I still didn’t feel comfortable saying it. He grinned, "Why? You wanna kill me?" I shrugged.

  "It varies. I have to be invited in, as you know. After three times, free access. A wooden stake through the heart is fatal. If I caught on fire, dead. Beheaded, dead. Sunlight would be fatal if I didn't have the protection brand."

  "Is that all?" I questioned him.

  "That's not enough?"

  "I don't know," I squinted in frustration.

  "Holy symbols don't hurt me, but they can negatively affect our abilities," he nodded, "if you want to count that."

  "Do you use the bathroom?" I whispered.

  He chuckled, "No, and I’m curious as to where that came from?" "Not even when you eat human food?" I peered at him.

  "No, and I only eat human food when I’m trying to look convincing. I don't have those cravings anymore."

  I paused, "What about your superpowers?"

  He smirked at me for a moment. "Abilities. They differ from vampire to vampire," Kaden said quietly, “But you know mine already.

  Enhanced strength, senses, speed, rapid healing. I can't read minds, but I can usually tell what people are thinking." "And immortality?" I questioned him.

  "Yes," he agreed with a grimace. "And immortality."


  "He's going to stop the plane!" Iris exclaimed, shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

  A sappy romance movie played on the TV while we lounged on my living room floor sharing a giant bowl of buttery goodness.

  "How'd you know?" I sarcastically inquired.

  She groaned. "You know it's romantic," and hurled some popcorn toward me.

  I giggled, disengaging a piece of it from my hair, then ate it anyway. "Speaking of romance, what was that earlier? You and Kaden? What are you not telling me?" Iris winked.

  So many things, Iris, I thought. So many things.

  "We're just friends," I insisted, turning up my nose. "He's not my type."

  Iris snatched the remote from the floor and paused the movie. She ogled at me, her eyes huge.

  "Why are you looking at me like that?" I chuckled nervously.

  "Not your type? Are you kidding me? Have you looked at that boy?" "He's... I mean, he's attractive, but it's not about that," I shrugged, dropping my eyes.

  "I think I get it. You don't think Kaden likes you that way, do you?" Iris questioned me, now straight-faced.

  "Something like that," I nodded, biting my tongue.

  "Well, what if I told you I'm certain he likes you that way? Would it change anything?"

  I exhaled softly, "I don't know, Iris... It's complicated."

  "Oh, my God," she widened her eyes again. "He has a girlfriend, doesn't he?"

  "No," I quickly retorted, "I mean, I don't think so."

  Iris narrowed her eyes, "I can see it all over your face. You like him!" I tried to deny her claims, but she didn't give me a chance to. "It's okay that you do, though," she exclaimed, "because he likes you, too!"

  I pushed my hair behind my ears, my cheeks burning, "what makes you think that?"

  "First of all, Eve, you're beautiful," she complimented me, "I've seen the way Kaden looks at you, and I've heard how he talks to you all gentleman-like. Did you see how worried he looked when you weren't feeling well earlier?"

  I shook my head "no."

  "Well, I did," Iris smiled, "he obviously likes you, and I am so friggin' jealous."

  My face was on fire, and I hoped the dim lighting in the living room was concealing my crimson cheeks from her. I wasn't sure if she was right about it or if, knowing what I knew, it was even a positive thing for Kaden Warren to like me. But for some reason, despite everything I did know about him and what he was... it felt good.

  "Your love life is definitely better than mine," Iris sighed, "Jake won't text me back."

  I flinched at the mentioning of his name. "You deserve better than him," I abruptly affirmed, "and one day, when the timing is right,
you'll find someone who will treat you like you deserve."

  She grinned at me, "thanks. I know you're right, it just really sucks after everything we went through together."

  I forced a soft smile and rested my hand on my friend's shoulder.

  Knock, knock, knock.

  The sound startled us both.

  "Who is it?" I called out, balancing on my knees. Unsurprisingly so, there was no answer. I hesitantly rose to my feet and took a few steps toward the door. "Who is there?" I exclaimed again, genuinely afraid of who or what may be lurking on the other side.

  In my pocket, I felt my phone buzz twice. Before getting any closer to the door, I pulled out my cell phone. I had two new text messages. One from my dad saying, I'm glad all is well. Love u. Be home Tuesday night. Call you in the morning.

  And another text from an unknown number that read: Hello, Eve.

  I responded. Who is this?

  I held my phone in my grip, silently watching the screen until it vibrated again.

  Aren't you going to answer the door?

  I gasped softly, and my fingers trembled as I wrote back again. Who is this?

  "You okay?" Iris questioned, sneaking up behind me.

  I jumped, turning to face her.

  "Read this," I shakily held out my phone. Her eyes scanned over the screen, then she smiled up at me.

  "Read the newest message," she told me, folding her arms over her chest.

  I took the phone from her and quickly read their response.

  It's Kaden. I left something for you.

  "Do you think I should trust this? It seems a little sketchy to me," I questioned Iris.

  She grinned, stepping past me and reaching for the doorknob, "I'll check for you."

  "What?" I exclaimed in a whisper, grabbing her wrist, "are you crazy? What if there's a serial killer waiting on the other side?" She reached into her back pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. "Then he or she will quickly realize they're messing with the wrong girls."

  She unlocked the door and pushed it open with no hesitancy. It was pitch black outside, and the night was silent aside from the high-pitched chirping of cicadas. I faintly spotted a white sheet of paper lying just outside the door, practically glowing in the dark. Iris leaned down and took it in her hands.


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