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A Love Like Ours

Page 3

by Baker, Tory

  “Okay, I love you Auntie Pres,” she tells me before she scampers off to the teacher’s classroom across the hall.

  “Thanks, I know she loves to spend time with you and well, work is starting to kill me with it being our busy time of year,” Callie says. I can see the dark circles under her eyes, the truth shadowed beneath them.

  “I’m here for you and Bella Bug, anytime day or night,” I give her a hug.

  “I’ll text you later and see how things are going. Thanks again!” She leaves to make sure Clairabella made it into class. Callie really is an amazing Mom, she’s never once shirked her responsibilities when it comes to Bella. We all rallied around her and continue to do so till this day, well, I spoil her as much as I can. She’s the closest thing I’ll get to having a niece, sometimes it sucks being the only child.

  Standing at the entrance to my classroom, I see the children are putting their bags and lunch boxes away.

  “Good morning, class,” I say to them.

  “Hi, Miss Stevens,” a chorus of children say.

  My day is long, but fun, not to mention the benefits of being a teacher. Summers off, playing with kids while teaching them. It’s the best career I could have hoped for.



  I didn’t want to come into work today, but I knew I needed beer and liquor ordered for the coming weekend, not to mention the schedule hammered out. One of our waitresses is down with the flu, so that leaves me trying to pull other people in to cover her shifts.

  All I really want to do is say the hell with this day, pick up dinner and head straight to Presley’s. Instead, I’m stuck here, and not for the first time, I’m seriously contemplating bringing on a manager earlier than I expected to help with the workload that seems to have overtaken my life lately.

  My office phone ringing stops me from my thoughts, “Maverick’s Place,” I answer.

  “Well if it isn’t my long-lost son,” I hear my mom on the other end of the line. It brings a smile to my face, that woman, she’s always giving me hell.

  “If it isn’t my long-lost mother. You know the phone works both ways, same goes for an airplane ride,” I say with a chuckle.

  “Tell that to your father, and I called you last. It was your turn this go around, or are you getting old and forgetful?” she questions.

  “If I’m getting old, that must make you and Pops ancient.” This is how it’s always been between me and my parents.

  “Don’t tell your father that, before you know it, he’ll be trying “Just for Men” to get rid of his grey hair,” Mom says with a grouchiness in her tone.

  I can’t help but laugh at that, Dad would never, and if he heard her talking like that, let’s just say Mom would be eating her words.

  “It really is your turn to come out here, I was just in Vegas for Christmas,” I counter.

  “I know but your brother, don’t even get me started. That Cruella Deville he’s with, well don’t say anything yet. You know Devon will call you, but she’s pregnant. Between Devon and your father, I’ll need to drink all the vodka to get through these next nine months.” I can hear the weariness in her tone.

  “Fuck,” I grunt. I told Devon when I was home for Christmas she was up to no good, now here we are four months later, and Stacey’s got her talons in him for good now. At least for the next nineteen years.

  “That’s about what your father said, of course now, at least your brother is talking about going for full custody as soon as he establishes paternity. I hate that we won’t be able to get out to Florida to see you.”

  “No, Devon needs you guys. Stay in Vegas, I’ll make plans to get out there soon. In the meantime, don’t let Devon do anything stupid, like marry her.” I shouldn’t hate this woman as much as I do, but the shit she’s said in front of me about not only Devon and my parents, but how she already voluntarily gave up a child from a previous marriage. Yeah, I have no fucking remorse for her.

  “I know, your dad is so pissed. We’ll love that baby unconditionally, but you warned him, we warned him, but Devon is Devon and he does what he wants. No matter what the repercussions are.” I think back to what she’s saying, Devon and I are only four years apart in age, me being the youngest, yet the maturity level though, it’s on a completely different scale.

  “Yeah, well, let me know if you need me out there sooner than later. Maybe I’ll bring Presley out there with me.” I wasn’t going to talk to Mom about Presley just yet, something tells me that she could use some good news.

  “Wait. Back track there, who is Presley and why am I just now hearing about her?” She asks.

  I tell her all about Presley and how we know each other. It takes her mind off of Devon and gives me a reason not to work on the inside of the walk-in cooler.

  By the time we hang up, it’s about time for me to lock up and head to Presley’s.



  I got a call while at school from Callie’s parents asking if I could keep Clairabella after work, and it put a pep in my step. I know Lincoln is supposed to come over for dinner, but I can’t help but be excited to spend the afternoon with my girl.

  “Are you ready to go?” I ask Clairabella.

  “Yes, Auntie Pres. Can we pretty please get ice cream for a snack?” It’s really hard for me to deny her anything, especially with her big beautiful green eyes staring up at me. I squat down and say, “Yes, but it’s a secret. You can’t tell Nan or Pop though, and definitely not Mommy,” she launches her body at me and gives me a big hug.

  “I have to call someone first, can you play for a few minutes in my classroom, and then we’ll be on our way to the ice cream shack,” I tell her.

  “Okay, I’m going to read a book,” she states proudly then marches off to the corner I have set up for my classroom that’s full of books.

  With a smile on my face, I hit Lincoln’s number to let him know tonight may need to be rearranged.

  “Hey gorgeous,” Lincoln says as he answers the phone.

  “Hey there, how’s your day going?” I respond.

  “It was alright, talked to my mom most of the day and worked on the schedule at the bar. How about yours?”

  “It was great, that’s why I’m calling you. How upset would you be if I rescheduled tonight? I have Clairabella until Callie gets off work tonight.” Sure the timing stinks but I wouldn’t change my time with her for the world.

  “I wouldn’t be upset at all. I can still bring dinner over for all of us. If you don’t mind her meeting me?”

  “Not at all. Try as I might to get her to eat different styles of food, she’s a picky eater. Clairabella gets it honestly, though. Callie is a picky eater, too, can we do something else besides Chinese?” I counter.

  “What does she eat? I’ll pick up whatever, Chinese can always be for another night,” Lincoln says without sounding put out at all.

  “Spaghetti and meatballs, it’s her most requested thing when she’s with me. Well, that and ice cream.”

  “How about I pick up dinner and dessert? Then I’ll be at your place in an hour or so,” he responds.

  “Works for me, we’re about to leave school now and head home. Well, after I break the news of no ice cream for a snack. I’m going to be the meanest Auntie ever now,” I chuckle.

  “Nah, I’m sure she knows how amazing you are. See you soon, Presley,” Lincoln says.

  “See you soon,” we hang up, and I let Bella Bug know about our new plans.

  “Hey Bella Bug, we have a change in plans. How about we get spaghetti and meatballs for dinner plus have ice cream, after dinner?”

  “I guess, if we must. Can we at least have fruit for a snack?” she counters. Clairabella may be a picky eater, but the one thing she loves is fruit.

  “Of course, grab your bag, and we’ll head out,” I tell her. She runs back to the reading corner, puts what she has out away, then we head towards my place.

  I’ll text Callie and let her know that Lincoln will
be coming over, and she can grab Clairabella from my place if her parents haven’t gotten in touch with her yet.



  Walking up to Presley’s door, I can hear the laughter coming in from the other side. My hands are full, but I’d stand here all-night listening to her soft melodic laugh along with what sounds like a belly laugh.

  With a smile on my face, I reluctantly ring the doorbell, “Just a minute,” I hear and then less than a few seconds later the door opens. Presley’s hair is in some crazy contraption on the top of her head, and there’s a spitting image of Callie hanging onto her back like a spider monkey.

  “Hey Lincoln. Bella Bug this is Mr. Lincoln, he brought two of your favorites. Lincoln, this is Clairabella,” Presley introduces us.

  “Nice to meet you Clairabella,” I offer my hand out to shake it, when she does what I’m not expecting in the least, she launches herself into my arms for a hug.

  “Humph,” I grunt, moving our food out of the way at the last minute. Presley’s smile is a mile wide, but she also doesn’t seem shocked either.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Lincoln,” she says as she pulls away from our hug, grasping both of my cheeks so I’m looking right at her.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, sweetheart.” I let her down, she takes my hand that isn’t occupied and leads me into Presley’s kitchen. The table is already set, and it looks like we’re in for an early dinner.

  Setting down the food on the counter, Clairabella takes her hand out of mine and states, “I’m going to wash my hands for dinner, Auntie Pres.”

  “Okay, Bella Bug. I’ll set the table while you do that,” Presley responds. I’m kicking myself in the ass for wanting to take things slow between us. Seeing how amazing she is with Clairabella has my heart aching to have these moments with Presley and soon.

  “She’s a trip, she also likes to have dinner early when she’s with me. Dessert is her favorite meal, then when it’s done, she likes to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune. I kid you not, she’s the smartest kindergartner I’ve ever met,” Presley says as she starts to plate our food.

  “Come here,” I groan, taking her away from what she’s doing. I only have a couple of minutes before Clairabella comes back out and I want my lips on Presley’s more than anything else in this world.

  She comes up to me, her hand finds my chest, and as I pull her in, our lips meet. It’s soft, both of us hesitant, her from shyness, myself from not wanting to get caught by a little girl who’s young and impressionable. My tongue teases the seam of her lips, I nip at them, and she lets me gain entrance for a small taste.

  Pulling away from her is always hard, “Wow,” Presley says, her eyes locked on mine.

  “That was a heck of a hello,” she finds her words.

  “Best way to say hello, babe,” I respond and then help her get everything ready.

  “I’m ready for dinner, Auntie Pres and Mr. Lincoln,” she skips her way back into the kitchen, finding her seat.

  “Make sure you say thank you and your prayers, Bella Bug,” Presley tells her as we all sit down together.

  “Thank you, Mr. Lincoln. Thank you, God, for this food we’re about to receive, Amen,” I peeked as she was praying, her tongue was out while she was saying everything out loud, and it was the cutest thing ever.

  “Amen and thank you,” Presley says.

  “Anytime,” I wink at both the girls and we dig into our food.



  Lincoln saw Clairabella’s eyes start to get heavy after we watched her television shows, “You want to put her in bed?” he asked.

  “Yeah, give me a few minutes. She needs a bath and all that jazz.”

  “Bella Bug, let’s get you ready for bed,” I tell her.

  “Okay. Mr. Lincoln, it was awesome meeting you.” She hugs me and then skips down the hallway like she wasn’t just almost fast asleep.

  “It was great meeting you too, Clairabella,” Lincoln says to her back.

  “Callie should be here soon. I like to make it easy on her when she’s working late, so all she’ll have to do is read her a story and put her to bed on her late nights. Will you listen for the door?” I give him a quick kiss, pulling away even though I hate to.

  “You got it, take care of the munchkin,” his face is soft, the harsh lines he had the other night are all but gone.

  “Be back in a jiff,” I tell him and then take care of my Bella Bug.

  “Do you want a bath or a shower?” I ask her.

  “Bath, please,” her yawns are getting closer together.

  “Go grab your jammies out of your drawer, and I’ll get this started. Then I’ll get everything else ready and if Mommy isn’t here when you get out, you can sleep in my bed,” I tell her.

  “Yay! I love your bed, Auntie Pres,” she goes off to get her things ready while I start the bath. I’m not sure why she loves my bed so much, unless it’s because she spreads out like a starfish while somehow cuddling into me, or on the rare occurrence she’ll kick me out of my own bed.

  I get her in the bath, allow her to do her thing. She used to ask me to wash her hair and play with the bubbles, now she’s too grown up for that, or so she says.

  The one thing I can do is turn my bed down, get her toothbrush ready, and turn the television on for her. I’m not sure if Callie will get her before she falls asleep or not.

  “How are you doing in there, Bella Bug?” I ask her.

  “I’m good, Auntie. Almost done, then I’m coming for your bed,” she says with a giggle.

  “Heck yes you are. Hey, why don’t we see if you can spend the night this Friday? You can come home with me after school and we can make another one of your favorites.” We haven’t had one of those days in a long time. “Maybe Auntie Lyla can come too?”

  “Yes,” she shouts. I hear water splash everywhere. I’m sure my floors will have water everywhere.

  “Okay, I’ll be right back to tuck you in, don’t forget to brush your teeth,” I tell her as I walk back to the living room to check on Lincoln. He’s in the exact same spot I left him in, only this time his head is back, and he looks to be asleep.

  Making my way to the kitchen counter to see if Callie texted. “Shit,” I mumble when I see I have a missed call and a text.

  Callie: Hey, working super late. Can Clairabella stay with you? Mom and Dad have a function. Love you!

  Me: Just now seeing this and absolutely! I have clothes here, her homework is done, and she’s well fed. Love you back!

  “Is everything okay?” Lincoln asks coming up behind me.

  “Oh, yeah. Everything’s good, Bella Bug is staying with me tonight. She should be ready for a story, then I’ll be back out. Is that okay, or do you need to head home?” I ask him.

  “I’ll be here when you’re finished,” he gives me a playful kiss, and I see the sparkle in his eyes.

  “Okay,” I reluctantly leave him, Bella bug comes first though. I may only be her Auntie, but I love her like she’s my own. A pact Callie, Lyla, and I made long ago. Each of our children would always be treated like our own. Our moms did it for us, and we want to carry on the tradition.



  “Mr. Lincoln,” I hear with the soft pitter patter of feet thumping down the hall.

  “What’s up, sweetheart?”

  “Will you read me my bedtime story?” This little girl isn’t mine and she isn’t Presley’s, but she’s already burrowing into my heart, much like her Aunt is.

  “Sure, you have the book you want me to read?”

  “Yes, Auntie Pres reads it to me in her bed. Will you do the same?” she asks.

  “I will, lead the way.” I follow her down the hall to Presley’s room. Her bed dominates the room, it’s soft and whimsical, much like Presley.

  “Hey,” Presley says coming out of the bathroom. Holding soggy towels in her hand, “I’m going to throw these in the wash, then I’ll read to you,” she sa
ys to Presley.

  “That’s okay Auntie, Mr. Lincoln is going to read to me tonight.” Clairabella climbs in the bed, fluffing the pillows, and spreading the blankets out just how she likes it.

  “Are you okay with reading to her?” Presley asks.

  “Definitely, take care of that and come back?” I don’t want Presley to feel left out, and I know I’m the shiny new toy so to speak.

  “Of course.” She goes to move around me, and I let my fingertips glide down her arm, until it stops at her hand, giving her a firm squeeze before leaving her to what she was doing.

  I sit next to Clairabella and read her a story. I’m only a few pages in when Presley comes back. She’s standing at the door watching over the two of us. When I glance back at Clairabella, she’s fast asleep.

  I quietly get off the bed, placing her book on the nightstand, and move the comforter up over her little body.

  “She must have been exhausted, thank you for reading to her. I know she’s completely smitten with you,” Presley comes over, kisses her forehead, turns the light off, and takes my hand. I’d gladly follow her anywhere. “Anytime, she’s the most mature, yet laid back, five-year-old I’ve ever met.”

  “That she is, I’m sorry about this evening. Callie usually doesn’t ask me to keep her on a school night, but her parents are at a function, and well, Callie’s boss is a dick at the best of times,” Presley takes her hair out of its holder, her thick long mane of hair glides down, and I do the one thing I’ve been dreaming about for the past twenty-four hours.

  My hands slide into her hair and I take what I need most. Her taste on my lips, her tongue tangling with mine, I back her up against the wall, letting her feel every single inch of me.


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