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Blood Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 1)

Page 9

by Rae Hendricks

  I bend down with something between a howl and a gasp, snatching it off the ground. “What is this?” I point to the box as I look at the picture to see it is actually in front of the academy. My father is kissing my mother on the side of her head as she looks at something to the side out of the frame with a laugh.

  “They are pictures of your parents. I got to thinking about them after you said you went to visit them and knew that I had this box in there somewhere. I thought you might like to see it.” There is a hint of thickness in his voice like he is about to cry as I go about picking up all the pictures I spilled.

  “I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to…”

  He puts his hand up to stop me as I let the pile in my arms float back onto the top of the box. I can see now that there are stacks of pictures, some polaroid, some classic film and developed, and some even organized into albums in this large box just like a hodge podge of memories. “No, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to make you think that I was treating you differently because of what you are. You are still Riley. I can see that. But things are different. It has been hard without you. Lonely and lost, and I feel like I have failed you. This is not the life I wanted or you. I wanted something…”

  He seems at a loss for words, so I chime in with, “Normal?” He shrugs, and I can’t help but laugh. “Did you really think an orphan and a Graywood has any shot at being normal?”

  He shakes his head and then cracks a smile, his eyes crinkling at the sides and showing that he is aging. Were those there when I left? “I guess you’re right, but I didn’t want you to have to live this lifestyle. To be indebted to an organization and to have to constantly fight for your life in the name of everyone’s safety but your own.”

  I look him up and down. “That sounds bitter. Don’t you agree with what the Magistrate does?”

  “The law needs to be upheld, of course, I just wish someone else I cared about didn’t have to risk their lives to do it.”

  “Well, we still have a few years before that part happens,” I reassure him. “We don’t have to think about that right now. Right now, I just need a safe place to come back to.”

  “I will make sure you always have a place here, Riley. You should know that.” I wrap my arms around his side, avoiding the box.

  Chapter 13

  I get off the train and make my way through the crowd of people that are also unloading at the Denver train station. I got lucky in the fact that I have no lay over here, but that only gives me thirty minutes to get myself in there and to the next train I have to board because there was no train straight from Albuquerque to Salt Lake City.

  My uncle had been hesitant to let me travel back this way, but I insisted for more reason than one. I knew that Jake would be taking the train back also, the route that goes from his home in Omaha straight to Salt Lake, so I will be boarding the same train as him now that I am in Denver. The sooner I get to see my best friend, the better.

  But I also wanted to show my uncle that I was okay. He doesn’t have to worry over my every move anymore.

  We had a long talk and looked through the photos he found in the box, talking about our memories of my parents. He even went to their gravestone with me once more, when it was sunny this time, and teared up when he saw the irises I made grow there. There is an understanding between us now.

  He has spent his whole life since the day I came to live with him worrying that the family was cursed, that he was somehow going to lose me just because everyone else had died. And he hadn’t wanted to burden me with those fears because he assumed I had fears of my own. I was this shaking and scared little girl who had lost both her parents, having to move into a new house that I had only visited until then. I had lost everything. But he had too, something I never acknowledged even though I knew it to be true.

  He had seen me as fragile, but as I grew up and became this strong willed, pigheaded thing, he felt he needed to hold the reigns tighter because he was convinced I would choose the same adventurous life my parents did. And then I would have to die young too, leaving Vivi and him alone.

  But now, I can’t die.

  Well, that’s not exactly true. There are certainly ways that a demon could find to kill me once they realize what I am, but it is much harder. I am more durable than my witch father was. That is the one plus to what has been done to me.

  And as long as I can learn what I need to at the school, my story can be different. Though, I can’t say I am not scared of it myself. I also see that I have years ahead of me to get used to the idea of being a slave soldier. I am just going to enjoy the journey for now.

  I roll my small suitcase over the polished floor of the large train station, home to more than just the long distance train I will be taking. it’s an entire transportation hub for Colorado's populace. It’s almost as big as an airport, and finding where I need to board has me with only five minutes to spare.

  The excitement of seeing my friend again has my heart pattering and my mood picking up. I spent the last several hours on the train here lonely and tired, watching the dry, cold winds turn into rain and finally sleet as we made it into the mountains.

  When I got to the station, a fine powder was just starting to coat the ground, and I wonder how cold it will be when I make it back to the academy.

  I wait in line with a few others boarding to show my ticket and then am allowed on with my small bag containing Jinx, and the basics and then my actual luggage containing a few of my favorite outfits, my favorite book, and a few photo gems I found when my uncle and I were going through the box.

  I am glad I will have some personal items with me this time to make my room just a little warmer. The blank walls don’t help me feel like I am where I belong.

  I board the train, looking at the text where Jake tells me where he is sitting, having convinced no one to sit next to him the whole ride. I laughed when he told me he had been reverting to sneezing on people and chatting on the phone loudly while smacking gum to make sure no one would want to take my seat before I would meet him on the train.

  When I see him, I smile and squeal, finding it strange that I have become one of those girls I used to get annoyed with. I kind of get it now, how you can have a favorite person in the universe that you are so excited to see you just can’t contain the emotion.

  He seems to be just as happy, immediately wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug before helping me to get my luggage in the overhead compartment and out of the way.

  We flop down into our seats and laugh as Jinx pops out, making himself known to Jake as the train begins to move.

  "Jinx," I whisper, trying to stifle my giggle, "you need to get back in my bag so they don't make you get kenneled below with the other animals." He turns his nose up at me before rubbing himself onto Jake’s hand and then finally goes back in my bag.

  "So, how was your break?" I ask Jake, settling in as we pick up speed. The train is nice and warm, much different form the last. They really know what they are doing on this one. It is even more comfortable like the seats are better. Maybe it is a newer train.

  "Well, it was mostly boring. I played a lot of board games with my step sister and some video games. I stayed up late and binged Netflix. That was kind of it for me. We did get to have one family dinner of sorts. It wasn’t at home, but it was nice. She seems...happy."

  I know he means his mother, and I am happy that he at least got to see her once. I give him an extra squeeze because I can feel he is sad about not getting a lot of time with her and having to say goodbye again.

  "Yeah, but it turns out she is going to be moving soon. She found some others like her that she wants to go live with in a commune a bit out of reach of the Magistrate," he mumbles.

  I turn to him, my jaw dropping. "I didn’t even know there would be such a place. What is your stepfather going to do? Are they going to separate? It can’t be easy on the marriage to be apart all the time."

  He looks at me with chagrin, and I give him a sympathetic smile. I di
dn’t mean to drudge up more pain for him, I am just so sorry for him.

  "He is going to prepare things so he and my stepsister can go with her. They welcome me to come with them too, but I told them I wanted to graduate first at least. But I don’t know. I don’t really see myself ending up in a rural pocket of the Middle East or Eastern Europe, wherever it is they are going. She didn’t want to say too many details that would put me in a bad spot."

  I take his hand in mine and squeeze it, the move feeling so natural. I really do feel like he is my brother and am glad I get a glimpse into what I might have missed out on. "It’s going to be okay," I tell him. "If I explain to my uncle, I am sure you can stay with us during the breaks, no problem. You have time to think about the rest. I wish you didn’t have to be in this position at all."

  "Me too. But look, I don’t want to cramp the mood here. I am happy to see you. Tell me about your break," he says, a warm smile coming to his face.

  I give him a look of annoyance. I know what it is he wants to know about - my conversations with Kagan. Jake loves gossip.

  "I practically told you everything already. I mean, I was texting you all the time."

  "No, no way was that all the details, Riley. You called him on the phone every other night and talked til three in the morning one time. You told me that! There has to be more to tell," Jake presses.

  I roll my eyes, but my dimples betray me as well as the butterflies in my stomach just thinking about seeing Kagan again. It is odd that we were able to connect more across a distance like that, but that is how it went. We talked about our parents and family life, about our fears. And then we skimmed the superficial things as well. Favorite colors, favorite food, all of it. I am kind of worried we will run out of things to talk about once we see each other. But then I blush at the idea of what else could fill our time instead.

  But as I relay all of the things to Jake for him to analyze with me, a face unexpectedly pops into my head that does not belong to Kagan at all. Instead, he has long, blonde hair and blue eyes and a thrumming touch that soothes me all the way to my dark soul. I don’t know how I can be into two guys at once, or why I am even contemplating anything romantic with an angel, but Adriel has never left my mind.

  And the worst part is, I know I am going to be seeing him soon, and I will have to tell Kagan if that’s the case.

  Adriel will want an answer to his question, and I get the feeling there is a reason he asked it to begin with, so who knows how many more meetings we will have? If I have feelings for more than one person, I have to let Kagan know.

  But will I lose him over it?

  The train chugs on all day at top speeds, able to skip a few stops because there will be no one boarding. But as we cross the border into Utah, the white flakes outside begin to get thicker and heavier, making it where we can’t see anything. The train slows and is more careful at each stop as the snow builds up outside.

  It gives me more time to think about how things are going to go with Kagan, which is not necessarily a good thing. I have learned that my own mind can easily be the worst place to visit.

  Eventually, Jake and I fall asleep. The train is not set to roll into the Salt lake City station until the wee hours of the morning, and that is if the weather cooperates.

  It is a few minutes before five in the morning when our cab drops us off at the correct corner after picking us up at the station. I know that Kagan is already there because he insisted on having me text him when we were close not matter what time it was so he could meet me out front.

  Jinx is meowing happily as we trudge up to the school gates, Jake putting in his code to get us in, and I can see that Kagan is on the other side, smiling at me as our eyes meet.

  The gates seem to open in slow motion as I wait impatiently for my chance to go hug him, but halfway in the gate, I stop dead in my tracks as another figure comes out of the shadows.

  "Nice to see you're back, Riley," Adriel says, and I must be white as a ghost.

  “Adriel?” I question, taking a few steps forward so I make it all the way inside the gate before it shuts on us.

  Jake is looking back and forth between us with a cautious anxiety, knowing this could be worst case scenario. I finally broke down and told him on the train about the way Adriel treats me. It seemed funny to him then, but there is nothing funny about the two guys in my life coming face to face like this.

  I don’t take my eyes off of Adriel as I walk over to Kagan and wrap my arms around him. “It’s good to see you. Why don’t you go inside and out my stuff in my room, and I will meet you there after I find out what he wants?” I offer, hoping he will do what I say.

  But no such luck.

  "Adriel," Kagan acknowledges with a respectful nod, "what brings you to Paranormal Hunter Academy at this time in the morning?"

  "I am here to see your girlfriend." All I want to do is punch the shit eating grin off of the angel's exquisite face.

  Chapter 14

  I follow Adriel into the building, leaving Kagan gaping after us. Hopefully, Jake can smooth over that situation while I handle this one. The one that involves a six foot tall angel that keeps wanting to have private meetings with me and can’t decide if he wants to be cruel or nice.

  I thought Kagan’s personality changes were killing me.

  We end up in one of the library alcoves, just the two of us. The librarian isn’t even in yet, but we are always welcome in there to study if we wish. It is the closest private place I could think of to get the two guys away from each before a fight ensued. I can’t believe this is happening to me.

  My life went from boring as crap to this in only a few months.

  "You can’t just show up in the middle of the night and say stuff like that. It's not fair," I tell him, unable to stand still as he leans against the wall. I am pacing back and forth, the multicolored carpet going in and out of focus as I hold my head which is threatening to split open between my fatigue from the trip and my blood pressure from this unexpected meeting.

  "I am both a member of the Magistrate and an angel. The word cant isn’t in my vocabulary."

  "At least you’re honest," I mutter.

  "Besides, it is not night, it is morning. I knew you would be back and needed to meet with you. I haven’t heard yet that you have the answer to my question and was hoping the break helped you to figure it out," he says as if it is the most natural thing in the world for him to show up here to greet me at five in the morning.

  "Did you really have to freak Kagan out like that? He is probably fuming with jealousy right now and wondering what could be going on between us. It doesn’t make sense that you would be here to meet me like this unless I told you I would be here and when. Oh god, does he think that I am seeing you on the side or something, that I invited you to meet me here?"

  My voice rises in a panic as I contemplate this. It looks so bad for me right now. But Jake will know that I didn’t do that. He was with me on that train for hours. He will surely tell Kagan that’s not the case.

  "Is there some reason he would have to believe that?" Adriel asks in that gruff tone of his, almost so quiet I can’t even hear him in this empty library.

  I feel like I am being tricked or hypnotized as I am forced to look up at him. He has since come off the wall and taken a step toward me. I suddenly remember the way it felt when he touched my face when I saw in at headquarters, and my body is longing to feel it again.

  "What are you doing to me?" I ask him, suspicious there is some kind of magic involved.

  "I don’t know what you mean. What is it you think I am doing?" He cocks his head to the side like a puppy, and it is both sexy and infuriating at the same time.

  "Never mind. What did you want to meet me about?"

  I am finally able to be still, and he begins to circle around me like a predator. I am dizzy from his closeness, and I don’t know why I can’t just be fine with Kagan. He is a great guy. Good looking with a good family. Why do my insides scream for this an
gel too?

  "I think we have already established that. I am simply looking for an answer." His voice is cool, calm as he stops just a couple of inches in front of me, looking down since he is so tall. Maybe he is more than six foot; he just didn’t seem so intimidating before when we met. Maybe it’s because he was sitting both times I have seen him.

  "What does it matter to you, anyway? I don’t even know you."

  "Maybe if you give me an answer, then you'll find out."

  "Ugh...fine, I am sorry for not being more assertive in my life, for not pursuing anything other than the mundane. I am NOT sorry for what happened to me. It wasn’t my fault, and I can see there are some advantages." I am practically screaming it and a little concerned that I might draw the attention of other students or staff.

  "So, does that mean that you forgive the person who did this to you?" he asks, and I am unsure why he would say such a thing. "Since it has given you a purpose." That’s when he reaches out and touches me, his fingers running through my hair so gently. My eyes close in pure ecstasy but then fly open in frustration.

  "This is not fair," I grit tout.

  "You keep saying that."

  The line reminds me of my favorite movie, The Labyrinth, and I try to hang on to my sanity as he keeps stroking my hair, stepping even closer so that I can feel his body heat. "Yes, because it’s not. I have a boyfriend, and you’re an angel. You’re not supposed to make me feel this way. I don’t understand what you are doing," I whisper, biting my lower lip.

  He reaches out and tugs my lower lip out of my mouth. "Don't, you'll make it bleed." His eyes zero in on my lips, and for a second, I think he might kiss me. But then he backs away, his eyes growing cold like the first time I saw him. "I don’t know what I am doing either, with you, but there is a reason I asked you the question. Give it time, and you'll understand."


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