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See No Evil (Brotherhood Trilogy #1)

Page 10

by Jordan Ford

  Holding the flashlight by my side, I creep out of the toilet and sneak towards the showers. I shouldn’t care. I should just go for my skates and hit the rink. But if whoever’s in here gets out and hears me, I want to know who I’ll have to battle.

  I keep the light off so as not to alert the guy to my presence. I’m acting like a total spy, keeping my back to the stalls as I near the end shower. My foot lands on a pile of clothes. I step over it, but my toe catches on a long piece of material and I have to stop to pull it off my shoe.

  It’s hard to figure out what it is in the dim light. I rub my fingers over it, my confused frown only deepening.

  Is the person injured?

  It’s one hell of a long, thick bandage.

  Dropping it back on the floor, I ease the last few feet and spot a body under the spray. It’s shadowy and hard to make out, but then he turns and “his” shape is so unexpected that I flick on my flashlight without thinking.

  The person in the shower gasps, but then our eyes connect and everything freezes.

  I can’t speak.

  For a second I can barely breathe.


  But not Chris.

  I run the light down “his” body and finally everything makes sense.

  He’s a she. A damn hot one.

  I take in her slender curves, from those perfect breasts all the way down to her slim calves. She just stands there, the water running over her face and dripping off her chin. She’s letting me look. I don’t know why. I’m kind of expecting her to gasp and cover herself at any second, but it’s like she wants me to know.

  The second the beam of light reaches her toes the shower shuts off with a clunk.

  She crosses her arms to cover her breasts and my eyes jump back to her face.

  Tears are lining her lashes. She looks desperate…scared.

  It’s weird, but all I can feel is relief.

  I’m sure curiosity will come in a second but for now…

  Powering off the flashlight, I grab the towel from the hook and hand it to her. She wraps it around herself with trembling arms. As soon as she’s tucked it securely around her chest, I step into the stall and gently take her face in my hands. Moonlight streams in from the upper window and I can just make out her features as I trace her cheekbone, seeing her in a whole new light.

  We still haven’t uttered a word to each other, and I can only think of one thing to do to.

  I plant my lips on her mouth.

  She responds with a feather-soft whimper before wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing me back.

  Her tongue brushes my lower lip and I let her in, no longer resisting. I can welcome her because I know. I understand.

  Maybe deep down I always knew, but the idea of a girl hiding in an all boys school is so far-fetched that it never occurred to me to look for it.

  I don’t know why she’s here.

  Right this second, I don’t even care.

  All I know is that I’m kissing a girl who captured me the second I first laid eyes on her.

  She grips my shirt, holding on like I’m some kind of lifeline.

  I brush my fingers through her short hair, cradling the back of her head as I deepen the kiss and finally claim her the way my body’s been wanting to.

  It’s intense.



  It’s the best kiss I’ve ever had.


  It’s Only Good


  His lips are hot, his tongue in control. I don’t care that I’m wearing nothing but a towel. Trey Calloway owns me right now and I’m going to let him.

  Because he feels so damn good.

  Because he makes me forget about the fear.

  I cling to him, fisting the back of his shirt and rising to my tiptoes.

  He’s cradling the back of my head, keeping me close…protecting me.

  I want to stay in this shower stall, away from the world and the evil I’ve seen…away from the torture that awaits me.

  Trey pulls back and then tips his head, diving in to kiss me again. I glide my hands up his strong back until they’re resting on his broad shoulders. The strength beneath my fingertips is both a turn-on and a comfort.

  He drops his hands to my waist, then trails them down to my hips, pulling me tight against him. All I can hear is the sound of our kisses, the sweet connection of our lips as we explore what we’ve both been craving.

  It’s perfect and beautiful.

  Until my mind finally breaks through my euphoria. It’s been pounding the back of my brain, begging me to let logic in.

  You’ve just been busted! it’s shouting at me. Pull away! Pull away!

  I blink and force myself back with a soft gasp. Trey’s arms tighten around me as I close my eyes and rest my forehead against his shoulder.

  “You’re a girl,” he finally whispers.

  I wriggle free of his grasp and try to create some distance between us but the slippery tiles catch me off-guard. His arm is around my back in a second, keeping me upright, holding my shaking body steady.

  “It’s okay.” His voice is soft and reassuring as he guides me out of the stall and sets me down on the closest bench seat.

  Snatching another clean towel from the pile, he wraps it around my shoulders, then touches the side of my face.

  I love how his strong hands can feel so tender.

  “You warm enough?”

  I nod, then swallow and look down at my hands. They’re still trembling.

  Trey rubs my arm, then rests his elbows on his knees, giving me the breathing room I need to think straight. Glancing over his shoulder, he pins me with a look that makes his eyebrows dip into a sharp V.

  “I’m kind of pissed with you right now. You’ve been…lying to me this whole time.”

  “I had to,” I quickly retort. “My life depends on it.”

  I bite my lips together, but that only makes his frown more severe. I’ve said too much. Damn it!

  He sits up straight, swiveling to face me. I lean away from him and start talking, hoping to distract him.

  “I’m sorry for kissing you yesterday. I shouldn’t have…” I look down at my trembling fingers, threading them together. No matter how hard I grip, they won’t stop shaking. “You were just right there, in my face. And you’re—” I let out an embarrassed snicker. “You’re so hot.”

  I look to the ceiling. My cheeks are on fire right now.

  Trey still hasn’t said anything and I dare myself to peek at his face.

  His lips twitch and he nods. “You kissed me. I kissed you.” He shrugs. “We’re even.”

  We grin at each other but only for a split second because he’s suddenly serious, his mesmerizing eyes holding me still.

  “Why are you here? Why are you pretending to be a guy?”

  My head is shaking before I can even form the right words. “I can’t tell you,” I finally whisper. “And if you tell anyone what I really am…I’m dead. If they find me, they’ll kill me.”

  He flinches like I’ve tried to kick him in the balls again. The shock on his face is rapidly replaced with a torrid wave of anger. “What?”

  “I saw something I shouldn’t have seen. And certain people don’t want me talking about it.”

  “So, who put you here?”

  I shake my head again. “Seriously, Trey, I can’t tell you. Specifics might get me caught.”

  “Holy shit.” He scrubs a hand over his face, then scratches the back of his head. “Is this like witness protection or something?”

  “Please don’t ask me any more questions, okay?”

  Jittery, I stand and walk to my clothes. Trey swivels to watch me. I glance over my shoulder and catch his penetrating gaze. I snatch my underwear off the floor…and he’s still looking at me.

  I glare at him. “Turn back around.”

  He snickers and gives me a playful grin. “I just saw everything.”

  I roll my eyes. “Turn aro

  He spins back with a huff and I hurriedly put my clothes on. I don’t know why I let him look. I guess I just wanted him to know. Because he’s Trey.

  My pants are on and I’m pulling on my sports bra when I glance back and notice him quickly swivel away. Grabbing my wet towel off the floor, I throw it at his head.

  He laughs and dumps it on the ground. “I’m sorry, okay? It’s just a really great view.

  “Whatever,” I mutter, picking up the bandage and starting to wind it around my chest.

  “Do you need a hand with that?”

  I give him another dry glare and he counters it with a stunning smile I can barely resist. My cheeks catch fire as I continue to flatten my boobs.

  Footsteps approach, soft and slow. I don’t have the guts to look up so I just focus on what I’m doing, trying to finish as fast as I can. The pads of Trey’s fingers trail across my bare shoulder, then brush over the strapping.

  “Does it hurt?”

  He sounds like he cares.

  I look up and give him a closed mouth smile. “It’s not the most comfortable thing I’ve ever done but thankfully I’m kind of…small, so I guess that makes it easier.”

  He grins and holds out my shirt for me. “Not small. Perfect.”

  “I do not have perfect breasts.” I snatch the top from him and pull it over my head. It falls like a parachute, hiding my shape.

  Trey tuts and shakes his head. “Such a shame.”


  “Those perfect breasts, that lush body, all hidden away behind clothes four times too big.”

  “I have to.” My voice is firm…adamant. “I can’t afford for anyone to guess.”

  He frowns, obviously still curious.

  I make a quip, trying to avoid another question. “Besides, anything would probably look good to you right now.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “I saw your face…” I wiggle my finger at his nose. “After I kissed you in my room, you were freaking out that you might be gay.”

  His jaw works to the side, and then he gives me a sheepish smile while squeezing the back of his neck. “I don’t have a problem with gay people, I swear. I just didn’t think I was, and it was getting really confusing.”

  I reach forward and take his hand, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. I like the shape of them. “After the kiss you just gave me in the shower, I don’t think you are.”

  He rests his forehead against mine. “I’ve been fascinated by you since the second I saw you, and I couldn’t figure it out. All this time it was attraction. Everything I’ve been feeling all makes sense now.”

  His words warm me. I know I’m facing a life crisis and everything but to hear Trey admit he’s attracted to me, that I wasn’t the only one battling the feels… It doesn’t matter what you’re going through in life, hearing that kind of thing is nice.

  “I’m just so relieved I finally know.” He cups my cheek, running his thumb across my chin.

  Tears start to burn as my lips form an ugly line. “You have to forget you know, Trey. You have to act like—”

  “I’m not going to put your life in danger.” He tips my head, forcing me to look him in the eye. “I may not know what the hell you’re facing, but you can trust me. This sounds like serious shit. I won’t do anything to hurt you, I swear.”

  The sentiment’s nice, but can he honestly mean that?

  “This is such a nightmare.” I release a shaky breath. “I’m eighteen. I should be stressing about what dress I’m going to wear this weekend, not hiding from a killer.”

  “Is that why you’re here? You waiting to testify or something?”

  I pull away, annoyed for slipping up so easily. “Don’t. Please.” I cross my arms and turn my back to him. “I can’t tell you anything. I’m not just saying that for my sake, but yours too.”

  Glancing over my shoulder, I check his expression.

  He doesn’t seem fazed by a possible threat. His eyes glint with the challenge, his chin tipping up.

  “You don’t know what you’re trying to be brave about, Trey. Don’t stand there all stoic and macho! You should be running for the exit right now!”

  “I’m not running from you.”

  “Why? You barely know me!”

  He closes the space between us, holding my face again, looking at me with more intensity than I’ve seen before. His eyes are like magnets, their force enough to freeze me to the floor. “Maybe not. But there’s something about you.”

  I can’t tear my eyes away from him. Tears build on my lashes. I blink them away, not wanting to lose sight of the beautiful expression on his face.

  “I believe in fate, you know?” His voice drops, low and husky. “You were brought into my life for a reason. I found out about you tonight because I was meant to. I’m supposed to be part of this journey with you.”

  I love what he’s saying to me right now, but…

  “I don’t want you to get hurt,” I whimper. “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt because of me.”

  He studies my face, unafraid. “Who’d they kill?”

  Robbie’s sweet, innocent face flashes through my mind. So different to Trey. So soft and kind…not a fighter. Trey would have pounced on the devil, fought ’til he was dead.

  Marco would have won.

  He had the gun…and I can’t help feeling like he’s always going to beat me.

  “Hey.” Trey commands my attention with his sexy voice. “Was it someone in your family?”

  I blink and shake my head. “It doesn’t matter who it was. He’s gone and I can’t bring him back. I have to say goodbye to everything I knew. When this is over, they’re gonna give me a new start.”

  I can’t even sound hopeful. A new start doesn’t excite or comfort me. I’m terrified.

  Trey’s expression crumples with compassion as if he can read my mind. He pulls me to him and my head rests on his shoulder. He holds me tight.

  “I know you probably don’t believe me right now, but it’s gonna be okay.”

  My tears soak into his shirt. I can’t stop clinging to him. His shoulder is strong, secure. No other pillow will ever compare.

  Trey knows what I am.

  That should be bad.

  But right now, it’s only good.


  She’s A Chick Now


  Chris is a chick.


  I wonder what her real name is. I wonder where she comes from. I’m obsessed by what she saw. My imagination has been running wild since the second we snuck back to our dorm rooms.

  She’ll be lying in bed next door to me. Is she on her back with her hand behind her head, staring at the ceiling just like I am? Or is her sexy body curled to the side, trying to ward off the nightmares?

  My stomach clenches and I’m tempted to crawl through the hole in the wall and check on her.

  It took me years to stop dreaming of fire. I still get the odd night where I think I can hear Mom screaming. My cowardice will haunt me forever…unless I can redeem myself.

  Maybe Chris has been brought into my life as a second chance.

  Those eyes, so big and filled with fear. Maybe I’m supposed to know so I can wash that look away, protect her from whatever flames are out to burn her.

  It sucks that she’s been lying this whole time. I understand why she did and everything, but I’ve suffered a lot of confusion since she got here because I didn’t know the truth.

  I was so relieved to have it all explained in the shower that I just had to kiss her. I needed to physically wipe away all my doubts. I wasn’t gay and I had to prove it.

  A slow smile creeps over my lips.

  She thinks I’m hot.

  Damn, kissing her was nice. The way she leaned into it, fisted my shirt, held onto me like I was the candy she’d been craving.

  I’ve never felt anything like it. I mean, I’ve made out with plenty of chicks, crushed on a few…lusted af
ter many. But that shower kiss was intense. I wouldn’t say no to a repeat. There’s just something about her that makes me want more.

  I’m not afraid of whatever she’s hiding from.

  All I know is that I want to protect her.

  And I will.

  I’m not making the same mistake twice. Another innocent is not going to die because I was too afraid to do something about it.


  The cafeteria is humming in spite of the fact most of us look half asleep. I’m usually pretty good in the mornings, but after basically zero sleep, I’m in crap-mode right now. Kade would sleep until noon every frickin’ day if he could, so he’s basically useless, and Riley’s eyes are distant with their usual morning haze as he eats his oatmeal and goes over study notes for his biology test this morning.

  I haven’t seen Chris yet. My eyes are glued to the door, constantly looking for her. I have to be careful not to give myself away, I guess. I can’t act like I know, or treat her differently. It could put her life in danger. But I do know, and I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about that.

  A shadow appears in the entrance and I sit up a little straighter as she shuffles into the dining hall. There’s a purple tinge under her eyes, giving away just how little sleep she had. I catch her eye and she glances to the floor, scratching above her ear and walking straight past our table without even a murmur. She’ll collect her food and go hang out in the back corner like she always does. I wish I could invite her to sit with us, but that’ll just get alarm bells ringing.

  I swallow another mouthful of banana and glance over my shoulder. Ivan’s lining up behind her. There’s a smarmy smile on his face that grows a little wider. I follow his line of sight in time to see the duty teacher slip out the side door, a phone to his ear. I whip back to Ivan who’s now leaning into Chris’s space saying some shit that’s making her shoulders tense. My muscles tighten. I want to walk over there and pound him, yell at him to back off.

  Slamming my teeth together, I spin back to face Riley. He glances up and gives me an odd look.


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