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Daring Her Love

Page 10

by Melissa Foster

  “Wanna jump in the sack with me?” Eric asked Kat.

  “Heck yeah, I do.” Kat held on to his arm, loving the feel of his hard muscles and the heated glint in his eyes. She lowered her voice and said, “Bragging rights. I can say I got the head of the foundation in the sack.”

  His head tipped back with a hearty laugh. “Darlin’, you can have all the bragging rights you want where I’m concerned.” He pressed a kiss to her lips, and she nearly melted on the spot.

  She’d spent the entire day in awe of the way he handled himself. The man hobnobbed with wealthy donors and heads of corporations with the same zeal as he scooped babies into his arms and tossed a ball with teenagers. He gave his full attention to the adults and children in equal measure, which endeared him to Kat even more. Eric’s presence was as stable and commanding as a towering tree. Kat imagined that he’d have been just as debonair in a dark suit and tie as he was in his jeans. And now, as he draped an arm around her, grinning like a fool, he also looked like an eager kid ready to win a race—and the whole combination of hot, sexy, and playful made her swoon a little more.

  The race started with a roaring cheer from the crowd, and Kat promptly tripped on a lump of grass and lost her footing. Eric caught her before she face-planted into the dirt and pulled her against him.

  “You okay, graceful girl?”

  She laughed. “Nice. Let’s win this race!”

  With his strong arm around her waist, they found their groove, quickly catching up to Rex and Brianna. Rex reached out and grabbed ahold of their potato sack.

  “Going somewhere?” His Stetson was perched high on his head, and the challenge in his dark eyes made Kat burst out laughing and nearly tumble to the ground again.

  Eric’s grip on her waist saved her. He shot Rex a competitive stare, and Rex was now laughing, too. “We’re only going one place, my friend. Ahead of you.” He glanced at Hugh and Layla and said to Kat, “Let’s let Layla beat us.”

  She fell a little harder for him that very second and knew she was steps away from tumbling head over heels from not only the ground but for Eric, too.

  Eric kept an eye on Layla, holding them back until she crossed the finish line. Layla was so excited, she jumped into Hugh’s arms, squealing with delight. Then she ran to Eric and Kat and hugged them both.

  “You guys were so good. I’m sorry you didn’t beat us, but you still did really well!” She turned to Rex and Brianna and threw her arms around Bree’s neck. “We beat you, Mom! Dad and I beat you!”

  Kat swore she saw longing in Eric’s eyes as he watched the scene unfold.

  “You sure did,” Brianna said to her exuberant daughter. “You were amazing!”

  “Yeah, but you were still great!” Layla hugged her again before racing back to Hugh and hugging him again.

  Brianna’s gaze caught on Kat’s, and the dampness in her eyes nearly pulled tears from Kat’s. She knew how much it meant to Brianna for Layla to adore Hugh the way she did. She felt Eric’s arm circle her shoulder, and she leaned in to him.

  “God, I love that little girl,” she said wistfully.

  “I have a feeling you’ll have your own little girl who is just as wonderful one day.” Eric hugged her close, and when she gave him a quizzical look, he said, “What? You’re a woman who wants children. I’m just sayin’…”

  She didn’t know what surprised her more—the fact that the man she’d pegged as a player was holding her in front of so many important people and talking to her about a future, or the fact that she could actually imagine a future with him after knowing him for just forty-eight hours.

  Chapter Thirteen

  ERIC WAS STILL riding high from the afternoon when he and Kat left the ranch for their date later that evening. They’d been inseparable after the potato sack race, and by the time they’d returned to the ranch after the picnic, they’d felt like a couple. He hadn’t hesitated to keep Kat in his arms as they visited with Hope, even though Hal was there chatting up the old mare—and thankfully, not only had Kat been receptive, but she’d reciprocated his affections in earnest.

  He parked the car at the racetrack and cut the engine.

  “What are we doing here?” Kat peered into the darkness.

  “You’ll see.” He came around the car and opened her door, pulling her in close as she stepped from the car. “You said you liked to drive fast, and you really can’t do that safely on the roads, but here…”

  “I am not driving a race car,” she said adamantly.

  “No? Well, then, come with me, but first…” He lowered his lips to hers, giving in to the urge that had consumed him for far too long. Her lips were warm and sweet, and when he slicked his tongue over hers, she made the sound of surrender that he’d heard in his dreams, and it nearly sent him into full-on take mode. It took all of his focus to draw far enough back to speak.

  “I love kissing you,” he said against her lips, then pressed his mouth to hers again. “I never want to stop.”

  He had a burning desire, an aching need, for another kiss, and as he sealed his lips over hers, his tongue plundering her mouth, his resolve to take things slow frayed with every sexy moan that escaped her lips. His hand moved over her hip to the curve of her ass. God, he loved her ass. It was firm and round, and he couldn’t wait to see it bare beneath him. He was hard as steel, and every move she made brought him closer to losing all control and letting his hands wander to all the soft, dark places he craved.

  Fuck. This was anything but slow. But holy hell did she feel good, taste good.

  With a groan, he tore his lips from hers. “Kat, I want to make love to you more than I’ve ever wanted any woman in my life, but…”

  She pressed her hands flat on his chest, breathing hard. “We’re so bad for each other. Sorry.”

  “No, darlin’. We’re perfect for each other, and this is all on me. I can’t resist you.” He lifted her chin so he could press his lips to hers again, lightly this time. “I want to give you a night you’ll never forget, and as much as I want that to include so much pleasure that you never want to touch another man, I promised myself that I’d be a gentleman.”

  Her eyes darkened, as she said with a soft laugh, “Well, that’s a stupid promise.”

  “If I take you to bed, I’m a player. If I’m a gentleman, I’m stupid. You’re going to be the death of me.”

  She dragged her finger down the center of his chest. “But what a fun death it will be.”

  With another groan, he took her hand and led her toward the track.

  “Fast cars and fast men go hand in hand, don’t they?” she asked as he unlocked the gate.

  “It takes a certain mentality to want to push limits to the extreme and risk your life every time you’re on a track, and that need for danger probably does play out in several other parts of our lives.” When their feet hit the pavement, the lights came on, illuminating the empty track and the bleachers beyond. Eric’s pulse kicked up at the spectacular sight. It happened every damn time, whether he was racing or not. The thrill of the race and his incessant need for speed sent a burst of adrenaline through him.

  “Wow, how did you get them to let us come in all alone?” Her eyes were wide as she looked around the track, finally landing on his silver Jaguar XJ220. “And holy cow, whose car is that?”

  He took out his cell phone and sent off a quick text thanking his buddy Clay for taking care of the arrangements for tonight and sticking around to handle the lights. “Celebrity has its benefits, and I rarely pull strings, but tonight”—he took her hand and led her to his car—“is special.” He loved the look of awe in her eyes, but not because he needed the ego stroke. He loved seeing Kat happy, knowing she was being treated special, like she deserved to be. He wasn’t kidding that he wanted to make this night unforgettable for her, and if that meant that he had to pull a few strings, her smile made it all worth it.

  He opened the door to the Jag and motioned for her to climb in. “This is your night, darlin�
�. Take her for a ride.”

  Kat took a step back and shook her head. “Oh no. I can’t drive a car that costs more than I’ve earned in my entire life.”

  “You have no idea how adorable you are, do you?” He placed his hands on her hips and tipped her chin up with his finger. “It’s a car, Kat. Not an airplane.”

  She shook her head. “I can’t.”

  “You can. I thought you were all about conquering your fears.”

  “I am, but—”

  He pulled her in close. “Okay, then, I’ll take you for a spin first, and then you can drive.” He helped her into the passenger seat, loving the way her fingers played over the rich leather seats. “You look like you belong in this car,” he said as he hooked her seat belt. He couldn’t resist kissing her again before settling into the driver’s seat.

  The car roared to life, and he gave her hand a gentle squeeze, then kissed her knuckles. “Hang on tight, Kitty Kat, because you’re in for the ride of your life.”

  “Don’t crash,” she said as she clutched the edge of the seat.

  “No chance of that when I have such precious cargo.” He leaned across the seat and kissed her again, because really, it was torture not to.

  THE NIGHT WAS cool, but Kat’s entire body was on fire. She couldn’t believe Eric had made these special arrangements for her, and she wondered how he’d gotten his car here when he’d rented one at the airport. But those questions went out the window the minute he took off around the track, leaving her heart in the dust.

  “Holy crap! This is so fast!” She couldn’t stop from yelling. There was too much fear, too much elation, rushing through her. Everything outside her window was a blur. She’d never been more frightened in her life, but Eric was the picture of calm, confident, and badass race car driver. His eyes were focused on the track, his chin was set tight, and his hands gripped the steering wheel with the strength of a hurricane and the grace of a new father.

  “This is nothing. I’m just getting warmed up.” He winked without taking his eyes off the road ahead. “I’d hold your hand, but safety first at this speed.”

  “How fast is this speed?”

  “Not very. One forty.”


  “Relax, darlin’. I have a little experience with driving fast.” He kicked up the speed, and Kat felt her whole body push back into the seat.

  “Close your eyes,” he said. “Feel the rush.”

  She closed her eyes, focusing on her heart slamming against her ribs. She wasn’t sure if it was the speed or purely Eric.

  “Inhale deeply and blow it out slowly.”

  She did, and then she did it again.

  “That’s it, darlin’.”

  “I can’t even feel any bumps in the road!” With her eyes still closed, it was the most incredible experience in the world, turning her trust over to him and really letting go of all control. “It’s like we’re aboveground, floating. But more intense, like a roller coaster without all the peaks and valleys.” She unfurled her fingers from around the edge of the seat and laid them in her lap. Her limbs prickled with adrenaline, but the fear began to slip away.

  “One day I’ll take you out in one of my convertibles, and then you’ll really feel the rush. There’s nothing like the gust of wind blowing by. It’s rejuvenating.”

  She felt his energy, his confidence, and when she opened her eyes, she saw that he had a big smile on his face, which calmed more of her anxiety. He was usually darkly intense, and now all that intensity was layered in light. “Wow, you really love this.”

  “There are few things I love more than driving fast. Look straight ahead, not at what’s passing by. Feel the energy of the track, feel the control, the power beneath you.”

  She tried to focus on everything he said, but her eyes kept darting back to him. Energy, power, and control radiated off of him, not the car, and it drew her further in to him.

  He slowed as they drove the long stretch of track leading to where they’d first begun, and when he came to a stop, Kat’s heart was still racing. She was breathing hard, but it wasn’t fear that had her pulse skyrocketing; it was seeing the elation on Eric’s face, sensing the thrill he took from the ride. When he reached for her hand, she realized she was gripping her thighs. He took both of her hands in his and placed them between his own.

  “Are you ready to take a spin?”

  “I’m scared shitless, but I want to do it. I mean, I’m used to driving fast, but this is a whole new level of fast.” She trapped her lower lip between her teeth with the confession and placed his hand over her heart. “Feel that?”

  “The thrill of the ride.” He leaned across the console and placed a kiss where his hand had been, sending shivers of lust rippling through her.

  When he came around to her side of the car and helped her out, her legs were shaking.

  “You’re trembling.” He pulled her flush against him and rubbed his hand down her back. “That’s totally normal. Don’t let it worry you.”

  “I won’t go that fast, but you’ll be with me, right?” She felt his heart beating harder than he let on.

  “Of course. I’ll be right there with you every step of the way.”

  “Your heartbeat is going so fast, but you seem so calm.”

  He pressed a tender kiss to her forehead. He was as strong as he was gentle, and she loved getting to know all of his complexities.

  “My whole life has been about moving fast.” His eyes turned serious, and a look of something darker, deeper, washed over his face and quickly disappeared, as if he was used to doing that, too, locking away parts of himself. “Let’s get you started.”

  He helped her into the driver’s seat and buckled her in, tugging the belt to test it out before letting go.

  “Uh-oh.” She covered her mouth with the realization that she couldn’t drive the car. “This is a manual transmission. I can’t drive it.”

  He laughed. “You’ve never driven a stick?”

  She shook her head. “I feel so stupid. I was so caught up in the excitement that I didn’t even realize you’d been shifting gears.”

  “Well, then, it looks like you’re in for a driving lesson.” He closed the door and went around to the passenger seat. “Do you know the mechanics of driving a manual transmission?”

  “Sure. Push the clutch, shift, use my right foot for the gas.”

  His lips quirked up in that sexy way he had. “Awesome. Go for it.”

  “Wait. What? Can’t I ruin the clutch or something? I’ve seriously never done this before, and this car must have cost a small fortune.”

  “Darlin’, I have a small fortune, and you’re not going to ruin the clutch. Let’s give it a try.”

  “I like when you call me darlin’,” she admitted, trying to distract herself from being nervous.

  “That’s good, because I like calling you darlin’.” His eyes darkened.

  “Do you call all your women that?” Oh shit. Word vomit…Her nerves definitely had the best of her.

  He shifted his eyes away, and when he turned back, they were serious. “It’s not like I have a harem of women that I keep around for the hell of it.”

  “That’s not what I meant. I’m sorry. I’m just nervous and not thinking before I speak.”

  “Kat, I’ve been with plenty of women, and I have no idea what I did or didn’t call them, but I can tell you that I’ve never felt with anyone what I feel when I’m with you. Darlin’ comes naturally when I’m with you, but if it makes you uncomfortable, I can call you something else.”

  Now she felt stupid for asking. “I’m sorry. Please don’t change. I do truly love it when you call me that. It makes me go all gooey inside. It was a silly question.”

  “Gooey, huh? Why does that turn me on?” He leaned across the console. “It wasn’t a silly question at all. It was real, and I like real. Believe me. I have a million questions I want to ask about the men you’ve been with, but the answers would only torture me, so I’m prete
nding you’ve never been with another man, and for now, that’s working mighty well.”

  She laughed. “I’ll try that.”

  He tipped her chin up again with his finger—she loved when he did that because he was giving her his full attention, and she knew he wanted her to give him hers, which meant that whatever he was going to say was important. “You just continue being yourself. I’ll answer all of your questions honestly.” He kissed her softly, then settled back into the passenger seat.

  “Any more questions before we get started?”

  “Just one.” She paused for a moment before asking, afraid of how the answer might feel. “Have you ever done this before for a woman? Taken her to the track after it was closed and let her drive your car?”

  His intense gaze never wavered from hers. “Not once. I’ve never let a woman drive any of my cars. Hell, I’ve never let anyone but my team drive them.”

  “Then why me?”

  He stared at her for a long moment, and when he finally spoke, he began with a knitting of his brows and a smile. “I told you there was something about you that makes me want to be closer to you. I feel like you’re part of me. Like you have always been part of me. I know it’s crazy, but crazy has never felt so right.”

  She exhaled a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “The camp.”

  He settled a hand on hers. “Have I scared you off yet with my directness?”

  “Not even a little. I’ve felt like you were familiar, too, and after last night, I can’t stop thinking about you. About us.”

  “I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever heard. Now let’s see if we can make you a race car driver.”

  “Okay.” She smiled at the excited glint in his eyes. “But here’s the thing. If I do ruin your car, you’ve been duly warned. All my worldly belongings would not be able to pay for whatever I might break. Of that I’m one hundred percent certain.”


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