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Time For Love Box Set

Page 23

by Karen Deen

  I was sitting in my office trying to concentrate when Zoe came through the door. She stopped in front of my desk and stood there for a minute. It took a while to pull me back into the room from my thoughts.

  “Damn, Zach, you need to get a handle on this. Today is Thursday and I don’t think I have seen one scrap of work leave this office since Monday. You fly out tomorrow morning. If you don’t get those submissions finished in the next hour, Grant is going to be busting my ass tomorrow wanting to know why they aren’t on his desk to review for Monday’s meeting. Do we need to have a mushy girly talk so you can work out what to do with Emily? I mean, I could say it in one sentence, but I am not sure you would be listening!”

  I chuckled at Zoe. “Since when did you become my relationship councilor? I have got it under control, Zoe, but thanks for the offer.”

  “My ass you have this under control, Zach. You aren’t even functioning normally you’re that wrapped up in your feelings for her. You are just too dumb and stubborn to do anything about it.”

  “Hey, you are supposed to be on my side, Zoe. Not telling me how dumb I am. I can actually figure that out myself, thanks very much.” I sighed and leant back in my chair as Zoe plonked into one of the other chairs facing me. “I don’t know what the right thing to do is Zoe. Do I do the right thing and try to protect us both from hurt, or do I throw caution to the wind and claim her?”

  Zoe’s face softened and the brave girl in front of me who was ready to lecture me turned into the lifelong friend who would do anything for me.” Ask yourself this, Zach - do you like Emily?”

  That was a really dumb question. “I think we both know it’s much more than like, Zoe. This is something that is so strong it is consuming every bone in me.”

  “Yes, I can see that. Would you take a bullet for her?”

  “Without hesitation, I would die for all three of them.”

  “Then why are we sitting here having this conversation? No matter the hurt that may or may not come later down the track, you are in love with Emily and you should be telling her and showing her at the first moment you get. We never know what life will bring us and you are wasting precious time” Zoe got up and walked to the door. Turning back to look at me she said “Take the next two days while you are away from Emily to think, and make a decision. Just realize you can’t continue the way you are. It will eat you both up and that will hurt more than you realize. Take it from me, I live it every day.” With that, she walked out the door. I knew she was talking about Luke and the lust they both had been circling around for years. She was so right, though. I needed to make a decision and then talk to Emily. This trip would be the time I needed to work out what I should do. What was best for us both.

  Chapter Seventeen


  The week had come and gone quickly.

  Just getting into the routine of getting the kids to school, looking after Zach’s house and cooking nightly dinners ready for him to eat after he came home. He had been working late all week, so I hadn’t seen much of him. He had kept in touch by texting and ringing me, but I had a feeling that he was trying to keep his distance. I wanted to give him the distance he needed to settle after last weekend’s emotions, but I missed seeing him. Hopefully after he arrived back from his weekend away we could have time alone to talk. I needed to tell Zach how I felt and make him understand that I wanted to be with him. No matter what.

  Driving down the gravel road to home, it felt strange knowing that Zach wasn’t coming home tonight. He had flown out this morning and Alesha was following later today. The kids were in the back talking and laughing at the excitement of having their first sleep over tonight with Gruffy and Me-me. I wasn’t sure what I was going to do tonight. I had never had a night away from the twins since the day they were born. I was not even sure how I would cope. Could I stop worrying long enough to actually relax and enjoy some alone time? As we rounded the house, Gruffy’s truck was already parked in front of the garage. The kids were out of the car before I even came to a stop, racing towards the house to greet Me-me and Gruffy as they came out the door. As I stepped from the car, I realized that Lilly’s car was parked on the other side of the truck. I hope she wasn’t here thinking we would finally do that girl’s night out. I didn’t want to be too far from the kids in case they needed me.

  “Mommy, Aunty Lilly said you were going on a holiday with Prince Zach today,” Sammy announced as I walked into the kitchen. I stood looking stunned at the reception that was standing there waiting for me. Gruffy had Sophia and Samuel on his lap and they were already munching on cookies that I am guessing Me-me had baked for them. Standing next to them was Me-me, Lilly and Alesha with the biggest grins on their faces. They looked like they knew something I didn’t, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to find out.

  “Um, I am not sure what you are talking about Sammy. Zach has gone away for a couple of days and I am having a holiday away from you kids while you stay here. That is all.” The girls all started to laugh and Gruffy was just shaking his head.

  I looked at them knowing I was missing something. “All right, what is going on, what are you girls up to?” Lilly strode straight to me and put her arm around my shoulder.

  “Well we knew you two needed some time on your own to sort this all out, so we have changed the flight. You are going to take Alesha’s place on the plane this afternoon. You are flying to Zach to spend the weekend together. Get all dressed up and go off to the awards ceremony. What you do with the rest of your weekend is up to you two.” She stood very proud of herself, looking at my face that must have looked like it was in shock. I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there frozen and not a word coming out. Me-me must have felt sorry for me as she dragged me out of Lilly’s arms and took me to the dining room, so we could talk without the kids. The girls followed because I was sure they didn’t want to miss any gossip.

  “I can’t do that, what about the kids? I have never left them. What if they need me?” I was starting to panic now. “It is very nice of the offer, but I have never even been on a plane, I wouldn’t know what to do and I definitely don’t have anything to wear to an awards ceremony. I wouldn’t have time to pack a bag, so I would miss the plane. You should just go, Alesha, and tell Zach I am sorry, I just couldn’t get there.”

  Lilly just laughed and said, “Don’t be silly, Emily, Zach doesn’t even know you are coming, it is a surprise. He thinks he is picking up Alesha from the airport. Instead, he will get a beautiful gift when you walk off the plane.”

  “Lilly, just let me talk to Emily on her own for a minute, please. You two get the bag from the cottage that I have packed and take it to your car. Emily will be there in a minute.” The girls took off out of the room and I heard the back-door banging.

  “Me-me, what is going on, I can’t do this. I just don’t know how to do this.” My heart was racing, and my hands were sweaty.

  Me-me put her hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eyes to make sure she had my attention. “Now take a breath, Emily, and listen to what I have to say. You have spent so many years struggling on your own and raising those kids. They love you with all their hearts. But you can’t give up your life for the sake of your kids. You will be a much better mother if you are happy in your own life. I believe for you to be happy you need to get my son to get his head out of his ass and admit he has fallen in love with you.” My breath stopped. She had to be kidding. Zach didn’t love me. I was struggling to get him to want to be with me. “I know you don’t believe me, but I know my son and I know he is so taken with you, but he has been hurt before. I don’t know what happened, but I watched my son look like he had died on the inside for a very long time. Until you came along. You have given him life again and I will forever be grateful you fell into our lives. But you have to want to do this. I am not forcing you to go. Do you want Zach? Do you feel the same as he does?” I could feel my face blush and tears spring to my eyes.

  “I have never felt before what I feel for
Zach, he takes my breath away. I don’t know what it is, but I do know I really want to be with him. But what about the kids?”

  “Sweetheart, do you trust Gruffy and I?”

  “Of course, I do, I know you love them like I do.”

  “Right then, what is the problem? You can ring them whenever you want to and video chat with them from Zach’s phone and laptop. They can also call you if they need to. You are only two hours away if you need to get home in a hurry. I promise, we will not let them out of our sight. You deserve time for yourself. Take this time to find your true self. Please, Emily, just trust us.”

  I stood there with my head absolutely spinning. Could I do this? Could I leave the kids? More importantly, could I take the leap with Zach?

  “What if Zach doesn’t want me? I don’t know if I can take the hurt. It would make living here too hard.”

  Me-me hugged me again and whispered in my ear, “Take the chance, Emily, and trust me. I promise you won’t regret it.” I stayed there for a moment and took the love that I felt in the cuddle. It had been a long time since I had the feeling of my mother, but this felt pretty close. I took a deep breath and pulled away while clearing my head.

  “I don’t know if I am crazy, but I will do it. I just can’t let the opportunity to let him know how I feel go past, otherwise I may regret it forever.”

  “That’s the spirit, sweetie. Now let’s get you in that car and on the way to the airport.” Before I knew it, I was in the back of Lilly’s car and racing off down the driveway, with tears running down my face after an emotional goodbye with the kids. Mind you, it was only my tears. The kids were so excited to be staying with Me-me and Gruffy, whom they had adopted as their grandparents. Gruffy was listing off all the things they would be doing and even I got lost. I laid my head back on the seat and closed my eyes. Lilly and Alesha must have realized I needed a minute to get my head together and try to comprehend what I was about to do. After ten minutes Alesha turned around and smiled.

  “Are you okay, Emily? You don’t feel we have pushed you into this, do you? We can always turn around.”

  “Like hell we can she is getting on that plane, going to find Zach and spending the next two days doing the wild thing. They won’t come up for air until they need to get on the plane to come home.”

  “Lilly!” Alesha screamed. “You can’t say that to Emily,” I smiled because I wanted exactly that. I doubted that would happen, though there was a lot of talking that was needed first.

  “Of course, I can, we all know that is what they both need, to fuck it out and realize they are meant to be together.” My laughing was so loud, I couldn’t help it. Alesha shook her head and just looked at me, mouthing sorry and hitting Lilly in the arm.

  “Girls, it’s okay, but I don’t think that is what will happen. I am just looking for time on our own to talk without the kids interrupting so we can sort out where we are heading. Now I need your help. What the hell did your Mom pack for me and what am I going to do about a dress to wear tonight to the awards ceremony. I won’t have time to shop when I get there, plus I don’t really have much money saved.” I dropped my head a little at the embarrassment of being poor.

  “Don’t worry about one little thing, Emily. Most of the clothes in your bag are all new ones that Alesha and I shopped for this week, including some new sexy lingerie to help the cause. That is our gift for you and maybe our gift to Zach, too,” she chuckled. “When you get to the motel, there will be a package delivered with a dress, shoes and accessories for you to wear tonight. Just trust us, Em.”

  “Why is everyone saying that to me today? I have given out more trust in the last hour than I have in my whole life,” I mumbled to myself while the girls laughed at me.

  We were almost at the airport when my heart started to thump. “Girls, I have never flown on a plane before. I have no idea what I am doing. I am crapping myself.”

  “Don’t worry, we will get you on the plane here and Zach will be waiting at the gate when you get there. He will take it from there. Just relax and enjoy it.”

  Like it was that easy just to relax. Who were they kidding? God, I hope I was doing the right thing.

  Chapter Eighteen


  It had been a long day.

  I had flown early this morning, so I could attend a couple of meetings with suppliers who were also out here for the awards night. There was no need for Alesha to have to sit through the boring meetings, so she decided she would fly out later in the day. My last meeting had cancelled so I had spent a few hours sitting on the balcony of the suite at the motel, taking time to try and sort myself out. Emily had consumed my thoughts all week, but now, sitting here looking over the view of the city she was all I could think about.

  My Dad had called into the office yesterday and taken me out to lunch. I didn’t realize how much I needed someone to talk to about my life. I had never really been one to seek out the deep and meaningful talks with my parents, but I always knew they were there if I needed to. Lunch started out as the normal catch up, chatting about jobs at work and different things. Eventually, though, we got around to the kids and Emily. I knew how Dad felt about them and I could see in his face he really loved them and considered them part of his family now.

  When Dad asked me how I felt about Emily, I tried to give a brief explanation on how we were good friends. He just looked at me and said okay, now tell me the truth. You don’t lie to your father. He called me out and I was vulnerable. Then I realized that I actually did want to talk to him about this. I was lost and needed help. I knew I could trust my Dad.

  “Emily is the first woman, Dad, that I can say has absolutely floored me. She has my heart in her hands and could squash it with one finger. I didn’t even make a choice to give her my heart. She had it from the first day she opened the door to me. It was like I was smacked in the chest with her eyes and she reached out to my heart and took it. My feelings for her are overwhelming. I want to be there to protect her, keep her safe, make her happy, take away her stress, but most of all, I want to love her.” This stopped me dead in my tracks. I had just admitted not only to my Dad, but to myself, that I was in love with Emily. It had taken me back, but I knew it was the truth.

  “Zach, sometimes life throws things at us at the time we least expect it and sometimes in a way we never expect. To find Emily and the kids the way you did took you by surprise. That is what love does. It takes no prisoners. I remember the day I met your mother as clear as if it was yesterday. She served me a coffee at the café I went in to grab some breakfast before work. It was a different café to my normal one. I stood in line waiting to order, watching her the whole time and absolutely crapping myself. She had the most beautiful hair tied up loosely on the top of her head and a smile that made me speechless. It was my turn and I couldn’t even tell her my order. She was so confident that she laughed at me and gave me cheek for being shy. She gave me a coffee made the way she thought

  I should drink it. To this day, that is how I drink my coffee.

  I waited until she finished her shift and then walked her home. I knew I couldn’t walk away from her that day without securing a date with her. Zach, I was exactly the same with your Mom. I wanted to protect her and keep her safe from that first time I saw her. I wanted to be her man, but I just had to convince her that was what was going to happen. I have raised all you boys to be the same kind of men. We are alpha males in that we want to take control but only to keep them safe and happy. That is what I call love. I will never regret that day in the coffee shop and I think you need to embrace what you are feeling. I know something happened with Christina that really hurt you, but just remember - Emily is different. You already know that because you have just told me that. Don’t get caught up in keeping Emily at a distance because of the fear of the hurt. I can’t guarantee you won’t get hurt, but what I can guarantee is that, if you take that chance, you will never look back wondering what could have been.”

  This was a part
of my Dad I wasn’t used to seeing. He was the “Gruff” man who always looked after us and demanded respect as we grew up. Mom was always our emotional support. He was always there but never really showed his emotional side. He was opening up to me here and I loved and respected him so much for trying to help me through my feelings.

  Leaving me, Dad embraced me tightly in a hug, patted me three times and told me to think hard but to follow my heart. It wouldn’t do me wrong.

  The lunch with my Dad was really important in my thought process. I sat on the balcony replaying all the advice he had given me. Could I trust myself to take that leap into the unknown and then trust Emily that she would love me the way I am? With my defects but more love than I knew how to handle for her and the twins. I would take her, Sophia and Samuel and they would never know fear in their lives, only the love of family and security.

  I knew now in my heart what I wanted and I couldn’t wait to get on the plane home to see Emily so we could have that talk we have been needing for a while. Maybe I could get Mom to babysit the kids so I could take Emily out for the night, so we could have time alone? Time where there would be no interruptions from a little boy who seemed to always have impeccable timing.

  The alarm on my phone told me it was time to leave and pick up Alesha from the airport. I didn’t want to be late, it was one of the things I really hated. I would never leave one of my sisters waiting on their own in an airport. They were both independent women, but they shouldn’t have to be if I was around.

  I could see the plane had landed and the people were now shuffling out through the gate. Alesha was not one to push her way through the crowd so would be in the last group I was sure. I stood leaning against a pole just watching the looks on people’s faces. You could see the ones who were in a hurry and had places to be. Others were tired, and some ran into the arms of loved ones. There were tourists who had that look of wonderment towards their new surroundings. Kids full of excitement from their ride on a plane. Then there was Emily looking as beautiful as ever…what the hell? I blinked and took a double take as I looked at a scared Emily slowly come through the gate looking around for someone to rescue her. Her eyes locked on me and she stopped. Slowly, that beautiful smile crept up her face. My heart jumped at the sight of her. My feet were already moving and when I reached her, I picked her up and whirled her around.


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