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Time For Love Box Set

Page 26

by Karen Deen

  “Emily, you own my heart. I love you and I think I always have.” My world just stopped. I couldn’t believe what Zach had just said. I was struggling to get my lungs to even work.

  Zach whispered to me, “Just breath, Em. This is the beginning of your happily-ever-after” He brought his lips to mine and kissed me with so much passion. The kiss was one that was to seal his love and make sure I knew he meant everything he said.

  “Zach, you are my world. My heart is yours to keep safe. I love you more than I ever thought possible to love another human. This is what I want. This love, this happiness, if this what happily-ever-after feels like, then I will die a happy woman.”

  Our lips met again, and the softness was overtaken by the passion that was building with our declarations of love. Zach’s hands were now roaming my body and my temperature was rising very quickly. I grabbed Zach’s firm butt and pulled his groin forward to me. Zach wanted me, and I could feel from his body that he was on fire as much as I was.

  “Zach, make love to me. I need to feel you. I need to show how much I want you.” I begged him.

  “Angel, you will never have to beg me to love you. The only begging you will be doing will be for me stop.” Zach started to chuckle as he took me and slid me under his body. “It is time now to stop talking, for the rest of the night you are mine to pleasure. The only thing I want to here is my name being screamed from your lips.” With that, his lips took mine and I found my happily-ever-after.



  The last three months had been just like the fairy tale Zach promised us.

  We took it slowly for the first few weeks with the kids, but it soon became apparent, even to them we couldn’t hide our love anymore. We couldn’t keep our hands off each other and it was getting harder for Zach to sneak out of my bed every morning before the kids woke up. After another close call, Zach said it was time. He called the kids to the kitchen and told them how much he loved us all and wanted us to move into his castle. He told them I was his princess and asked if it was okay with them if he was my prince. The kids ran around the house screaming and cheering that they were moving into the big castle. I couldn’t wipe the smile off Zach’s face when we moved the last of our belongings across the yard.

  That first night of walking up the staircase arm-in-arm to our bedroom together will be imprinted on my brain forever. Zach shut the door and locked it as he led me over to the bed and slowly undressed me until I stood naked in front of him. “This is the bed we will share for the rest of our lives, angel. You will never be alone again. I will always be here for you.” He was slowly stripping off his clothes, so I could reach out and touch his toned and muscular body. I wrapped my hand around his hard cock that was standing up showing me how much he was turned on. “Forever angel, I will love you forever.”

  There wasn’t much sleep that first night, but it was the most beautiful night in my new home. I woke up the next morning realizing I was in bed on my own and could hear giggling and noise coming from the kitchen. I got up to go the bathroom to find a dress hanging with a note pinned to it. “Angel, put this on and join us for breakfast.” I was confused, and my heart was jumping, but I got dressed quickly and headed down stairs to see what my family was up to. I froze as I walked into the kitchen.

  The table was full of wild flowers that filled your senses with the perfume of walking through the farm on a beautiful afternoon. There were plates full of all sorts of breakfast foods that would be enough to feed a large family.

  I turned to see Zach standing with Sophia and Samuel. I have never cried so many happy tears since meeting Zach. Standing before me were a beautiful little princess in her princess dress and a diamond tiara. She was being flanked by two identical Prince Charming’s, all dressed in the full prince outfits. I didn’t know what to say or do. Zach put his hands on the kid’s shoulders and bent down to whisper in their ear. Then walked forward, took my hands and pulled me towards Zach. As I approached him, Zach dropped to one knee. The kids then joined him. My heart was pounding so hard on the walls of my chest.

  “Emily, you are the sunshine on a rainy day, you are the fire in my heart. I know I can’t go another day without you in my life. I want to be your Prince Charming. Will you be my Princess and my happily-ever-after? Will you, Sophia and Samuel, marry me and be my family? Will you let me love and protect you forever?” Zach was beaming as he pulled out the ring from his pocket and reached for my hand.

  Before I could even speak, Samuel and Sophia were jumping up and down saying, “Yes, Zach, yes. Say yes, Mommy!”

  I couldn’t help but laugh as I gave Zach my reply, “Zach, with all my heart, yes. Yes, I will always be yours and would be so happy to be your wife for the rest of my life.” He stood and slid the most gorgeous heart shaped diamond ring onto my finger and I jumped into his arms. Crying and laughing, all at the same time.

  Zach was twirling me around, screaming out, “She said yes! Did you hear her, kids she said yes!” Just then, the back door burst open and Me-me, Gruffy and all the family came pushing in. They obviously had been waiting outside for my answer. Hence all the food. I was swept out of Zach’s arms and into Me-me’s as she cried and kept repeating ‘Thank you’ in my ear. I loved this woman like a mother. Little did I know that day how much she would become such an important person in our lives. Every family needed a person who always kept everyone together, no matter how hard it was. Me-me would always be that person.

  A few months passed, and we had settled into a calm family life. Zach had wanted to get married straight away, but I talked him into giving me a few months to plan a wedding. I never thought I would get to walk down the aisle in a white dress to a man who loved me and the kids unconditionally. He was marrying the whole package deal. Besides, his sisters and mother nearly killed him and forbid him to set the date until we had time to plan the wedding together. We just wanted something small, but once Lilly got involved, it got a little hard to contain her.

  I was sitting on the lounge waiting for Zach after I had put the kids to bed early. They were exhausted from a full afternoon playing with Luke when he called in to take them for a horse ride. He was loving his new role of Uncle and I could tell one day he would make a fantastic father. My phone rang, and I jumped from the couch.

  “Zach!” was all I could get out.

  “I will be home in about thirty minutes, angel, in time to say good night to the kids and tuck them in. I can tell you as soon as they are asleep, you are all mine. I have missed you today and can’t wait to show you how much.” I paced the kitchen, trying not to sound nervous.

  “The kids are already asleep. Luke came this afternoon and took them riding. They were exhausted, so I bathed them straight after dinner and they are snoring in their beds.”

  “My night just got so much better. I will give them a kiss when I get there, but then I want you naked in our bed, so I can take my fiancé to the moon and back. I have been thinking about your hot little pussy all day and can’t wait to spread your legs and taste how wet you are for me.”

  Through all my nervousness, he still had me pressing my legs together at the thought of Zach using his tongue and fingers to get me screaming. “Angel, are you ok? You have gone silent on me.”

  “Sorry, Zach, I was just catching my breath. Who would have thought my mild gentlemen had such a dirty, wicked side he was hiding? I will see you soon. I will be waiting.” I whispered and hung up.

  Even though I was stressed, Zach still had me hot under the collar. Once he knew I was his, he had showed me every single day just how much he loved me and made sure I would never forget it.

  I was laying under the covers in bed naked, waiting, as I heard Zach close the door on the kids’ bedroom down the hall. We had given them the furthest bedroom away for those nights when things got a little noisier than usual. Those nights were more frequent than not.

  Zach closed the door and stopped, taking in my face. His eyes were dark and full of desire.
He started to walk towards the bed, stripping his clothes as he got closer. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Just as he reached me, I blurted it out.

  “I’m pregnant, Zach.” He stopped dead and his mouth dropped.

  “What did you say?” Zach whispered.

  “Zach, please come here, I need you to hold me.” He slowly lowered himself into the bed and took me in his arms.

  “Did you really say you were pregnant? How did that even happen? You said you were on the pill. Oh God, I don’t know if I can go through this again, Emily. I love you, but I don’t know if I can take the pain of losing a child again. Seeing the hurt you will never get over.” Tears streamed down his face.

  “Zach, stop, stop thinking that. I have had blood tests and a special test on the baby for any abnormalities. They all came back negative. I am carrying a perfectly normal healthy baby. Zach, you are going to be a father again. I am already over three months pregnant. I think you and your super sperm made our baby on the first night we made love. What a beautiful gift we have made from the union of our love.” I looked into his eyes to see if he had understood everything I said.

  “But how, Em? Why isn’t the baby sick?” The tears were still flowing, but now his hand was rubbing my stomach and it was the most sensual feeling ever.

  “I don’t know, Zach, but the doctors have all checked the tests thoroughly and the baby is fine. Growing healthier and bigger every day.”

  Finally, I think his brain let him take it in and he leaned over and kissed me with so much emotion and tears all mixed together. Zach stripped back the sheets to look at my stomach and leant down to kiss it. “Oh angel, you are so beautiful and have given me the most amazing gift you could ever imagine. I promise I will love you, little one, just like I love your Mom and big brother and sister. But most of all, I promise to protect you no matter what. You will never be alone and will always know love.” Zach laid his head on my stomach. We stayed there for a long time before Zach gradually crawled up and took me in his arms again. That was the way we both fell asleep that night, just holding each other. It was so much more intimate. We needed to be joined in our love for each other and our family.


  “Emily, where are we going? I don’t want you walking too far. You need to take it easy, you shouldn’t overdo it.”

  “Zach, I am pregnant, not sick. You wouldn’t believe how much easier it is to carry one baby instead of two. This time it is a piece of cake.”

  “I don’t care,” Zach growled. “I need to know you are looking after yourself and the baby.”

  “I am, now stop fussing, we are here”. Emily and the twins were now standing in the paddock looking towards the mountains. You could see the house behind us and if you stood on the back porch, you would be able to see where we were standing. Emily was beside a tree that was in a pot, while Sammy picked up a shovel that had been laying on the ground.

  “Emily, what is going on?” I asked, feeling confused.

  Slowly, she walked over and put her arms around my waist, looking into my eyes.

  “Zach, you never got to meet your daughter or give her a name.” My heart stopped, and my breathing became hard. “I think it would be nice if we plant a tree here on the farm to remember her by and you can say a few little words to name your precious little soul. She deserves to know she was loved.” Tears rolled down my cheeks. “We can get a little plaque made up and as we stand on the back porch, we will see this tree grow, just like this little baby inside me. I am sure your little girl will be watching over her brother or sister to make sure they come into this world full of soul and living a beautiful life for them both.”

  I wrapped my arms tight around my angel. “Oh, Emily. Just when I didn’t think I could love you any more than I do, you do this. How can I, ever thank you. This is the most thoughtful thing I could have asked for.” I buried my face in her neck until I could get myself together. Slowly, Sophia walked to my side and tugged on my hand, looking up into my wet eyes.

  “It is okay to cry, Daddy. We will make it better, just like you do when we are upset.” My heart just exploded. I fell to my knees and hugged her with everything I was feeling. That was the first time she called me Daddy and I loved the sound of it so much.

  “Time to plant the tree for our sister now, Daddy” Samuel added softly next to us. I looked into Emily’s eyes and realized that yes, it was time I told people. My little girl deserved to be remembered and loved by all her family. Emily always knew when to push me and how far.

  “Thanks, Samuel, can you help me dig the hole?” I stumbled over my words.

  We planted the tree together. I stood holding my family in my arms as I finally said goodbye to my little Faith Stevenson. “One day, I will meet you my precious Faith, and I will get to show you my love. Until then, just know in your heart I will always love you and you are forever part of this family. Sleep peacefully in the clouds, my little one, and bring us sunshine every day to let us know you are with us always.”

  As we walked back to the house with the kids skipping in front of us, I looked down at my angel. I knew now that Faith had sent Emily to me. Even though we never got to meet, she knew her Daddy needed love and she sent me an angel to break down my wall. Thank you, little one, I will cherish the angel you sent me for the rest of my life.



  To my husband, Michael, who is my soulmate, love of my life and greatest supporter. Thank you for your never-ending love and unwavering support, always pushing me to take that leap. You were my first happily-ever-after story that will last my lifetime.

  To my three wonderful children - Joshua, Caitlin and Aimee. You have all given me more joy than I ever imagined and shown me that the love from your child is one of the most important things in this world.

  I will never be able repay my mother, Heather, for her unconditional love and support throughout my whole life. She has always put her children and grandchildren before herself and never asked for anything in return. She is my hero and the strongest woman I know. If I am half the mother that she is, I am doing a good job.

  To my family who have loved me, supported me and picked me up when I needed them - thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  To my co-workers - thank you for putting up with me and supporting my other love.

  Life has a habit of bringing you the right people when you need them the most. My beautiful Angela, my angel in heaven, you have always stayed in my heart and are travelling this journey with me. Thank you for sending me my Earth angels to keep me company.

  My Earth angels - Charmaine, Nicole and Sharon - who make me laugh, wipe my tears when I cry and hug me until I feel like I can face the world. You are my crazy group of friends who have pushed me to follow my dreams and never once doubted I would achieve them, even when I was feeling unsure. You keep me grounded, but also point me towards the finish line and give me that launch to get moving. You nag me for the next chapter to keep me writing and are the first to help me celebrate every little milestone along the way. We are forever friends.

  Queens Publishing is owned by two of the most amazing women I know. Emma Perrow and Jude Dowsett, you have been such a tower of strength and support. Life was kind to me when you both came into my world. Thank you for believing in me and my stories. Your guidance has been invaluable and, if it wasn’t for the two of you, my story would still be on my laptop. Forever in my circle.

  Of course, you wouldn’t be able to make sense of my story if it wasn’t for my awesome editor, Matt Houston, at Beachlife Editing. Hope I didn’t drive you too crazy and that you survived my girly romance story!

  My beta readers - Maria, Deb, Mandy, Kerrie and Sue. Thank you for your encouragement and honesty.

  To Dr. Alison Parker, who picked me up when I fell. You saw through my mask and I will forever be so grateful for all you have done for myself and my family.

  Lastly, to my readers. Thank you for taking a chance on my book and letting me
take you to a happy place for a short time. Romance books have always helped me to get through life, the good and the bad. So many writers have had me smiling and in love with the world they have created and to which I have willingly escaped. I hope I have managed to do that for you as well. Happy reading, my beautiful readers, and I look forward to bringing you the next book in this series. xx

  Love’s Dance


  Copyright © 2018 by Karen Deen

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in either, electronic, paper hard copy, photocopying, recorded or any other form of reproduction without the written permission of the author. No part of this book either in part or whole may be reproduced into or stored in a retrieval system or distributed without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Characters, names, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locations or persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and owners of products referred to in this fiction which have been used without permission. The publication and use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Published by Karen Deen

  Formatted by Kellie Clarke

  Edited by Opium House Creatives

  Cover Design by Opium House Creatives

  ISBN: 978-0-646-98582-4 – Paperback

  ISBN: 978-0-646-98583-1 - eBook


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