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Time For Love Box Set

Page 52

by Karen Deen

  The night of hot sex does not stop there. I’m punished just like he promised, and it’s the hottest sex I’ve ever had.

  We love the slow, sensual sex. But fuck, the hot hard sex is mind blowing. I want it all with Grant. Every single part.


  When I left the office today to get on a plane, without telling a soul, I had no idea how it would turn out.

  Now, I’m here. In New York, laying with my girl in my arms. Naked, hot, sweaty and definitely satisfied.

  Life doesn’t get much better than this. Tomorrow, I will share with the family where I am. Tonight, I just want it to be about us.

  Zara is exhausted. Today has been huge for her, her eyes heavy.

  “Sleep, baby. I will stay right here all night, just loving you with my body wrapped around you.”

  “How long do I get to keep you?” she murmurs while slipping into her sleep. I know she means when do I have to leave for home, but my answer means so much more.

  “Forever. You get to keep me forever.”

  As her first sleepy breath leaves her body, her smile tells me she heard my response as she slips into her dream.

  “Tonight, you lived your dream. Now, I get to live mine. I love you, Zara.” I lightly kiss her lips.

  “Me too, Grant, me too.”

  With that final whisper, she’s sound asleep.

  For the first time, I know deep in my heart when I wake in the morning, she will still be here, in my arms, where she’s always meant to be.

  We are both home.

  Finally, we are dancing to the same tune.

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  “Don’t even think about it, Zara,” Grant growls in my ear.

  I giggle a little as I try to squirm out of his arms.

  “Let me go, I need to pee. I can’t wait any longer.”

  “Nope, every time I’ve woken up in the morning, you’ve run. I’m making sure this time, I don’t let you go.” He still has his eyes closed.

  “Grant, really, please! If you don’t let me up, then I am going to wet the bed. How does that sound?”

  “You have one minute to be back in this bed with me or I am coming looking for you.” Still mumbling, he finally releases me. Jumping up from the bed, I nearly trip over the clothes that are strewn over the floor from last night. There wasn’t much care taking once we started stripping.

  Dashing to the toilet, I can finally feel relief for my bladder.

  “Forty-five seconds and counting,” Grant calls out from the bedroom.

  Far out. I can’t even pee in peace.

  “You’re such an idiot. Lucky, I kind of like you,” I scream back.

  Washing my hands, I hear him stretching in my bed as he’s starting to fully wake up. I know how he’s feeling, with stiff muscles. Last night was a workout harder than any gym session. It’s the sweetest kind of ache.

  Opening the door, I find his eyes staring straight at me. He takes his time scanning my whole body. I’m still completely naked, and he takes full advantage of what’s on show for him.

  “Have you finished gawking?”

  “No,” he answers without hesitation.

  “You’re running out of time. You have five seconds left to be back in this bed before you’re in trouble.”

  “What happens if I don’t make it? What’s my punishment?” I feel moisture between my legs at the thought of Grant punishing me last night. If that’s how this is going to go, then I’m not moving an inch from where I’m standing.

  “Not what you think it will be, Zara. I don’t want you sore to dance today. Let’s just say you would actually be better to move that sweet ass back to bed before time is up so I can give you the appropriate good morning wake-up.”


  I take off across the room jumping on top of Grant just in time.

  Before I have time to blink, he spins my body until I’m pinned under him. His forearms rest either side of my head, caging me in so I can’t move, his legs on either side.

  “Now, I have you right where I want you.” He lowers his head and touches my lips ever so softly. It’s not what I’m expecting. He holds back from devouring me. The kisses are like butterflies along my jaw to my ear. He sucks on my earlobe and I feel tension build between us.

  “Good Morning, Zara,” he whispers in my ear. It sends shivers running down my body, a soft moan escaping my lips.

  “Grant.” I feel a shiver while pressing closer to his body, wanting to touch as much of him as I can.

  He’s strong and hard. Rubbing myself against him is just making me want him more. He knows exactly what he’s doing.

  This is my punishment. He knows I want it hard and for him to control me. Instead, he makes my body sing and ache for him by making me wait.

  “Now, let me see? Are you going to be cheeky to your boyfriend again, Zara?” he asks as he slowly grinds his hard cock against my body. He makes me moan and continues to chase that relief from the pressure building in my body.

  “No, never. Please, Grant. Stop being cruel.”

  “You think I’m cruel? Maybe I should just stop touching you now.” Starting to pull back, I scream out.

  “No. For the love of God, Grant, fuck me now or you will find out what a bad morning person I can be!”

  “Love it when you get fiery,” he growls as he thrusts straight into me. No foreplay is needed. He knows I’m wet and ready.

  “Ohh…” I can get used to this every morning.

  A slight sadness starts to fall over me as we both start to come down from the high of our orgasms. I’m not going to have that with Grant. He’s here now but tomorrow he’ll be gone again. I will be surviving on memories most of the time.

  I want him in my life. I want him to be mine. How we get through this is going to be a different matter. I know I can’t live without him anymore but how I’m going to live with him in my life remains to be seen.

  Laying on his chest, I listen to the sound of his breathing while I try to work it all out.

  “Zara, stop stressing about this.”

  “I’m not.”

  “Bullshit. I can feel the tension in your body. You need to talk to me, baby. Don’t let it all build up in that gorgeous little head of yours until you get scared and run again.” He turns my head, so I’m looking up at him. “Promise me, no more running. This won’t be easy, but we will work it out together.” I feel the tears building behind my eyes. “Just promise that, okay?”

  I nod my head slowly. I know if I try to speak the tears will escape and I’ve cried enough over this problem. I should be happy. I have to believe in Grant, that we will make this work. We have no choice. We can’t keep living the way we have been.

  “As much as I could stay here with you all day, I’m starving, and you need a decent breakfast. You have two shows today, so you need to be ready. Can’t have you tanking on your second day and your boyfriend getting the blame. Where is good for breakfast around here? I want to take my girlfriend out on a date.”

  This makes me giggle. I love the sound of Grant calling me his girlfriend and being taken on a date. I think I just need to live in the moment and take each day as it comes.

  Breakfast is amazing at a little café just down the block from my apartment. I’ve had smoothies from there a few times but never took the time to sit down and order a meal. This is what it would be like to live a life with a boyfriend. Being able to enjoy the simple pleasures with someone. This is what I want in my life.

  It takes me back to the old couple in the café, watching them enjoy the simple things in life together. That is what love is about. Moments like this. It doesn’t always have to be the big moments. It can be ones just like this.

  Grant reaches across the table and places his hand on mine. “What are you thinking about?” he asks, wanting to get in my head to see what’s going on.

  “Just how happy I am, right here in this moment. With you.”

  His face lights up like he’s won the most important prize of his life. I love to see him smile. You don’t get it often but when you do, it’s beautiful.

  “Well, I’m so glad about that, but I am sorry I have to break the moment. We need to get back home so you can get to the theatre. Did you hear back from the box office if you can get me another ticket for the matinee before I have to fly home.”

  Doesn’t that feel like a punch to my gut? I don’t want to think about Grant leaving when I only just got him back.

  “Not yet, but I’m sure we can get you in there somehow. Can you possibly stay another night? I am not sure I am ready to let you go.”

  He pulls me up from my seat and into his arms and wraps me up tight to numb the pain in my eyes.

  “I wish I could. I really do. However, I have a big meeting tomorrow on the signing of the new project we are starting down in Whitehall Parade. It’s the project down near the Wharf. This will be the biggest project we have ever tackled. I need to be there. I can’t trust the others with this on their own.”

  “Always the controlling CEO, aren’t you? It’s okay, I understand,” I say against his chest.

  “I have already pushed my flight back to the red eye, so I can see the matinee again. I want to watch you. I don’t think I really got to appreciate the show last night because my eyes never left you the whole time. I wanted to rush up and take you from that guy’s arms. Many times.”

  I look up a bit startled. “Who, my dance partner? He’s harmless.” I rub my hands over his chest to soothe the tension that’s building.

  “Maybe so, but it doesn’t mean I have to like how he gets to touch you.”

  “He’s married and has a baby. To me, he’s just the guy who catches me and stops me from falling.”


  It comes out a little harsher than intended but it has been bugging me a little since last night. It feels better getting it off my chest and maybe give her the hint at how hard it will be for me to know she’s here being touched constantly by other men while I am hours away from her.

  This is really going to test my control.

  “Don’t be silly. Now let’s get moving so I’m not late for call time. I have a very important guest in the audience today and I want to look my best on stage.”

  “Who?” I growl.

  “My boyfriend, you idiot.” She slaps my arm and starts to drag me to the door with her.

  Fuck, I love hearing her call me that. Only one thing better than that will be the day she calls me her husband. That day can’t come soon enough for me where I get to claim her for the world to see.

  There’s no way I’m letting her go without making love to her one more time. That has to last me a few weeks, so it needs to be one she will remember. I’ll make sure to taste every part of her body and leave her with no doubt who she belongs to. She’s mine and I’m not letting her go. Not now, not ever.

  Sitting back in the theatre today seems different to last night. I was full of nerves and anxiety last night, wondering what would happen when she finally saw me. But today, I just want to sit back and relax, watching Zara dance her way into the hearts of the audience. This is what she’s worked so hard for, so I want her to enjoy every minute of it.

  With her call-time being an hour and a half before the show, I have time to take a walk through the shops around the theatre. I stumble on a tiny shop that has some interesting statues and clothing in the window. I’m not sure what draws me in, but I’m glad I see it. I find found something for Zara that I want to give her before I leave. It’s perfect, just like her.

  Now sitting in my seat in the third row, I can see so much more than where I sat last night. I had purposely purchased my ticket further back last night in the dress circle so there was no chance of Zara seeing me from the stage. I didn’t want to put her off her performance if she saw me for the first time in months.

  Today, I’m close enough that I can see the sweat on her forehead.

  The theatre fills up quick, so I know we aren’t far from starting. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket.

  My heart skips a beat when I see it’s from Zara. The only words showing on my screen are in bold.

  For Your Eyes Only

  My dick is already getting excited as to what the message might be. The seats around me are still empty so I hold my phone inside my jacket and swipe open the message.

  There she is, just like yesterday without much covering her body but this time she’s blowing me a kiss. This one will be used often when I’m home on my own. That I can guarantee.

  Me: Keep it up. I want one before every show. Just like that.

  Me: P.S. Thanks for the uncomfortable position my cock will be in, all through the show.

  Zara: There’s conditions with that. I expect pictures in return when you’re at home. Minus the lingerie of course. Actually, minus any clothes!

  Me: We will see if you’re a good girl then maybe you will get rewards. Now get your sweet little ass out on stage so I can see you wiggle it just for me.

  Zara: Your wish is my command, sir!

  When the lights dim, the noise in the theatre starts to quieten. The last people shuffle in around me, but I’m paying them no attention. I’m sitting here thinking how much Zara calling me ‘sir’ gets my blood rushing. I like the sound of it. I want to see her on her knees with the word sounding off her lips. Fuck, this is going to be a long couple of weeks apart.

  As much as I convinced Zara we can do this, I’m not sure how the hell I’m going to cope being away from her. I can’t protect her and keep her safe from a distance. I can’t touch her and comfort her when she needs me. I can’t love her the way I want to. But if this is the only way I can have her, then it will have to work. I just have to make it work. I can’t be without her anymore. No fucking way.

  Sitting in the third row, not only can I see every detail on her face, I can see how little her costumes cover of her body. I see how tight her partners hold her and where they touch. I’m prepared for how this makes me feel.

  I know I’m not very good at keeping my controlling tendencies in check, but standing at the stage door waiting for her, I try to breathe deeply. I can’t let her see me like this. I will blow it before this relationship even gets started if I become too possessive. I just keep telling myself that it means nothing. This is what dancers do. Those guys need to hang on tight to her, so they keep her safe from injuries.

  Not that it helps. It should be me keeping her safe.

  This is going to test every piece of restraint I have over the next couple of years. The gym will be getting a daily workout and I think I better book in more regular sessions with Xavier for some kickboxing. Being Zara’s friend, he will at least understand that I need to beat the shit out of someone on a daily basis.

  The dancers start to file out the stage door, chatting while heading out for a meal before their next show. This will be the last chance I get to see Zara until my next visit. I need to drag out the next hour as much as I can.

  Again, this time I hear her voice before I see her. She laughs hard about something with a group of people as she steps out into the alley.

  “Are you eating with us again, today?” one of the guys asks her as he puts an arm around her shoulder.

  So much for my restraint.

  I curl my arm around her waist and pull her against me. She’s caught off-guard and stumbles slightly.

  “No, she’s eating with her boyfriend, thanks anyway,” I growl, Ensuring I make eye contact with each of the males. Zara tries to pull out of my hold.

  “Grant,” she snaps, turning her head to give me a fiery look. I know she’s pissed off but I don’t care. She needs to know I’m staking my claim.

  “Hey, man, no problems. Catch you back here later, Zara. Have fun.” They all keep walking.

  “What the fuck was that, Grant. You don’t get to be an asshole to my friends.” She’s pissed and it’s not the way I want to spend our last hour together.
br />   “Well, if they keep their hands off you, we won’t have a problem.” And just like that, we’re back at it. I knew it couldn’t last forever, without us yelling at each other.

  “You are mine, Zara. I protect what’s mine and now they know that,” I growl as I walk her backwards towards the side of the building. “It’s hard enough for me that they get to touch you on stage. They do not get to do it once you are off the stage. Got it?”

  “This will never work if you don’t trust me, Grant. I’m a grown woman and I can look after myself. Just like I have been doing for the many years before you came along. Now calm the fuck down.” Her smart mouth does me in.

  I’m on her. My mouth takes her hard and I wait for her to surrender to me. At first, she pushes back but then her mouth opens and she melts into my body. She knows the only way I can get the craziness out, is by showing her what she means to me.

  “Grant,” she whispers between kisses. “You have to trust me. It’s only you. I haven’t looked at another man since you stormed into my studio that day. It will only ever be you. They are just friends. I love you. Never forget that.”

  I lean my forehead against hers and just calm my breathing. “I’m sorry. You drive me crazy. You know how I feel about you. I’m just struggling to work this out. I told you in the beginning, I don’t share well. How am I going to be able to do this?”

  Now it’s Zara’s turn to be the strong one.

  “Just like we spoke about last night. One step at a time, one day at a time. That’s all we can do. But it will only work if we trust each other. Okay?”


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