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Time For Love Box Set

Page 58

by Karen Deen

  Obviously severely hungover, he looked like he was trying to stop the world from spinning and despite it all, he managed a small chuckle. Something inside changed a little from my initial thoughts. My gut was telling me we had some sort of connection. I started to relax and felt that maybe we would get on just fine. All this may have been meant to be. We’d see what the day brought.

  Luckily, I had my gym clothes in the car that I used to walk and run in at the park, using the free gym equipment that was scattered around its edge. I couldn’t afford a gym membership, but this worked just fine for me. The outdoors and fresh air were good for my head. It kept the happy endorphins circulating in my head, preventing the bad ones from taking over again. I was determined the happy would continue to win. The clothes weren’t anything flashy, but at least they wouldn’t smell like vomit and bourbon.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I saw Mr. Stevenson was at least sitting up on the lounge. He had managed to take off his shirt which was the other casualty.

  “Sorry, I don’t have a spare shirt here so do you mind just the undershirt at the moment?” he asked, embarrassed.

  “Not at all. I’m fine with it. If you can cope with my old gym clothes, I’m sure I can cope with an undershirt.”

  “Please, sit down. I didn’t catch your name and I can’t remember yesterday let alone who I am supposed to see today. Please, help a poor man out.” A small smile started to develop.

  “My name is Zoe Gullivan, Mr. Stevenson. I’m here for the interview for the assistant’s job.”

  “Well, Zoe Gullivan, without a doubt you have been the best assistance this morning, so you’re hired. Now, call me Zach, please. Mr. Stevenson makes me think of my father or my older brother, Grant, who happens to be our CEO. You’ll meet him later and understand what I mean. But me, I’m Zach, and can’t apologise enough. I don’t normally drink but last night was possibly the worst night of my life.”

  My head was still buzzing with the words ‘you’re hired’, when I realized Zach had stopped talking.

  “I can’t even begin to explain what happened to make me drink a whole bottle of bourbon.” Zach wore a pained expression.

  “Mr, I mean… Zach. You don’t need to explain to me. We have all been through difficult times like that in our life. Take it from me, I totally understand wanting to completely drown something out and go to a place where you’re numb. Then it can’t hurt as much. I get it.” My mind again drifted to a place I tried not to go anymore. Sometimes it just snuck up on me.

  “I think I need to get you some very strong coffee and plenty of water. Point me in the direction of the tea room.”

  Before long, I had Zach with a bit of colour in his cheeks and managed to hold a conversation without looking like he was going to pass out or throw up again. I was sure his head was banging pretty badly, but he seemed to be sucking it up and pushing through it.

  We spent the first few hours of the day chatting and not leaving the office. It was like we clicked and had been friends for a long time. Conversation was easy and never fell silent. It took a while of talking about the company and the job before Zach actually thought to tell me about my employment conditions. I had to use all my strength not to cry on his shoulder. The pay was more than I had ever imagined, plus I’d receive health benefits. This job was going to change my life so much, that right in that very moment, I felt like it was best day of my life. Which was ironic considering Zach had just come through the worst night of his. Maybe I’d been sent to help get him get back to that happy place, just like I’d fought so hard to do for myself.

  The morning flew by before we even realized. Nobody had interrupted us or put through any phone calls. Although I found that unusual, I figured they knew I was still in here.

  “Zoe, I am so sorry I just realized the time. I have kept you here all morning without even offering you food or showing you around. I haven’t let my siblings know what’s going on. They have no idea about last night. It’s not something I want to share with them.”

  “Then let’s not worry about mentioning it. Leave it to me to explain the attire,” I said, waving my hand up and down my body like a model. “Do you feel like some lunch? Do you want me to go and get something sorted for you? Just tell me where you normally go, and I will go out and get it.”

  “No way. You have done enough. I will order something to be delivered while I show you around and introduce you to my other partners, in other words my family. I apologize in advance for the Spanish Inquisition you will get from them. They are harmless and mean well. Grant looks and sounds scary but is really a softy on the inside. He just never shows it. My little brother, Luke, is the joker of the family and life is never serious with him around. He does fancy himself as a ladies’ man, so steer clear of him. Then you would have spoken to one of my sisters, Alesha, who set up the interview for me. She is the quiet but super-efficient one. My baby sister, Lilly, however, is very pushy and loves a good bit of gossip. She’ll love you and try to get to know all your dirty dark secrets in the first five minutes. Just ignore her.”

  If she really got to know my dirty dark secrets, she’d make sure I wouldn’t get anywhere near her brothers or the business. My nerves were on alert as Zach proceeded to order some sandwiches and coffee from a café down the road. There was no way they would find out my past, but it didn’t stop that familiar fear from growing in my stomach.

  I always felt I was never far from it.

  “Let’s get this tour and the introductions over with so then we can settle and enjoy our lunch. Not that I’m so sure I can stomach food, but maybe it will soak up some alcohol. Then, if possible, we can get a little work done this afternoon. I’m not sure if you realized you would be working today but I have lost a whole morning, so I could really use some help this afternoon, if that’s okay with you. As you can tell, my brain is not really working at its peak today.” Zach gave a small, pleading smile

  “Sure thing. I don’t have any plans today. Well, except for trying to get a new job. It seems I have ticked that off the list so the rest of the day, I’m all yours.” My nerves still peaked at the thought of meeting his family, but the sooner I got it over with, the better.

  “Okay, let me take you on the grand tour. We may just need to walk a little slow. My head is not liking fast movements in any direction today. Come to think of it, neither is my stomach.”

  We both chuckled, heading out of his office. Working with Zach was looking to be the best job I had ever had. It would be nice to laugh again.

  Chapter Three


  One thing I was good at, was getting over a bad mood. Life was too short to hold onto bad feelings. As much as Grant made me want to punch a wall in frustration, I’d never hold a grudge, or worry that he really meant to piss me off. That was just Grant.

  Zach was starting to carve out his own part of the business where he was really making a name for himself. He loved restoring old buildings. The character and heritage of the project remained, while he had the ability to incorporate modern technology. I was really proud of his achievements, and the industry was starting to sit up and take notice.

  That was what I needed to do, to find my specialty and what talent I could bring to the business. Then Grant would hopefully treat me as an equal. Well, at least on the same level as Zach. I wasn’t sure Grant would ever see us as equal to him.

  My office phone buzzed, surprising me at how quiet it had been today which had allowed me Time to do some actual work. It was Alesha.

  “Hey, Lesh, what’s up?”

  “I have booked in both your interviews for tomorrow as you asked. Grant wants the files when you’re ready. I just palmed him off and said he needed to get them from you. I’m not getting involved. So, get it sorted tomorrow, choose your assistant and get them signing the contract before he finds time to butt in. You didn’t hear any of that from me. I never even spoke to you, got it? Seriously, you boys need to sort this out. We aren’t teenagers anymore.” />
  “Thanks, sis. I appreciate you having my back. You just need to remind Grant that little Lukey is a big boy now.”

  “Well, well, well. He is still alive. Finally, he emerges from the interview.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked, confused over her change of topic.

  “Zach, stupid. He’s finally come out of his office after a four-hour interview, minus his shirt.”

  “What the fuck! I’m on my way.” The phone dropped from my hand and my feet were moving before Alesha had time to say goodbye. Here I was being lectured about ‘don’t pick a woman who will be a distraction’, yet Zach was interviewing someone where there’d been more happening in that office than just talking, by the sounds of it.

  My first instinct was to get the gossip on what happened. My second instinct was that I needed to be there for the fireworks and lecture from Grant. This was going to be fantastic. Moving at speed down the hallway, I could hear Lilly flat out asking questions, not giving the person a chance to answer.

  Grant and I met at the office door at the same time. We eyed each other and I could tell he had also moved on from our exchange this morning. That was what I loved about my family. We never allowed an argument to last too long. Grant entered the office before me, leaving me the last sibling to join the party. I moved to the side to see the person that held everyone’s attention.

  “Hi, guys. Grant, Luke, I would like you to meet my new assistant I hired just this morning. This is Zoe.”

  Zach moved to the side so we could shake her hand. Grant moved forward first, but I was frozen. I couldn’t stop staring at the stunning woman standing in front of me. Her eyes held me captive and I couldn’t look away. It was like I was in a bubble for a moment where no one else existed.


  I knew this would be a problem. This was why I was going to make sure no one hired her. This woman would be big trouble for me. I just knew it. How could I work alongside her and not want to do things with her that you shouldn’t ever think about doing to a co-worker, let alone an employee of the company you own?

  Staring at her, she looked as stunned as I was. The more I looked, the more there was something about her that I just couldn’t pinpoint. A feeling of familiarity even though we had never met. I shook my head trying to clear it. I needed to snap out of it before Grant noticed my weirdness around her.

  Stepping forward, I greeted the new assistant. “Sorry, Zoe, nice to meet you. I’m Luke and I’m the most intelligent and brilliant one of the partners here so if you ever need anything that these useless people can’t solve, then I am your man.” This had everyone laughing.

  “Well, lucky for Zoe, she is working for Zach and will never need your ‘brilliance’, Luke.” Grant spoke directly so we all payed attention. “Welcome to the company, Zoe. I hope you will be happy here. Just make sure you get all your contracts filled out and to Alesha so we can get you set up in the system.” Grant ran a hand through his hair and turned back to me. “Make sure I have those files on my desk later, Luke, so we get you organized for next week.” With that, he left the office.

  “What the…? I can’t believe he didn’t even ask the most obvious question. What the hell is going on with the clothes, people? There is no way Zoe was wearing those as interview clothes and, Zach, where’s your shirt?” I waited for an answer.

  I didn’t know if Zach knew her, but I was pretty confused. Confused on what was going on and definitely confused on the weird feelings of attraction, and something else…

  “What question?” Lilly stood to the side, nudging for my attention. She was obviously noticing I was a little distracted.

  “Come on, isn’t it obvious? What happened in that interview?”

  I stared at Zoe who looked flushed and nervous. Her eyes dropped to the floor and she couldn’t look up when I was talking.

  Zach looked to Zoe waiting for her to answer, and when she didn’t, he fumbled with a story about spilling coffee on both himself and Zoe before the interview. It sounded like total bullshit. I couldn’t quite place the vibe between them. I needed to get out of there, though. If there was something going on between Zoe and Zach, then half his luck. She was one hot woman I’d have liked to get to know. I would never get involved in anything between my brothers and a woman. It was time for me to worry about my own problems and forget about seeing Zoe and all the weird vibes.

  Again, I pulled out the humor which was always my safe go-to. When I felt uncertain about a situation, humor would always fill that gap. Now, I had gotten so good at it, humor was what people knew me for. I was the comedian of the family, the sibling who never took life seriously. If only they could see what was hiding behind the humor.

  “Yeah, okay, Zach. Whatever you say. Sounds pretty lame to me, but you stick with that. By the way, the bloodshot eyes are not a normal look for you, bro. I think you and I need a catch up later to have a little chat. I better get back to work. Nice to meet you, Zoe. I’ll see you around the office. Good luck with Zach.” She still couldn’t look up at me. There was more to this woman. I needed to watch out for her. If she was going to be around Zach, he didn’t need to be in another relationship with someone so secretive.

  His last girlfriend was a nightmare and left him gutted after the break-up. He never shared it all but whatever happened, he was hurt, and was now only just starting to get on his feet. Mind you, he looked like shit this morning and I couldn’t be sure what had happened.

  “Luke, you’re an idiot. That’s what happened. A little respect for Zoe, please.” Zach sounded annoyed at my innuendo.

  “Sorry, Zoe, gotta run. Catch you all later.” I needed to get out of there and back to my office. I was so off-balanced and not exactly sure why.

  Walking away, I heard Lilly telling Zoe not to take any notice of me, that I thought I was funny all the time even when sometimes I wasn’t. There was actually nothing funny in how I felt at the moment. Confused was a better word for it.

  What I did know for sure, working with Zoe was going to be a huge challenge. Just like I pictured the moment I saw her photo in that folder. Work just got a whole lot harder. In lots of ways.


  Meeting Alesha and Lilly settled my nerves a little. They were just like Zach said they’d be. They welcomed me with open arms and smiles, and Lilly came loaded with plenty of questions. She didn’t stop long enough for me to even answer one thing, which was actually good for me. That way, I had time to think about my answers for later. Sometimes, if put on the spot, I’d be caught off-guard and say things that I’d regret later.

  From interpreting Alesha’s phone call, I guessed Luke was on his way. I had to admit, the one I was most nervous about meeting was Grant. He would be my big boss and from what Zach said he sounded a bit stuck-up and arrogant. I was used to dealing with men who thought they were powerful and had all the control, but not in this sort of environment. That was in another life. In this life, I didn’t have that same confidence. I would never go back there, so I would have to be brave and ensure I didn’t get pushed around by Grant.

  From the morning spent with Zach, I knew he wouldn’t let that happen. He had a kind soul and was good-natured. The heavy footsteps that approached brought on the butterflies again. It sounded like there was more than one person coming. I sucked in a deep breath, stood tall, and pulled my shoulders back. Two men came through the door towards me. The first would have to be the uptight Grant. Dressed well in his suit and tie, I could tell he had that controlling air about him. The other man was behind him, who I couldn’t see well.

  Grant came straight to me and welcomed with a handshake. You could tell he was looking at me, wondering about my attire, but didn’t want to make a scene. I was certain Zach was going to get asked into his office or a phone call to explain, shortly. I could see the man that had been described to me, but I also didn’t feel threatened by him at all. It remained to be seen how he would act toward me when we were alone. My vibes, however, told me I had nothing t
o worry about. Time would tell.

  After greeting me and saying his piece, Grant stepped aside.

  Then I saw him. My heart stopped, my stomach rolled.

  No, no, no, no, no, NOOOOOO! I screamed in my head.

  It couldn’t possibly be him. Not now, not here.

  His eyes pinned me, my body tingling all over, partly with fear, but mostly from a lust that had never left me. He came forward and shook my hand. The touch was so familiar. Like coming home. My body had never forgotten that feeling.

  I had buried the memories of that touch, believing I would never feel it again.

  I dropped my eyes to stop my body reacting in ways that would expose me. I could feel the heat in my cheeks, the panic starting to take over my body and overpower all the good feelings that had initially been there.

  Maybe I was mistaken. It had been a few years and my mind had been in a different place. I prayed to a god I wasn’t sure even existed that I was wrong. I looked up again briefly, before dropping my head back down.

  There was definitely no mistake. This Luke, the one who stood in front of me, was that Luke. The one from my dreams. The one whose face I’d never forgotten. The only one who ever made an impression. His face was etched in my mind. The strong jawline that ran down to the square chin, the high cheek bones that framed the eyes that made me stop breathing.

  My mind had never forgotten that first moment I saw him, where I tried to walk away. For some reason, his voice just made me turn and follow. I knew then, that it was a bad idea, but couldn’t stop. Now, my greatest fear in life, had finally come true. I had moved far away from that town and that life so that no one would ever have the chance of knowing. I could finally be the real me. Just Zoe. Zoe who just wanted to feel normal and feel like she could fit in. I thought this place might be it. A place I could stop running from, where my past would no longer be able to find me.


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