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Time For Love Box Set

Page 82

by Karen Deen

  “Of course. Is someone a little excited?”

  “I feel so special. Thank you for taking me on my first plane ride, I will never forget today.”

  “I plan on making many more memories with you that you will never forget.” Walking onto the plane, I guided her to her seat. I couldn’t help smile at how happy she was. Listening to Grant complain was worth it, just for that smile.

  After the excitement, Zoe fell asleep on my shoulder. I loved having her close to me and watching her sleep. Her face was so much more relaxed now than the first time she’d slept in my arms. Although she looked settled, she didn’t look completely at peace.

  “Luke, can you tell me where we’re going, yet? The surprise is starting to make me nervous.” She fidgeted in the car seat, wringing her hands together. The excitement had given way to some nerves. If there was one thing that put her off-balance, it was having no control. I was learning to find the balance with her along the way. Spontaneity, but only in small doses.

  “Okay, here is what we’re doing. Now, you need to hear every part of the plan before you freak out. You will love this, I promise, you just have to trust me.” Her face changed from joy to uncertainty.

  “Luke, what’s going on?” Even her voice sounded a little shaky.

  “Remember, trust me. In around ten minutes, we’re going to arrive at Andrew’s place.” Her face along with her body showed its apprehension. “Don’t panic. We aren’t staying with him. I’ve hired a boat from him, that’s all. I’m talking you sailing for a few days. Just the two of us. Alone on a beautiful boat, out under the stars. Swimming with the dolphins during the day and laying in the sun. Just the two of us and no one else.” I waited for her to say something, anything to give me a clue.

  “So, he won’t be near us while we are away? I will only see him for a short time?” Nodding, I see her body slightly relax. “The boat does sound pretty special. Do you even know how to sail?” There she was.

  “You know how awesome I am at everything, Zoe. Have I ever let you down? Of course, I know how to sail. Well, kind of. A little.”

  “Great, I’m going to die. You’re going to sail us off into the sunset, never to return because you have no idea how to turn the boat around. What part of being a captain did you learn at college?”

  She made me laugh. “Not a damn thing. If you want to know the truth, there’s a captain who will sail us out to a secluded cove, anchor us there, then come back in a few days and sail us home. In the meantime, we get use of the boat, the jet skis, and get to be all by ourselves. Do you think you can handle that?” Waiting for her reaction, my mind was already in overdrive thinking of the things I wanted to do with her when we were finally alone. I hoped she wasn’t expecting to be able to walk when we returned.

  We continued chatting until we reached the marina where Andrew was still working in the office, waiting for us.

  “Luke, it’s dark. We aren’t going to sail tonight, are we?”

  “No, baby. Tonight, we sleep on the boat in the marina, then in the morning as the sun rises, we set sail. Relax. I’ve got this under control.” The roll of her eyes told me she didn’t exactly believe me.

  Opening her car door, I pulled her up into my arms. “I can’t wait to have you all to myself. Naked and screaming my name as loud as you like because no one will hear you. What do you say?”

  “Now that sounds like I could get used to holidays if that’s what they’re going to be like.” Snuggling into my chest, I felt her uncertainty.

  “Let’s get settled on the boat, shall we?”

  “Lead the way, Captain Luke.”

  Walking toward the marina office, the lights were on and I could see Andrew still at his desk. From talking to him, it wasn’t uncommon for him to be here late, while his brother was off God-knew-where. No wonder Andrew still liked to party hard when he went out for the night. He was stuck in this role that I was sure he didn’t want.

  The door opening alerted him to our arrival. Glancing up, he looked like shit.

  “Wow, man, I think you might be the one who needs a holiday. When was the last time you had a day off or took a break? Where’s Peter? Shouldn’t he be helping?”

  “Hey, guys. Thanks for the compliments. Peter? That useless piece of shit is never around. I just wished he would speak up and tell Dad he didn’t want to be here. Then I could hire some help. Anyway, you don’t need to hear my troubles. How are you two going?”

  Squeezing Zoe in close around the shoulders, she smiled up at me.

  “We’re both doing really great. Zoe just bought a house, yesterday. We’re going back from here to tell the whole family about us. Life is pretty awesome at the moment.”

  “Well, I’m glad someone’s life is on track and you’re getting plenty.”

  “Andrew.” I wouldn’t let him wreck this for Zoe. “Respect, mate.”

  “Sorry, Zoe. I’m still getting used to this guy being so grown up and sensible. It’s fucking annoying. Anyway, let’s get you onto the boat so I can head out for a few drinks and see if I can find someone to take away my worries for the night.”

  “You wonder why you don’t have a girlfriend. Maybe you need to think about the way you treat the women you go out prowling for,” Zoe snapped at him. For fuck’s sake, these two couldn’t even be in the same room without things getting ugly fast.

  “Andrew, enough. Keep it to yourself. Zoe, stop it. He only says it to wind you up so ignore him.” I felt like a referee between the two. “Now, let’s find the boat. I will carry our bags. Lead the way, Andrew.”

  After showing us around, Andrew turned to leave, ensuring he pissed Zoe off one more time.

  “Guess I’ll leave you two to get it on, while I go find some poor defenceless woman to attack for the night. You know none of them can resist my charm.” Chuckling, he climbed over the side of the boat and disappeared. Zoe groaned behind me, preparing her rant. Holding my finger up, I showed her I didn’t want to hear it.

  “Don’t. Just ignore it.” Grabbing her hand, I took her down into the boat’s cabin, deciding to take her mind off him by kissing her passionately until we found ourselves laying on the couch, tangled in each other. The heat between us, rising quickly.

  “These few days are about us and no one else, Zoe. Just focus on us. Okay?” I whispered in her ear. I ran my tongue down her neck, feeling her pulse. “Can you do that for me, kitten?” My mouth travelled down her V-neck shirt. Her breathing changed, her body responding to my every touch. That’s what we were after. Just us with no one in between. That’s it, baby girl, let’s have some fun.

  Chapter Thirty-Two


  Water lapped against the side of the boat and faint noises above stirred me awake. Luke made sure he took my attention away from everything except him last night. I didn’t even get to explore the boat before he had me distracted with his sensual kisses. Those kisses always turned into way more than a little embrace. Making our way to the bed in the main cabin, he continued to ravage me to the point of multiple orgasms and exhaustion.

  Rolling over, Luke lay on top of the blankets, dressed and looking very pleased with himself.

  “Did I wear you out last night?”

  “Always so cocky, aren’t we?” His smirk was actually quite cute. Even when he tried to be a comedian, I saw right through him.

  “Well, my cock has every right to be cocky this morning. He did a stellar job last night of relaxing you and sending you to sleep. I am actually pretty proud of him. There should be some award for his effort, I think.”

  “Seriously, you’re crazy. Now, come here and kiss me good morning.” Grabbing his shirt, I pulled him towards me and took what I wanted from him. I quickly learned it was okay to show my sexual side with Luke. If I wanted him, I shouldn’t be afraid to let him know. He would take control no matter how hard I tried but I loved letting him know what I wanted. I retained some control over my sexuality. It was healthy for me.”

  Breaking apart, I w
as full of questions.

  “What’s happening this morning? Why are you dressed? Is that a motor I can hear? Where are we going?”

  “Woah, slow down, you’re sounding like Sammy. I do love that you’re like an excited kid, though. I got up to meet the captain. He’s currently motoring us out of the marina. Then, we will set sail and get to our destination. Yes, I’m dressed because I didn’t think he would appreciate me stark naked while we discussed the sailing instructions. He may have gotten confused as to what mast we were talking about.”

  “You idiot.”

  “Also, being the good boyfriend I am, I prepared some breakfast for you to eat in bed. How does that sound? Now, lay back while I feed you.”

  I didn’t know what I did to deserve Luke in my life. Maybe it was the universe saying sorry for giving me shitty parents. Here you go, we’ll make it up to you by giving you a sexy hot boyfriend who will love and take care of you. Whatever the reason, I’d take it with both hands.

  “I think I like this whole holiday idea, Luke. Now feed me, my servant boy.” Wriggling up the bed, he produced a tray from the floor with fruit, toast and juice.

  “Once you get through this, we will take a coffee upstairs and enjoy the view while we head up the coast.”

  The sun was only just rising, but already today was shaping up to be amazing. I thought I would just do I as I was told. Lay back and be fed like a queen.

  We anchored in a secluded cove about an hour up the coast from Black Box. A beautiful white sandy beach laid out in front of us. The captain was gone and finally, we had the paradise to ourselves. Luke looked like he could eat me alive.

  “Steady on there, big boy. We have plenty of time for that later. I want to go for a swim, explore the beach, ride the jet ski, and if you’re a good boy, you might get a special treat after.”

  “Like it’s even a question, little Miss Bossy. There will be treats today and dessert with every meal. Now, if you want to go swimming, I suggest you get organized, otherwise, if you take too long, I might just throw you in.” His smirk looked too convincing.

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Oh, yes I would. You know I would. Now get your little butt down below. You have two minutes to change, otherwise I will be down to escort you to the water. Starting now.” I let out a little scream and he slapped my backside as I ran past him in a hurry.

  Rummaging through the bag for my swimmers, I heard him yell from above. “One minute and forty seconds.”

  Shit, where were they? I know I packed in a hurry, and Luke said we could always buy things here, so I wasn’t really stressed about checking that I had everything.

  “One minute fifteen seconds,” his voice echoed into the cabin.

  Shit. They’ve got to be here. My hand suddenly felt the lycra of the bikini bottoms. Thank God. Pulling it free and stripping off my clothes, I still madly searched my bag. Where the hell was the top? It had to be there. If I packed the bottom, I would have packed the top.

  “Thirty seconds and counting down, baby.” I couldn’t let him win. Maybe I could wear a t-shirt. That would look so old lady. Not the image I wanted to present to Luke for the first time he saw me in swimmers, and on our first day of holidays. “Ten, nine, eight,” he started the countdown.

  Okay, Luke, let’s see how you like these swimmers.

  Taking a deep breath, I head up the stairs to the deck, repeating the words from my doctor. Sometimes you just need to step out of your comfort zone. So here I went.

  “Two, one… Fuck. Me!”

  “Nope, no fucking, just swimming, you agreed. Do you like my swimmers? Or, lack thereof? Couldn’t find the top, so today for the first time in my life, may I present, topless Zoe.” There was no one around except Luke but it didn’t make me any less nervous.

  “I’m not sure what to say other than you look so freakin’ sexy. You are a vision of what every teenage boy’s wet dreams are made of. Maybe not just teenage boys, either. Pretty sure that vision will get plenty of air time in my dreams.” Slowly, he inched toward me.

  “Come here, baby, let me check out those swimmers for quality control. I’m not sure the top has been checked properly.”

  With every step back, he stepped forward. Not having much room on the deck, I realized I was stuck and had to give in. “Remember the deal? You had to be a good boy before you got treats.”

  “Oh, yeah, I’m good at being a naughty boy. Let me show you.” His mouth dropped to my breast and licked my hard nipple, before moving to the other side. The breeze blowing across them while they were wet had me tingling all over. “Now, as much as I love the sight in front of me and could play with you all day, maybe this is more appropriate in case anyone is around.” With that, he presented my bikini top hanging from his fingers.

  “Luke, you’re so cheeky. You drive me crazy. You just wanted to throw me in the water, didn’t you? Well, guess what? Maybe I don’t want to wear it now. You can suffer. Look, but not touch. See who wins now, big boy.” With that, I turned and dived over the side of the boat.

  “You’re one crazy chick. Get your ass back up here and get dressed. I’m not sharing you with anyone.” The last few words were a bit more heated than when he started.

  “Well, you should have thought of that first. You want me dressed, you’ll have to try and make me. Come and get me.” I started swimming toward the beach. Hearing a splash behind me, I knew I was in trouble. I couldn’t remember a time in my life where I felt so relaxed and carefree, happy and loved like I never could have imagined.

  There was no way I’d ever be making it out of the water without my top on. After a lot of playing in the water trying to resist, I gave in and we made it to shore. Laying in the sun on the sand in Luke’s arms, it certainly felt like paradise.

  “Let me get you back to the boat for some lunch and maybe an afternoon nap.” Luke pulled me off the sand and hooked my arms around his shoulders. “Hold on and I will give you a turtle ride back. You just relax and glide with me.” Yes, I was in heaven.

  The rest of the day was spent on the boat, getting to know each other more and not just in the bedroom. We talked about our dreams, our plans for now, and the future. Luke wanted to help me renovate the house. I’d always wanted to do it myself so no one could take it away from me. The longer Luke and I were together, the more I wanted him by my side. He didn’t have a bad bone in his body and would never hurt me. Thinking about fixing up my house with Luke had me more excited than what I was when I bought it.

  Luke made us a beautiful dinner and we sat under the stars eating together. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, the air completely still. All we could hear was the water gently lapping against the boat. Curled up on the cushions, staring at the sky, a thought came to mind.

  “When I was a little girl, the times when everything felt hard, I would look out my bedroom window to the stars. They were so beautiful up there in the sky. I would think they were just twinkling for me. They were the only beauty I saw in the world. I took comfort in knowing that no matter what my parents said or did, they could never take away my stars. They were mine. Then as I got older and was on my own and felt scared, I would go and watch the stars again. They always shone down on me and kept me safe, so I trusted they would do it again. I needed something to believe in that was good in this world. This was it.” My hand slowly moved across the sky.

  Luke didn’t talk, he just held me tight. He didn’t need to say anything. I could feel everything he wanted to say just through his touch.

  The rocking of the boat was so soothing that we drifted off to sleep on the deck. During the night, as the cool air blew off the ocean, I snuggled in closer and Luke pulled the rug over us. We were in a little cocoon together preparing to grow and spread our wings into our new life.

  The sun peeked over the horizon. I had no idea what time it was. The early morning glow started warming the air around us. Burying into Luke a little more, he stirred a little and pulled me tighter, wrapping the blanket aro
und me. Even when he was asleep, he ensured I was looked after.

  Sweat ran down my back as I opened my eyes to bright sunshine. After drifting off in the early morning the sun had risen, the heat beating down on us still wrapped in the blanket.

  “Luke, we need to get up. You’re cooking me in your little blanket oven.”

  “Mmm, what if I don’t want to let you go? Can’t we just stay here a little longer.”

  “Only if you strip that blanket off so I am not cooked like a roast”

  “Did I hear you say I need to strip you?”

  Swatting his chest, I laughed at him. “Any excuse for you to get naked.”

  “Baby, I don’t need any excuse. I am happy to get naked with you whenever you want. You just have to say where and when, I’m there.”

  “Like that is ever in doubt.”

  The stillness of the serenity was broken by the noise of an outboard motor approaching on a boat with a few people on board. Luke bolted upright, trying to work out what was going on. His protective mode kicking in.

  “Zoe, go below and get dressed. Stay down there until I tell you to come up, please. You know where the radio is, and the emergency beacon if you need it.” He was scaring me now.

  “No, I’m not leaving you up here alone.”

  The look on his face told me everything. “Do it. Now! No questions. They are probably nobody, but I’m not taking chances. Move!”

  Scampering down into the cabin, I threw him a shirt to put on. Dressed and sitting right next to the radio, I heard the other boat pulling up alongside us. A conversation ensued but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Then, extra pairs of footsteps could be heard on deck.

  “Zoe, it’s okay. Come up here. It’s all safe.” My heart pounded as I slowly edged up the stairs.

  There were two men on deck, with a woman and another two men in the boat, one of those being the captain who brought us out here.

  “Sorry, ma’am. We didn’t mean to scare you. We were expecting another gentleman on the boat with maybe a woman held against her will.” My eyes darted to Luke in confusion. What were they talking about?


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