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Time For Love Box Set

Page 99

by Karen Deen

  “I wish I knew for sure if it was me that left the door unlocked. I’m normally so cautious in everything I do, it just doesn’t sit well with me. But maybe, just maybe, I wasn’t concentrating this morning. So frustrating not knowing if it was me or not.” Dropping her head in her hands, I can see the frustration.

  “Nothing has been touched so Kane doesn’t seem worried. Let’s go with it being you and it’s all fine now. That way you can move on from the stress of it.” I lean forward and put my arm around her. “Let’s talk about the far more interesting topic of me. Even better, the exciting topic of you and me. Now that’s worth talking about. Don’t you think?”

  The corners of her mouth start creeping up her face.

  “Well, it is a happier subject I must say.”

  “Happy? I’m ecstatic, beautiful. We are going to have so much fun getting to know each other.” In my head I’m thinking, getting to know you inside and outside will be more than fun, it’s going to be freaking amazing.

  “I feel like I already know you. Even in just a few days.” Her little giggle gets me every time.

  “Oh, my little Ally, there is so much more for you to know. The good, the bad and the extremely handsome,” I say, puffing out my chest to get her laughing more.

  “Pretty sure that was supposed to be ugly, but then that doesn’t match you, so your version is far better.” Not sure where this extra confidence keeps coming from, but I like it. I like it a lot.

  “Very cheeky, but very funny.” I touch the tip of her nose and the drop a little peck on her cheek.

  “How are we going to do this, Xavier?” Alesha’s face turns a little more serious. I can’t have her taking this into her head, starting to overthink us.

  “I can tell you how we won’t be doing it. That’s stressing and worrying. Panicking in our heads on every little problem that arises.” Her shoulders drop a little, the tension relieving a little, the more I talk. “Instead, what we are going to do is the same as what we have been already doing. That is just spending time together doing things we enjoy. Not much will change except now I get to hold your hand, hold you close and kiss those sexy lips. The rest will happen when the time is right, and you tell me you’re ready. In the meantime, we will have fun. I can assure you of that.” This time I can’t resist those lips. I reach over and run my fingers through her hair and pull her to me. “Fun. Just. Like. This.” My mouth gently placing kisses on her face and then taking what I was longing for. I was supposed to be holding back but it’s near impossible every time I taste her. I just want more. It’s a feeling like I have been starved for so long that I can’t stop as soon as I touch her.

  Then the moan escapes from her mouth. Fuck me. My balls tighten and already feel like they are going to explode. If Ally keeps moaning like that, it might just happen. My hands start to grip tighter in her hair. So many visions are in my head. Some very sinful but sexy ones.

  Just like before, the little sensible man in my head tells me to pull back. Let her breathe and make her a coffee. He and I will definitely have words before long. I listen this time, but it won’t always be the case. That I can assure him.

  “I need to make you a coffee.” I pant a little. Trying to hold it together. “Are you okay with that? Have we talked enough?” She nods. A little glow lighting up her face.

  “I’ll do it.”

  “Not a chance, now sit. I’ll manage.” She hesitates but sits back into the sofa. “Let me remember your order. Skim latte with one sugar. Is that it?”

  “Very good. You pay attention. A rare quality in a man.”

  “Hey, watch it. I hope you mean present company excluded.” I’m up heading into the kitchen. “Otherwise I’m holding this coffee for ransom.”

  “Umm, no sane man will keep a coffee from a woman at six thirty am who has already had a rough start to the day. Coffee, slave, now!”

  That little demanding voice, although meant to be a joke makes me want to groan out loud. I hope that voice comes back when I have her naked and wanting. Nothing hotter than a woman who tells you what she wants. All those treasures are yet to be discovered.

  Ally’s kitchen is exactly as I expect. In complete order. Every cupboard is sorted according to height and colour. I think if I looked hard enough, I would find the food to be in alphabetical order. Wait until she sees my cupboards. They are neat but there is no organisation. What’s the point, I say? As long as they are in the right cupboard and clean, then no problems.

  I make quick work of the coffee and check the cupboards to see if I can find a bagel or something to make Ally a breakfast. Starting the day on a full stomach is really important. Too many people, my clients included, skip breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. Now I’m starting to sound like my mom. There is some cereal, which I quickly top with fruit and yoghurt. Getting everything ready to take to her, I feel her presence behind me.

  “What are you doing in here? You are either really slow at making coffee, going through all my cupboards spying trying to work me out, or just up to something. Which is it?” There was no real questioning in her voice, more a little humour at what my answer will be.

  “Ah, now isn’t it supposed to be the bathroom cupboards you snoop through, not the kitchen? If you must know, I was preparing you breakfast. I can’t have my girl going to work on an empty stomach. I hope this is all right?” I hold up the bowl and coffee.

  “Xavier, that is really lovely of you.” She looks shocked at my gesture. “If you’re trying to score points then this gets you extra bonus points.”

  “Wow, you are easy to score with.” Ally bursts out laughing. I wonder what is so funny until I realize what I just said. “So, you think that is funny, missy, do you?” I put the breakfast and coffee on the bench and grab her around the waist. “You’ve been hiding your cheekiness, haven’t you? Let’s see what else you been hiding, hmm. Like if you’re ticklish or not? I think I can find that out really quickly.”

  Alesha starts squirming, trying to get away from me. Still giggling but now wriggling, which is a dead giveaway.

  “So, you’re not good at concealing your little secrets either, are you?” My fingers start moving on her sides, trying to find her spot that is going to have her fall in a heap with laughter and no control. The more effort I put in, the more she is still trying to get away.

  “You’ll never find it,” she blurts out in between breaths.

  “There are a few challenges that have been laid out this morning. This one you can guarantee I will win. Or have fun trying.” I ease up a little because time is getting away from us, the coffee is getting cold.

  “Giving up already?”

  “Never. Just postponing for another day. We need to get you to work sometime today so your brother Grant doesn’t want to kill me.” She starts to suck in big breaths and let them out slowly to stop the laughing. I lean closer to her, my hands still on her waist. “I bet the first time I have you naked I find that ticklish spot, and when I do, you are going to wish it was still a secret.” I give her a quick peck on her lips then pull away. Looking at her eyes widen as she gets her breathing under control. I pick up the coffee, place it in her hands. “Drink, beautiful. You are going to need it. Today is going to feel like a long day.” Leading her to the table with her bowl, she sits down still looking at me with amazement.

  “Where did you come from, Xavier?” she whispers. “You’re like a dream.”

  I tuck the strand of hair that is hanging free behind her ear while leaning down.

  “I’m no dream, baby, I’m real and don’t plan on going anywhere. Listen to the universe, that’s what I’m doing.” Kissing her slowly on the forehead, eyes closed, I take in the moment. “Now eat.” I chuckle as I pull back.

  With breakfast eaten, Ally proves she is nothing like my sister when she is getting ready to leave the house. She was slightly out in her estimation of time. Eleven minutes and forty-five seconds after entering her bedroom, she exited looking hot in her bu
siness power suit and ready for action. She was disappointed she didn’t make the ten minutes. I let her off and said we can practice her getting dressed in the morning. Ally just rolled her eyes at me, collecting her briefcase and handbag.

  I was surprised she didn’t complain about me driving her to the office. However, when we go there, she isn’t so excited about me telling her family about the drama of the morning. I want to make sure she is safe, and she doesn’t want anyone to know she was silly enough not to lock the door. Her being hopeless had nothing to do with it. It was more like she was in a little shock at her findings. Either way, she was adamant that I not say anything. I agreed for today but if Kane finds anything that makes me more concerned, then I’m letting her brothers know, at least. There is no way she can keep that from them. Plus, if I kept it from them and anything happened, then I would never forgive myself and they wouldn’t either.

  After a few minutes in the car, and Alesha again refusing to let me walk her up to her office, we part with a quick kiss. At least I got her to agree to let me pick her up after work. I have a few clients this afternoon so she is going to work a little later and then I will swing past and grab her. Tonight, I want to take her out for a date, but I didn’t want to overwhelm her this morning, so I kept that to myself as a surprise. Just dinner, nice and casual. The two of us enjoying a good meal, chatting and laughing. A good way to finish off the day. I think it will help her relax after what has already been a weird day and there’s still so many hours left.

  Watching her walk into the doors of the building, I can’t help but admire that ass. I’ve never had particular fantasies before, just the normal guy ones we all have. Watching Ally in that business suit, I’m picturing a very interesting fantasy that includes her and her office desk. Starting with me in the office chair and her on her knees. Hmm. I really need to snap out of this dream. Not the look I need to walk back into the gym, with a cock that will look like he can lift his own dumbbell weight.

  Time to see if I can work out what the hell is going on with this whole Dana situation. God, I hope I’m overacting. Maybe she’s just a lonely lady who needs friends. If that’s the case, she needs to find new friends because I’m not interested, and I don’t want her anywhere near my friends now.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “Where have you been? You ditched me at the gym with Nat telling me some story that made no sense. Then you don’t answer your phone. No messages, no calls. What the hell, Lesh, I was worried. You never do things like that. I was just about to get the boys to go searching for you!” Lilly rants at me as soon as I enter the office. If today hasn’t been loony enough already, now I get to deal with a frantic Lilly.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t hear my phone. I didn’t get any messages.” Rummaging in my bag to check my phone, there are fourteen missed calls and at least twenty texts. The words are getting crankier as I scroll down the screen. Checking my phone, it had been clicked to silent which must have happened in all the confusion with Kane and Xavier checking out the Facebook page.

  “I’m fine. Sorry to worry you. I had no idea my phone ended up on silent.”

  “Why didn’t you message me when you left the gym. I mean, we know Xavier and I trust him, but you left with him and I don’t even know his last name or where he lives or anything. You better start talking and fast, before I change my mind about forgiving you.”

  I’m not sure I’ve ever heard Lilly so worked up about anything before. The look on her face is one I would expect on my mom after the boys did something stupid when we were growing up. She has that angry stance of feet slightly apart, shoulders back and hands on the hips. Like she is about to go to war with me. Not sure when it happened that Lilly swapped places with me and became the responsible one in this sister relationship.

  “Lilly, calm down. You’re being ridiculous and a little like a drama queen. Now sit down and I will explain. It’s really quite simple and you don’t need to worry.” Hmpf is the reply I get from her as she turns and pulls forward her desk chair.

  “This better be good,” she mumbles as she gets comfortable while I put my bag down and grab my chair.

  “Stop it and listen.” I’m not in the mood for her melodramatics.

  “Whatever.” Rolling her eyes, she waits for me to start.

  “I was waiting for Xavier this morning, checking my social media. I had a friend request for a Dana, and I didn’t know who she was. You know how cautious I am with adding people I don’t know, so I checked out her profile that was on public. I nearly dropped my phone. Her whole wall is photos of her and Xavier in the gym, or just Xavier on his own. It’s so weird. The photos make them look like they are a couple. The way she has her hands on him at times makes me want to puke.” I can see Lilly had totally changed her attitude now and is leaning forward in her chair, waiting for more of the story.

  “When Xavier picked me up, I told him about it, and he freaked. He had no idea. It was a shock to him. He is worried about me because if she is some obsessed weirdo then she might try to do something to me because we are spending time together.” I fail to say the word dating. I think I’ll keep that detail to myself this morning. My sister is already wound up enough. I can imagine if I give her that piece of information, there will be a mini explosion in the place where she is currently sitting. I’m sure she will be happy, but the excitement will be way too over the top for this time of the morning. I suppose it beats being yelled at.

  “So, in his freaking out he didn’t want to see Dana this morning or risk me seeing her so he took me home until he could get his head around it. He also talked to his best mate who is a policeman. He is going to check her out. It’s probably nothing. We all know what women are like trying to outdo each other. She is probably just trying to make her friends think he is her boyfriend or something stupid like that.” I look up at Lilly’s face after checking out my hands while I was talking. I didn’t want her to know there was more to it that I wasn’t sharing. She knows me too well and would be able to spot my tells if I were looking at her.

  “Wait. You took him home to your apartment this morning, then went radio silent with your phone. Are you sure there is something else that you aren’t telling me? Did you and Xavier get it on, getting nice and sweaty while I was being trained within an inch of my life by Nat? You better give me every detail, Lesh.” Of course, that’s what she automatically thinks. Now, how do I get out of this one without fumbling over my words? I’m not ready to share the kiss yet. It’s too private and special. I’m still processing it in my head. I can still feel his lips on mine. His hands on my waist. His breath on my cheeks. His heartbeat as he wrapped me in his safe place. A feeling I’ve never encountered before. The hugs from your parents are ones filled with love and a safe place, but this was different. Like my soul was being enveloped by his. He fit perfectly around me. I didn’t want to leave.

  “Wow, where did you go to?”

  “What?” I snap back

  “You were thinking about something and your whole face changed. There is no way you were in the room with me. It must have been a big morning.”

  “You have no idea,” I mumble.

  “Alesha, you are holding out on me. I know it. What have you done with my sensible predictable sister?” Lilly is laughing at me now. She can see I am so far out of my comfort zone it’s not funny. “Come on, spill.” She is up and next to me at the desk. Hands on my shoulders. That stupid look where it beats down all my defences.

  “He kissed me, all right!” I blurt out. Damn. Bloody Lilly.

  “Argghhh!” Lilly screams and pulls me to my feet. She is all over me, hugging me. “I knew he was perfect for you. He will bring you to life. Wait till I tell the others.” Starting to pull away, I grab her arm hard.

  “Stop right there. Don’t you dare. Can you just keep this between us for a little bit? It’s just a lot at the moment. I need time to get used to this. Especially before the boys get hold of it, oh God, and Mom. P
lease don’t tell Mom. She will be all over him and scare him away.”

  “That’s where you are wrong. If he can put up with me, then he will manage Mom no problem. Dad’s the scary one. You think he is going to be cool with boys dating his little princesses? He will fall over the girls the boys bring home but any poor guy who seriously wants to date us, he will be watching like a hawk. He’s the one Xavier needs to be scared of, oh and Grant, of course. Actually, that might be funny. Xavier is already watching Grant with Zara and now the shoe will be on the other foot. Oh, I think I might need popcorn for this one.”

  “Lilly, Jesus. Focus, woman. Please let’s just keep it a secret for a little bit. Give me time to settle in being his girlfriend, and then I’ll tell them. Okay? You promise?” I hold up both pinkies. This is serious and everyone knows that pinky promises can’t be broken, especially with your sister.

  “Hang on. Did you say girlfriend? Holy shit, Lesh. You really like this guy, don’t you?”

  Oh my God. Sometimes I wonder about my sister’s intelligence. It’s like the lightbulb just turned on in her head.

  “Yes, Lilly, I really like Xavier. There is something about him. I don’t know how to describe it. It’s an amazing feeling when I’m with him. We just fit perfectly. I’ve lost my nervousness, well, most of the time around him. I can talk to him, touch him and it just feels so right.” I had no intention of telling Lilly any of this, but I think I just needed to talk to someone, so it came out. I don’t have many friends, so it is only ever going to be Lilly or Emily I talk to about anything big in my life. Lilly has totally changed how she is acting.


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