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Time For Love Box Set

Page 118

by Karen Deen

  Now it’s my turn to punch Xavier in the arm.

  “Jesus, man, you could have warned me about Lilly. That she was coming with you and she’s wearing a sexy-as-sin dress that’s going to keep me hard all night. You better tell me straight right now if I need to back off. I’m going to need to have a very strong drink to get through tonight if that’s the case.” I can’t believe how serious the words are coming out of my mouth. I’m not saying them as a joke.

  “Buddy, she’s not my sister, but I know if you do anything to hurt her, not only will you answer to me, but she has three brothers I wouldn’t cross. Along with a father that won’t hold back or care that you carry a gun. So, besides that, you’re good to go. All I will say is, good luck, though. She won’t be as easy as you think. Lilly is a strong, feisty woman who has no intention of settling down anytime soon.”

  Music to my ears. “That’s good to know because neither am I. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun along the way, now does it.” He just rolls his eyes at me and smirks as he relays our drink order to the bartender. “What, you don’t think the old Kane charm will work on her? I think you underestimate the power of my manly body and amazing witty personality.”

  “Maybe I should order a bucket too for the bullshit that’s coming out of your mouth. Self-confidence is not your weak point, is it?” Sticking fingers in his mouth, he pretends to gag on the bullshit.

  “Well, unless my mother is here, no one else is going to tell people how awesome I am, so I need to take on the role myself. It’s not as if you’re going to be my wingman, are you? That would involve you taking your eyes and thoughts off Alesha, and we both know that’s not going to happen, is it?”

  “Fuck no!” We both chuckle and head back to the girls, drinks in hand. They are both deep in conversation, leaning into each other so they can hear what they’re saying, or maybe it’s so we can’t hear what they’re saying. Pulling up the stool next to Lilly and placing her drink down in front of her, she looks over at me with a smile that I’m not quite sure how to take.

  “How come you’re in New York?” Alesha leans over to me to get my attention. As usual in bars, the music is loud which makes conversation a little difficult at times.

  “Work conference that was totally boring but unfortunately a necessary evil. We need to keep ahead of the changes. I’m glad it’s over now. Xavier mentioned you were heading out here for the weekend, so I decided to stay an extra few days. I’m surprised he didn’t tell you. Mind you, he didn’t tell me Lilly was coming either.” We both stare at each other as it dawns on us. What is he trying to achieve here? That’s the question. Alesha’s mouth curves up in a small cheeky smile. Great, she’s going to join onto the Xavier matchmaking bandwagon. He is such a girl, seriously. He knows I don’t do relationships and I can’t believe he’s trying to encourage a one-night stand with his girlfriend’s sister. Not his style at all.

  Alesha leans back against Xavier, taking a sip of her drink. Looking like the cat that ate the canary. Lilly hasn’t said anything since we came back with the drinks. She’s surveying the dance floor, her foot tapping to the music, not paying me one bit of attention. Well, two can play at this game. I continue to chat to Alesha and Xavier, waiting for her to turn back to join in.

  “You should have come to the show, Kane. Zara was so beautiful up there. How those girls get their legs so high in the air while they dance, I will never know.” Alesha smiles.

  “Whoa, hang on! Why wasn’t I invited, Xavier? To a show with girls in skimpy outfits that lift their legs in the air for the crowd? Umm, please explain what part of friendship you don’t understand to help a brother out.” Xavier is laughing, holding his stomach at my outburst, but the person whose attention I was looking for I’ve grabbed hook, line and sinker. I can tell by the look in her eyes. She is ready to pounce.

  “You are joking, aren’t you?” Lilly screams over the music. “What a disgusting thing to say. Those women are artists who spend years of training perfecting their talent only for you to make it all sleazy about their looks and what you get off on.” I can see the steam coming from her ears. She would slap me if she weren’t in public and a respectable lady. I was hoping just to get her to join the conversation, but I got way more than I bargained for. “Totally not the kind of guy I was expecting,” I hear her murmur.

  I can’t decide if I should string her along a bit more and really get her going, or tell her the truth. I can now see what Xavier meant about how she was going to be a handful, but I’m sure it’ll be a lot of fun to get to know her better.

  Nah, let’s have some fun first.

  “What do you mean? Surely they would love to know men were there to look at them dance and admire their beauty.” Xavier by this stage is trying to keep a straight face and not look at me. He knows I’m provoking Lilly and he’s enjoying the show. Alesha, on the other hand, looks a little shocked at the words coming out of my mouth. She’s known me for a short while, but she’s now wondering if she’s seeing the man she thinks she knows.

  “Are you kidding? Do you think they’re up there just to dance for men’s pleasure? If they want to do that, they can just go and dance at a strip joint down the back streets somewhere in New York. I’m sure you know the type I’m talking about. You probably frequent them all the time. You probably get to see more skin than costume at those shows. I’ll have you know you’re lucky Grant isn’t here. You would be flat on your back if he heard you talk about Zara with such disrespect. I can’t believe I thought you were a hot guy who seemed nice. Totally misjudged that. I’m actually surprised Xavier is even friends with you, such an arrogant pig!” She stands and shoves her stool backwards, ready to storm off. Part of me is laughing on the inside, the other part is thinking, Shit, I’ve pushed her a little far.

  Jumping off my stool, I grab her arm to stop her from taking off.

  “Wait right there, firstly it’s not nice to call police officers ‘pigs’ no matter what. We are good people not a big fat farmyard animal that smell like shit. Well, of course unless we eat too many donuts and forget to shower, I’ve had a partner like that before. However, I’m not one of those, so you need to be nice to me.” I can see her glaring up at me about to rip her arm from me and let loose with another full rant on how I’m a jerk. Before she gets to wind up, I start again so I get a chance to finish. “Secondly,” I lean in closer to her ear, “Yes, I’m joking and you’re such an easy target.” I step back to give her room to digest what I just said. The look in her eyes where she wants to kill me is slowly disappearing but the look of not thinking I’m as funny as I do, is still there.

  “Come on, you fell for it so quickly, Lilly. I didn’t even need to bait the hook, you just jumped on without it and took the line and were off. It was pretty funny, don’t you think?” She quickly crosses her arms which gives me the hint of not being impressed. What she isn’t thinking about is the extra boost she has just given her tits as she pushes her arms against herself. I’m trying to be a nice guy but she’s not helping me by doing things like this.

  “You’re an ass, you know that,” she huffs

  “Now that I can agree with most days,” Xavier pipes up from the table where they’re watching the show. “Really, Lilly, did you think I would hang around a guy who would treat women like that? I would’ve kicked him to the curb a long time ago. It’s hard enough putting up with his big ego and little…” He pauses, looking at us both.

  “What?” Lilly snaps at him.

  “If you say what I think you’re trying to insinuate, I’ll be happy to show both these lovely ladies to prove you wrong. So, go ahead, finish that sentence.” His smirk tells me I’m right.

  “I was just going to say brain, what were you thinking about?” I look at him then at Lilly and we all burst out laughing. I put my hand on her lower back and guide her back into her seat before she falls over from her laughing fit.

  “I did jump in pretty quick, didn’t I. Might have to be careful with
you, piggy boy. You know how to keep a poker face well.”

  “Comes with the job, need to keep the bad guys guessing. Didn’t know it worked so well keeping naughty girls guessing too.” I’m thinking back to what she said a minute ago in her rant that has only just hit me now. Might have to tuck that fact away for a little later.

  “Well, I think you owe me a drink for that one, or maybe a better punishment might be to make you come and dance with me. Can’t imagine you have any idea about dancing so making you embarrass yourself will be fun.” Lilly looks me straight in the eye, laying out the challenge. If there is one thing she’s going to learn really fast: Don’t challenge me and think you will win. I never back down and I never lose. Two golden rules.

  “Tell you what, dance first and then I’ll buy you a drink of whatever you desire. Let’s go.” Standing and reaching out for her hand, she looks at me a little suspiciously at how easy it was to get me on the dance floor. I pull her to her feet and towards the area that’s full of sweaty bodies all very close together. I wasn’t really thinking about the people part when I tried to look tough in front of Lilly. Time to take a deep breath and head into hell.

  “Never picked you for a dancer, Kane,” she yells at me as we stop in the middle of the dance floor, turning her to face me. Not much room between us but enough that we aren’t touching. I can still feel her. The energy radiating off her is intense. Her hips start to sway to the music, her hands raising above her head. I try moving to my own beat but it’s nearly impossible with her in front of me. The perfect vision, the lady in red.

  Trying to block out her magnetic pull, the universe plays into my hands to help me out. Being bumped from behind, she falls forward a little on those tall, fuck-me heels of hers. Her hands land on my chest to try to stop herself from falling and has me grabbing her hips tight. There is no way I’m missing this opportunity to touch her; I keep her hips swaying in time, not missing a beat. Her hands on my chest start to relax a little as she slowly looks up at me. No words are being spoken, just the looks that we’re sharing are enough to know what’s going on between us. With her body pressed tightly against mine, Lilly will be able to feel me, and what she and her little red dress are doing to me. Normally I would step away a little, but I want her to know exactly what she’s doing to me. That way there’s no second-guessing.

  Lowering down my hands so they settle on her ass, I whisper in her ear, “So, you think I’m hot, or was that just something said in the fit of rage?” Still dancing, I feel her start to rub against my cock and I know it’s on purpose as the cheeky grin appears on her face.

  “I don’t play games, Kane. I think you are pretty sexy, and from what I’m feeling, I think I’m doing it for you too.” I’m learning quickly that Lilly is like a siren. She uses her body to call to you and you would have to be dead not to answer the call.

  “For someone who doesn’t play games, the dress and shoes you’re wearing are giving every guy in this club someone beautiful to look at and wishing they are me. So, let’s get it straight. I’m staking a claim right now and letting you know you are right. I think you are so fucking hot and there’s no games being played here either. There is one thing you need to know besides me not playing games, and that’s I don’t do relationships. Nice and simple. Fucking for fun is how I put it. If you’re up for a bit of fun, then I’m your man. If not, then my sad cock will be going home for a cold shower. No pressure.” Dipping her down to take her off guard, I pull her back up against me but notice some very perky hard nipples now pointing at me. A flush in her cheeks and her eyes are on fire.

  “Did I not tell you Fun is my middle name?” Her arms wrap around the back of my neck and she leans into my ear. “And fucking is the only game I like playing. No attachment, nothing awkward afterwards. Do you think you can manage to be part of my circle and still walk away after fucking me senseless?” By now we’re almost getting it on here on the dance floor the way our hips are moving. My hands are rubbing up her butt cheeks to hips and back again. What they wouldn’t give to pull up that little short number she’s wearing and give me free access to what it’s hiding.

  “Believe me, Red, when I fuck you hard, and I will, you will be the one begging me not to walk away. Can you cope with that?” Rolling her eyes at me with a little laugh has me heating up even more.

  “Wow, you really do have a big ego, don’t you? Maybe I’ll have to see if you’re just compensating for something else. Let’s just say the night is young and I am no sure thing. Let’s see your moves and see if you can graduate from a little piggy to the big bad wolf?” She pushes hard off my body with her hands, turning and walking away making sure her hips are swaying still to the music.

  Leaving me standing in the middle of the dance floor with one hell of a hard-on that’s cursing at the sudden loss of the company he was keeping. Down boy, I think we’re in for a bit of a tough night before we get what we’re after.

  That’s if Lilly is true to her word and this is not just a flirty game to pay me back for earlier.

  Fingers crossed, or me and Mrs. Palmer will be having a date in one cold shower later.

  Chapter Five


  Kane is one intense, bold man. I’ve had plenty of men proposition me over the years but not like this. Not with the confidence he has and be sober in the process. He has no issue with me grinding against him and telling me how much he wants to take it further. Although he’s cocky, for some reason it doesn’t come off as arrogance when he tries to convince me I’ll be left stunned after we have sex.

  Normally at this stage, I’m the one directing the night, the way I want it to go. I never have a problem with being the one in control. Tonight, I can’t work out what the hell is going on and who is controlling who. If there’s one thing I can’t stand, it’s a weak man. He needs to stand up and show me who he is. That way I can weed out the pathetic ones, the cheaters, the ones who are full dirt bags and jerks, and then occasionally, find the sweet ones. Most of the time sweet is not my type but a girl likes variety so there are times they fit just right.

  Kane is none of these types of men. From what I can see, he’s a strong alpha personality who likes to be in control. Doesn’t want to take life too seriously when he’s with friends. I’m guessing that’s a way of releasing stress from work. He seems to like a good joke, well, so I just found out. But I saw him when Xavier and Alesha were missing. That man was not to be messed with. That Kane was intense, a lot like the one who had me almost panting on the dance floor a few minutes ago. Has me intrigued to find out more. He reminds me of one of those kaleidoscopes we had as kids. As you turn the dial you get a different picture each time. Even though it’s the same crystals, they just keep changing to give you a different story every time you look. I think the best word to describe Kane is a challenge.

  One thing you don’t do to someone who loves to control her life, is present her with a challenge. I can guarantee my life will become consumed with taking on the dare to tame him too.

  I feel Kane against my back as he leans past me to place my drink in front of me on the table. He holds that position for a moment longer than is needed. Breathing on my neck, his hand runs up my arm ever so slowly as he starts to pull away.

  “Thanks for the dance. My hard cock thanks you too,” he whispers as he retreats to his seat next to me. I’m not one to blush but god, I feel like I’m on fire. This guy only needs to come near me, and my body seems to respond and start the tingling. Trying to get myself under control, I squeeze my thighs together to take some of the pressure away and start sipping my drink to cool me down.

  “Might want to slow down, Red, it’ll go straight to your head drinking it that fast. Don’t want you getting drunk and not remembering the night, do we?” I whip my head to the side to see Kane with that fire in his eyes he had on the dance floor.

  “Not that it concerns you about my night later, but thanks for the heads up.” Xavier and Alesha are too busy wrapped up in each other
, they aren’t really paying any attention to us.

  “Hmm, maybe so, but I will always look out for a friend. Especially one who needs protection from every man in here who has thought about how they might like to include you in their night. Like I told you before. That’s not happening. If you’re walking out of here with any man tonight, then it will be me.” My libido is doing a happy dance singing ‘I Feel Good’ and has her hands in the air saying we pick you. She gives in too easily sometimes, my libido. We need to make him work harder for it. I’d like to say I’m not decided how this night will end yet, but that would be such bullshit. Both my libido and I know where this is heading, and unless there’s a natural disaster, Kane and I are both going to heat up the town tonight. One of our hotel rooms is going to be full of pleasure and fun.

  “Maybe I’m not worried about what the other men in this bar think.” I look at him across the top of my drink as I take another sip.

  “Oh, you do, Red. Otherwise you wouldn’t walk in here looking like that.” His eyes run slowly over my body checking out every inch of my legs until he meets the hem of my dress. The look of wonder on his face tells me he wants to know what is under there waiting for him. “That dress leaves very little to the imagination, all curves and so smooth. Not a line in sight.” His voice has dropped lower now and the cheekiness from before has disappeared.

  “Maybe that’s because there’s no lines to hide. This dress doesn’t leave much room for any extras.”

  “Fuck,” Kane growls. “You’ve got nothing under that dress, have you?” I can’t help myself, I start to giggle quietly while I see his fists clench and the bulge in his pants is running out of room.

  “A girl never reveals her secrets on a first date.” By now I’m shifting in my seat while Kane looks at me like he wants to eat me. I think the little piggy is long gone and the big bad wolf is ready to unleash for the night.


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