Time For Love Box Set

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Time For Love Box Set Page 126

by Karen Deen

  “I’m feeling better today, but it’s this case that I just can’t seem to see what I’m missing. It’s really shaking me up. I don’t know why this case more than any other. I just have this weird feeling with this one. There’s something bigger going on and I don’t know what it is.” I pause to take a breath and Xavier motions for me to sit on the seat near the lookout. We both take a load off and I start to pour out what I’ve been bottling up. Lilly might have fucked the bad mood out of me, but Xavier is my sounding board. He always helps my head to sort through my thought process.

  “What’s the case?” he asks, genuinely interested.

  “I have a missing woman. She goes to meet a date she met through an online dating app, for the first time and goes missing. Co-workers report her missing when she doesn’t show up on the next workday for a meeting. Didn’t tell anyone where she was going or who she was meeting. Just one girl at work she mentioned on her way out the night before she was going on an online date – or online hook-up, she actually called it.” I run my hand through my hair, which is my telltale sign of stress.

  “Sounds like a recipe for disaster written all over it from the start.” Even Xavier understands.

  “Yeah, if she had just given some sort of clue to one of her friends then it might have given us something to go on. Of course, his dating app profile is a fake one and hopefully the weekend shift will get access to her messages today that might help to know where the meet-up spot was. It’s like she just vanished into thin air. Doesn’t match any of the bodies found this week or victims admitted to any hospitals in the area. Unfortunately, at this stage we’re usually looking for a body but there’s something in my gut that tells me she’s still alive. I think that’s why it’s messing with my head. It’s like she’s calling me to find her and save her. I know that sounds like I’m crazy, but I can’t help it.”

  My heart is starting to beat a little harder and faster than it does when I’m running.

  “Kane, you’re an excellent cop who works damn hard to solve these crimes. You have a talent for this sort of thing and if that comes from a sixth sense you have, then the force is lucky to have you. I say you stick with that weird feeling you have. If she’s calling to you then you need to keep trying to find her. I remember when I was in trouble, I was calling to you and Alesha in my head to come and find me. Praying you would hear me. Don’t discount the psychic world just because we don’t understand it.”

  We sit in silence for a little while just thinking and trying to breathe in the clean air.

  “The last contact we have is her phone pinging off the Steel Street phone tower at ten fifty-seven pm. Prior to that we can see she sent a couple of messages around nine thirty pm to a phone which turns out to be a burner phone. We aren’t sure if it was her sending them, or the guy using her phone. Either way, that part of town isn’t anything major. There are a few nightclubs in the area, restaurants, unit complexes and warehouses towards the water that fit in the geographical range. Actually, it’s down near the Stevensons’ waterfront development. So not a high-class area but not too bad either now that it’s being redeveloped.”

  “I’ll talk to the boys and get them to ask around the workers if they’ve seen anything odd on the site or heard of anything weird,” Xavier offers thinking he’s helping.

  “No, it’s okay, man, I’ll talk to the boys. I don’t want them talking to anyone. We’ll need to do that in case there is something, we don’t want to scare them off or screw up any evidence that’ll get a case thrown out of court. Thanks for the offer. Remember you don’t actually know any of this so can’t have you running off playing Sherlock Holmes for me.” We both laugh at the vision of him in the little hat and the pipe out of his mouth. Of all people, the healthy gym freak would be the last one to be smoking a pipe.

  “Have you thought of mirroring her online profile and starting to chat to the fake profile to see if you can get him to take the bait?”

  “Once we get these messages over the weekend, that’s exactly what we’ll be doing. If we’re lucky, then he’ll take the bait. In another way, it would also be unlucky because does that means he’s a serial guy who gets women on a date and then hurts them? Urgh. This shit sucks. I hate feeling left in the dark with little clues. The sad part is there are other missing women over the last few years that haven’t been solved either. Some we have even less information than this one. It’s so sad that there are so many people out there that actually don’t have many friends they communicate with. They live relatively solitary lives but use the internet to make connections. The scary part is those ‘friends’ are not always good people. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great friendships formed online. This is a small percentage of the overall social media. It’s just the bad part of the internet is what comes across my desk regularly.”

  “Sounds like this one is going to become personal for you. Don’t let it drag you under. Remember what your boss tells you: ‘you can’t save them all. All you can do is try.’ I’m always here if you need to unload the shit in your head. You know that. A gym session or a beer session, whichever takes your fancy, at the time.” Xavier leans over and places his hand on my shoulder which is like hugging it out if we were two girls.

  “Now enough of this dark shit. Tell me the good stuff, like how was your little sex romp today? Surprised you still had the energy to run after that.”

  “Oh my god, you’ve been hanging around Alesha too much. It’s like you want to know about everything just like the gossip girls do. Since when have we had deep and meaningful chats about our sex lives?” I laugh, starting to stand and walk towards the cliff edge.

  “You’re such a clown. As if I want all the little girly details. Like how did she make you feel, did you go all tingly when she kissed you and did you feel the butterflies in your tum tum? Get real. I just want to know if she was a good fuck, that simple.” He’s standing beside me now, laughing loudly.

  “Man, you have no idea. Best I’ve ever had. Totally off the charts. Wouldn’t mind some more of the same.”

  His laughter stops instantly. “Holy shit. I’ve never heard you say you’d like to meet up with a girl a second time. There must be something about this one. I think you better put a ring on it, as they say. Before she works out you’re a lost cause and not worth her time. I’m sure she’s telling her friends it was the worst sex she ever had.” He smacks my arm and starts jogging towards the trail.

  “Yeah, that’s right, you better start running. Saying shit like that can get you beaten to a pulp by most men. Lucky I feel sorry for you,” I call out to him as he disappears into the scrub-covered track.

  Our relationship is built on insults and friendship. Not sure which we enjoy more. All I know is I’d be lost without him.

  Catching him not far into the shrubs, we start running in sync together, chatting again about just random topics. Mostly sports, his work, Alesha of course and his upcoming wedding. Listening to him curse about the amount of time and money that is being sunk into this affair, I shake my head. If I ever went down that path, which I know I won’t, I’d be doing the whole eloping thing. No fuss, save money and the quicker you have it over with.


  Not sure Alesha, and by the sounds of it, Sophia, would agree with that. I know Lilly was keen to get out of dinner last night. Does that mean she’s on the same wavelength as me when it comes to weddings? I’m guessing she’s in the middle of getting the full rundown from Alesha now, though.

  Why am I even thinking about weddings and Lilly in the same breath? I’m not even interested in it.

  Approaching the bottom of the mountain, we slow down to cool off before we reach the car. If I don’t stretch as a cool down, then Xavier just lectures me on how bad it is for me. He’s good at what he does and in some ways is wasted in the gym. His buddy that plays in the NFL is always trying to convince him to apply for a position with his team. It would be so good for him, but his life is here, and he’s happy. At the end
of the day, that is far more important than chasing a career.

  Leaning on the hood of his truck drinking water, Xavier looks like he’s a little nervous about something. Scuffing his feet in the dirt while he fiddles with the water bottle.

  “Man, whatever you need to say, just spit it out.” I put my hand on his shoulder.

  “Willyoubemybestman?” His mumble comes out full-speed with no breath and I can’t catch what the hell he said.

  “Whoa, buddy, slow down and try that again.”

  He runs his hand through his hair. “Will you be my best man for my wedding? You’re the closest thing I have to a brother. You’re my best friend and someone I would die for. You know that, right?” He pauses, looking at me. “So, will you?” I’m taken back. Not by him asking but more the fact he was nervous at what I’ll answer.

  “Of course, I will. I’m so honored you asked. But why in god’s name were you worried about asking me? You and Alesha mean the world to me, you know that. At the risk of sounding mushy, I love you both, man. Never forget that, okay? Now come here.” I grab him and give him a man hug which only lasts a few seconds with a good slap on the back. That’s enough feeling for one day.

  “Thanks, Kane. There’s no one I want more than you up there with me on the day. Plus, you’re the only one I think Ally trusts to make sure I don’t run off before she arrives. Mind you, if Grant and her dad are standing between me and the door, there’s no chance I’m going anywhere.” We both get a good laugh out of that and start climbing in the truck.

  A bad week at work has turned into a fantastic weekend so far. Just the distraction I needed.

  Chapter Thirteen


  As I sit and listen to Lesh tell me about how wedding crazy Mom has gotten, I can’t stop laughing.

  “Well, you know how desperate she was for grandbabies. Now she has a few of those, the next thing on her bucket list is to plan her daughters’ weddings. You just drew the short straw as to who gets punished first.”

  “You have no idea. Even Dad told her he had something big and solid to fill her mouth with if she didn’t stop talking about the wedding. I nearly died. Xavier laughed loudly, Mom just swatted his arm and kept going anyway. Dad rolled his eyes like he just gave up and I was seeing visions I still can’t erase. My cheeks were burning, and Mom thought it was so funny. Why do our parents insist on dropping sexy, flirty comments in front of us? There should be some rule against talking about sex in front of your children even when they’re grown adults.”

  “No way. I’m going to be like Mom. I’m going to embarrass my kids at every opportunity. Sex is fair game after they hit puberty, I figure. Need to scar them for life just like Mom and Dad have done to us.” Realizing I’ve already drained my coffee, I know I need another one. Virtually no sleep last night has left me one very tired woman.

  “Lilly, you are terrible. How can we even be sisters in how different we are in the way we handle sex talk?” Jesus, we aren’t even really talking about anything rude and her cheeks are a pale shade of pink.

  “Alesha, for goodness sake. There is nothing wrong with talking about sex. Especially with me. It’s not like I’m going to spread it around the town. I can tell you the sex I had last night was the best I’ve ever had. Hard fucking involving lots of dirty talk then followed by some sweet loving.”

  “Lilly!” she screams. “For god’s sake, stop it. I don’t need to know. It makes me have visions of you, and that’s the same as Mom and Dad. How do you feel about me telling you about Xavier tying me up last night and spanking me until I begged him to fuck me? You now have visions of me that’ll haunt you.”

  “Holy shit. That is so hot, Lesh. I had no idea you were into games. Good for you. Hope you enjoyed it.” She drops her face into her hands, totally shocked she just blurted that. There’s no way she meant to tell me that. I, on the other hand, think it’s hot as hell, and I’m excited Xavier has got her trying new things, and loving them by the sounds of it.

  “Can you forget I said that?” she mumbles through her hands.

  “Not a chance, sis. That one will be coming out again one day, I’m sure. I think we should do a shopping trip together to the adult shop. It’d be so much fun. Imagine what we could buy.” I’m laughing out loud and she looks like she wants to kill me. “We need a serious girl’s night to talk some of this through.”

  “I hate you, you do know that, right? Just erase that from your memory.” Like that’s ever going to happen.

  I decide to let her off easy and change the subject. She looks like she’s either going to get really worked up or end up crying from embarrassment. Anyone would think she was the younger sister.

  Looking at my phone, I can see it’s already five pm. Xavier told us he would be back around five so it’s time for me to head out. Pretty sure Alesha won’t want me seeing him and saying anything about what she blurted out earlier. I bet she’s hoping I’ll forget by the next time I see him. Fat chance.

  “Time for me to head off so you can get over your embarrassment. I mean, I’m more than happy to stay and say hi to Xav.” Her glare says it all.

  Holding my hands in the air, I surrender. “Okay, okay. I was joking. I’ll just leave, shall I, and not say another word.”

  “Good idea, and if you see Xavier on the way out, you will keep your mouth shut, won’t you? Promise me?”

  “Fine, but only because you look like you’re about to die from embarrassment. I’ll catch up with you Monday at the office. I would normally say have a good night, but I kinda know now that you will. Good for you, Lesh.” I walk towards the door listening to her mumble under her breath how she can’t believe what she just did.

  “Just remember to be careful, rope is harsh and leaves marks. Silk ties are far nicer on the skin.” I keep walking, hearing her groan as I close the door.

  My body is feeling the heat of thinking about Kane and some silk ties. Wonder what he would get up to. Maybe I might have to turn up next time in a tie and nothing else. The opportunities are endless.

  We didn’t make any plans this morning to see each other tonight. I think it’s partly a test. To see if we can both do the casual thing. Neither of us want to be the one to look needy. Truth is, though, while I’m lying on my sofa eating noodles out of a cardboard box, all I can think of is Kane.

  The way he tastes. His fingers on my body, touching, probing. It’s only the first night and I’m already wanting to turn up at his place. I need to show restraint, plus my girly bits need a rest. That man is insatiable!

  Showered and curled in bed before nine on a Saturday night is just not me. I’ll lose my dirty flirty card if I keep this up. The friends I party with awarded me the card after a string of crazy nights last summer. We spent a week in Vegas. Like they say, ‘what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas’, thank god. My family would be horrified at how many men I chatted up and flirted with that week. Some may have been a little more than chatting. It was a pretty wild week and I’m not sure I want to go that crazy again, but you can never say never.

  I’m surprised how sleepy I’m actually feeling. Kane did his best to wear me out last night. At first, I know he was just getting his bad mood out but then it escalated instead of slowing down. He took it to another level. Holy shit, being with him is going to educate me, that’s for sure.

  I wonder what the sales of magazines are like these days. Flicking through my online subscription to Vanity Fair, I know prior to the surge in the internet I would have been one of those girls who spent a good chunk of my pay each week stocking up on every fashion magazine there is. Instead, I either subscribe online or just scroll through my social media. Who needs porn hub when you can see so many random photos of naked men with some random object in the relevant spot all over your news feed? So hard on the eyes, well, maybe for some but not me. Bring on the naked men, the more the merrier. Now I’ve got thoughts of porn hub floating through my mind. I shouldn’t look. After last night, I bet nothing would look as good a
s the visions I have of Kane.

  Like he knows my fingers are hovering over the keyboard about to get naughty, a message from Kane pops up on my phone.

  Kane: Hey Lilly, what you up to?

  Lilly: Not sure you really want to know…

  Kane: Shit, now I really do want to know. Spit it out, woman!

  Lilly: Umm, contemplating typing the words porn hub into my browser

  Kane: Oh, you are a naughty little girl, aren’t you? Didn’t I take enough edge off for you last night?

  Lilly: If having trouble walking today doesn’t tell you the answer then we can’t be friends.

  Kane: Not friends, Lilly, we’re fuck buddies, remember? You say where, you say when and I’m there.

  Lilly: What if I said now?? Would I sound needy? Haha

  Kane: I would say I’ll be there in five minutes if you really mean it.

  Lilly: Do you think I mean it?

  I don’t know what to say to Kane. Part of me is desperate for him to come over and spend the night in my bed. It doesn’t have to even be lots of sex. A good fuck and then cuddles to sleep would be heaven.

  The other part of me wants to show that I’m capable of being the independent sex kitten that I have been up until now. There’s something about this man that’s making me rethink a lot of things.

  I can see the dots moving that he’s typing, then they stop. Then nothing. Then dots moving again. He’s killing me waiting for his reply.


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