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Time For Love Box Set

Page 139

by Karen Deen

  I follow Dad in my car down the road to the parking for the restaurant, where we pull into a quaint little row of shops. This area of the city has started to develop over the last few years and things are looking up. There are still old and rundown buildings. But one by one, they’re getting bought and either refurbished or demolished by companies like ours, to make way for improvements to the area.

  Before I can get out of my car, Dad is at the door waiting to open it for me.

  “Thanks, Daddy.” He pulls me in for a hug when I stand from my car. Not just a normal one but the kind of hug that says, I love you and I’ve got you. You are always going to be my little girl and I will protect you. I hang on tight because it is exactly what I need today.

  Hooking me under his arm, we walk into the restaurant and are seated and quickly order some dinner.

  “How come Mom let you out on your own for dinner? That’s not like her. Not that I mind.”

  He starts laughing his deep belly laugh. “You make it sound like your mother controls me.” Which we both know she does but only as much as he lets her. He does it to keep her happy, but when push comes to shove, he controls the whole family with a snap of the fingers, including Mom. “She’s over at Alesha’s tonight discussing wedding things. No way did I want to be anywhere near that dinner. Plus, it was the perfect opportunity to catch up with you.” He takes my hand in his.

  “What’s going on, princess. You’re totally off-balance. I can see it in your body language, and the sparkle in your eye is all dull and nearly gone. I think it’s time you told me what’s going on. Let me help.” The love and compassion in my dad’s eyes nearly cause me to fall apart instantly. I don’t want to make a fool of myself in public, so I take a deep breath and slowly let it out.

  “It’s just been a tough few weeks. You know Kane, Xavier’s best friend?”

  “Yes, sweetheart, I know Kane. The great policeman and the man you’ve had your eye on for a while. If I can guess where this is going it’s that this has become more than having your eye on him. Am I right?” He gives me that soft smile that makes you believe you can tell him anything.

  “I’m not going to lie. I’ve fallen in love with him.” The tears are sitting just waiting to stream down my face.

  “What’s the problem then?” he asks like it’s that simple.

  “He doesn’t feel the same.” I pause and sigh at the realization that is the simple truth. “He broke it off a few weeks ago and has disappeared since. He’s left me shattered and heartbroken. More than that, though, he’s left me totally confused. I really thought he felt the same. It’s the first time I’ve felt like this and now I know why I avoided it.”

  The waiter arrives with our food and Dad sits quietly waiting for everything to be sorted and for him to leave. Then he just says quite bluntly what he thinks. “I call bullshit on him not feeling the same. I’ve seen the way he looks at you. Like he wants to devour you. Then when you look at each other, the sparks that are flying are more than a relationship that’s just a bit of fun. I don’t know what that boy is thinking, but I can tell you, it’s not that he doesn’t love you. That word is written all over his face and body language whenever you’re near him.”

  I love my dad. He never pulls any punches. He says it exactly how he sees it. He starts to eat his pizza, just watching me try to digest what he’s just said.

  “Then where is he, and why the hell did he tell me to move on and see other people? I know he’s worried about the job he does and what a stress that will be to any woman he’s with, but what if I don’t care? What if I will happily take that risk? He’s just taken off and I can’t even tell him that. It’s just so weak. I thought he had way more balls than that.” I don’t really feel like eating my gnocchi now. I can feel Dad’s eyes looking at me waiting for me to start, though. I feel like I’m six years old again being made to eat my vegetables. Not being allowed to leave the table until I did. So, like the good daughter I am, I pick up my fork and start to eat it slowly.

  “Did you ever think in his line of work he’s trying to protect you from something? Don’t you think it’s strange he breaks up with you then disappears? It sounds strange to me. Have you spoken to Xavier about it?”

  “Yes, and he’s tightlipped. I know he knows something; he just won’t share it. So damn frustrating. Alesha assures me she doesn’t know. I told her to use her special powers with him, but it still didn’t work.” Putting another forkful in my mouth, Dad says something that nearly makes me choke on it.

  “Lilly, too much information on your sister’s sex life. Remember I’m her dad. I don’t need to know what her superpowers are.” Like I would ever tell him that anyway.

  “What makes you think I was talking about sex, Dad?” I ask all innocent.

  “I might be old, princess, but I’m married to your mother. Let me assure you, I know all about a woman’s superpowers when it comes to the love of their life.”

  Oh god, and I had to ask. My hands cover my ears because I don’t want to hear any more. My eyes are scarred too from the vision I’m picturing. It gets me every time my parents talk or hint about their still-active sex life. I need to stop leaving the gap wide open for the comments.

  “Okay, you win on the too-much-information game. Let’s move past talking about your and Mom’s sex life, please.”

  Dad lets out a loud chuckle. “Look, all I can say to you, sweetheart, is that you need to trust Kane. I think there’s more to this than you know. From what I know of him from the night we had to rescue Xavier, he’s a good man. I can’t believe he would just dump you and run off. That’s not the sort of man he is. I suggest you hang in there.” He reaches out to put his hand on my shoulder. “Just answer me one thing. If he walked in here this moment, what is the first thing you would say to him?” He looks me straight in the eyes and into my soul.

  I can’t lie to my dad. “I love you and please be with me. I need you.” It’s too much now the tears start to flow. Just little trickles coming down my cheeks. Dragging his chair closer to mine, Dad pulls me in for a cuddle. “I never knew love could hurt so much,” I mumble into his shoulder.

  “Ah yes, but it can also be such an amazing feeling too. One that nothing will ever match. Your mom and I have been married for a very long time. Can I tell you, it’s not always perfect. There have been times we’ve both hurt each other, badly, and where I wasn’t sure I would recover. But the good thing about love is that it has a built-in forgiveness part. If you are truly meant to be together, then the love will always shine through all you throw at it. This will just be the first of many speedbumps in your relationship with Kane. He’ll be back for you. I’m certain of it.”

  I remain with my head lying on his shoulder, letting all he has said sink in.

  “I don’t know if you’re right, Dad, but I really want to believe that you are.”

  “Believe me, princess, that man loves you whether he realizes it yet or not. As soon as he does, then he will be back for you. I promise.”

  “I hope so, Daddy, I really do.”

  We finish our dinner and just enjoy our time together. Time gets away from us and before long, Mom is calling to check when Dad is picking her up. He walks me back to my car and I say my goodbyes. He settles me in my car where I tell him I just need to reply to a couple of text messages. He makes me lock my doors and then he drives off to get Mom. I was hoping maybe there might have been a message from Kane, but I guess the book today is all I’m going to get. I just had this feeling all afternoon that he was close by, but it’s just wishful thinking.

  Starting the car and getting ready to pull out of the parking lot, I notice most of the street is shut down for the night. Just a few random couples heading into a place across the street. It seems weird because it has no signage at all but there’ve been three different couples heading in there while I was in the car, plus several men in groups. Maybe it’s one of those secret bars that are all the rage now. Any other time I would head over and che
ck it out, but tonight I’m just not in the mood.

  Starting my drive down the street, I’m thinking about the bath waiting for me at home when a couple, about to head into the door where everyone was going, turn to face the street.

  My stomach drops and my world comes crashing down again.

  What the fuck is Kane doing here and who the hell is that girl he’s wrapped around?

  All dressed in a tight red dress.

  Oh no you don’t, lady!

  He better not be calling you Red, or shit’s about to get real.

  He’s mine and I’m prepared to fight for him.

  I pull the car to the side of the road.

  Lipstick perfect, heels on, I’m ready to take on the world.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Nights like tonight you just want over before they begin.

  You’re full of stress, worry, adrenaline and scared shitless hoping that everything will come together the way you plan. People will be saved, no one gets hurt, arrests are made, and everyone gets to go home at the end of the night to their loved ones.

  There’s no one waiting at home for me. My job is to make sure Jessie arrives home safe to those who are waiting for her, especially Adam. No physical harm will happen to her. It’s impossible to save her mental health. What we saw last night will stay with her forever.

  We’ve gone over this plan so many times today with all the team, as well as the special victims unit who are on standby to assist in the raid along with SWAT. This operation has been so tight-lipped; we don’t tip off the police officer that we believe may be involved in the club. We really don’t know what we’re facing in the way of weapons. We didn’t see any guns; however, I imagine they’re in the building. There has to be some sort of force used to get the girls to do as they’re told. Jessie and I spent time alone today just going over what our plan is, our signals to each other and what we do in the worst-case scenario that we get split up.

  For evidence purposes, we will both be wearing a very tiny inconspicuous recording device tonight to capture any data we can. We both have a tiny tracking device on us that will help with the raid to know what room we’re in and where the torture area is.

  We’re in an Uber on the way to the club so that we arrive without anyone seeing where we come from. The Uber driver lets us off down the street a little, so as not to draw attention to ourselves entering the club.

  When I exit the car, I get a buzz through my body which I’m guessing is for the danger we’re about to face. It’s a strange feeling, not the normal. I don’t like things not being normal at a crucial time. We’re about to enter the most important part of the case. Getting into the club again and setting wheels in motion. There has to be an element of surprise for everyone in there, otherwise we don’t get the main offenders. The team we have assembled will ensure that no one gets out of here before they put it on lockdown. Including Jessie and I who will be treated just like the rest of the people in here. That way our cover isn’t blown, risking our safety after the raid as we will be prime witnesses. We will be discreetly taken away as one of the first bunch of people who are interviewed and released.

  Standing in front of the big wooden door again, I pull Jessie closer to me and she wraps her arms around me. Partly playing the part but we both know we’re hanging on to each other to find the calm place we need to get this shit done. I lean down to place a pretend kiss on her neck and whisper in her ear.

  “We’ve got this. We are the only chance they’ve got. Stay strong.”

  She lets a big breath out and then stands a little taller. Looking up at me with fire in her eyes, I can see the determined policewoman is in the house now.

  “Let’s go kick ass!” she says just as the wood door opens and we’re ushered inside.

  Same process as last night, we’re talked to and phones taken, and body searched. Same stupid bodyguard on the door. I knew after last night that he would be no problem to get past. Just by being smart, Jessie distracted him right at the time he was getting near my ankles, so he totally missed my knife again. She’s not carrying anything, but once we get inside, I’m not letting her go, so will be able to get her the weapon if we need. I pray to god we don’t, but I don’t want to be left exposed.

  Just as we’re ushered through the second door to the club, it starts closing and I hear a voice that makes me turn instantly. The door is almost closed, but I see the corner of a blonde head and voice that is imprinted in my brain.

  I freeze and tense, which makes Jessie look up at me wondering what’s going on.

  It can’t possibly be Lilly. What the hell would she be doing in a club like this? I must have it wrong. Shaking my head trying to get clarity, my rational brain is kicking in. She is constantly on my mind and because I’m stressed, I’ve imagined her voice. There’s no other explanation.

  Get your shit together, Kane! Everyone needs you.

  “Are we good?” Jessie looks at me, trying not to look worried but I can tell wanting to make sure everything is okay.

  “We’re more than good, AJ. Look, our favorite room is opening up now. Let’s go get you all hot and sweaty watching. I’m just in the mood for an extra special show tonight. Maybe we can bring on a show of our own.” She gets the picture that I’m back with her. Part of me is still spinning at thinking I heard Lilly, but I need to clamp that down.

  We walk arm in arm to the room, bypassing the bar because we’ve arrived late enough, we can just go straight to where we need to be. There’s a curtain they’re starting to pull back that exposes the four women again. They’re the same ones as last night. You can see the scars on the ones with their backs facing us. It’s hard to tell how old some of the scars are to work out how long they’ve been here suffering. I spot Sheree tied to the cross tonight. Her back facing out for the demons to attack. They have broken her spirit. Her body is just hanging limp.

  The sad part is, I’m finally here to rescue her like she has been calling to me, but nothing will rescue her from the mental hell she’ll live with for the rest of her life.

  We stand to the side of the room so we can take it all in. Assess who’s in here, the faces of the ones who are carrying out the pain to the women. We wait for the show to start, then we can give the call to set off the raid. I’m trying to memorize as many faces as I can. I want them all to pay for being involved. Every single one of them.

  The show starts. There are screams from the women and the crowd just laps it up as more excitement. Jessie is in front of me making the noises and the movements to make her look like this show is turning her on. I’m not letting this go any further; I push the panic button transmitter in my pocket. The doors will be busting open in the next two minutes. If we’re in danger, then I just need to press it again and they’ll break down the doors without waiting.

  “That’s it, AJ, I’m going to set it all off for you, by pushing that button.” She nods her head to acknowledge she understands that I have signaled the raid.

  The noise in this room is loud and distracting. Above it all, though, I hear that same voice that caught my attention before. Hearing her start her rant, it reminds me of the night in New York when she shouts the word pig. This time it’s getting closer. My head snaps around looking for her. My heart starts thumping that this plan could all go to shit in seconds if I can’t shut her up. She could say things that will spook them.

  I lean and whisper in Jessie’s ear the only thing that I know will really make her stop and listen.

  “Jessie, trust me and follow my lead quickly. Lilly is here.” Her head snaps up to look at me instantly. The use of her real name signals that we have real trouble, worse than if I’d called her Alison Jane. I turn her and we head towards a blonde firecracker storming across the club towards me, ready to explode.

  “Come on, blondie, let’s go. I love a woman who plays hard to get.” One of the filthy guys I had met in the hallway the night before has grabbed hold of her arm and is trying to convi
nce her roughly that she should join him in one of the private rooms.

  “Don’t touch me, you disgusting pig. What makes you think you have the right to touch me?” Standing her ground, she is trying to go toe to toe with this guy and it’s drawing quite the crowd. “What kind of bar is this, anyway?” she’s yelling at him.

  “Oh, blondie, this is far from a bar. Look around you. Welcome to your sexual kingdom and I’m your new master.” The slime ball is standing over top of her now. I can’t get through the people quick enough. I can see her bravery starting to wane.

  Just as I get to her, he grabs her by the arms and is about to plant a kiss on her. Rage that has been simmering under the surface for days lets loose.

  Grabbing him by the shoulder, I turn him as my fist collides with his face and his whole body flies backwards, hitting the floor.

  “Never touch her again. Nobody touches her except me,” I growl losing all control. His nose is now flattened and blood steaming everywhere. I can see guards moving towards me.

  “Oh my god. How could you! Who is she and where the fuck am I, K—” I can’t let her say my name and the only quick way to shut her up is slam my lips on hers and kiss her with all the power I have. I need her to soften, not that I think I have half a chance of that. I keep kissing her as Jessie steps in behind her and wraps her arms around her making it look like we’re all together.

  Quickly, Jessie whispers quietly in Lilly’s ear, “Lilly, we’re working undercover, you need to just shut up and follow what we tell you. We’re in danger. Now listen to Kane and do not use his name.” I feel Lilly go weak in my arms as the bouncers arrive on the scene.

  “I fucking love it when you pretend to be attacked, my blonde bombshell. That was some hot role play. I need to get you two girls back home so I can fuck you both and then watch while you fuck each other. Now let’s move.” The look in her eyes is of sheer terror. I can’t pay attention to that now. I need to get her and Jessie out of here. I can’t protect them both at once. Letting either of them be hurt is not an option for me.


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