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A Malibu Kind of Romance

Page 5

by Synithia Williams

  “Did you invite Julie to the game and after-party tonight?” Dante asked. If Raymond knew he would one day marry her, Dante figured he would be trying to spend as much time with her as possible.

  “Nah, I told her I’d give her a call tomorrow. She said she was tired after the meetings today.”

  “You two could just hang out.”

  Raymond smiled at the singer walking over. “I’ve got another woman meeting me at the party. Besides, she mentioned Carlos called to ask her to dinner. I think she’s going out with him.”

  Jealousy and anger flared up in Dante. “And you don’t care?”

  Raymond shook his head. He stood as the singer entered the VIP area. “We ain’t together yet. Carlos is just another date, and definitely no threat to me. He won’t mean anything.” Raymond ran his hand up the arm of the singer and gave her a seductive smile. “You want to come back to my place?”

  The woman grinned. “Of course.”

  Dante shook his head. Was this dude serious? “Raymond, what about the game?”

  Raymond waved Dante’s words off. “I’ll be at the after-party.”

  “Do you even know where he’s taking her?” Dante asked.

  Raymond paused in the middle of taking the woman out of the VIP. “Who?”

  “Carlos,” Dante bit out, trying hard to hide his frustration with Raymond. “What if this guy is crazy?”

  Raymond smirked and looked at Dante. “Julie can handle herself. Even if I were concerned, they’re going to that new sunset restaurant on the PCH. There will be so many people there, nothing can go wrong.”

  Raymond put his arm around the woman and led her toward the door. Dante watched them, his jaw clenched. He’d listened to Raymond spout off about wanting to be with Julie. Maybe Raymond even believed some of his own bull. However, Dante was absolutely certain about one thing. Despite how much Raymond had gotten it into his head that he and Julie belonged together, they didn’t. Dante doubted Julie wanted Raymond, and he damn sure knew that if Raymond really wanted to be with Julie one day, he wouldn’t be asking another woman back to his LA condo before meeting up with a different woman at the after-party when his future soul mate was in town. In town and going out with someone else.

  No, if Raymond really wanted Julie, he would be marching his happy ass right down the Pacific Coast Highway straight to the place his woman was at and breaking up any would-be romantic notions that this wannabe playa Carlos had gotten into his head.

  Dante stood and went to the door with purposeful strides. If she were his woman, that’s exactly what he would do.

  Chapter 7

  Carlos asking her out, after they’d only had a brief conversation at the party, was completely unexpected. With Raymond busy for the night, she had no real reason not to accept his date. When Carlos mentioned visiting Sunsetters, a new restaurant and bar overlooking the ocean rumored to have the best seafood in the area, she’d readily accepted.

  After devouring the delicious shrimp tortellini, Julie and Carlos ordered the gianduja chocolate soufflé to share for dessert, and Julie finished her pineapple mojito while they waited. The sun set over the ocean, bathing the late evening in oranges and reds, while a warm breeze caressed them in the outdoor seating area. The relaxing sounds of the waves hitting below the bar blended in with the lively conversation of the crowd.

  The buzz from inside the restaurant increased. Carlos stopped talking, and they both glanced to the door.

  “What’s going on?” She lifted her head to try to see through the crowd to the excitement but couldn’t see who or what it was.

  “Since opening there have been several celebrities who’ve popped in. They always like to try the new places.”

  Julie nodded. “More than likely.” She glanced at Carlos. “I guess our service will go down now.”

  He fiddled with a button on his white golf shirt—something she’d realized was a nervous habit of his. “That’s not necessarily a bad thing. The longer we sit here, the more time I get to spend enjoying your company.”

  Carlos blatantly admired her neck and shoulders, exposed by the turquoise halter top she wore, before lowering his hand to hers on the table. He was attractive, and Julie was enjoying herself, but his hand on hers didn’t ignite any of the sparks the same touch had when Dante did it.

  Carlos was subtle, but his intentions were clear. He’d be willing to take their date as far as she’d let him. So far she was only willing to go as far as a good-night kiss.

  “It has been a fun night.”

  The buzz from inside the restaurant came out onto the deck. Julie turned just as the crowd parted and a hostess ushered Dante toward the bar. She’d spent a lot of time with him this week interviewing contractors, so she really shouldn’t feel so breathless to see him again. That didn’t stop the air from rushing from her lungs when his dark eyes met hers from beneath the rim of his black fedora. His clothes were casual, red shorts that brushed the knee and a black button-up shirt. A diamond earring sparkled in his ear, and the glint of a platinum chain, tasteful, not big and bulky like other artists wore, peeked from his open collar.

  Dante stopped following the hostess and strolled over to their table.

  “Julie, funny finding you here,” he said. Then he glanced at Carlos. “With Carlos.”

  Julie raised her chin. He didn’t sound like he was surprised to see her there at all.

  Carlos held out his hand. “Good to see you again.”

  “Same here,” Dante said. Again, the tone of his voice didn’t jibe with his words. She got the distinct impression that Dante didn’t think seeing Carlos again was good. “I thought you were heading to the East Coast for a gig.”

  Carlos shook his head. “The gig fell through. Though I normally hate losing a job, losing this one opens the door to other possibilities,” he said with a warm smile at Julie.

  Julie returned his smile, but the movement felt brittle. She drummed her fingers on the table, suddenly annoyed about Dante being there. She had been enjoying her time with Carlos and the slight attraction she felt toward him. Then he had to walk in and, with just a look, turn her insides as soft and gooey as the soufflé she’d ordered—a look, a smile and way too much sex appeal to be fair.

  “What brings you here?” she asked.

  Dante leaned his hand on the back of her side of the booth. The breeze chose that second to conspire against her and wrapped her in the masculine scent of his cologne. “I was hoping to run into someone. A person I’d like to spend a lot more time with, but she keeps avoiding being alone with me.”

  Intense dark eyes zeroed in on her, and the melodic tenor of his voice sang to her soul. You’ll initiate the kiss. Words spoken with the confidence of a man who had years of experience with women not hesitating to be alone with him after only knowing him a week. She wanted to kiss him. Thought about kissing him several times while they interviewed contractors, which is why she’d clung to her rule to never show a guy how much he rattled her. If she gave Dante the upper hand, he’d have her mind twisted in knots over him in less than an hour.

  “I hope the person you’re looking for shows up,” she said.

  “She already has,” he said. “Enjoy your date, but call me later.” The sentence wasn’t a question. It was a clear and definite command. Cocking a brow, Dante nodded to Carlos and then casually strolled back to the hostess, who took him to the bar.

  Julie’s mouth fell open. Had he just tried to stake a claim on her in the middle of her date? She had no quick comeback—a first for her. She had rules and maneuvers for the sly games men played. Straightforward and blatant moves of possession weren’t something she was used to.

  “I guess I have some competition for your affections,” Carlos said in a good-natured tone, but his fingers toyed with the button of his shirt.

lie snapped her mouth shut and looked away from Dante. “I’m sorry, what?”

  Carlos gave a knowing smile. “Dante is interested in you.”

  She pulled her thoughts together and sat up straighter. “Interested or not, I don’t date business partners. He’s just being persistent because I made that rule very clear. He’s only interested because I’m not falling at his feet. Men like him enjoy the chase, but the chase is all they’re interested in.”

  “You make attraction sound so matter-of-fact. You don’t think he’d want you if you made his pursuit easier?”

  She shrugged. “I doubt it. Most women would die to be with Dante Wilson, whether or not falling for him was considered unprofessional. I’m one of the rare women who won’t—therefore, he’s interested. That’s the way guys are. They’re intrigued by women who are different. We women get sucked into the thrill of being chased and let our guards down, only to have the guy grow tired of the novelty after he’s gotten to know you better. Then we’re left in love and heartbroken, while he moves on to once again chase someone else. It’s a cruel but never-ending cycle.”

  Carlos flinched, then took a sip of his drink. “Ouch, you have a bitter view of our sex.”

  This wasn’t the first time a man had called her bitter, and the claim didn’t bother Julie. When faced with the truth, most guys preferred attributing the truth to a woman’s bitterness. “I’m not bitter, just realistic.”

  He leaned on the table and took her hand between his. “And what’s my interest in you?”

  “I think you are attracted to me and want to start a casual dating thing while I’m in town.”

  His grin would be considered dangerous to her heart, if Dante hadn’t already threatened it. “Oh, really?”

  “Really, with the ultimate goal of getting me into bed. I’m going to let you know now that I’m very selective about the men I sleep with, so don’t get your hopes up.”

  “Double ouch,” Carlos said, but his grin remained. “You are different.”

  Julie shrugged. “Aren’t we all?”

  Laughter came from the bar. Julie glanced that way to the small crowd of people who now surrounded Dante. Carlos squeezed her hand, and she tore her gaze away from Dante.

  “I like your different.”

  The waiter returned with their dessert, and she quickly pulled away from Carlos’s grasp. She didn’t like what she saw in his eyes. Desire, genuine interest, but also some type of calculation. He was probably choosing the best tactic to get her into bed. She liked Carlos all right, but she wouldn’t play with his emotions by pretending like she wanted to take him to bed. She could practically hear Evette sucking her teeth before saying, “See, there you go pushing a good man away again.” Maybe she was, but the truth was she was only in California until the club opened. After that, she had no interest in pursuing a long-term relationship.

  They ate the delicious soufflé, and Carlos made her laugh with his interesting stories about working with various recording artists. As much as she tried to focus on the rest of her date, her attention kept diverting to Dante. And while he gave a good show of enjoying the crowd of people hanging on to his every word, she caught several of the glances he threw her way. To make things worse, every time she was distracted, noticing Dante notice her, Carlos noticed them both pretending not to look at the other.

  Dante stayed for only thirty minutes, long enough to order a drink, take a few pictures with fans and delight the crowd. He paid his tab and left, a smug smirk on his face as he waved goodbye to her and Carlos. The smugness annoyed her more than him showing up. Of course, he would know his arrival would distract her from her date. He was throwing her off her game, and she didn’t like it.

  The interest in Carlos’s eyes had slowly morphed into defeat with every glance she’d tried to sneak Dante’s way. Julie checked the time, ready to end the ruined date. “I really should get back now. I’ve got a long day ahead.”

  Carlos nodded and signaled for the waiter. “You can bring the check now.”

  The waiter shook his head and smiled. “No need. Dante took care of it already, along with the tip. You two have a good night.”

  Julie’s jaw dropped. Carlos tried to grin, but the smile was flat. “I guess Dante just upped the ante.”

  Julie snapped her mouth shut and gritted her teeth. “I’m so sorry, Carlos. That was uncalled for.”

  He shrugged. “Hey, he’s a man used to getting what he wants. Looks like he really wants you.”

  His attempt to sound unbothered was ruined by the annoyance in his voice. She couldn’t blame him; there wasn’t a man she knew who would accept another guy swooping in and covering the costs of his date. Dante’s my-cock’s-bigger-than-yours move was bold and uncalled for.

  Go hard or go home.

  Julie fumed as they left the restaurant. Dante may not want to accept that she was serious about nothing happening between them, but that wasn’t her problem. He was just another smug, arrogant celebrity who thought he could buy anything he wanted, including her affections. Well, the man had better get his mind right. She would make absolutely sure he understood that you didn’t play games with Julie Dominick.

  * * *

  Julie swerved the rental car to the gate blocking the way to Dante’s house. She wanted to plow right through the wrought iron blockage, drive straight to the front of his house and bang on his door. Instead she lowered the driver’s window and smashed the button on the call box with her finger.

  “Hello, Julie.” His sexy tenor filtered through the machine.

  Damn him and her body for the tremble that went through her. “How did you know I was calling?”

  “Smile for the camera.”

  Julie glared at the box, then the security camera affixed to the top of the gate.

  “Did you come by to thank me for dinner?”

  Trembles forgotten, anger shot through her. “Not at all. We need to talk.”

  “Come on in,” he said. A buzzing sound filled the air before the gate opened.

  Julie gritted her teeth and entered the property. The sun had set, but the view of his home in the dark was just as spectacular as during the day. Lights led the way down the long drive, nestled in tropical plants. More lights shone directly onto the stone villa, giving the place a warm and welcoming feel. The beauty of the place nearly took her breath away. Nearly. She was still too angry to appreciate his wealth. After jumping out of the car, she slammed the door and marched to the large wooden door.

  Before she could bang out her anger with her fist, it swung open. He’d changed into loose black lounging pants, which flowed around his long legs in dark waves. A sleeveless white T-shirt clung to every muscle of his torso. Julie licked her lips and fought to breathe normally. He seemed to constantly snatch the air from her lungs.

  “Hello, Julie,” he said again, stepping back and holding the door open.

  “You’ve got some nerve, Dante.” She didn’t cross the threshold. Wouldn’t go into the house. Couldn’t, when he looked like he was ready to jump into bed, and everything from his eyes, scent and smile invited her to jump in with him.

  “Really? Why?”

  “How dare you pay for dinner?”

  “I dare because I wanted to.”

  “What would make you want to do something so smug, arrogant and rude? You should have seen the look on Carlos’s face.”

  He smirked and shrugged before leaning against the door. “I almost stuck around just so I could see the look on his face.”

  Julie crossed her arms beneath her breasts and glared. “You think this is funny?”

  “Imagining the look on his face?” His full sensual lips lifted with humor as he nodded. “Yeah, kind of.”

  “Well, it wasn’t funny. You had no right to do that. We were on a date.”

I know.”

  “If you knew that, then why would you pay for our dinner? Didn’t you think about how it would make Carlos feel to have another guy pay for his date’s meal?”

  Dante stood straight. He placed a hand on the doorjamb and leaned in close. “I didn’t give a damn and still don’t care what Carlos thinks or feels. You should have been there with me. Not him.”

  If she were a violent person, she would have slapped the smirk right off his handsome face. “I’m not going out with you. I don’t want to go out with you.”

  Dante grinned. “Yes, you do.” He turned and strolled into the house.

  “Where are you going?” she shouted after his retreating back.

  He looked over his shoulder. “Inside.” He continued walking.

  “I don’t want to come inside. I don’t want to be here at all.”

  He spun around but didn’t come back to the door. “Yes, you do. If you didn’t want to be here, you and Carlos would’ve been thankful to enjoy a nice meal on my dime. He would have taken you back to your hotel, where, after an awkward ‘can I come in for coffee’ conversation, you would have either sent him home or invited him inside. Based on the looks you threw my way over dinner, I think you would’ve sent him home. But on the off chance that you did invite him in, you would have forgotten any indignation over my paying for the meal and had a mediocre first-date kiss. Instead you dropped him and rushed to see me.” He rested his hands on his chest. “Why? To pretend as if you’re angry? When you’re really here because you wanted to see me.”

  Julie scoffed. “You’re conceited and delusional.”

  “Conceited, yes, delusional, no. Now quit hiding behind your excuse that you can’t mix business and pleasure or some trumped-up anger over me making sure Carlos has no doubt that he’s got some serious competition.”

  Julie’s body went rigid. She stomped over the threshold and was in his face a second later. “Let’s get a few things straight. The reason Carlos and I didn’t have the ‘come in for coffee conversation’ is because I don’t invite a guy up on the first date. If he makes it to three or more, then we’ll see. For your information, our first kiss was hardly mediocre despite your attempt to butt in on the night.”


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