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Heathered Country: part 2 (Devil's Iron MC Book 7)

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by GM Scherbert

  “Where do you think you are going, Pet?” is all he manages to growl out before dragging me back towards his bike. “You stay here, until I get one of the Brothers to take you home. You don’t get the luxury of going to our rooms to hide away.” Is all he says as he turns and makes his way into the clubhouse. I stay still as I watch as Tank, Bull, and Gun help to get Country outta the van and into the clubhouse- then come back to get the babies safely inside, not one of them acknowledging me on their way.

  After all the men, have entered the clubhouse, I see Heather make her way outta the van. She doesn’t hesitate to walk directly over to me.

  “Pearl, I am sorry that I have gotten you into so much trouble. I saw the way you’ve been walking ever since the rendezvous point. Your men really lit up your ass, and I can’t help but feel like I’m the one that is responsible.”

  “Hush Heather.” I say reaching out to her, pulling her into me, I wrap my arms tightly around her. Not noticing the door to the clubhouse opening, or my husbands coming up to us, to try to reassure Heather as best I can. “I know what can come from a bad situation like the one you found yourself in. I remember all too well the night that Layla and those sick fucks had me. And there was no fucking way that I would let that happen to you, to any one of the ol’ ladies, or subs.” Rubbing my hand down her back, I go on, “I know that my husbands are going to be angry with me for a while, and I understand why- I really do. But, what they don’t understand is that there is nothing I wouldn’t do to stop a woman feeling the pain that I went through after that night. So, you have no guilt in what happened Heather, none at all.”

  The deep voice that cuts in only frightens me for a moment, until it hits my mind who it is.

  “Heather, your men would like to speak to you, before we bring you into Church. They are waiting for you in your room.” Is all Blaze says before I drop my hands from Heather after another tight squeeze. As she turns and makes her way quickly into the clubhouse my eyes don’t met my husbands before they drop to the ground.

  “Is that really how you feel, Pet? Are you always scared and fearful that what happened to you, might happen to someone else?” Abraham asks stepping into me, moving his hands slowly over my hips, until he draws me into him. “Is that why you ran so quickly after Heather? Did you think that we would not be able to protect her?” he says drawing my chin up so that my eyes meet his.

  Feeling the void behind me fill, I know that Markus is about to lay into me as well when I feel his hands move around my neck. Drawing up my chin, my neck straining as my eyes meet his which are no longer filled with hurt and disappointment, they are filled with sorrow.

  “Pet, I know that we failed you that night.” Leaning in to kiss me deeply, he lets our tongues mingle softly before pulling away. “I didn’t realize how much that night still affected you and neither did Abraham. We would have had you talking to that Doctor again, that is our fault and something that we shouldn’t have missed. You and our family are the only priority for us and we will do better to make sure that your fears are no more.”

  Sandwiched between these two men, I know that the punishment is over and that my men are starting to feel some of the pain that I still feel. Kissing one and then the other of my husbands, I feel the love between us and know instantly that I should’ve never doubted their ability to save Heather.

  “The prospect is going to take you home, sweetness and then Ember and Sara will meet you at our house. Let the kids play and enjoy the last bit of the day while you and the girls do the same. We will most likely be bringing the Brothers back to our house for a cookout tonight, so if you guys have time to mix up some food we would really appreciate it.”

  Looking from one to the other of my husbands, “Of course we will. It must be going on four or five in the afternoon what time are you thinking you will be home?”

  “Well, I’m guessing church will take at least three hours. So, probably around eight or nine tonight.” Abraham says squeezing my hips tightly in his hands. The hiss that escapes my lips as his fingers dig into the bruises does nothing for him to relive the pressure. “Our babies will be in bed, and we are going to give you a little time in the play room. We will make all your pain go away, I promise Little One.”

  The hands on my neck slowly make their way down to cup my aching breasts. “I agree, we’ll be sure to remind you that we can give you great heights of pleasure when you are being a good Pet, along with the pain we need to deal out when you’re not.”

  Seeing the prospect heading towards us, I try pulling outta the sandwich I currently find myself in. Rough hands grip tighter and I know that my men are not letting me go that easily.

  “Where are you running off to Pet?” Markus says leaning down to nip on my neck.

  “I saw the prospect coming and thought that it was time for me to leave.” Dropping my eyes from his, I go on. “I’m sorry if I was being presumptuous again Master. I should have waited for you to let me know I could leave.”

  Spinning me around quickly, Markus’s face is not the same as I saw only moments ago. A scowl crosses his face as he growls out, “Pet, stop that. I was trying to joke with you and right away you had to go there. You know that what we punished you for was not something that you should have done. That shit is done and over with, now we are back to the way we have been.”

  Abraham can’t help himself from adding, “until you fuck up and meddle in someone else’s business again that is.”

  With that, I move swiftly kissing each of my husbands in turn and turning towards the SUV. With the prospect on my heels, I pull outta the clubhouse lot and drive towards Embers to pick up the kids. Pulling into her driveway, I can see the kids playing around in the yard.

  Getting outta the SUV, I head to the back gate and hear the screams as the kids realize I am home. Running up to me, Rose and Iris are attached to my legs in mere seconds before I can even get the gate shut. Rebel on the other hand comes crawling up to me at a snail’s pace, struggling to get to his feet before I bend down to pick him up.

  “Well, I see that Ember has taken good care of my babies, huh?” I say patting each girl on the head in turn.

  “Momma are Poppa and Daddy home too?” Iris asks.

  “Yes, they are home as well. They are at the clubhouse and will be bringing some of the guys around after they have a meeting. So, we should head home girls and get the house together before Daddy and Poppa do. I think Ember and Sara will be coming by and you all can play in the yard with the other kids, as us Mommas get the food together.”

  Rose excitedly answers, “yeah, I wanna help make the food for Daddy and Poppa please?”

  Patting her head, “Rose honey if you are in the house with the Mommas you won’t be able to play outside with your friends and enjoy the weather. How about we make a deal?” Nodding her head towards me, I continue on, “You can come inside and help the Mommas make dessert for all the guys. How does that sound?”

  “Ok momma that sounds like a plan. It lets me play with the other kids and cook for Poppa and Daddy.” Hugging me tightly she tugs herself free moving towards Ember and the kids. Moving over to the group, I throw my arms around Ember and draw her in tight thanking her for taking such good care of the kids.

  “Anytime lady, anytime. They were fine and we had a good time just hanging out, even without you around.” Pulling away from me slightly, “You however, need to make sure that when you make decisions like this, you let me know. I not only had my own husband after me, but both of yours as well.”

  “Sorry about that Ember. I knew as soon as I found out where she was, I had to get to her. You remember what it is like, I know you do. I didn’t have much choice in the matter.” I say pulling back from her.

  “I remember what that shit was like, sometimes it feels like it happened yesterday.” Looking towards me she goes on, “I can’t stop myself from thinking of it sometimes. Like I am sure it is with you.”

  “Yes, it is. We need to talk this shit through with s
omeone Ember, if it still affects us as much as it does.”

  “Agreed. Do you think that we will need to bring Heather with us as well, Pearl?”

  “I’m not sure if we will or not. She went through some shit, so I am guessing that it wouldn’t hurt. Let’s get the kids together and piled up into the trucks and head over to our house. The guys will be there around eight or nine and we’ll have to have enough food ready for all of them.”

  Heading out after loading up the SUV, we are home in under two minutes. As the kids are unloaded, they each head into the backyard to play. Sending the prospect around to watch over the kids, Ember and I get started in the house waiting for Sara to join us.

  Twenty minutes later the front door opens and Sara waddles in. I can’t help the laugh that escapes me as I ask, “When is that little luv coming to join the family again Sara?”

  Reaching a hand out I slowly move it over her belly, until I feel the baby kick. “Ugh, knock it off Pearl, he was sleeping and you had to go and wake him up.” Pulling away from me, she heads to the fridge and pulls out a can of whip cream, some cheese curds, and a hunk of pork chop. Thinking about the last time that I was home and cooked, I decide that the pork chop must be about a week old.

  “Sweetheart, I am not sure if that meat is still-” Stopping I notice that she has eaten the whole chop and is working on the whip cream. Cravings are something that I remember fondling, but hers are just fucking weird.

  Pulling the burgers outta the freezer, I grab out some stuff to make a pasta salad, potato salad, and a dessert. I see Ember make her way to the cupboard and see her grab out the ingredients to make her favorite- apple pie.

  “Thank fuck, Ember is gonna make pies.” Sara says spraying more of the whip cream into her mouth.

  “Yea, but if you don’t stop eating all the whip cream we won’t have any for the pies, preggo.” Ember says with a smirk on her face.

  Chapter twenty-one


  As the meeting is called to order I can’t help the overwhelming thankfulness that I feel. Having not only my woman and children close by, but having Country home as well is such a good fucking thing. Seeing my Brothers sitting around the table together, brings me a sense of peace, that is only overshadowed by my thoughts of the men that are locked up in the garage out back, waiting for the decisions that come from this table.

  Heather and the babies are waiting it out in our room before Prez calls her in to talk. I know it will be rough for her to speak about the shit that went down when she was taken, but our Brothers are her Brothers and no one will bat an eye at the tale.

  Prez calls the meeting to order and brings up the only topic on the agenda, The Demon Riders. “As you all are aware, we have a few visitors that are staying here with us for the next couple hours. You all know what has been going on, but I think we need to hear from the two that were most affected by The Demon Riders shit. We will first hear from Country on what happened, then we will call in Heather and she will let us know the events that befell her. After we have heard their stories, we will decide what the outcome will be for the Demon Riders. I am sure their fates will be much the same as Layla, those fucking douchebags, and even fucking Ember’s ex. If any of you are not on board with this shit, I’m gonna tell you to walk- right fucking now.”

  None of our Brothers make a move as Prez surveys the room. Turning to Country he goes on, “Well, Country tell us what exactly happen to you that night on the road, and the days that followed.”

  Having a hard time trying to stand, I move quickly to help Country to his feet. Once he finds a comfortable stance, I move back to my chair as he starts the tale of that night.

  “I was on my way to meet Blaze at the clubhouse from The Dungeon and that’s when they fucking hit. I didn’t notice any vehicles on the road with me, and I sure as shit didn’t fucking think someone would be pulling a gun on me as I fucking rode. I didn’t realize until my bike had already gone down that it was the fucking Demon Riders. While I was laid out under my bike, bleeding like a fucking stuffed pig, I recognized one of the guys that was moving towards me- Axe, one of my ol’ man’s right hands.”

  Running a hand over his beard he goes on, “I don’t think I was conscious for long after hitting the pavement but, seeing Axe made me fear for the worst. I remember being moved into a van, and waking up one time in the van on the trip. I am guessing that whoever was riding with me gave me a dose of tranqs. I do remember someone digging around in my chest to maybe get the bullet out. But, those tranqs, which they must have had no problem continuing me on, made it so I don’t remember much of the next two days.”

  Looking around the table, his eyes stop on me when he speaks again. “Until that is, Bull and Heather came into that room and found me.” The relief that washes over his face at this point is one I know well. One that Heather and I have felt every moment that we have had him back in our lives.

  As Blaze stands, I help Country back into his seat and our Prez calls in our ol’ lady. As I stand to head out to get her, I only make it a few steps down the hall before I notice a prospect outside our door. He stands up tall as he notices me approach, pushing himself off the wall as I say, “Prospect, anything happening?”

  “No Bull, I think the babies must be asleep because I ain’t heard them for a while and I have only heard your ol’ lady moving about a little, but that was a little while ago.”

  “Stay on this door, Prospect. Come knock on the door if the babies get up.”

  “Ok Bull.” He says positioning himself against the wall again.

  Opening the door to our room, my eyes are drawn to the bassinets on either side of the bed. Glancing inside, I see both the babies sound asleep and know that is what our woman should be doing as well. But, instead she will come with me and relive the shit those scumbags did to her. Then she will find herself wrapped tight between the two men that love her more than anything.

  Moving towards her, she rolls onto her side and struggles to get to her feet. I get to her quick, and help her to standing. I’m sure the scar from the C-section is still hurting her, she just had our babies four days ago for fucks sake.

  “You okay, Heather? What can I do to help you? Need me to get you some pain pills or?” I say moving my hands slowly over the top of her clothing. “Maybe a drink will help to calm you some?”

  Raising her shaking hand to my face, she steadies herself be touching my cheek. “Johnathan, there is nothing I can take because I am breastfeeding, but thanks. It will be fine as soon as I get this shit over with and we can get back to our lives.” Grabbing my face up in both her hands, she inches closer before going on, “I want to be in bed with my men wrapped around me tight, making me feel like there is nothing that can get to me.”

  Nodding my head, I wrap my arms tight as I lean into her, claiming her mouth with my own. The kiss we share is not our usually heated passion, but with everything she has gone through I can’t say that I’m surprised. Pulling back slowly, I see the hint of desire in her eyes, and know our girl is fighting to come back to us.

  Lacing our fingers together, we turn slowly and make our way out the door. Heading towards church I do my best to support our girl as much as I can. When we enter the room, Country along with the other Brothers rise to their feet. Heather slides into the room, and stands next to Wayne, with me supporting her on the other side. As the rest of our Brothers sit, we sit as well leaving our hands entwined with our woman’s, giving her the support she needs to tell her story.

  Chapter twenty-two


  Squeezing Heather’s hand, I could see the fear in her face as soon as she came through the door. Bull and I have never seen this pain and fear on her face, well not this fucking bad at least. When Zack reached out to her for the first time, I remember seeing this fear in her eyes and it took us weeks to rid her of it.

  Blaze speaks, “Heather, tell us what happened to you please. Know that all the men in this room are Brothers to your men, and the
refore Brothers to you. They would easily die for you, just as Country and Bull would. Have no fear that anything you might say would be shocking or make these men care for you or your men less. We have each been through our own shit storms and the one that we will fight for you will be no different.”

  Nodding her head slowly as he speaks, she looks to me before turning to Bull. As her head moves again, her eyes find a spot on the wall behind Blaze as she begins her story.

  “As I came to, I sat up with a jerk, the pain that shot throw me had me screaming out. As I start to remember where I am at, I see instantly that I am at The Dungeon. Wayne, uh Country, had left shortly before to go sort out the business about Zack. I try shutting my eyes again, but before I can slip into the blackness, a sharp pain rips through me and I realize that my labor has started.”

  Taking another few breaths to calm her nerves, she continues, “Looking up into Bull’s eyes I see fear that I have never seen before. Well, that is until I see him glance towards the door. Then the fear that was in his eyes, is magnified and mixed with anger and hatred. As the pain subsides, I follow his gaze, and see The Dungeon’s main doors swing wide. Five men enter and slowly make their way towards us and as my mind clears along with my vision fear shoots through me. One of the men is the man that I had hoped I would never see again. Before I bring myself to worry about the men that are making their way towards us I am caught up in another contraction.”

  A single tear starts to roll down her cheek as she pauses only briefly before continuing. “As Johnathan, ugh Bull, made his way out from underneath me he moved quickly in front of me, wasting no time, speaking to the men stopping before us. I almost missed hearing Zack speak as the next contraction rocks my body, but I didn’t miss the venom in his voice. ‘Looky, looky at the little pain slut. I see that you haven’t been able to keep your legs together, or keep your filthy fucking hands off those men that you let fuck you three ways to-’ Zack was cut off by Bull quickly with a punch to the face that sends his ass to the floor. As the contraction subsides I was able to look around at the four men left standing. One of which had a strong resemblance to Wayne and I wonder if it was an uncle of his.”


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