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In My Dreams

Page 5

by Cameo Renae

  “Lizzy, you won’t need me. Just open your heart and look for the signs. Michael will give them to you.” She paused again, and then came close and whispered in my ear. “He said he came to you… last night… in your dreams.”

  I gasped.

  “When you sleep, it is the easiest way for them to communicate. He wants you to know that he will meet you in your dreams again… tonight.” Her cheeks blushed in a warm pink hue.

  All words had eluded me. I didn’t know what to think. I was excited, but also apprehensive. This was totally off the wall for me to even remotely comprehend, being the skeptic that I was.

  So, Michael did have something to do with my dreams. He had to have. That was the only logical explanation. Right now, I really didn’t care. If there really were a way to be with Michael, I would take it, even if it was in my dreams.

  Lucy pulled a black leather cord from around her neck and gently placed it in my hand.

  “Lizzy… I want you to have this. It is an amulet of protection made by my great-great grandfather. It is said to be magical and gives the wearer the strength of its object.” I carefully studied the intricately carved piece in my hand. It was of a polar bear, and polar bears were strong.

  “This is beautiful.”

  “It’s carved from ivory. Walrus tusk,” she noted.

  “I can’t take this. It’s a family heirloom,” I said, pushing it back.

  “Please, Lizzy. It is a gift from me to you. It is very rude to refuse a gift from a shaman and definitely not good luck,” she demanded with a sly smile.

  I decided not to argue and graciously accepted the amulet. She leaned in and gave me a warm hug. She suddenly stiffened and stepped back.

  “What’s the matter?” I asked.

  “You have the gift, Lizzy,” she whispered.


  “You will see. In time you will see.” She smiled and left me with that. She turned and walked towards her truck. This was all too overwhelming.

  “Thank you so much, Lucy.” I called to her. “I’m so sorry for any trouble that you had to go through to get here.” I felt bad that she had traveled so long and so far, but I was also glad that she did.

  “I was given this gift to help people. It is no trouble at all. It’s just that your boyfriend woke me up in the middle of the night, and wouldn’t stop bothering me,” she smiled.

  She was right. Michael was persistent and usually got his way. It was part of his charm. I waved her goodbye, and carefully attached the cord around my neck, tucking the amulet into my shirt.

  I had a feeling this wasn’t the last time I would see, or hear of Lucy Crow.

  I tried hard to keep my mind focused on the customers as the seconds slowly ticked by, but Lucy’s words kept ringing in my ears… Michael will give me signs to let me know he is with me. But what kinds of signs? She also said I had the gift. What gift? It was all so mysterious and intriguing, but scary.

  I tried to think back to the few ghost investigation shows I watched with Emily. I remembered that they heard bumps, footsteps, and saw little glowing things called orbs, which to me looked like little dust particles or bugs flying around the room.

  Once in a great while they actually caught, what sounded like, a voice on a little recorder. The investigators somehow managed to find words to fit the obscure sounds, which I thought didn’t sound remotely close. It seemed so fake to me. Yes, I was a skeptic and a huge one at that. I liked to keep my head level and my feet grounded. That’s why it was so overwhelming to think that Michael’s spirit was trying to make contact with me. But, because it was him, I really, really wanted to believe. I wanted this to be real... more than anything else.

  I was glad that he made contact with Lucy Crow, and also that she came to let me know that he was still around… watching over me. Now, the only thing on my mind was meeting him in my dreams. Butterflies did somersaults throughout my stomach just thinking about it. What was becoming of me? I couldn’t wait to get home and fall asleep. How pathetic is that? But right now… I didn’t care if I was going crazy. I’d take any chance to see him again.

  The bell on the door clanged loudly as Emily came prancing into the store, almost at the same time as Mrs. Kelly’s old black Cadillac rumbled into the parking lot. It was five minutes to two. My shift was almost over.

  Emily ran over and gave me one of her biggest bear hugs. She was never one to give out token hugs… even if she’d just met you.

  “I am so, so sorry, Lizzy - about Michael. I’m here for you. You know that right? You can count on me. If you need anything… anything at all… just let me know… kay? You’re my girl,” she said solemnly, her face saddened.

  “Thanks Em.” I muttered with a half-smile.

  “So… you ready to roll? Mrs. Kelly just pulled in.”

  I nodded.

  “Em,” I whispered. “There’s something I really need to tell you; something that happened to me this morning… something supernatural.” I grabbed her arm, pronouncing each word very slowly.

  I knew that those very few words had instantly penetrated her indulgent mind. She wouldn’t be able to suppress the anticipation for an explanation for any given length of time. I could see the wheels in her imaginative brain turning like mad. She glared at me.

  “Okay… Wait!” she said as she dashed toward the break room, hurriedly gathering my things in her arms, dropping my keys on the way back.

  The bell on the door clanged as Mrs. Kelly came in. I could tell that she had heard the news by the look on her face. She looked at me sadly, then walked straight up to me and gave me a big, warm hug.

  “Oh Dear. I heard what happened to Michael this morning,” she said softly, patting my hand. “I was at the Dr.’s office this morning, and ran into Chief Cross’ wife. She asked me if you were working today, and then told me what had happened. I had no idea, Lizzy. I’m so sorry. You should have called me. I would have told you to stay home.”

  “Oh, no. I’m alright. Don’t be sorry,” I said warily.

  “I want you to take as much time off as you need, and just let me know when you’re ready to come back. Here, and I want you to have this… just a little something from me to you. You’re always there for me and I appreciate it.” She placed an envelope in my hand and gave me another squeeze.

  I looked at the white envelope and could see money in it. I couldn’t take her money. “No, Mrs. Kelly,” I said handing back the envelope.

  “Please Lizzy, take it,” she insisted, softly pushing my hand away from her.

  I had just learned from Lucy Crow, not to reject a gift.

  “Thank you,” I said, fighting back tears. I hugged her warmly.

  Mrs. Kelly had been a mother figure to me when my own mother had failed. She never had children but treated me as if I was one of her own. She’d drop off groceries, bring me freshly baked pastries, and invite me to her home on special occasions to eat her wonderful home-cooked meals.

  She wasn’t the only one that made sure I was well taken care of. Both Michael and Emily’s parents also made sure I was well fed and well taken care of. I had never lacked anything with all those loving people around me.

  Emily followed me back to my cottage, where I dropped off my Jeep and jumped in with her. She’d recently bought a brand new Audi A3. It was white, and fast, just like her mouth. They were a perfect match.

  When I jumped into her car the smell of new leather hit me. Flashes of Michael and the dream I’d had played through my mind. My eyes instantly started to tear. I quickly turned towards my window hoping Emily wouldn’t notice.

  I felt sick, again realizing that Michael was gone. I didn’t feel like going out and just wanted to be alone. I wanted to find out if he really could contact me, and having anyone around was a distraction. But Emily was a good friend, and I know I’d sparked her interest. She wouldn’t relent unless I talked to her. I would have to get through this and try to get home quickly.

  We pulled into La Fiesta, an aut
hentic Mexican restaurant, hidden in town. It was just a hole in the wall, but the food was good. It wasn’t a listed “hotspot” so I knew we’d at least have some privacy. We sat at a small table at the back of the restaurant. An older waitress came out and took our order. She gave us a basket of freshly fried tortilla chips and salsa to snack on while we waited for our chicken enchiladas.

  “So Lizzy, are you going to tell me what happened?” Her voice was cautious, not wanting to offend me.

  “It’s killing you…isn’t it,” I said teasingly with a grin.

  “Duh – you know me… And please tell me everything… and I mean everything. Don’t leave any parts out,” she said as she raised her elbows to the table. Her head rested in the palms of her hands, intently watching my face with her wide green-grey eyes.

  I took a chip, cracked it in half and whirled it in the bowl of salsa. Then slowly put it to my mouth and crunched away.

  “Mmmmmm,” I hummed with my eyes closed, knowing I was driving her crazy. I could feel her eyes boring a hole straight through my forehead.

  “Lizzy, you’re killin’ me here,” she said impatiently watching me finish my chip. Her fingers annoyingly thumped on the table.

  “Alright, alright… This is something you are going to love,” I admitted.

  “Well, get to it then!” she blurted.

  I guessed I should just start from the beginning. She’d probably be the only one I’d tell anyway.

  “Well… it all started last night while I was waiting for Michael, and fell asleep. I had this crazy dream about him. I thought it was real. I mean… I remembered waking up in his car smelling the new leather, his cologne. I felt his touch, and it all seemed real, but I had a feeling something just wasn’t right. ”

  Her eyes didn’t blink during that whole sentence. She was intently listening, her mouth gaping, so I continued.

  “Then, all of a sudden a phone started ringing. It wasn’t mine or Michael’s. The ringing came from nowhere, but… everywhere. I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. Michael kept telling me, over and over, how much he loved me and that he’d always be there for me. Then, that stupid phone kept ring, and that’s when Michael told me to wake up. When I did, my house phone was ringing. It was Michael’s dad. He told me that Michael had been in an accident… and…. died.” As the words escaped my mouth, my stomach and heart ached. I fought the stinging in my eyes. Tears welled, but I wiped them before they dropped. I didn’t want to make a scene. I took a few deep breaths; trying to suppress my emotions.

  It was the first time I’d seen Emily so quiet. She also had tears in her eyes, but shook herself out of it, and tried to change the subject. “Whoa, that’s pretty freaky,” she admitted, her eyes still wide and pooling with tears. “Michael was communicating with you through your dreams, Lizzy.”

  “Yeah, but that’s not the half of it. I had two more…even creepier dreams. The first one was more like a freakish nightmare, and I have no clue what it was all about. It was night and I was in the middle of some eerie woods. There was a dark creature following me, and I had a feeling it was going to kill me, but then I heard Michael’s voice call out to me. He appeared, glowing, looking like an angel, and then he disappeared. I finally found my way out of the woods and saw a small cabin in a clearing. I ran to it, but the scary thing about it, was that it had four doors… one on each wall, that kept flying open. Every time I closed a door, the one I’d just closed would fly open!

  “It came to the point where I was too exhausted to move. I froze in a corner of the cabin, but the creature followed me. He grabbed for me, but then… I heard a voice yell, and a bright ball of light shot right through the creature and it exploded into a zillion pieces. Then I woke up.”

  Emily’s face was tweaked, and again, she was speechless.

  “Wow, I’ll have to do some research on that one.” She whispered, mostly to herself. She stared at me intently. I could tell she was really getting into it and her brain was in overdrive. “You said you had another one?”

  “Yeah. But the third dream was more like a vision. I was near a cabin in the woods. I heard voices inside so I went closer. When I peeked inside a window, I saw Tyler Cross and another man - a bum looking guy – that seemed to be holding him hostage. I guess Tyler owed him some money, because the man was threatening to kill him if he didn’t pay. Tyler must have called Michael to lend him the money. And you know Michael; always there for his friends. Shortly after, Michael arrived, but didn’t bring the money with him. The man was pissed, and pulled a gun. He took them both at gunpoint to get the money. That’s when I woke up.”

  “Lizzy! I’ll bet you anything that Michael was showing you a vision of what happened to him. He’s probably telling you, so you can go to the cops and let them know,” she whispered loudly. Her eyes were wide, so wide I could see the whites all around. She reached over the table, grabbing my wrists.

  “And tell them what, Em? That I had some random dream that Michael’s death was a murder and not just some freak accident? And… oh yes… I know exactly what his killer looks like, because I saw him… in a dream!!! No one would ever believe me. They would lock me up in a loony bin and throw away the key!” I didn’t notice that my voice had become louder, until a couple sitting two tables away from us turned and stared. I sunk back into my seat and sighed. Things were getting way too crazy. My life was steadily spiraling out of control and I didn’t know how to stop it.

  “And that’s not it,” I said, leaning forward again, pulling Emily close. This morning, a woman claiming to be a shaman, came to the store. Her name is Lucy Crow, and she said she drove for hours from her village up north. She was waiting for me, saying that she was visited by a spirit. Michael’s spirit. He came to her, and woke her up in the middle of the night, and he wouldn’t stop bugging her until she found me and gave me a message. He told her that he was murdered, and that the man might be coming after me. He stole Michael’s wallet and he has pictures of me. He knows what I look like, Em.”

  “Oh my God, Lizzy! Do you know him?”

  “No, I don’t know who this guy is, or what he’d want with me.”

  “Well, you’re not staying home alone tonight,” she insisted. “I’m scared for you Lizzy. You’re coming to stay with me… you know - until we can find out what really happened. I can help you.”

  “Thanks Em, but not tonight. I doubt this guy knows where I live. He doesn’t even know me, and I really need to be alone tonight. I’ll take every precautionary measure…lock the doors and windows, and I’ll call you first thing in the morning. Maybe I’ll come and stay with you tomorrow.” I knew that if I said tomorrow, it would pacify her enough to where she wouldn’t push.

  Then Emily went there. I knew she would, and I was expecting it. She couldn’t help herself whenever it came to the paranormal. She was a paranormal geek, and delved in everything that was.

  “I told you spirits can communicate with us after they pass. I told you, didn’t I?” she said, her eyes wide with excitement.

  “Yes, you did, Em. More than once,” I sighed. “She said that the easiest way for Michael to make contact with me is in my dreams. The good thing is, with all that’s been going on, I feel like I could sleep for days.” She suddenly had a flicker in her emotions, and I noticed her eyes look sad.

  “Did you tell your mom? Does she know what happened to Michael?” she asked, with a worried look on her face.

  “No. I haven’t told her anything… yet, and don’t want to give her any reason to drink any more than she already is. You know I try and keep all unnecessary stress away from her. She has enough to deal with, so I’ll tell her when the time is right.”

  She sighed. Then a sparkle appeared back in her eyes, and her lips slowly turned upward.

  “So are you going to try and make contact with Michael tonight?” she asked, leaning in closely.

  This fascinated Emily. She’d recently ordered a deluxe ghost hunter’s kit online, from Amazon. It even came with a
Ghost Hunting guide. She was definitely at the top of paranormal freaks.

  This past Halloween, she’d gathered a few of our loony friends to do some ghost hunting in a local cemetery at midnight. I refused, of course, thinking they were completely nuts. The next day, they all came to school excited about their ghostly experiences, which were all hear-say. There was no solid evidence to back them… of course; all claiming to see dark shadows from the corner of their eyes. Why corner of the eye? Can’t anyone see a shadow straight up? Some said they felt like they were touched, or had chills, or felt the temperature drop, while their ghost hunting meters went off. It was craziness. A waste of time, and I didn’t want to have any part of it.

  “I guess,” I said hesitantly. The way she was looking at me made me nervous. I knew she wanted to be involved, and against my better judgment, I asked her anyway. “Why? Do you have any advice for me?” That was a stupid question! I already knew the answer to that one!

  Her face lit with excitement.


  I could tell this was going to be good. Her expressions became fully animated whenever she talked about things which she was passionate about. It was hilarious to watch. I bit my bottom lip and tried to keep a straight face.

  “When you get home, light some candles and find a place of rest and relaxation. Play some calming music and just meditate. I just got a new EMF sensor in my kit that will actually let you know if a spirit is near,” she said, so matter-of-factly.

  It was hard not to laugh, but I somehow managed to hold it in.

  “No thanks. I don’t think I’ll need the EMF thingy. I won’t be doing any investigating. I just need to know the easiest way to make contact with Michael… the least scary.”

  “Well--,” she continued her eyes rolled upward like she was desperately trying to pull answers from her brain. “I think the easiest way, since you already know that he is trying to contact you, is to ask some yes/no questions. But before you do… and this is very important… tell him to knock, once for yes, and twice for no. That way he can communicate with you, and it won’t be confusing. You’ll have a plan. Ghost hunters who have used this method have had some pretty good responses.” She nodded with her widened eyes and intense facials.


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