American Canopy
Page 60
Freinkel, Susan, 217
French Aviation Service, 231
French Revolution, 47
Fuller, Andrew, 105
Furnas, Robert, 132, 133
furniture, 212–13, 223, 327
Garcia, Jerry, 330
Garden and Forest, 144, 158
Gardner, Frank, 142, 144
General Electric Company, 184
General Grant National Park, 152
Genêt, Edmond-Charles, 49
George III, King of England, 51
George Washington National Forest, 251
German Idealism, 80
Germany, 222, 238
elm disease in, 222
World War I air power of, 238
Geronimo, 298
G.I. Bill of Rights, 270
Gifford, Sanford, 153
Gila National Forest, 301
Gilbert, Humphrey, 16
globalization, 332
global warming, see climate change
“God’s First Temples: How Shall We Preserve Our Forests” (Muir), 149
Golden Hill, Battle of, 38
Gold Rush, 72, 115, 189
Goleta, Calif., World War II Japanese attack on, 261–62
Gompers, Samuel, 186, 235, 239
Good Housekeeping, 178
Goodyear, Charles and Frank, 182–83, 184
Gore, Al, 317, 322, 338, 339, 340, 341
Gosnold, Bartholomew, 17
Granite Railway, 101, 102
Grant, Ulysses S., 100, 136, 332–33
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 176
Grateful Dead, 330
Great American Desert, see Great Plains
Great Basin National Park, 9
Great Britain:
colonial logging restrictions by, 25–26, 28–32
elm disease in, 222
imperial naval fleet of, 5, 14, 15, 25, 27, 32–33
intercolonial plant trade in, 40, 42–43, 45, 56
iron industry in, 14, 70
lumber consumption in, 70
North American colonization by, 5, 11, 12–13, 16, 17, 18–21
personal property rights in, 30
railroad system in, 100, 101
Revolutionary-era protests against, 33–34, 35, 36, 37–39
Revolutionary War mast shortage in, 32–33
Spanish war with, 17
timber crisis in, 13–15, 26, 29
Great Chicago Fire, 119
Great Depression, 8, 178, 244, 249–54, 255–60, 270
Great Migration, 186
Great Northern Paper Company, 126, 161
Great Plains:
Depression-era drought in, 255, 257
farming in, 134, 136, 137, 256
land speculation in, 136
rainfall in, 134, 135, 137, 255
Shelterbelt in, 255, 256–60, 261
Great Smoky Mountains, 291
Great Southern Lumber Company, 183, 186, 187, 188
Greeley, Horace, 75
Greeley, William, 196
greenhouse gases, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 343
Greensward Plan, 90, 91
Greenwood Cemetery, 87
Griffith, Andy, 286
Hakluyt, Richard, 11–13, 15–19, 22, 24, 25, 26
Hall, James, 6
Halliburton, 340
Hamilton, Alexander, 49
Harding, Warren G., 242, 244, 292
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, 59, 87, 92
Harrison, Benjamin, 138, 158, 333
Haskell, Llewellyn S., 269
Hatfield, Mark, 321
Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 79
Hayden, Ferdinand V., 135, 139
Hayes, Dennis, 312, 314
Hays, Samuel, 323
Haywood, “Big” Bill, 185
Hearst, William Randolph, 124
Hedderwick, James, 75
hemlock, 23, 127, 138, 183
Hepting, George, 223
Hetch Hetchy Valley, 151, 166, 304
hickory, 22, 23
Hill, David B., 142, 143
Hill, James J., 163, 182, 189, 190, 194
Hillhouse, James, 219
Hindle, Brooke, 68
Hitchcock, Phineas, 136
Hobson, Richmond, 208
Holbrook, Stewart, 188, 189, 192, 194, 195, 286
Holland, 26, 273
Hoover, Herbert, 244, 245, 250
Hoovervilles, 244
hornbeam, 22
Horticulturist, The, 86, 87
Hosack, David, 41
House of Representatives, U.S.:
Public Lands Committee of, 151
World War I aircraft program hearings in, 238–39
balloon framing in, 273, 274, 276–77
mass production of, 271, 277, 278–79
post–World War II shortage of, 269–70, 277
wood use in, 69, 105, 212, 213, 268–69, 272–75, 276–77, 279, 293, 294, 306–7
Hudson River, 139, 140
Hudson River School, 85, 153, 220
Hunter Mountain, Twilight (Gifford), 153
Hurricane Katrina, 341
Hutchings, James, 72, 73–74, 75, 77, 149
Hyman, Harold, 231
Iman, 330
Inconvenient Truth, An (film), 340
Indiana, apple trees in, 61
Indian Affairs Bureau, U.S., 303
industrialization, 98–128, 309
and company towns, 182, 184–85
and forest fires, 116–17, 120, 138, 192, 283
and greenhouse gases, 335
Southern, 181
trees’ importance to, 7, 69–70, 100–105, 116, 120, 122–24, 125–28, 129, 138, 212, 347
Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), 185, 231, 232, 234, 239
influenza, 178
Ingraham, James, 168, 170, 171
Interior Department, U.S., 160, 162, 320
International Paper Company, 126
Intolerable Acts, 38
Inyo National Forest, 2
Iowa, tree planting in, 129, 133
ipê, 327–28
iron, 14, 70, 100, 101, 127, 273
Irving, Washington, 65
Jackson, Andrew, 39, 220
Jackson, Kenneth, 269, 282–83
James I, King of England, 11, 16, 17, 18
James II, King of England, 35
Jamestown colony, 18, 19, 26
cherry trees of, 201–3, 204–7, 208–10
U.S. relations with, 201, 206, 208–9
World War II attacks by, 261–62, 264, 265, 266
Jardin Royal, 53
Jefferson, Thomas, 8, 39, 48, 49, 51, 53, 56, 64, 204, 245, 273
Jefferson Memorial, 210
Jesup, Morris K., 140, 142, 143
jet stream, 265
Jinrikisha Days in Japan (Scidmore), 202
Joel, Billy, 330
John Birch Society, 315
Johnson, Lady Bird, 312
Johnson, Lyndon, 306
Johnson, Robert Underwood, 150, 151, 152, 158, 159
Jones, Howard Mumford, 15
Joshua trees, 342
Journal of Forestry, 248, 299
Journal of the New York Botanical Garden, 214
Kansas, tree planting in, 130
Kansas-Nebraska Act, 130
Kansas Pacific Railroad, 130
Katahdin, Mount, 82
Keats, John, 281
Kennedy, John F., 305, 310–11
Kennedy, Robert F., 310
Kentucky, settlement of, 64
Kerry, John, 340
Khrushchev, Nikita, 281
Kilmer, Joyce, 242, 257
Kimberly, John R., 280
Kimberly-Clark Corporation, 280
King, Carole, 322
King’s Broad Arrow, 28
King’s Canyon National Park, 152
“Kitchen Debate,” 281
Kleenex, 280
Klein, Calvin, 330
r /> Knickerbocker Group, 65
Knox, Philander, 209
Kotex, 280
Kyoto Protocol, 338–39, 340, 343
Labor Department, U.S., Civilian Conservation Corps administration by, 250
labor unions, 185–87, 231, 232–33, 234–35, 239
Lacey, James, 183
ladybird beetles, 175
La Follette, Robert, 198
La Follette, Robert, Jr., 310
Lake Erie, 309
Lake States:
logging in, 5, 109–15, 129, 180
tree farms in, 286
wilderness areas in, 302
landscape gardening:
American, 50–51, 85–86, 220, 224, 269, 278
European, 43, 85
Langley, Batty, 43
Langlie, Arthur B., 284
Lapham, Increase Allen, 97
Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper), 67
“Last Stand of the Wilderness, The” (Leopold), 301
Lathrop, Barbour, 203
Laughead, William B., 191
Laurel and Hardy, 280
Lawrenceville School, 92, 297–98
leather, 126–27, 138, 153, 212
Leatherstocking Tales, The (Cooper), 66–67, 78
L’Ecole Nationale Forestière, 155
Lee, Henry “Light-Horse Harry,” 53
Legion of Loyal Loggers and Lumbermen (4L), 234, 235, 237–38, 239
Lenape, 35
Lenin, Vladimir, 315
Leonard, Zenas, 73
Leopold, Aldo, 297–304, 318, 347
Leopold, Carl, 297
Lepidopterous, wood-boring, 208
Levitt, Abraham, 271, 272, 277–78
Levitt, Alfred, 271, 272, 276–77
Levitt, William, 268, 271–72, 277–78, 281, 282
Levitt & Sons, 271
Levittown, 268, 269–70, 276–79, 282
Lewis, Meriwether, 48, 49–50, 71
Lexington and Concord, Battles of, 79
Liberty Poles, 37, 38–39
Liberty Tree, 5, 33, 34, 35–36, 38, 39, 219
Lincoln, Abraham, 77
Lincoln Highway, 242
Lindsay, John, 314
Linnaeus, Carl, 42, 46
linoleum, 274
literature, American, 64–67, 347
Llewellyn Park, N.J., 269–70
log cabins, 69, 213, 273
acceleration of, 77, 85, 105, 106–15, 116, 120
in Adirondacks, 142, 143, 144, 246–47
advertising and, 191
in Appalachia, 213
in colonial America, 23
early twentieth-century technology in, 190–91
environmental impact of, 115
and forest fires, 116, 117, 120, 138, 192–93
and forestry, 157, 159, 162, 163, 187, 192–93, 197
government regulation of, 284
industrial capitalism in, 113, 114, 115, 181, 182–83, 190
labor in, 182, 184, 185–87, 191–92, 231, 232–33, 234–35, 236, 239
in national forests, 159, 293–94, 295, 299, 300, 319, 320–21, 323
in Northwest, 7, 188–95, 229, 231–38, 317, 320–21, 322, 323
protective measures against, 78, 154, 162, 246–47
in rain forests, 327
in South, 115, 179–88, 194
stumpage in, 192, 194, 284
technical knowledge in, 195–96, 199, 344
transportation in, 101, 107, 109–14, 181, 183, 184, 189, 190–91, 194, 236, 237
tree planting and, 283–87
and urbanization, 85
waste in, 69, 195–96
in West, 346
and westward expansion, 109, 129
white pine, 5, 26–27, 107–8, 109–15, 125, 127, 128, 138, 180, 190
Loggins, Kenny, 322
logjam, 107
log-rolling, 62
London Company, 18–19
Long, George S., 193, 235, 238
Looters of the Public Domain, 190
Lord & Thomas, 177
Loring, George, 155
Los Angeles, Calif., growth of, 179
Los Angeles Times, 264
Louis XVI, King of France, 47
Louisiana-Texas Lumber War of 1911–1913, 186
Lumbermen’s Protective Association, 232, 236
Luxembourg Gardens, 88
MacArthur, Douglas, 252
McCarthy, Joseph, 310
McCloskey, Michael, 295
McCloskey, Paul, 312
MacKaye, Benton, 302
McKinley, William, 159, 161
Mackintosh, Ebenezer, 35–36
MacLeish, Archibald, 325
McLeod, N. W., 163
McPhee, John, 179, 265
McSweeney-McNary Act, 199
McWilliams, Carey, 176
Madeira, 24
Madison, James, 53, 56
Madonna, 330–31
mahogany, 327
commercial logging in, 107, 108, 109
Dutch elm disease in, 226
paper industry in, 125
tree farms in, 286
Main Line Citizens’ Association, 215
Man and Nature (Marsh), 93–98, 135, 139, 141, 153, 246
Man Who Loved Levittown, The (Wetherell), 277, 282
maple, 22, 308, 342
Marcy, Mount, 137
Mariposa Grove, 73, 77, 92, 146
Marlatt, Charles, 207, 208, 209, 210, 222
Marsh, George Perkins, 93–98, 135, 246
Marshall, Humphry, 46, 47
Marshall, Moses, 48
Marshall, Robert, 302, 303
Martin, “Smoky Joe,” 265
Mason, William H., 199
masonite, 199
Massachusetts, Dutch elm disease in, 225
Massachusetts Bay Colony, 79
British logging restrictions in, 25
Liberty Tree’s planting in, 34
trees’ symbolism in, 35
see also New England
Massachusetts Bay Company, 23
Massachusetts Provincial Congress, 32
Mather, Increase, 62
Maumee Rapids, Treaty of, 61
May, Curtis, 222, 223
Mayflower, 19
climate change coverage in, 333, 338, 341
environmental movement coverage in, 312, 313, 314, 315, 325, 330, 331
Mendes, Francisco “Chico,” 324–25, 332
Merkel, Herman, 213
Methuselah (tree), 2
Mexican-American War, 71
Meyer, Frank, 216
Meyer lemon, 216
Miami, Fla., 170–71
Michaux, André, 47–49, 53, 243
Michaux, François André, 218
Michigan, commercial logging in, 109
Michigan, University of, 198
ash tree destruction in, 342
blizzards in, 341
farming in, 109, 176
logging in, 109
see also Great Plains; Lake States; westward expansion
military, U.S.:
post–World War II housing of, 270, 277
trees’ importance to, 7, 228–29, 231–41, 262, 264
wartime housing of, 239–40, 270, 271
Milwaukee Sentinel, 114
Minneapolis, Minn., elm planting in, 221
commercial logging in, 109
tree planting in, 130
Mississippi River, 109–10, 341
Mississippi River Logging Company (MRLC), 112–14
Missouri, tree planting in, 130
Model T, 289, 290, 293
Monticello, 57
Montreal Protocol, 337
Morgan, Pierpont, 182
Morton, J. Sterling, 8, 130–34, 135, 136, 196, 255, 313
Mount Auburn Cemetery, 87
Mount Vernon, 51–52, 53, 57
Muir, John,
2, 8, 145–52, 154, 157, 158–59, 162, 166, 193, 231, 287, 297, 300, 304
multilateral development banks (MDBs), 328, 329
Multiple-Use Sustained Yield Act (MUSYA), 295, 305, 319
Mumford, Lewis, 68, 93
Murray, William H. H., 137–38
Murrill, William Alphonso, 214, 215–16
Nash, Roderick, 305
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), 158, 159
National Association of State Foresters, 263
National Conference on Outdoor Recreation (NCOR), 293, 302
National Forest Management Act, 319
National Geographic, 2, 3
National Geographic Society (NGS), 204
National Lumber Manufacturers’ Association (NLMA), 163, 197, 285, 286
National Park Service, U.S., 303
creation of, 166
National Roadmap for Responding to Climate Change, 342
National Wilderness Preservation System, 305, 306
National Zoo, 266
Native Americans:
and big trees, 73
chestnut use by, 211
forest practices of, 20
in Great Plains, 134
Johnny Appleseed’s status among, 59
and westward expansion, 55, 60–61
Nature, 342
“Nature” (Emerson), 79–80, 82
naval stores, 15, 23, 60, 70, 127
Navigation Acts, 24, 26
rainfall in, 134
tree planting in, 130, 131–34
Nelson, Gaylord, 309–16, 318
Nevada, bristlecone pines in, 1, 2
New Deal, 179, 223, 251–54, 256–60, 293, 302
New England:
apple introduced to, 55
British colonization of, 19–21
British logging restrictions in, 25–26, 28–32
Broad Arrow policy resistance in, 29, 30, 32
cider culture in, 57
colonial home construction in, 272–74
colonists’ tree usage in, 20, 21, 22–23
Dutch elm disease in, 225–26
elms in, 219–20, 224
forest destruction in, 78, 79, 109
mast trade in, 23, 25, 26–28, 32, 33
nineteenth-century social movements in, 80
shipbuilding in, 23–24
timber trade in, 24–25, 27
tree diversity in, 21
trees’ emblematic usage in, 35
triangle trades in, 25
village improvement societies in, 219
white pine logging in, 5, 26–27, 107–8
see also Massachusetts Bay Colony
New England Company, 23
New England Farmer, 122
New Hampshire:
Broad Arrow policy resistance in, 30, 32
commercial logging in, 107
Dutch elm disease in, 226
paper industry in, 125
New Haven, Conn.:
Dutch elm disease in, 225
elms in, 219
New Jersey, Dutch elm disease in, 223
New Mexico, wilderness areas in, 301
New Orleans World’s Fair, 174
New Principles of Gardening (Langley), 43
newspapers, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125
New Sweden, 69