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The Seventh Chakra

Page 39

by J.R. Bowles

  * * *

  After a long discussion of computers, software, and communications―two hours and three drinks, Jackie looked at her watch. Oh, she thought, I've been so wrapped up I missed my 10:45 boat. It was after eleven and she had better call Bernie and Zolar and tell them she was back. She had forgotten she had promised to call them as soon as she reached port. Then she had to find a place to be alone before midnight. She could kick herself for letting this guy mesmerize her with all his charm and intellect.

  “I'm sorry,” she said looking at her watch again: “Could I use your phone? It's a local call.”

  “Sure,” John moved so she could sit near the phone.

  “Room 240, please,” she said into the phone.

  “Hi, it's me, we got back early.... No, I'm going to be all right. I'm staying on the ship tonight. I'll see you in the morning.” She paused. “Okay, I won't forget.” Bernie had reminded her it was getting close to twelve, and she assured him she would be alone. “I've got to be going.” Jackie added, “Miss you too,” and hung up the phone.

  She turned to John and Billy and said, “I've got to be going now. Thanks for an interesting evening. Billy, I'll see you later.” She reached to shake John's hand. She knew she had to go, but she had the feeling she didn't want to. He sure was magnetic, she thought. She glanced at her watch: 11:35.

  “You keep looking at your watch,” Billy commented. “Is something wrong?”

  “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude. It's just a habit.” she lied.

  “Well bye, hope to meet you again, John,” she said to him as she picked up her bag and started for the door.

  “Jackie,” Billy interrupted her departure. “He's the One!”

  “What?” Jackie's mind didn't grasp what he was saying.

  John looked blankly at Billy.

  “He's the one Jackie. I knew you were part of it when I saw you today on the mess deck.”

  Jackie slowly stared at Billy, and then at John, trying to grasp what he was saying. It slowly seeped into her awareness that it was almost midnight and she was with strangers. She swayed and would have fallen, if Billy hadn't been close enough to catch her.

  He moved her to a chair and lowered her ever so gently.

  As her mind came back into focus, she thought she was going to be sick; fear was overcoming her.

  “Billy, what's going on?” John demanded.

  “John, I have to tell you I'm involved in what's happening to you. We don't have time to talk about it now, but Jackie's involved too.”

  “What?” John's face became a mask of shocked confusion.

  “What are they saying?” Jackie's mind tried to grasp what was going on. It was her turn, my God, she was next―what could she do? She wanted to run but her legs felt like rubber. They wouldn't respond to what she wanted them to do. And she wanted to run like hell!

  “Him,” she cried silently. He was the Anti-Christ, the Avatar, but how? He seemed so nice—more than nice-loving, even?

  “Jackie,” Billy spoke softly, “Relax, you knew this was coming. John's more confused than you are. Just look at him.” He glanced at John, who had sat on the edge of the bed and was beginning to slide onto the floor.

  Billy's presence dominated them both. He had taken control of the situation. “This has to happen, there's no stopping it now. You are destined, I was chosen to replace one of the seven of you, but you were born for this moment.

  He didn't respond.

  “John,” she whispered tenderly.

  His eyes flickered.

  “John, John, John….”

  Far away, John heard his name being called, a sweet heavenly whisper, John, John… John.

  Suddenly there he was again, alone in the abyss, and he heard it, the sound, the word, it was an explosion, it was the word which created everything, it was the sound of an explosion, it was the movement of everything that existed.

  Again he was dying, falling apart. He was being cast out into nothingness, everything was chaos.

  And through the chaos he heard, over and over, the sound, it moved him. It shaped him, it was a sweet vibration moving him gently, caressing him, it was a word, a sound, a rhythm, soothing him, healing his pain.

  There was nothing but the sound, nothing but the vibrating energy that became a word, repeated over and over.

  It was a pattern, forming, and he saw the entity that set it into place; it was a word, and the word was everything that exists. It had been him, he had become the word, and the word had become him, it was his name. All around him everything changed from material shape to fluid energy, vibrating into a multitude of life.

  His own body had become the sound.


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