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The Seventh Chakra

Page 59

by J.R. Bowles


  Neither Bernie nor Zolar had placed a wakeup call but Bernie woke up just before ten. He glanced at his watch and noted he had plenty of time to be at Macy's before noon. He showered and changed and headed out the door.

  “Zolar,” Bernie said to the man who still slept on the couch.

  “Yo, Zolar!”


  “I'm going out to get some toilet articles I need.” He lied.

  “Okay. What time is it?”

  “Twenty after ten. I'm going to grab a bite to eat. I'll be back sometime after twelve.”

  Zolar gave Bernie a half nod but still hadn't opened his eyes.

  “Do you think you will wake up if the phone rings? Jackie might call.”

  “Yeah, no problem,” he moaned. Bernie moved the phone to the stand above Zolar's head and turned the ringer as loud as it would go. “That should do it.” He thought and then left.


  Bernie had eaten and walked up and down the street in front of Macy's.

  Almost twelve, he wasn't sure who he was looking for but thought if Zolar can do it why couldn't he. How does one see he thought, then corrected his self, if he were the heart then maybe he should be able to feel it in his heart?

  Well, he might as well try. He relaxed and centered his focus on his heart and trudged slowly along staring at the on slot of humanity he met. It seemed strange staring at them something one just did not do in New York, it was too dangerous. Several panhandlers hit him up for some change which he begrudgingly gave.

  As he met them he could feel the sadness, heartache, and the joy within the people. It was as if they were wearing their emotions on their face. One lady he met had upon first glance, seemed serene but then he got glimpses of adultery and pain within her life. He shook off the feeling, he didn't know if he liked this ability to be able to read peoples emotional entanglements.

  Then he came upon a man who was standing quietly looking over the crowd as they passed. His first pang of emotion was fear but then he felt anticipation. He stopped several feet away from the man and watched silently. The man was about his age, his clothes were upkeep but he wasn't dirty. Then the man's eyes met Bernie's and a small flash of blue light exploded between them. The man had experienced something also, Bernie could tell from his emotional reaction. His jaw gapped in surprise and Bernie walked over to introduce himself.

  “Are you the one that placed the ad?” Bernie asked trying to display confidence he wasn't sure he felt.

  “Yes. I'm Thomas Lamb.” He said somewhat nervously.

  “I'm Bernie Goldfarb.” Bernie offered his hand in greeting.

  Thomas stared at his hand for a moment as if it were a weapon and then decided to respond and clasp it within his own.

  Upon their hand shake they felt as if there had been an electrical energy passing between them.

  This must be one of the centers, Bernie told himself.

  Thomas jerked his hand back with the exchange of energy and stared at his palm as if he were inspecting it for burn marks.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk?” Bernie asked.

  “Yes but a public place.” Thomas answered feeling afraid to be alone with the stranger. Yet in his mind he didn't feel this was the Beast, but somehow he was connected.

  They entered a busy little restaurant and sat at a booth.

  Bernie could feel the man's fear and decided he must reassure him he meant no harm.

  They ordered coffee and waited until it was delivered before they tried to talk with each other. Both of them desiring some privacy and yet also the security of being in a crowd.

  “I'm not who you were expecting.” Bernie began. “Don't ask me how but I can tell. I don't know exactly who you were expecting but I have a general idea.” Bernie paused to watch the expression on Thomas' face.

  “You are like myself, what I mean is, you have been experiencing, uh, “ he paused, what word could he use, “uh, visions, or something like visions but they were like altered states of reality.”

  Thomas nodded and sighed.

  Bernie was relieved when the man seemed to understand. He had been correct, he was the man was one of the centers.

  “I'm not sure how much you know, but I do know you've been experiencing these visions, I'll call them visions, well anyway I've experienced them also. We are centers.”

  Thomas looked at him with confusion. Centers, he thought, they were visions from the devil, blasphemies against God, but he refrained from saying anything. He would wait until the man finished before he asked any questions or added any comments.

  Bernie spent the next hour explaining all about Jackie, the kidnapping, his meeting with Zolar and the explanation Zolar had given.

  Throughout Bernie's explanation Thomas only nodded periodically but never responded.

  Bernie was beginning to feel the man was keeping something from him but he wasn't quite sure what it was.

  “So up through last night when the Spleen Center opened, is about as much as I can tell you so far. It's as much as I understand anyway.” Bernie paused. “From what I understand you too are one of the centers and I figure I'm next, so that leaves you and Zolar.”

  “Let me get this straight,” Thomas stared down at his hand avoiding Bernie's inquisitive eyes, “you say we are some sort of energy centers, and we are being used by this Avatar?”

  Bernie nodded and now Thomas was looking at him directly.

  “This is not the Beast, but a new savior for the world?”

  Bernie shrugged. “I don't know. I'm Jewish so all of this is strange to me. I mean ….”

  “Then you don't believe in the Beast that will come to mark the end of this world as we know it?”

  Bernie just looked at him blankly not knowing what to say.

  “Bernie, I know we have different religions but my worship of God is derived from yours. It is my belief that this person who has been affecting our lives is the Beast himself and unless we can stop him the earth will be destroyed.

  “I just don't know. In the beginning I thought all of this was strange but since my friend Jackie disappeared I've begin to wonder what's going on and who I can trust. I've begin to have doubts about my friend Zolar too. He doesn't seem to be worried about Jackie and that bothers me. And I'm next center.”

  “What you are telling me is you are a center and you have determined you are the Heart Center. Am I correct?”


  “Then there are only two centers left after you and I will be one of them. “Thomas said not as a question but a need to vocalize and clarify his own turmoil. He shook his head in disbelief.

  “It's not that I don't believe what you're telling me. I'm sure what you have told me is the truth as to what you have experienced. But we must remember Lucifer is Lord of the Lie, the king of deception, he will give us enough of the truth to make us believe his lie.”

  Bernie nodded he was beginning to feel insecure. Why hadn't he listened to his Rabbi closer?

  “Bernie, I'm a preacher. I've spent my entire life believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as being our savior. I can't believe in anyone else. Since this all started to take place I've gone through a lot of doubt but it takes me around in circles to back where I began.” Thomas proceeded to tell Bernie all about the voice he had heard before he came to New York, about the money and even about Becky. He did not call her a succubus but he did tell Bernie how she vanished in front of him. He even told him about the sexual experience although he blushed throughout the whole dissertation.

  When Thomas had finished they sat there quietly wondering what to do next.

  Bernie broke the silence. “What do I do?”

  “Don't go back to your friend.” Thomas advised. “If we can stop the chain of events occurring, maybe we can stop the Beast. Bernie think about this, even if he isn't the Beast but is the Avatar, or new savior, why should these events have to occur. Would the real Son of God have
to resort to using people? I mean even in your faith would the savior of the world need people to become who he is. I don't think so, Bernie. God, no matter how you believe, is omni-present, he would not utilize man's own energy to attain spiritual superiority. No I don't believe it necessary.”

  Bernie thought about it for a moment and then nodded his agreement. This had become more serious than he had ever thought possible. As a doctor he often felt he played God but knew there was only one God. The Messiah had not come to earth yet but when he did he felt the Messiah wouldn't need man, but it would be man who would need him.

  “What can we do? I don't know how they got a hold of Jackie but somehow it seems to have just happen.”

  “Bernie find a place to hide tonight. Don't even let your friend Zolar know where you're at. You can stay with me if you like.”

  Bernie thought about it for a few moments and then said. “Yes, I would like that. Like you said, why do they need people to achieve this―if I can break this chain of events maybe I can still save Jackie. Where are you staying?”

  “The Castleton, just around the corner.”

  “Uh, Thomas?”


  “That's where we've been staying at too. Zolar's there now.”

  “Do you think we should change hotels?” Thomas asked.

  “No, whatever's going on is taking place there. I can feel it. I want to be close so I can find Jackie. All I have to do is to stay put in your room until after midnight and then the chain should be broken.”

  “You better call your friend and tell him you won't be back tonight. Maybe you should use a pay phone they may have caller identification and be monitoring your phone if you call from my room. We just don't know what we're up against.”

  Thomas paid the tab and he and Bernie left. They had sat in the restaurant for over three hours and ordered quite a few coffees over the period.

  “Why don’t you call from over there? Thomas mumbled. “I'll wait here so you can have some privacy.”

  Bernie walked over and called the Castleton and asked for his suite. While the phone clicked over to ring Bernie thought about everything Thomas had said and began to agree with him. But it was more than agreeing it was like his ability to feel what the emotions were of the people on the street where earlier in the day, he now could tell Thomas was being sincere and truthful in everything he said. That he is truthful as far as what Thomas had said, “Break the chain of events.” What harm could it do?


  “Zolar, it's me, Bernie.”

  “Bernie, where have you been? I thought you were going to be back hours ago?”

  “Has Jackie called?”

  “Not yet.

  “Zolar, I've decided I'm the next center.” He paused to wait for Zolar's response. When Zolar said nothing he continued, “I'm going to stay away tonight. I'm not sure I like what's happening and I want to break this chain of events.” He waited again for Zolar's reaction expecting him to protest but was surprised with his response.

  “Whatever you think is best but Bernie I don't think you can stop what is happening.”

  “I've got to try. We haven't heard from Jackie and this is the only thing I can think of.”

  “Bernie do what you think but if you are the next center and I'm not sure how you came to that conclusion, no matter what you do it will happen. You will see Jackie before morning. And Bernie?”


  “After the two of you are reunited call me, okay?”

  “Sure thing, hey Zolar, you take care.”

  “Okay. One more thing, what if Jackie calls me before midnight, how can I reach you? Are you going back home?”

  “I'm not going home and it's not that I don't trust you but for now I'll just say I've got somewhere to go. If Jackie calls tell her I miss her and I'll see her as soon as possible.”

  “Will do Bernie, and take care.”


  Bernie hung up and returned to where Thomas was waiting.

  “How did it go?” Thomas asked as they started back to the Castleton.

  “Everything seemed fine but he said it wouldn't matter where I am, there's no way to stop it, it will happen.”

  They didn't look at each other but walked starring blandly ahead each one lost in their own thoughts.

  Bernie was wondering what he was going to do and Thomas knowing what he had to do.

  As they returned to the hotel there were police barricades up and down the street. They had to work their way through the obstacle course to the entrance.

  They entered the hotel and Bernie went over to the desk to see if he could find out what had happened. It was the same sweet little clerk, who had been working the day Jackie, Zolar and he, had registered.

  Reading the man's name tag Bernie said, “Rudy what's all the commotion out front?”

  Rudy looked up from his habitual ritual of pretending to be busy so people wouldn't bother him with inane questions.

  He shrugged. “Some old lady's car went out of control and hit a group of people.”

  “How serious was it?” Bernie asked as he felt the palms of his hands began to sweat. He wasn't sure and although this type of thing happened all the time he had the feeling there was more to this than meets the eye.

  “I heard nine were killed and eighteen hurt.”

  “Thanks for the info,” Bernie said as he headed back to where Thomas had been standing.

  “What's going on?” Thomas asked Bernie as he approached.

  “A car went out of control and killed nine and hurt a bunch.”

  They got on the elevator each wondering if this had anything to do with all that had been happening to them.

  Thomas pushed the second floor button.

  “Second floor,” Bernie said. “That's where we have a suite too. It seems strange that you're staying here and the three of us are here. I wonder if it means everyone that's connected with this might be staying here.

  “You're right, that is too much of a coincidence.”

  “You're on the second floor and so are we.” Bernie added.

  They got off the elevator and Thomas led the way to his room.

  Upon entry Thomas tossed his card key on the desk.

  “Well, we've got quite a few hours before midnight.” Thomas said and turned the do not disturb double lock on the door.

  Thomas and Bernie both went to the window facing the front of the street where the accident had happened. Neither one spoke.

  “How do we pass the time?” Bernie asked realizing that he felt talked out.

  “I don't know, just wait I guess.” But in the back of Thomas's mind he knew what he had to do. He had to distract Bernie. “He comes like a thief in the night,” Thomas thought and then added staring at Bernie's chest, “if thy eye offend the pluck it out. God forgive him but he knew what he had to do. Could he bring himself to do it?”

  “I'm getting kind of hungry. I think I'll order something. Want anything?” Thomas asked as he lifted the phone receiver.

  “Sure, why not, it'll help pass the time.”

  “Uh, what do you want? Kosher?”

  “Don't matter. I don't practice. I'll have whatever you're having.”

  “I'm having steak. How do you want yours cooked?”

  “Well done. I'm not too much on eating blood.”

  “Yes room service, I would like to order two steaks. One well-done, and the other one rare. Oh, and do you have a good sharp steak knives sometimes rare steaks can be pretty tough.” Thomas paused. “Good, thank you.” He paused again and placed his hand over the receiver. “Broccoli and bake potato, okay?”

  Bernie nodded.

  “Broccoli and baked potato for both.” He said into the phone and then to Bernie “What do you want to drink?”

  Bernie shrugged. “Coffee and strong. I think I'll need it.”

  “A pot of extra strong coffee. Thank you.”

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