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The Seventh Chakra

Page 66

by J.R. Bowles


  The drizzle from the previous day had ceased and the humidity from the evaporation was stifling. It was after eleven when John and Zolar took a taxi to South Ferry and caught the boat over to Governors Island.

  Zolar wasn't sure why John wanted him to come along but things had been happening so fast he had very little time to think about it.

  John hadn't said much to Zolar since they had left the hotel. It was beginning to dawn on John what was happening to him and how these people were becoming intertwined in his life. He wasn't sure why he had asked Zolar along but after the discussion in the early hours he knew Zolar would be the next person involved in what they had called openings.

  After getting off of the Coast Guard Ferry Boat they took the van shuttle to the old building where Commander Smith worked.

  They were at Commander Smith's office by 1:00. As they entered John saw the Warrant Officer working at his computer.

  “Hello Mr. Bowles.” John greeted the Warrant Officer.

  “Afternoon Mr. Fleuric. The Commander's waiting.”

  John led Zolar into an old paneled office stacked with papers and blue prints.

  “Hello Jake.” John said offering his hand in greeting.

  “Hello John. Have a seat. I'll be right with you.” The Commander pointed to two chairs for them to be seated and picked up a phone and punched in three numbers before John had time to introduce Zolar.

  “Would you tell the Captain that Mr. Fleuric is here?”

  The Commander paused and then added, “Well, when he gets back from his golf game would you tell him we will be waiting,” and hung up.

  “Who's your friend?” The Commander eyed Zolar suspiciously.

  John realized he didn't know Zolar's last name. “This is Mr. Zolar, he's an associate of mine.” John glanced at Zolar to check his reaction and added to Zolar, “Commander Smith.”

  “Please to meet you Commander Smith.” Zolar spoke almost mechanically.

  “What seems to be the hold up, Jake?” John questioned.

  “My Captain, Captain Jack, wants to be here for the final agreement.”

  “I thought we had settled all of that.” John stated nonplus.

  “Well I was in agreement but the Captain reviewed everything and wanted to be in today.” The Commander answered.

  John sighed. “Is he usually in the habit of making people wait?”

  The Commander looked apologetic but said, “He's a Captain and unfortunately in the military that's the way it is.”

  “Well, I'm not in the military and I don't particularly like being treated like this.” John said as the door opened.

  “Sorry to keep you waiting gentlemen.” The short stocky dark haired man said as he entered. “I'm Captain Jack I had a few things I had to attend.”

  “Like golf?” John said raising his eyebrows.

  The Captain glared and looked at the Commander but didn't say anything.

  “Let's get down to business, if we may.” The Captain began and looking at John added, “I assume you're Mr. Fleuric?”

  John nodded.

  “And the other gentleman?”

  “An associate, Mr. Zolar.” John said offering no other explanations.

  “Well Mr. Fleuric, your software is quite incredible but at the present time we don't have the use of a satellite needed to aid the tracking of the ships and buoys, but we would like to purchase it for the future.”

  “I've already explained to the Commander that any satellite can be used for that purpose. One of the television networks or even a private one.”

  “But that would cost money, and we don't have the budget for something this complex at this time.” Captain Jack rebuked.

  “Excuse me gentleman,” Zolar interrupted, “but if I may, I would like to interject a little knowledge that I happen to have about the government and the Coast Guard in particular. “

  All three men turned to Zolar. John had no idea what Zolar was going to say. Each one was quiet as if they were spellbound by Zolar's very presence.

  Zolar continued. “I happen to know that you have a satellite that can be used, one of the Star War satellites. I also know that the Coast Guard has been waiting for a software and hardware system that would serve their navigational functions.”

  Zolar paused as the information seemed to register on the Captain's face and then continued.

  “Most important, I know that the Coast Guard is now using the Star War Satellites. The present program is used as a homing device. The Coast Guard is now using these homing devices or should I call them bugs. I believe you call them tracking devices. I also know the Coast Guard is placing bugs on all ships it inspects and all ships it boards. Part of their war on drugs?” Zolar raised his eyebrows as he paused to watch the Captain's face burning in fiery rage.

  “I also know that the Coast Guard is using these bugs to follow the movement of all ships to see what ports they visit and how often. This way they can keep track of all potential drug smugglers.” He paused leaned back in his chair and stared definitely at the Captain.

  “The software that you are going to purchase along with his design in the hardware system is designed to go a step beyond what you are already doing and you know it. You can require each ship to be computer linked via satellite and then it would become virtually impossible for a ship to run aground or collide. Your greatest fear is the public will find out you have already been tracking their every move. You fear your Big Brother tactics will be exposed. Am I correct?”

  “How do you know about this?” The Captain was clutching the arms of his chair and his face was crimson.

  “That's top secret information. I'll have you all in jail.” The Captain threatened.

  “I think not, Captain.” Zolar smiled confidently. “If the public finds out you've been spying on their every movement, I have this feeling the Coast Guard may suddenly cease to exist.” Zolar returned the threat.

  The Captain exhaled and said, “Very well we'll purchase your software but before we can put it into effect we will have to go through Washington.”

  John stared in amazement at Zolar wondering how he knew about all of this.

  They drew up a Memorandum of Purchase and John leased his software and hardware design to the Coast Guard but had made them promise that all countries would share in the navigational breakthrough.

  After completing the deal John and Zolar walked over to the Governor's Island motel so John could check out.

  “How did you know about the satellite?” John asked.

  “John, I helped design it almost three years ago.” Zolar said.

  “Oh.” Was all John said.

  After he had checked out of the island motel John suggested they grab a bite to eat at Burger King on the Island.

  John and Zolar sat down to their fast food meal after waiting for almost twenty minutes. The service was surprisingly poor for Burger King and the physical condition of the space was well below the big corporations usual standards of excellence. The employees were boated in from the city and were more obnoxious than the average New Yorker.

  As they ate still discussing the day’s events they were approached by an attractive young lady.

  “Mind if I sit here?” She asked indicating the empty seat.

  “Not at all.” John said as he scanned the dining area noticing several other vacant spaces but decided to not make a comment to that effect. If she wants to sit here why not, he thought to himself.

  “Thank you.” She said, sliding into the booth beside John and facing Zolar. She began unwrapping her food and organizing its location.

  Zolar caught John's eye with a silent question and John responded by raising his eyebrows and shrugging his shoulders, indicating he had no idea.

  “It's after four, what are our plans for the rest of the evening?” Zolar asked John.

  “I don't know? I was hoping maybe you might have some idea. All of these surprise inci
dents are beginning to wear on my nerves.” John answered as he stirred his shake with the straw.

  “I guess we will just have to play it by ear.” Zolar said.

  “Sounds like you guys are new in town.” The girl said smiling at them.

  “We've been here a few days.” Zolar answered, wondering who she was and what she was up to. After the course of the past week he began to not take any incident for granted. It seemed each and every incident was beginning to have a major significance. Zolar leaned back to look at the dark haired girl. He was trying to see if he could see an aura or get any type of mental vibrations from her but came up empty.

  “We've been into the city a few times.” John’s answer was noncommittal. “We've actually spent more time in the city than here on Governors Island. How about you, are you in the Coast Guard?”

  “No, I work for Western Union, I have to deliver messages over here sometimes. I usually stay over longer than needed. It's so nice here. Nicer than the city.”

  “I take it you're from the city?” John asked politely.

  “All my life. I grew up in Queens but I live in the Village now.” She paused and opened her big brown eyes and smiled at John. “My name's Becky, Becky Motzarella.”

  “Hi, I'm John Fleuric and this is Zolar, uh, “ John turned to Zolar, “I don't know your last name.”

  “I found that out today in the meeting. I'm Zolar Hawkins.” He offered his hand in greeting to Becky.

  “Please to meet yeas.” She said her Queens accent was very faint. “Sounds like you guys are looking for something to do?”

  “Well not exactly.” Zolar intervened meeting John's eyes as if to say let me handle this. “We concluded some business today and thought we would have a bite before we head back uptown to our hotel. We have some friends waiting there for us.”

  “That's good.” Becky said as she moved her dark hair behind her ear. “It's always good to know someone in New York. “

  ”Do you get over to Governors Island often?” Zolar asked.

  “Any time they need someone to deliver I manage to get my name pushed to the top of the list. I love it here. Did you know that under this Island there are dozens of tunnels left over from years ago. Almost like a catacomb.”

  “I guess New York is like that all over. I mean with the subway system being so old and all.” John said.

  “You're right.” Becky said. “But the tunnels here date back further than the purchase of this island from the Indians. It was purchased from the Indians for two axe handles and something or other, I forget.

  “I'm not surprised. I understand Manhattan was purchased cheaply to.” John shook his head.

  Becky leaned over and lowered her voice. “I've been down there. Down into the tunnels. It's fascinating. There are all kinds of drawings on the walls some sort of religions or something.”

  “Is that right?” Zolar said wondering were this conversation was going and beginning to have a hunch that his first speculation about this woman was correct. She was up to something, although all of the keys for opening the centers were now known. He wondered exactly who she was and were she was headed with all of this.

  “How did you get down into the tunnels?” John asked finding his own curiosity increasing.

  “Over by the old fort where the flag is there's a hidden door. Oh, there are entries all over the island. They were made by the Army when the Army used the Island and they dug them out so they could move all over the Island without having to go outside. Escape routes the whole nine yards.” She slurped at her drink and inhaled.

  “You said there were religious drawings. What kind of religious drawings?” Zolar asked.

  “I found a hidden door in one of the tunnels.” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “It led to what puts you in mind of Stone Hedge or something, and there's a drawing on the wall of a red star on a mountain. Well below this star there's a drawing of seven figures around what looks like an altar and on the altar is a man dressed in white.”

  Zolar and John stared at each other.

  “Why are you telling us this? I mean it's interesting and all but why did you bring it up?” Zolar quizzed.

  “I don't know.” Becky stared down at the table acting somewhat sheepish.

  “How did you find out about these tunnels to begin with?” John asked knowing that Zolar must be thinking what he was thinking. That the star was the Roanoke star; and it was the eight of them who had been born at that same hospital on the same day.

  “I've been coming over here for years. My father was in the Army and we use to live on the Island when the Army had it. You know how kids are always exploring.”

  “Becky, there's something you're not telling us and I think it's time you came out with it. This is just too coincidental for us at this particular time. We're tired of games.” Zolar stated flatly.

  John turned and watched her as she started to fidget.

  Becky took a deep breath. She raised her head in grace and dignity and when she spoke her voice had change. The sound that proceeded from her mouth was like the crystallization of chimes singing in the wind.

  “I am Kumara. I am the manifestation of the collective consciousness of all life on this planet. I am legions of planetary entities that have willed me into this form you see. “

  Zolar looked around to see if anyone was watching them and was surprised that no one seemed to take notice. He watched Kumara in fascination as she continued.

  “I am the registration of energy of a great multitude that keeps this planet. We are neither good nor evil, neither positive nor negative. We do not become involved in the power struggles between the two forces. We do not judge.”

  Kumara gracefully opened her hands palms up and paused.

  John and Zolar watched her as she seemed to be drawing upon some other source to help her vocalize.

  “I am attempting to make a very abstruse subject clear and human voice proves inadequate. It is like truth. Truth is not spoken, it is experienced.”

  “But why are you here?” John managed to gather the courage to question.

  “Our planet, yours and ours, for we do share it, our world is at a point of tension where he may cease to exist. The two forces, Good and Evil, are as always at war. These two powers are like mankind they have evolved and are continuing to evolve. Each force is blinded by their own perspective. They are each on the verge of a leap in their own evolution.”

  Kumara paused and pointed her finger at John. “You have been chosen to determine which power will step forward and which will remain temporarily behind.”

  John felt horrified, why him? He had just come to realize that he was involved with something he had yet to comprehend and now he was being told he must choose between Good and Evil.

  He shook his head. “You're telling me that I will be the one to determine which of these powers, Good or Evil, will take this evolutionary leap?”


  “I'll refuse to make the choice!”

  “That unfortunately, is a choice you will not have. At the time of your choice there will be only two alternatives.”

  “What are these powers you call Good and Evil?”

  “Good and Evil are only labels. They could be called positive or negative, black or white, yin or yang. They are only labels.”

  Kumara paused for a moment to allow John to register what he was being told and then continued.

  “The powers of Good and Evil are to some extent like I am, they are a manifestation of collective consciousness of all the living human souls, past and present. They have been draw by their beliefs, actions and faith, to either the positive or the negative.

  I differ, in that, I am the collection of all the life that has lived and is living on this planet. I am the collection of the beast, foul, and fish. I am the collection of those humans who were not polarized to the good or evil. I am mostly the living force of the very elements of the
planet, the water, the minerals, the forces seen or unseen of the planet. I am all of these.”

  “But how will I know the difference between Good or Evil?” John's slumped down from the burden of this new knowledge.

  “You must forget the terms of good and evil. They are only labels. It is truth that you must experience. One force desires for this planet to continue and one desires for it to end.”

  “Then that's easy.” John scratched his head as if the answer was too simple. “Good wants the planet to continue and Evil wants to destroy it.”

  “That is not necessarily the truth.” Kumara answered.

  “But what are the consequences of these choices?” John asked.

  “You may choose to destroy the earth.”

  John's jaw dropped and Zolar just stared in shock.

  “Then the answer is easy. I won't destroy the earth.” John shook his head and glanced at Zolar for reaffirmation of his decision.

  “Dear John, sweet and gentle John,” Kumara patted his hand, “you have two centers that are yet to be opened. With these two centers you will learn much. When the time comes you will choose and only then will you be able to decide which is the correct course of action.”

  “When you say destroy the earth does that mean the destruction of just man or all life, or what?”

  “The earth, the moon, the sun and all of its planets will cease. This solar system will be no more.”

  “They'll explode?”

  “They will cease.”

  John leaned back on the hard plastic of the booth and gazed up at the ceiling. He had become speechless.

  Zolar inspected Kumara closely. “Do you mind if I ask a few questions?”

  “Not at all.”

  John refocused himself to listen.

  “How do you know all of this?” Zolar asked.

  “From time to time I become involved with the two forces. I manifest myself to man and become involved. I help man to become aware of what he is doing to me. When I say me, remember I am the conscious of the earth. I interact with humanity, both mentally and physically. I have often helped to make man aware of what he is doing to the environment. I have held political office. I have been friend and lover to both man and woman.”

  “But why did you become involved with these centers if you are neutral?”

  “Like your own body, I have a body. It is the earth itself, and like your own body, I have energy sources which correspond with the centers in your bodies. I have been affected by each of your centers being opened. The place where the eight of you were born is my equivalent to your solar plexus, your birth center. There I have an energy center. You will be returning there tomorrow.”

  Zolar turned to John with the question on his face. John's response was a shrug indicating that was the first he had heard about it.

  “Your friend Michael has already made reservations for your travel. I am linked with you. When your second center opened I joined with your preacher, Thomas Lamb. I joined with him sexually so I could be intertwined with you as you developed. I can manifest as male or female, any animal, foul or fish. I can be anything, lamp or stone. My physical appearance is the vibration of my focalized energy.”

  “You told us that there are tunnels below this island. You want us to go there, right?” Zolar asked her.

  Kumara nodded.

  “Let's go then, I want to see this wall you told us about.”

  “We must wait until after dark.” Kumara answered. “When the sun sets they will lower their flag and then the shadows of the night will shield us from being seen.”

  “The next center to open―me, will that take place in the tunnel?”

  “Yes, in the chamber that houses the great wall, your truth will be experienced.”

  “Will you join us?” Zolar asked.

  Kumara stared deeply in to Zolar's eyes. “I will only show you the way.

  John looked down at his watch. “Still a couple of hours before the sun set. I've heard enough for now. I need to sort all of this out.” He sighed. “Let's do something to take our minds off this for a while.”

  “Hey there's a bowling alley right next door here. Let's bowl. The Coast Guard's got a regular little city here.” Zolar said and looked at John and then to Kumara.

  “Love it.” Kumara said slipping back into her Becky role of the street-wise girl who was born and raised in Queens.


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