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The Seventh Chakra

Page 76

by J.R. Bowles


  “Hi Dad,” Zolar said into the receiver. “Guess where I am?”

  “Hi Zoe.” He heard his father say. “Where are you?”

  “I'm in Roanoke. I'm staying with some friends over at the Hotel Roanoke. But Dad, I think you knew we would show up here.” Zolar said accusingly.

  “Yes we did, son. We've been getting ready for your return.” His father answered.

  “Dad I think you owe us a little more explanation. I'm not buying some of what you told me. I want to hear everything.”

  “What's wrong?” His father asked him.

  “Well for one thing, something is going wrong. There have been several deaths and what I experienced wasn't what I thought it was going to be.”

  “Oh,” his father said into the phone.

  “Well Dad I want all the facts.” Zolar demanded.


  “Now Dad.”

  “Okay then, do you want me to come over to the hotel.”

  “How long will it take you to get here?” Zolar asked.

  “I can be there in forty minutes.” His father answered.

  “Okay. I'm in room 432. I'll be waiting, and Dad?”


  “I've missed you.”

  “We've missed you to.” His father said before he hung up.

  Zolar laid down on the bed and thought about the questions he wanted to ask his father. After what he had seen he didn't believe they were all the direct decedents of Cain and Able, and Seth. Even when he had been told the story, he hadn't completely believed it but had accepted it at the time. Why had his father told him that? He wondered.

  The fact that John was apparently the Avatar was probably the only thing true and even that was debatable. John could also be the Anti-Christ. But the fact that they were supposed to be the 666th generation descended from Cain had been a total fabrication. He knew that now because he had seen the creation of the universe itself. Evolution was the way man had come into being. He had literally slithered up out of the water and had evolved into the thinking being that he is today.

  Why had his father led him to believe John was going to save the world, when in fact, John would decide whether the world would continue or end.

  Zolar wondered who was knocking at his door. It was too soon to be his father. He walked over and opened it.

  “Hi, Bernie, come on in.” Zolar said as he opened the door.

  “Have you seen Jackie?”

  “No. She's not in her room?” Zolar asked as Bernie strolled in and made himself comfortable glancing around the room.

  “Don't you think I would have checked there first?” Bernie snipped.

  “Don't snap at me. What's your problem?” Zolar ask.

  “Sorry. I just thought she might be here or might have told you where she was going and not told me. I guess it was jealousy.” Bernie apologized.

  “I haven't heard from her. She probably went shopping or something. There's nothing to worry about. Roanoke's not like New York. It may not be a hundred percent safe but compared to New York it's a hell of a lot safer.”

  “I guess the luncheon got me down.” Bernie wrinkled up his brow and shrugged. “It was pretty depressing. It never occurred to me John might die. We haven't known him long but it just doesn't seem right.”

  “I know what you mean. You know I'm glad you came over. I have a favor to ask.” Zolar said.


  “John thinks only the seven centers should be present tonight. But he figures Michael might be a bit of a problem. You've got to admit Michael is head strong.” Zolar sat down across from Bernie adding, “He suggested we might have to drug him and since Michael apparently brought drugs to sedate Thomas, we could use some of them on Michael. Here's the problem. I tried when I came up to jimmy open his door but I didn't have any luck. I thought I might go down to the front desk and tell them I'm Michael O'Malley and that I locked my key in the room. Since we all checked in at once they might not be able to place names with faces. The only thing is with a name like mine, people tend to stick it to my face fairly quick. I was wondering…?

  “Wondering if I would do it?” Bernie asked.

  “Yeah. Besides if he has more than one type of drug I might pick up the wrong thing.”

  “Sure thing. Hey, I grew up in New York. I know how to run a good hustle. Besides that the way I found out Jackie's name the first day I met her. I went into the USO and ran a line on them.” Bernie smiled as he thought back to the day he met Jackie, seemed like ages ago. “Do you think I can pass for Irish?”

  “All of you Caucasians look alike.” Zolar tried to keep a serious face.

  “Zolar, I think you're part Caucasian, Now aren't you?”

  “Yeah,” Zolar shrugged and furrowed his brow. “I got the pencil dick.”

  Bernie laughed and Zolar joined in.

  Bernie sobered and shook his head. “Did you get a chance to call your father?”

  “Yeah, he's coming over, should be here shortly.”

  “Well I guess I might as well go back to my room. Give you and your father some time together.” Bernie got up and headed toward the door. “Thanks for cheering me up. You're just what the doctor ordered. Catch you later; I've got to take care of a little covert procurement.”

  Zolar didn't protest Bernie's departure. Just as Bernie was ready to shut the door Bernie stopped and turned.

  “Zolar are you scared?” He asked.

  “Bernie, truthfully I would be lying if I said I wasn't. I'm terrified.”

  “Me too,” Bernie said and closed the door.


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