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Dagger & Deception

Page 28

by Jeremy Dwyer

  “Then we have to get closer,” Brant said.

  “Did you not hear the part about approaching armies? I wouldn’t be so bold today,” Zoe said.

  “I’ll go,” Daven said.

  “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into,” Zoe said.

  “I can’t just let something happen to her,” Daven said, and he started walking in that direction.

  “See, even he knows we have to get closer,” Brant said.

  “She helped us get onto this island. I need to help her get off of it,” Daven said.

  “That’s right. We’ve got to get closer,” Brant said.

  “This is against my better judgment, but we’ll go. Carefully,” Zoe said.

  They made their way toward the towers.

  Ovid followed, having no fear of what armies or dangers may be ahead, but having much interest. He knew very well that Chroniclers of the Oath, such as himself, were somehow protected, as long as they kept the Oath. Investigating and recording what was ahead was a principal tenet of the Oath.

  CHAPTER 29: Prince of Flames

  Within one of the yellow towers of the Temple of the Sky’s Nine (9) Kings, there was a great fire burning. And the fire had a name: it was Prince Kirdothet. He had heard the girl’s newest song, Reveal To Me, and could hold himself back no longer. He appeared before her, both because of his own love of her voice and desire to be with her, and the power of the music itself, which seemed to command him to reveal himself.

  A great flame appeared in front of Taesa, and she stepped back. The flame took form and changed shape, and became human in appearance. It had a handsome face, and dulled its flames so as not to burn her. He had what looked to be the fine dress of a prince, in clothes that were yellow and red, in no small part due to the flames of which he was made.

  “You have the most beautiful voice. I’ve heard it before, and now I hear it again,” Kirdothet said.

  Taesa was frightened at the sight of the speaking man made of flames and asked: “From where does this voice come that I am hearing? Flames do not speak.”

  “I am Prince Kirdothet, of the yellow suns of the sky. Flames do live and speak. They also see, hear and love,” Kirdothet said.

  “The suns have a prince? That is a fantastical thing to say,” Taesa said.

  “It is true. I am that prince. I want to know where your voice came from. It is greater than this place. It belongs among the suns of the sky,” Kirdothet said.

  “I drink the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean. Then I can sing many songs of power,” Taesa said.

  “Yes. Many songs you have sung, and I have heard,” Kirdothet said.

  “What have you heard?” Taesa asked.

  “You sang Praise Every Sun Upon the Sea with a voice more beautiful than I could have imagined. It was a time before now, but I remember. It stirred me, and gave me joy. I, and the other yellow suns who follow me, were set on a new path,” Kirdothet said.

  Taesa considered this, but did not fully understand the implications.

  “What do you even mean by a new path?” Taesa asked, but Kirdothet did not answer this question.

  “You sang Let Many Suns Shine Down and brought me down from the kingdom of the sky so that I might be closer to you,” Kirdothet said.

  “I saw the two (2) yellow suns shining brighter. And a streak of fire in the sky,” Taesa said.

  “You sang Reveal To Me, and I could not hold back any longer,” Kirdothet said.

  “My songs did all that? I’m not the only one who sings,” Taesa said.

  “You are the only one in this modern age who sings with the voice that calls to the suns in the kingdom of the sky,” Kirdothet said.

  “I drink the same waters as many other singers,” Taesa said.

  “But you have something greater within you. What is your name?” Kirdothet asked.

  “I am Taesa,” she answered.

  “My lovely Taesa, you have a voice that transcends the people of this world and their powers. I wish to hear it more,” Kirdothet said.

  “I sing when there is a need for music. There are times that call for a greater power, and so I use the waters for the musical power that they give,” Taesa said.

  “Is now not such a time?” Kirdothet asked.

  “The proper time is when there is danger, when there is sadness or sickness or there are people in need, or when there is knowledge to be discovered,” Taesa said.

  “That is all?” Kirdothet asked.

  “The need of the moment inspires me, and then the words flow, and the song occurs to me. Each song is appropriate to the situation,” Taesa said.

  “I can bring sadness and sickness and danger. I can even bring pain and death,” Kirdothet said.

  “You would hurt and kill people and hope that would inspire a song?” Taesa asked, thinking Prince Kirdothet to be revealing himself as quite cruel.

  “Would it not inspire you as you have just told me?” Kirdothet asked.

  “It would not be a song that would give you pleasure,” Taesa said, indignantly.

  “Your singing voice gives me pleasure,” Kirdothet said.

  “If you bring evil, the song will be one of rebuke, and will not give you glory,” Taesa said.

  “If I bring good, will you sing a joyful song to give me pleasure and glory?” Kirdothet asked.

  “If you bring good, by the great power that you undoubtedly have, what meaningful good could I add with a song? And, if I cannot add good, how can I add pleasure?” Taesa asked.

  “Will you sing Praise Every Sun Upon the Sea? Then, I might have that pleasure and glory again,” Kirdothet asked.

  “I sang that to celebrate with the people who worship the suns. That was their way in that place, and I chose to share in their culture, as I lived among them at the time. I also expected to receive payment for my services, so that I could support myself,” Taesa said.

  “Will you sing it here and now?” Kirdothet asked.

  “Are you asking me to praise you? After threatening to do evil?” Taesa asked.

  “Yes. Praise me with your joyful voice. It is enchanting, and I wish to hear it yet again,” Kirdothet said.

  “You’re twisted and arrogant. You speak of bringing sickness, pain and death, and now you want me to praise you and bring you joy you don’t deserve?” Taesa asked.

  “Yet you would sing if I unleashed evil, and I would hear your voice,” Kirdothet said.

  “I would only call for the good; not give worship to the one who brings the evil,” Taesa said.

  “To hear your voice, I would do anything,” Kirdothet said. At this, he reached out and flames came from him in many directions. The forest all around them then burst into flames, in every direction.


  A spy – a thirty (30) year old woman named Halina – was hidden in the darkness, by the powers of the Ikkith Tar Ocean whose waters she drank. She had been watching all of these events. She was sent by Victoria and Tanith Orenda to observe the events on the island. However, Taesa’s song Reveal To Me uncovered her, and dispelled her dark cover for a while. Yet, Halina was practiced in stealth and remained hidden behind the outer wall of this temple, such that neither Taesa nor Kirdothet could see her. Those same powers of darkness had also allowed her to penetrate false light, so she was not distracted or lost in the earlier forest of illusions.

  Halina waited and listened, noting the staggering danger of this Prince Kirdothet, and hearing his words, and his obsession with the girl’s songs.

  Halina was a woman of the Ahitan Empire, who hated men, but had great regard, and even reverence, for all females: even if they were of the enemy and had to be struck down, the termination was always dignified, respectful and quick. Halina saw that this Taesa was a young woman most definitely gifted with an extraordinary voice. Her voice was multiplied by the powers of the waters of the Pirovalen Ocean of which she drank. Halina could see this by the classical markings of music that were on the vial of water which was on t
he chain around Taesa’s neck. This fire creature from the kingdom of the sky was demonically evil and dangerous. Being of the Ahitan Empire meant worshipping the demon Matatirot, who was no less demonic, but they thought of Matatirot as a powerful master, not as a demon, and definitely not as evil.

  Halina had to rescue this girl known as Taesa.

  Halina drank anew of the waters of the Ikkith Tar Ocean that she carried in the vial she wore on a chain around her neck. She was energized. Then, she drank again, and was energized further. Then she drank again, energizing her further still. She then exercised her powers, to return into the deepest darkness, which she did. She approached, slowly, hoping that the aura of the song Reveal To Me did not dispel her darkness. Fortunately for her, it did not, as she was an expert spy with a high innate potential to use the waters.


  Despite being a creature of the hot, bright burning yellow suns, Kirdothet could not see into the deepest darkness. Suddenly, Taesa disappeared, as she was shrouded in that darkness, which the spy – Halina – extended over top of her. She grabbed Taesa by the arm and started running away, and Taesa was overpowered, and simply had to run with her, thinking that it was better to put some distance between her and Kirdothet. Away from him was probably an improvement. Toward the unknown may bring its own risks, but there was little choice.

  Before Taesa knew it, there were at a shore, and then on a small raft on the waters, and then Halina called out: “Master, take us away from here.” Then, Matatirot opened a portal through the spirit world and moved them a distance across the dark waters, to the shore of another island.


  They were met by Victoria, who had previously met Taesa, and instantly recognized the young woman. “It is so delightful to see you again, Taesa, my young friend,” Victoria said to her, warmly, lovingly and sincerely. Whereas her hatred for males was intense, Victoria was genuinely pleased to have Taesa with her.

  “Why am I here? And why are you here?” Taesa asked.

  “To be where it is safe. The world is against me because of a lie that was told,” Victoria said.

  “They say you’re going to bring storms to the oceans, and kill everyone,” Taesa said.

  “Are you willing to believe these hateful lies about me? Are you angry at me, Taesa? Did I hurt you and lose your trust?” Victoria asked.

  “No. I’m not angry. You didn’t hurt me or make me doubt you. I just want to understand, why is there so much hate between you and the rest of the world?” Taesa asked.

  “We must have time together to speak. I have a great many things to tell you,” Victoria said.

  “I must also speak, if you permit. I bring news of fire and hate, from the kingdom of the sky. I rescued this girl from the grip of a creature of fire,” the spy, Halina, said.

  “Yes, thank you. He was very dangerous,” Taesa said.

  Victoria was alarmed at the news, and said: “Bring your full report to my many thousands great grandmother.”


  On Udovedaj-Pren Island, the burning forest forced all the troops of all the armies in one direction, and that was toward the same section of the shore where the Meticulous was anchored.


  Zoe, by her power to bend light and see things at a long distance, given to her by drinking the waters of the Lujladia Ocean, saw what had happened. She saw that there was a man in red sending the flames, and that the young woman had disappeared with the help of another woman, hidden in the darkness.

  “Move! Fast! That way! Now!” Zoe shouted and started running.

  Brant and Daven struggled to keep up with her nimble, fast-moving body. Ovid moved quickly, but not out of fear. He wished to observe and record the events that this group would experience by going ahead, but the flames behind could be just as interesting, if they concealed something. Still, Ovid chose to follow Zoe, Brant and Daven, who went as far away from the flames as fast as they could, and followed a path through the forest that led them to the same section of the shore as everyone else, largely because they ran where the flames were not yet present.


  Fallavakara, bloodied as she was, and having had her left arm cut off in her earlier encounter with Lavakara, had managed to survive…barely. She leaned up against a tree and pushed her body to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. This took all of what she had. Then, she had to give even more, as the flames of the forest approached and covered her. She was burned badly and hideously. Fallavakara had previously been a fairly attractive woman, capable of occasional seduction to manipulate powerful men and even satisfy her own womanly cravings. Now, she was deformed beyond recognition. She blamed Lavakara for all of this latest suffering – even if he hadn’t started the fire, he left her vulnerable to it. The hate inside of her against him burned hot, even while she herself was still ablaze. She was determined to survive, somehow, and she vowed to get revenge on Lavakara.


  Judith, Romana and Lady Ismene were likewise forced into retreat by the spreading fire. All of them showed that they could move quickly, if not outright run, but they were separated. Romana and Lady Ismene moved quickly enough, and were able to follow the division of Jenaldej army troops with whom they traveled, along with Prince Emerond, Admiral Gavin and General Joshua.

  Judith was close to the edge of the forest near one shore of the island when she found herself surrounded by a wall of fire. There was no opening. She thought of her fears and dangers in life, and how she always managed to escape. Then, she remembered her talk with Romana, and how she now believed that God was actually protecting her through all these centuries and circumstances. In truth, that was correct, and her protection was specifically assigned to her Guardian Angel of the Oath.

  “Walk through the flames, without fear. You are protected, Chronicler, by the will of God. You are to continue to write the truth, and not be burned by this fire of the evil ones,” a voice said. It was the voice of Ondothel, her own Guardian Angel of the Oath.

  Judith walked through the flames and emerged unscathed, and then she made her way to the shore, in a large clearing. There, she saw many troops from different armies gathered, as well as ships anchored near the shore. She began writing all of this down into her book, including the fires and the voice that she heard.


  Lady Onora and Caroline saw the flames and made their way to safety, along with Captain Guillermo, who was their escort.

  “There is no need to fear. We only need to find a more appropriate vantage point, further away from the fire, on a different part of the island,” Guillermo said.

  They returned to Guillermo’s ship and sailed around the coastline of Udovedaj-Pren Island, looking for a clearing where the fire was not an immediate threat. They found that clearing near another ship, the Meticulous, and anchored nearby. They saw armies gathered in this place on the shore.


  Rayner saw the flames atop some of the trees and realized that this was getting a bit more risky…not that he was afraid of risk, it just had to be managed. He moved his ship further out to sea, just in case the flames jumped. He kept watching the shore for Zoe, Brant and Ovid, wondering if they were tough enough to survive the island. He knew Ovid wasn’t in any danger, though, because Chroniclers never seemed to get hurt. From the looks of Brant and Zoe, Rayner thought that maybe they were tough enough. If they survived, they would even have a bit of his respect, and he would go so far as hiring them as part of his crew, from time to time, for little jobs.


  Captain Lyle saw the flames and moved his own ship further out to sea, anticipating a need for a quick departure, assuming that his passengers survived, which was no guarantee. He looked out onto the shore for Daven and Taesa. He saw the man as wealthy and weak and the girl as vulnerable, and so they were probably in great danger on this burning island. He did not hold out much hope to see them return.


  Lavakara guided his own army – of warriors, peasants, wolves
and bats – with the ruby dagger. He would point it in a direction to guide them, and then travel via the spirit world for a while to keep himself safe. Then, he would return to the material world and guide them further. He ended up in the same section of the shore that the other armies gathered. This was the mother lode for him, and he was ready.


  However, Prince Kirdothet was searching for his own prize. When the girl disappeared, he burned even hotter, with tremendous anger. He moved around the island, searching for her, and his body, which was made of flames, burned the trees and the grass as he went. More and more of the island went up in flames as he moved about in search of Taesa and her musical voice.

  CHAPTER 30: Master of War

  When they arrived on the not-yet-burning shore of Udovedaj-Pren Island, General Serafina caught sight of General Joshua, Admiral Gavin and Prince Emerond, as well as the numerous troops of the Jenaldej army that were with them. She was under orders from Lycaon to not initiate any combat. All her forces that remained with her joined together. But they came up short by one (1) entire division, and she tried to determine why.

  Likewise, Emerond, Gavin and Joshua saw General Serafina and her troops, and had no intention of initiating any combat.


  Lavakara, while hidden in the spirit world, could not be seen by any of them, but he saw all of them, and had every intention of starting a conflict. He needed to pick the greatest warrior, and the way to do that was to have them eliminate each other in battle, creating an opportunity for the best to work his way to the top. His army of the undead – Ihalik Empire troops in the front, some peasants and animals behind them – soon emerged from the forest, ahead of the flames.


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