Page 14
She missed the jars of shit.
DIANE HAD SPENT most the day with Derek, but he was changing rapidly as the hours passed. The transformation had been quick. He hadn’t completely turned but was now full of anger and hunger. He had been heavily sedated and Diane knew the next step would be the last one. She didn't need or want to be around for that. Returning to her small lab, expecting to see some familiar friendly faces, she was surprised it was empty. Equipment in place, a cup of tea still with steam rising from its hot contents. She began to worry that in her haze she'd missed an alarm or warning, perhaps there was an incident and she needed to get out of there. She turned straight into a mousey white coated woman in her thirties.
“Diane, the briefing is about to start, where have you been all day?” It was Carole, Diane was relieved to see her but didn't have a clue that there was a briefing.
“They reassigned me.” Diane offered with a forced smile.
Carole led Diane to a courtyard between the various makeshift labs, they had gathered most of the scientific and medical staff, a few soldiers surrounded them. This didn't look good but Diane had become used to the sight of armed men and women watching over them.
“We have perfected a test that will help us identify anyone infected, including those showing no obvious signs. We are sharing this information with the remaining camps we can maintain contact with. Unfortunately, we've had confirmation two of our sister camps have been evacuated, our military colleagues are preparing a team to reach out and aid survivors. Order has fallen at a third camp and we are looking to support them soon.” It was the usual parade of important looking members of the camp, military, political and scientific. Those who controlled everything and had links with whatever was left of a government. It was the politician who took control, the smartly dressed woman who mastered understatement and would not be shaken.
There was a noticeable murmur amongst the assembled crowd. It was hard to think beyond the fence of their own camp, but to hear other similar sanctuaries had succumbed to either the things outside of the people within, was difficult to ignore.
“We will test some of you after this briefing, then you will assist with the remaining support personnel and he VIPs before we begin with the public.” The politician saw it as very simple. It was down to everyone else to implement it.
“What happens to anyone who fails the test?” Carole had sheepishly asked, showing her inexperience and naivety of what happened in the camp.
“We must do everything to protect those not infected, the safety of this camp and its healthy inhabitants is my utmost responsibility and we will do what we need to do.” A politician too experienced to say that she was authorising the murder of civilians, but making those present certain it was the only way.
“Are we any closer to determining the source of this outbreak or finding a cure?” Diane couldn't see who had asked, the voice sounded old and croaky, it must have been one of the old GPs. None of the scientists would have bothered to ask a question they knew the answer to.
“As you know, we've been mainly occupied with producing a reliable test, but with your hard work we have fed good data back to Wellworth. We understand they are making tremendous strides towards a cure, but still require us, and the other camps, to assist them.” Gee up the troops, but don't answer the question.
Few of those assembled could believe a cure was close. This thing was so aggressive, so quick to evolve a cure would be months away, if at all.
“Do we know what happened at the other camps?” Diane this time felt empowered to ask a question.
“We're still determining that, our teams will assist and find out what happened. There are many dangers, we need to remain vigilant, on both sides of the fence.” The military representative knew the living were as big a threat as the dead.
They wrapped the briefest of briefings up, those in attendance knew that their camp probably wasn't as safe as it felt. A new method of detection was about to be rolled out and that would lead to a number of people being led away to their deaths at worst it wouldn't be hard to imagine full-scale riots.
Diane was on the list of ten to have the test applied, they were led to a tent by another white coat and four soldiers. It was unnerving as they all knew the ramifications but didn't know for sure that they weren't infected. They were all scientists or medical staff and Diane stayed close to Carole, the most familiar of those around.
“The test is simple and quick, you will perform this yourselves so please pay attention.” The test administrator wasn't familiar. She probably worked closely with the top brass, she was older and had a comforting authority to her. A young man was invited forward to take a seat on a stool, with the tester continuing to issue instructions.
“Please turn your hand and I will prick your finger.” No more warning was given and the young man winced as the small puncture was inflicted. A small drop of blood began to gather and once sufficient, it was scooped onto a glass slide with a drop of a thick white liquid placed next to it. It was then placed under a microscope and examined.
“Clear.” The young man breathed a sigh of relief, as did the other nine members of the test group.
“The blood is exposed to the solution, a simple mix or lard with an off-the-shelf protein powder. I believe this one is vanilla.” A bottle of the liquid was passed amongst the group.
“The solution doesn't react with the blood sample, the sample reacts with the solution when this microbe is present. Much as those infected grow an insatiable appetite, the microbe too seeks sustenance. The fatty protein rich solution is effective in provoking a reaction, and we can see this clearly. The same blood sample looks clear until it contacts the solution. In more advanced cases, the blood sample is swimming with the microbe and the test isn't required. I'm sure those of you have either seen those samples or the infected know that.”
If they weren't trying to eat you, the advanced cases were using every ounce of what was left of themselves to resist tasting your flesh. If this test worked, it would at least mean those harbouring the infection wouldn't have the chance for it to progress or pass it on to loved ones. People such as Derek wouldn't be attacked and condemned for trying to protect others.
Diane obliged and stepped forward, she was subjected to the same test and invited to look at the sample.
“Another pass.” Smiles all round. This was easy, the mood lightened as everyone began to relax.
Carole emboldened by the clear tests felt confident to step up next. She reached her hand out and received her finger prick. The sample was taken and the solution added. She waited for the all clear. The sample was checked and double checked. The confidence Carole had shown was quickly eroded.
“It's nothing to worry about, we need a bigger sample by the look of it. Can you go with the Private who will take you back to the lab, if they're not running too far behind you might get back for the end of the session.”
Carole was filled with fear as the soldier approached and stood by her. “Can I go later?” The words could barely pass her lips.
“It's best to get it sorted immediately, it'll be fine.” The administrator signalled to the soldier who took Carole by the arm and began leading her away.
“Please!” Carole was crying but nobody would help, they were all too scared of what she might be infected with or what might happen to them if they got involved.
Diane stood wishing she'd had the courage to help, but the same fear gripped her as the others.
“Next please.” The test administrator carried on, stride not dropped. There was a lot of testing to do, and over the next few days there would be a lot of failures. No need to get hung up over one poor woman
IN A TIME full of bad days, this had been one of the worst. Amy cut a lonely figure as she made her way through each checkpoint, she couldn't look the soldiers in the eye as she made her way slowly back to get some rest. S
he couldn't get Derek and that girl out of her mind. What a waste, what a tragedy. What a fucking day. She got back to her bed space, determined that her immediate future would be a shower, food and some sleep.
“Amy, debrief in the command tent, now.” The voice came from nowhere and made Amy jump. It was another police officer, but she didn't know them, at least not well enough to be on first-name terms.
She didn't question the order, she followed. The command tent had several police officers and a white-coated woman, it was Diane. She approached Amy.
“I've been with your friend, Derek.”
“How is he?” Finally some good news Amy had hoped.
“He doesn't have long I'm afraid. He volunteered to be studied, and the infection has taken hold.”
What the hell, why has this woman come over to tell her what she already knows? She could be grabbing sleep rather than being reminded that Derek is slowly turning into one of these beastly things.
“So what do you want? Why come here and tell me that? I know he's fucked, I saw him get bitten. Coming here doesn't help him and it sure as hell doesn't help me!” The days frustration and anger and finally erupted from Amy as she barged past Diane to leave the tent.
“There are more, too many more.” There was sorrow in Diane’s voice.
“When did you get to this camp, before the evacuations, before the towns and cities fell? Before neighbours attacked neighbours, mothers feasted on their children? Of course there are more. This isn't over because we've got a big fence and men with guns protecting us, this is still the start.” Amy couldn't calm down and she didn't want to. “Your lab, that treatment area, I'm guessing there are hundreds of the same throughout the country, maybe the world, and they're the lucky ones. At least here they won't turn on those around them. I had a young girl picked up today, she was infected. What I did was a kindness to her and her family! She won't have to live with the guilt for killing them and they will survive!” Amy resumed storming out.
“More are infected. It doesn't always show immediately, a bite brings it on quicker, but there have been others, emaciated, weak, no bites or wounds but very much infected. One creature even appeared to have been perfectly healthy and lucid, her husband woke up with her ripping a chunk of flesh from his arm with her teeth. Both are now tied to a gurney. Anyone could have it. In the next day testing will begin, first with us and then with the rest of the camp and anyone who shows a trace will be dealt with.” It scared Diane.
“That's a good thing.” Amy couldn't see the problem, they're dangerous and need to be separated from healthy people.
“When half the camp are taken away to be euthanised, do you think the other half will allow that? It's one thing taking away an odd infected person here or there, but mass removals? There will be a riot, more will die, become infected and we will fall, and we wouldn't be the first camp to do so.” Now it was Diane's turn to be angry.
Amy was bemused, she well knew that most information was need to know, and she didn't need to know. The casual dropping in of the fact that other camps had been lost wasn't to be washed over.
“Camps have already fallen?”
“Two. And contact with a third has been sketchy at best as they are under siege from those they're protecting.” Diane didn't have an awful lot of information to share, but didn't see a need to censor any. It would make sense, people are scared, hungry and tired with an unknown threat lurking everywhere. Suspicion was high and knowing people, Amy could completely understand, she knew what desperate people were capable of, whether it was a junkie needing a fix or a father defending his family. She could see the distrust in the eyes of the people in the camp. Gratitude of being saved being quickly replaced by anger at the conditions and those taking away loved ones, never to be returned.
“Does the test work?” Another officer got involved, this would affect everyone.
“As far as we can tell. We assume those without bites and displaying no symptoms are healthy but that isn't always the case. The test has already identified the infection in outwardly healthy individuals. When isolated and monitored, the infection continues to grow and the victim shows more obvious signs before having to be sedated before they are eventually euthanised.”
“We're a few police officers, we don't have any influence, we don't have any control. I don't know what you expect us to do?” So much information, so little use for it.
“You need to be ready. When this camp suddenly descends into riots, you need to help people get out, you need to protect them, we should all be putting some supplies to one side.”
THE TREATMENT ROOM was brimming with patients in various states. The soldiers manning the machine guns surveyed the potential targets and the two staff in the room. Diane had felt the need to see Derek one more time, she knew he would be sedated, waiting for his life to be ended, but would feel guilty if she just abandoned him. She stood open-mouthed as Andrew placed his hand on a female patient's forehead and looked closely at her. Nodded to himself and inserted an object, a pointed metal rod resembling a shiny knitting needle into the ear of the unconscious patient. No movement as the victim lay motionless, a thick grey liquid slowly oozed from the ear. Andrew smiled as he wiped the rod on the gurney and approached the next patient.
“Andrew no, you can’t.” Diane was horrified, she saw this coming but witnessing the brutal clinical act of it shook her.
“You shouldn't be here.” He briefly checked the file of the patient and then inserted the rod forcibly into the ear, again a thick grey liquid ran free. She knew these people were too far gone, she knew this had to happen, but they were still as much a person as they were a monster.
“You can't just kill these people, they're still human, we might be able to help.” Her voice quivered, she didn't believe they could be helped, but hoped the head of research may correct her.
“We're running out of room and resources, come the start of the testing, we will not be able to cope. You need to leave.” He cleaned his implement and approached victim number three. Derek. He was barely alive, looked like shit left in the sun for too long, but he stirred. They covered him in dressings and bandages from the many experiments he had consented to and a few more he hadn't. Now he was worse than useless, he was a drain on resources. He'd provided as much data as they could rinse from his failing humanity and now he was just a burden. They had sedated him and now was the end for him. Diane stood herself between Andrew and Derek.
“We can't just give up. We can’t.”
Diane pleaded but Andrew just shook his head and signalled for a soldier to join him, he reluctantly left his GPMG position and put two hands on Diane forcing her to one side. Andrew stood over Derek and looked him up and down. Something caught his attention on Derek's upper lip. Andrew produced a set of latex gloves and forced them on. He got in close to examine the grey scarred tissue and what looked like a boil. There was another under his chin and the back of his neck. He hadn't seen this before, it could just be a boil, or it could be something else. Certainly worthy of further investigation. Andrew moved in closer to it and gently prodded the boil on Derek’s neck with his gloved finger.
Derek's eyes shot open and looked angrily on Andrew, in a split second he threw himself forward and bit down hard on Andrew's arm. He pulled away in pain but Derek hadn't lessened his grip. The flesh ripped from Andrew's arm and Derek gulped down the small mass of meat. It hit the back of his throat and he wanted more. With all of his might, Derek pulled himself up and out of one of his restraints. He grabbed the soldier and pulled him closer, tearing a chunk of flesh from his throat. Diane pulled back as the soldier screamed. Other patients in their beds stirred and started wrestling with their restraints, spurred on by the scent of blood and closeness to fresh meat. Most hadn't tasted flesh, but the instinct was there and being so close was too much. Several broke free and rushed to join in the feast.
The sound of a metal bolt being cycled went unnoticed. The first gunshot
Andrew and Diane threw themselves to the ground as the remaining machine gun went to work on the room. Those who had freed themselves and those that hadn't were chewed up by automatic gunfire. Within seconds several soldiers and an officer had entered, weapons drawn. The machine gun fell silent as the casing from the last round from the belt spun into the air and landed on the floor on top of the other spent brass. Diane cowered under a gurney. Andrew was clutching his arm a few metres away. His own blood trickling down his arm and his neat white coat speckled with the greying blood of those slain around him.
“You need to get me help, I've been shot.” Andrew signalled to his arm. Diane was confused, stunned by him and could only stare at him.
“You were bitten, weren't you? Derek, he…”
“No I was fucking shot, don't you say anything, I was shot. Shot! Shot and I need help!”
The GPMG was being hastily reloaded as the other soldiers covered the room, the officer held his pistol calmly in front. A few of the patients squirmed, wounded but not dead.
“If they've been injured, one in the head, call it before you do it.”
The soldiers carefully made their way through the room, paying close attention to those strapped down.
“I've got one.” One soldier proudly proclaimed.
The remaining soldiers stopped as the first made his kill with a single shot. With the job done, they continued sweeping the room.
“I've got one too.” A female soldier motioned with the end of her rifle under a trolley.
“Please don't shoot.” Diane carefully came out of cover and stood with her hands in the air. “I'm not infected. I work here.” The officer carefully approached.
“Anyone else?” Diane pointed towards Andrew who stood up.