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Beyond Famous (Famous #3)

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by Kahlen Aymes

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidences are either a product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or to actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

  Beyond FAMOUS: The Famous Novels, Book Three

  Copyright © 2015 Kahlen Aymes.

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical without the express written permission of the author. The scanning, uploading, and distribution of this book, via the Internet or via any other means without the permission of the publisher is prohibited, illegal and punishable by law. Please purchase only authorized electronic editions and do not participate or encourage electronic piracy of copyrighted materials.

  Cover designed by Sarah Hansen, Okay Creations

  Interior Formatting by Cassy Roop Pink Ink Designs

  Cover photography: © ASJack

  Published by Kahlen Aymes Books, Inc.

  Visit the author’s website:

  ISBN ebook: 9781311241122

  ISBN Paperback: 9780996734417

  Version: Sample: 2015.12.14

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  About the Author

  Other Books By Kahlen Aymes

  Special Thanks

  Thank you to my readers for your loyalty and unending encouragement and support. Without you, I am nothing. You are the reason I write. I love you.

  To my street team, review team, & beta readers; I adore you all, and I couldn’t do this without you.

  The many bloggers who offer your incredible support of my work, reviews, posts, release blasts, tour organization, take-overs, etc… thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Thank you, Cassy Roop of Pink Ink Design for your friendship and formatting expertise.

  Thank you, Sarah Hansen of Okay Creations, for your amazing design skills on the FAMOUS covers. I love them! They are truly amazing.

  The many authors whom I admire and am honored to consider friends… your support means the world to me. The romance community is like no other.

  Olivia… Thank you for understanding when I’m “in the zone.” I promise to look up when you yell. I love you.

  My editors on this series: Kathryn Voskuil, Donna Cooksly Sanderson, & Stacy Hahn; thank you for your hard work, dedication and fast turn around time. Without you, I’d be a compound word, and comma challenged, mess. I sincerely appreciate you and every hour you spend pouring over my words. I love you all.

  Thank you to my wonderful P.A., Jennifer Singh, for her work day in and day out. Love and hugs.

  Thank you to Shira Hoffman and Liz Winick Rubinstein of McIntosh & Otis Literary Agency for your work on the foreign rights! Looking forward to world domination.

  Finally, to Matt; Thank you for inspiring the emotions that allow me to create characters that live & breathe. True love can only be measured by the depth of pain with which it is purchased. Always & forever.

  A LOUD POUNDING REGISTERED somewhere in the back of the dream I was having. Brook’s body, alive and responsive under mine, the smell of her skin all around me, and her voice moaning my name as her muscles started to convulse around me.

  "Cade... babe don’t stop," she whispered against my mouth. There was nothing sexier or more beautiful to me than Brook when she was in the throes of orgasm, and it was like a high-powered aphrodisiac that made my dick harder and my orgasm inevitable. I was close, so close...

  Boom! Boom! Boom! The crashing noise got louder and more insistent.

  I tried to ignore it and stay where I was inside my bed... inside Brook, but the whole thing dissolved in a puff of frustration as Ethan's voice intruded with the beating on the door.

  "Dude! I can hear you breathing heavy in there. Open up, you douche! I'm aging out here, and it is a fucking waste for humanity. All the girls who won't get to adore me are going to blame you, shithead!" I could hear Ethan chuckling on the other side of the door to the suite.

  I dragged myself out of bed and placed both fists over my eyes, rubbing the sleep away on my way out of the bedroom. The raging hard-on in my shorts would be difficult to hide. I stared down at the obvious bulge before I shrugged and closed the distance between me, and the door.

  Fuck! What a waste of a good wet dream. Or at least, almost wet dream.

  "Dude!!! Get your ass out of bed and let us in!!"

  My hand closed around the knob. "Shut up, Ethan! Bloody hell! You're going to wake the entire floor."

  I opened the door slightly so he would be able to push it open before I turned and walked back into the suite. I hurried to the bar, so I could hide the evidence of my dream behind it until I calmed down. I ran my hand through my hair as I went.

  "Jesus, Cade, it's almost two in the afternoon. No one is sleeping except you. You look like hell, by-the-way." Ethan grinned, his white teeth flashing. Dawson followed Ethan through the door.

  "Yeah, you just interrupted a sweet dream, you wanker." I rolled my eyes at him as I leaned on the bar.

  "Wait. You didn't just jizz in your pants, did you?" He laughed, and Dawson gave one of his shoulders a shove.

  "No, you interrupted me. That's the problem!" I groaned as I started to make some coffee. Ethan mocked me by sticking his lower lip out in a pout. "It was bloody hot, too."

  He shook his head. "By the look of you, you're humping constantly. Isn't that why you're asleep at two in the afternoon? I raised you right!" He smirked again.

  I ignored his comment and turned my attention to my other friend. Dawson rolled his eyes.

  "Hey, Dawson. What are you doing hanging with this asshole?” I nodded toward Ethan, who snorted. “Slumming?"

  "Yeah. I was hoping you'd join us and make things more bearable," Dawson said as he flopped down on the sofa.

  "Hey, you fuckers! Out of all of us, I'm the one that knows how to have fun. You two would rather moon around with your dicks in your hand. I say we get the hell out of here and terrorize some fan girls."

  "Seriously, that's fun? In what universe? It literally makes me crazy. Why don't we just jump off a building instead? That sounds safer. Want coffee?" I asked both of them as I poured a cup for myself. "Better yet, I could go back to my dream," I said as my face split into a wide grin.

  Brook was filming with the girls, and I had the day off, so it was nice to see the guys.

  Ethan raised his eyebrows and scoffed. "Pfffftt. Fuck the coffee. Got beer?" he said in disgust. "So, are you gonna share the dream details, or what?"

  I laughed and reached into the refrigerator and threw him a Heineken. "Dawson? You want one?"

  "Sure, Cade. Thanks." Dawson nodded and reached for the bottle I offered.

  "The dream?" Ethan persisted and then took a long pull on his beer. He wagged his eyebrows at me over the top of the bottle. "Was it starring a certain hot little somebody?"

  "Leave him alone, Ethan, for Christ's sake," Dawson tried to come to my rescue.

  "What? She's smoking. I want to

  "Yes, it was about Brook, but that's all you get, you horny bastard." My tone sounded irritated, but I was enjoying the banter. "Are you guys in town for the party tonight?" I moved into the sitting room, my stomach grumbling loudly.

  "Yeah, and to take your ass out for your birthday." Dawson grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. "We won't be here next week, unfortunately."

  "I'm not planning much anyway. I just thought I'd take Brook to dinner."

  "What's the deal with the studio? Are they letting you off the leash these days?" Ethan asked me before turning his attention to the TV and Dawson. "Dude, put on some sports." Ethan wrestled the remote away from him. "Cade's probably got the Discovery Channel on lockdown." He smiled at me as he flipped to ESPN.

  "Yeah, I exercise my brain.” I retorted. “Try it sometime."

  "Yeah, sure! All you've, uh, been exercising is your jock!"

  His comment made me laugh out loud. If he only knew how right he was.

  "Ethan only thinks of two things, Cade. You know that. Sports, and chicks." Dawson leaned forward on the sofa to place his beer on the coffee table.

  "And proud of it. When I can combine the two, that's even better.” Ethan glanced at me. “Cade, get your ass dressed. Aren't you sick of staying in? Don't worry, gorgeous. I'll protect you from the big, bad, girls," he mocked.

  The look on his face was priceless as he gave me rations of shit. I was laughing, and Dawson shook his head at Ethan. "Okay, I'm starving, anyway. Brook wears me out even in my dreams." A happy smile split my face wide open.

  "Man, your ass is so whipped. Fuck, it's pathetic," Ethan admonished.

  Their laughter followed me down the hall into the bedroom when I went to shower and dress. I smiled. He could make fun of me about Brook forever, and I would smile right through it.

  IT WAS ALMOST time to go. Thank God. Cade and I retreated to the patio for cigarettes as often as possible, but the night went so slow that I thought it would never end. Maybe it was because I was tired, but we couldn't get out of there fast enough to suit me.

  The new cast members were finally all in town. The actress they chose for Jane was one I’d heard of and recognized because I’d seen her in the news a couple of times. She was a child star and while younger than Cade, she was older than me. She seemed so worldly which probably came with being in the business for so long. Most actors who started out as children had a better chance of a successful transition into an adult career if they had strong managers and Leah St. Clare had a shark. The hair on the back of my neck stood up the first time I saw her in person, and I wondered if it were just more of my character manifesting in real life or this was a woman I should keep my eye on. I couldn’t help glancing at her numerous times over dinner and the cast party afterward. Martin was big on the cast bonding, and while the second movie wasn’t quite wrapped, he brought some of the actors from the third film to the set early to meet us and acclimate with the crew.

  It was 3 AM, and we were walking out to the curb when some fans grabbed us for pictures. We paused briefly, letting them shoot us before I dove into the open door of a waiting limousine. Cade followed and sat directly across from me. The cameras flashed, and we both turned to see what was going on. Paparazzi were shoving their way in front of fans and taking picture after picture. I wondered if it would ever ease up. We would probably get in trouble for leaving in the same car and alone together.

  Cade's brow raised before he reached out and slammed shut the door.

  "So, I guess the others aren't coming with us?"

  He leaned back in his seat and stared at me as the driver got in and asked us where we wanted to go. Cade mentioned my hotel, then moved to sit next to me and threaded his hand through mine. Suddenly I was calm. His touch was something I'd been craving for the past six hours when the most I could do was lean on him a little on the patio while we were away from the others.

  "I've had enough togetherness for one night, haven't you? With anyone other than you, love."

  "Did you like Lloyd?” I asked. He was one of the new production managers. “He seemed nice but kinda stiff."

  "Yeah, and much more structured than Kathryn.” She’d been on the first two films but had some family issue that demanded she spend some time at home. “But he’s brilliant. I think he'll be cool," he said as his thumb rubbed over the top of my hand. I found myself wanting to kiss him. I knew I couldn't.

  "You didn't talk to Curtis Walker. Why not? He’s a big part of the next film."

  "Uh, you were talking to him enough, and besides, our characters don’t get on and so I didn't think it in the best interest of the film to get too cozy with him at this point." His tone was flat, but his eyes were mischievous as he watched me.

  I laughed.

  "I did see he cozied up to you quite a bit." Cade’s lips quirked in the start of a grin, and my heart did a flip-flop in my chest. He was wearing a red and black plaid flannel shirt over a white T-Shirt and black jeans. I noticed some faint stubble on his face. I sat there and took him in. He was beautiful without even trying.

  "I was?" I smiled at him.

  "Yeah, sure, Brook. I saw you talking to him, and he certainly had his eyes on you." He nudged me with his shoulder.

  "Oh, did he? I didn't notice, was he cute?" I smirked at him as the limo pulled up to the hotel. His little show of jealousy did something to me. It was sweet the way he was teasing me with it.

  "I'm not into guys, so you'll have to ask Jennifer," he said before he climbed out of the limo and waited for me to get out.

  Despite the lateness of the hour, there were at least 100 paparazzi and fans waiting for us outside the main doors.

  The limo driver came around and asked us for a photo for his granddaughter, and it was only then that I realized we'd gotten into the wrong car. Jeanne and Denise were going to have our asses. I could hear it already. I glanced at Cade and saw the same realization in his eyes.

  "Sure, we'll take a photo. Right, Cade?"

  "Yes, it would be our pleasure."

  "My granddaughter is going to die. She loves you both, but especially you, Cade. Personally, I think you're the cuter of the two, sweetheart." He smiled from underneath his cowboy hat.

  "Thank you. That's sweet of you."

  One of the other fans agreed to take the photo of the three of us, and after we'd signed some autographs and posed a few more times, we moved into the hotel. Not touching, but side by side as the cameras continued to flash around us. I was sure the photos would be online in thirty seconds.

  "I agreed we’d keep things discreet, and I'm sure Pinnacle isn't going to think this fits that description. How in the fuck did I not notice that wasn't Peter's limo?" He was agitated and was running his hands through his hair repeatedly.

  In the elevator, I placed my hand on his chest to calm him. "Hey, babe, it's not a big deal. I'm already over it, and the suits will get over it, too. It was an honest mistake."

  The doors opened on my floor, and he wrapped his arm around me in the empty hallway. I felt his lips as he kissed my temple and I slid my arm around his slim waist.

  "It was great to see the gang tonight, huh? Did you have fun with Ethan and Dawson today? You all seemed very happy when I got there." My voice was low as I snuggled in underneath his arm.

  "Yeah, but I'm tired. We started drinking twelve hours ago, and Ethan ragged on me all day... about your hot little ass."

  "Wow." I handed him my key and wound my other arm around his waist to hug him while he opened the door.

  "God, you feel good, love. I missed you today."

  "Yeah? I missed you too. Noah was in a snit, and I didn't think the day would ever end."


  "Um, he thinks Mike should kiss Julia in the photo shoot scene, but I argued that it wasn’t part of the script. He's just getting a little big for his britches."

  Cade tensed slightly but didn't say anything.

  We walked into the suite. Cade was already kicking off
his shoes and taking off his plaid shirt, seconds after we hit the bedroom.

  "Why was Ethan teasing you today, hmmm?" I walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. My mascara was smeared, and my hair was a mess. I groaned.

  God, I look fucking terrible.

  I washed the makeup off and brushed my teeth before running a brush loosely through my hair.

  "You don't really need to know everything, do you, Brook?" Cade was laughing as he turned on the shower and pulled his T-Shirt over his head. I stared at his chest as he undid his jeans and stepped out of them.

  "Oh, I think I do," I gave him a throaty laugh as I watched him. I loved his body, looking at it, touching it, lying underneath it. Mmmmm. Heat rushed through me at the thought.

  "He thinks I'm whipped, and, uh..." he hesitated as he stepped under the spray.

  He piqued my interest, "And, uh, what?" I pulled my shirt off and then stripped out of my jeans.

  "When he and Dawson woke me up, I was in the middle of a great dream. I answered the door with a raging hard-on."

  An incredulous laugh burst out. "Uh uh! You did not! Really?"

  "Yeah, laugh it up. You weren't the one with blue balls and Ethan's incessant teasing all day!" He tried to sound aggravated, but I knew he was smiling.

  "Which was worse, I wonder?" I was still laughing; I couldn't help it. It was really funny. "Were you going to tell me about the dream?"

  "I would have gotten around to it...but I'd prefer to show you. Why don't you get in here?"

  I guess we thought alike because I was already naked and stepping in behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and up his chest, raking my nails across his wet skin as I brought my hands back down lower. Cade gasped softly, as I ran some open mouth kisses across his back.

  "Was it anything like this?" I said so softly I wondered if he could even hear me over the sound of the water running. My hands went lower to grasp around his already enormous erection, "Or, this?"

  He threw his head back, and his body tensed. "God, Brook, I love you."

  I wanted to taste his skin, so I licked his back then kissed it. He trembled under my ministrations, as I reached out with one hand for the soap and lathered up the front of his body so my hands slid more easily around him. He groaned as I brought both of my hands around him and pushed and pulled his hot flesh. He leaned back against me and the movement pushed me against the tile. He was plastered against me; I felt his body go limp as he gave himself over to the sensations.


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