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Beyond Famous (Famous #3)

Page 8

by Kahlen Aymes

  I'd spent the rest of the evening packing up my things, surfing the Internet and looking at pictures of my man. I'd seen hundreds of them, but I could look at them forever. It was like an addiction; he was so damn beautiful, each and every feature perfect on its own, but when you combined them, it was enough to make women swoon and men turn green with envy.

  My heart beat faster, and my body reacted when I realized how lucky I was. I got to do what every woman in the world could only dream about. A secret smile played around my lips at the thought.

  Cade and I spent many an hour looking at all of the videos of us posted on YouTube. It was utterly amazing how obvious our feelings had been, even back as far as our very first interview last year. Jesus, even I could see it in the way we looked at each other. I’d still been with David but how I felt for Cade had been painted on me like a scarlet letter.

  Re-watching the interview, I could see how happy Cade was, laughing and teasing me. "Yeah, no, she’s awful to work with. We don’t really like each other!" he’d said as he shoved me, a little too hard, in the shoulder and I’d burst out laughing and slugged him hard in return.

  It was so clear how close we'd always been and when I listened to our words, we said it again and again; both of us and not even realizing it.

  I wanted the world to know he loved me, and that I loved him. Cade wanted us out even more than I did, but we were both worried about the fan reaction to a degree. Fuck the studio, but the fans mattered. From what we found online, it seemed like most of them wanted us to be together and to be happy. Sure, there were some crazies and haters, but they were few and far between.

  I was ready for my flight, and had everything packed except the one outfit I would wear on the plane. Jennifer said she’d have the bellman bring my bags to her, and then she’d pick me up when my last scene was done. I was shoving my last pair of shoes into the front of my carry-on when my computer jingled to alert me to an incoming email.

  When I sat down to see what it was, I was shocked and surprised. It had been more than a month since I'd heard from David, but here he was, sitting in my inbox.

  I hesitated to open it, worried that he was just trying to stir up another shit storm, but I sighed and clicked on it.

  Hey Brook,

  Thought you‘d be interested to see the picture I've enclosed. It seems that while the cat's away, he gets to play. I don't want you to get hurt. I'm here if you need me.



  Before I had time to download the picture, my phone began playing Cade’s ringtone.

  I smiled as I ran to get it.

  "Hey, babe," I breathed into the phone.

  "What are you doing, love?" His British accent oozed through the phone and made me weak in the knees.

  "Just checking email before I pack my laptop. Almost time to fly!"

  "Yeah, I'm excited. In fact, I'm already here. It's beautiful. You're going to love it, Brook."

  "I saw the pics of you at the airport online this morning. I thought you weren't scheduled to leave France until about now?" I sat down on the bed and started to shove my feet into my sneakers.

  "I didn't see any need to stay, and uh...”

  I stiffened at his tone, and my mind flew back to David's email attachment. "What’s going on, Cade?"

  "Nothing, really. Last night at dinner, your new director, Patrick Armstrong introduced me to this woman who was seated at our table, and then someone snapped a photo of us. It was casual, but I didn't want you to get the wrong idea, sweetheart. That's why I left Cannes last night. I didn't want there to be any question in your mind, and I know how the bloody press always twists everything."

  As he spoke, I moved to my computer and opened David's little gift.

  Sure enough, it was Cade with his arm around some blonde woman. He didn't look that enthused and it was obvious she was the one leaning into him. He did have his arm around her, but nothing different than a million other times I'd seen him pose with fans.

  My heart beat faster at his gesture of leaving Cannes early to ease my mind, but I couldn't resist playing with this a little. I smiled as I typed a reply to David.


  Cade told me already... it's nothing, but thanks for trying to protect me.

  I trust him completely.


  I hit send and shut down the laptop and closed it, holding my phone to my head with my shoulder, as I packed it inside the case and zipped it closed.

  "Yeah, I saw the new girlfriend. She's pretty. Getting started a little early, aren't you?" I tried to keep my tone even and serious.

  "No, I'm not getting started on anything, Brook! Bloody hell, I knew this was going to happen. Fuck!"

  "Maybe we can do a threesome. She's kinda hot." I couldn't keep the smile from my voice.

  I heard his big intake of breath. "It wasn't anything, really. Denise was there the entire time and I was more interested in Patrick's lengthy commentary about you, Brooksy," Cade said, his tone turning acid as he emphasized my name.

  I gasped, my eyebrows shooting up. Jesus, is this what I could expect on set with Patrick Armstrong? The nickname reduced me to the status of a little child, and it seemed Cade didn't have much more time for it than I did.

  "Oh, really? What did he say?" I teased.

  I could picture him, running his hand through his hair, stress painted across his face.

  "That you intrigued him; that you were beautiful, talented and emotional. He seemed... somewhat respectful, I suppose," Cade said, tiredly.

  "Pfffft! Cade, lighten up, hon. I know that pic is nothing. I've even seen it, okay? Thanks for telling me, though. I love you."

  "Jesus. You scared the hell out of me, Brook," he said in a rush. "Are you stalking me online now? If so, I think I bloody like it," he was chuckling now, his demeanor clearly more relaxed. "But... um... how does that sod know you're emotional, Brook?"

  "Ugh! Cade, who the fuck cares about Patrick Armstrong? I have no idea why he said that shit. He barely knows me. The audition? Who cares?"

  "He took credit for you getting cast in Remembrance and said I should tell you to send him something in undying gratitude."

  "Well, then did you thank him for all the yummies you've been getting? I mean, if the jackass thinks he's responsible then let him be responsible for something that actually matters."

  "I love you, you know," he said, his tone dropping a couple of decibels. He sounded so sexy; I wanted to eat him through the phone.

  "I know." A huge grin split across my face. "I'm sorry about playing around about the picture. I couldn't resist busting your balls a little." I chuckled softly into the phone.

  He laughed out loud. "Like they needed busting. Wait... does this mean the threesome's off, then?"

  We both giggled as I packed my laptop into my bag and moved toward the door so I could make my ride on time.

  "Um... I think I can handle you all by myself, baby."

  "Absolutely, without question. I can’t wait to get my hands on you, sweetheart." His tone turned serious and my expression sobered. I was in the elevator on my way down to the lobby of the hotel where I was meeting Noah for the last time. "My hands, my mouth, my...” he groaned as he let the words drop.

  "Yes, me, too. I miss you." I almost whispered as the elevator doors opened and I stepped out. Inside the hotel, several people glanced at me as I walked through the lobby, but didn't bother me. "But stop turning me on. I'm meeting Noah."

  "Was he overly attentive while I was gone?" I loved the lilt in his voice when he teased me.

  "Nope, just a little ankle biting," I said as I played along.

  "Hmmmm, guess I may have to tell him to back off, yeah?"

  "Whatever you want," I replied flippantly.

  "I like the sound of that. I'm missing you so much. I hear the elevator, so do you need to go?"

  "Reluctantly, yes. I'll call you from the airport tonight."

  "Okay, my love. Counting the minutes." His
velvet voice melted all around me.

  "I'm counting seconds, then. Bye." I heard his sharp intake of breath at the other end of the line just before I ended the call.

  JENNIFER AND I FLEW into Venice and were met with several bodyguards to escort us to the limousine that would take us the twenty miles or so north out of Venice, where Pinnacle had rented a small villa for all of us.

  They hustled us through the throng and cameras were flashing, and people were yelling at me in Italian.

  "Julia! Julia Dove è Ryan? "

  "Brook, siete Cade di datazione? Siete nell'amore?

  "Arresti per una foto, per favore! Brook! Una foto!"

  "È Caden il vostro amante?"

  "Posso avere vostro autografo?"

  All I recognized out of that mess was “photo”, “autograph”, “Ryan and Cade”, “Cade”, “Cade!” And, “amore”, which I knew was Italian for love.

  If only we could be honest!

  I smiled and waved, but the bodyguards had us by the arms and wouldn't let us stop to interact with fans. I looked at them apologetically as we moved quickly through the airport.

  I saw the limo on the curb and followed Jennifer inside. She was taking off her sunglasses and smiling, running her hands through her hair.

  "Wow, that was intense!" I was looking at her face as I climbed through the door and was instantly pulled back into someone's arms. Cade's scent enveloped me as the door closed, and he pulled me onto his lap. I gasped as he nuzzled into my cheek and jaw and hugged me tight.

  "Hey," I said, burying my face in the curve of his neck and then turning up to kiss his jaw.

  He felt so good as I breathed him in.

  His strong arms tightened around me and his soft lips moved against my face as he spoke. His hair felt like silk under my hands when I slid them to the back of his head and the solid muscles of his thighs beneath mine reminded me of how they'd be entwined with mine later that evening. It all felt like heaven.

  "Sorry, Jenn," he murmured as his mouth closed over mine. I melted into him completely as he kissed me like he'd never be able to again. My mouth opened to him and our tongues glided together, we sucked on each other's mouths again and again.

  God, he tasted so good.

  Finally, he dragged his mouth to mine and across my face to my neck where he sucked the skin into his mouth softly and moaned. "God, I missed you, Brook."

  I glanced at Jennifer, who was smiling and looking out the window, trying to give us as much privacy as possible during our reunion.

  "Mmmm. I missed you more," I whispered, as I snuggled into his neck and he placed a kiss on my temple. "What are you doing here? I wasn't expecting to see you until we got to the hotel."

  "Look at her, would you? Here two minutes and already complaining!" he teased and Jennifer laughed. His arms tightened around me again. "I couldn't wait one more minute to see you."

  "She practically chewed her fingers off on the plane! She was jumping around in her seat for the entire flight."

  "That's not true. I even slept a little." I had the grace to flush. "I can't help it. I was so anxious to get here. Stop teasing me, both of you."

  Cade just laughed. "Did you have a good flight?" His hand was threading through the back of my hair over and over as we traveled along the highway on our way out of Venice.

  The city gave way to green rolling hills and lush landscapes as Cade and Jennifer made small talk about the film and some people we met on the plane. I was tired and snuggled into Cade's arms and closed my eyes; soaking him in. His fingers brushed my cheek and ran down my arm to hold my hand; our entwined fingers rested on my thigh for the entire hour we were in the limo. We couldn't stop touching each other.

  Cade sighed and leaned his head against mine as I watched the countryside fly by the racing car.

  "The flight was uneventful," Jennifer answered. "How was your time in Cannes, Cade?"

  "Oh, you know... maddening. Hmmph!" He let his breath out and I could hear the smile in his voice even though I couldn't see his face.

  We spent the remainder of the ride in silence, except for the random comment about the beautiful scenes outside the car. My skin burned where he touched me and I knew he felt it too. He shifted underneath me and I could feel his body's reaction to mine.

  The air felt different in Italy, energized, exciting and I knew the next few days would be a huge rush of activity and a lot of special times for Cade and me.

  The city of Venice was beautiful with ancient stone architecture among the famous waterways. The sun was starting to set and the lights placed among the buildings created a very romantic vision.

  I stared out the window as we left the city behind until we would return for the festival in four days. "It's just gorgeous."

  Cade nodded and rubbed my back. "Yes, actually, it’s a collection of islands and is slowly sinking, sadly. The architecture and art here are rich in history. We need to get some time to see some of the sites. I've spoken with Martin already and he's agreed that we can explore a little. We'll have a read through of a couple of the first scenes from the next film tomorrow morning over breakfast and then we're free for the next few days."

  I looked at him in wonder. "Together?" I asked hopefully.

  "The whole cast. I can't touch you like I want to, but we'll at least be able to get out together." His smile held a hint of sadness.

  "Well, I’m just happy we have this time! You're amazing for arranging it.”

  “What's the villa like?" Jennifer asked as she joined me in looking out the window.

  "It's small and private, only a dozen or so rooms. There is a quaint little courtyard attached to one of them, and they have room service. It was built around two hundred years before the town rose around it, by a future Pope, I believe, but I can't remember his name."

  We both looked at him in wonder. "How do you know all this stuff?" I asked in awe.

  He shook his head and shrugged. "You'd be surprised what you can learn with a little free time waiting for your favorite person to arrive." He leaned in to whisper in my ear. "As promised, the studio has us staying in the same room this time, my love; though they probably had to bribe the staff to keep quiet. No phones will be allowed; so no photos."

  His fingertips traced down my bare arm and I shivered. My breath hitched and I leaned my head on his shoulder. I reached for his hand and he laced his fingers through mine.

  Jennifer shook her head at us. "Well, I guess I won't bother asking you two to join me for dinner!" she scoffed.

  Cade smiled and answered in a quiet, but deliberate tone. "The others will be around tonight, and we… will see you for breakfast." We headed inside and went down an opposite hall away from Jennifer.

  When the door to our room closed behind us, I was instantly in Cade's arms. He was lifting me up to bring my mouth level with his and then kissed me again and again. My hands held the sides of his face and one of them slid down to wrap around the back of his neck. Our mouths were wild on each other, as the five days we'd been apart melted away.

  "Jesus, Brook... I can’t stand being away from you. You're so beautiful, love." He quickly pinned me up against a wall and ground into me after my legs automatically wrapped around his waist. I could feel him, hard and hot, pressing into me, and I wanted him closer still. My hips surged against his of their own volition and he groaned into my mouth.

  His chest was plastered up against mine as our bodies moved and rubbed together in our frantic attempt to get closer to each other. I wanted to rip his clothes from his body. I was that hungry for him, desperate to feel his skin against mine. His hand moved up to cup my breast, his thumb brushing across the nipple again and again, and I felt my body respond, opening, seeking his, heat and wetness pooling.

  "Oh God... Cade," I gasped against his mouth. "Don't be gentle, just make love to me," I begged against his mouth.

  He brought me down off of the wall to set me on my feet. His hands clutched at the bottom of my T-Shirt to move up my bo
dy from the sides of my waist, lifting the shirt over my head and then flinging it across the room. Cade fell to his knees in front of me and began to place a series of open-mouthed kisses on the skin of my chest, neck and shoulders.

  It felt so amazing; I could barely move. His tongue left a wet trail from one lace covered breast to the other, his lips closing around and tugging on my left nipple. My head fell back as the sensation shot through my breast and down between my legs. I needed to touch him, so my hands wound in his glorious head of hair then his hands found the clasp in the lace at my back and he released it. The offending piece of clothing fell away, fluttering in a whisper to the floor.

  I felt the soft scratch of his nails dragging down my back and the goose bumps that they caused made my nipples even harder, more erect. Cade groaned, as one grew under his tongue while he continued to lick and suckle. Heat was building deep inside me as his other hand made short work of the button and zipper of my jeans, exposing my bikini panties beneath.

  He rested his forehead against my body below my breasts as he suddenly slowed down, his breathing coming in heavy rasping gasps. "Bloody Hell, Brook. I want you." His hands resumed their slow task of pushing my jeans and panties down my body as he continued to run butterfly kisses over my skin. I kicked off my shoes and stepped out of the clothes, standing before him completely naked.

  He reached for me, his hands closing over my hips as his eyes burned over my body, and his thumbs rubbed back and forth over both of my hip bones, as he pulled me close. I was dying, on fire as his open mouth came back to kiss my stomach and lower over the curl covered mound. His breath was hot, rushing over me and eliciting even more responses from me. I couldn't deny him, even if I'd have wanted to. I wasn't thinking, only feeling.

  I took one of his hands and pulled him up to stand in front of me. My fingers lifted to the front of his button-down and worked my way down as fast as I could. I pushed his shirt open and off his shoulders as I kissed his muscled chest. Cade pushed it impatiently down his arms to let it fall to the floor. My breath left in a hot rush over his skin as his hands wound in my hair, his thumbs going under my chin to tip my face up to his.


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