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Beyond Famous (Famous #3)

Page 25

by Kahlen Aymes

  Noah walked beside us as we left the theater. "I wish I had more time on screen," his mouth tightened but then he smiled and shrugged. "That's the breaks, I guess."

  “You’ll get a lot more jobs after this, Noah. You’re just getting started,” Cade encouraged.

  We were still in the lobby, but the paparazzi were flashing photos of the others as they got into their cars and they pulled away. When only Peter's limousine and one other SUV waited at the curb for Noah and Martin, we said our final goodbyes and started to leave. Noah took the lead, followed by Brook and myself, then Martin. We rushed out and dove into the back of the car as quickly as we could. Peter closed the door behind us.

  "No doubt our shared limo will make the blogs and live TV in thirty minutes," Brook said in disgust as I settled in next to her. In seconds she was straddling my lap and kissing my mouth gently. My hands slid up her body from her hips to her shoulders and down again as she gently sucked on my lips.

  I felt the dull ache in the pit of my stomach start and my dick started to harden instantly. "Brook, stop. We don't have time. God, you feel so good," I said despite my protests.

  "I love watching you kiss me on film. The piano scene was wow," she whispered. “It was so hot. I swear the screen melted.”

  "Because it was real. I was telling the truth when I said I didn't know how to live without you," I said against her mouth, then bent to kiss her hard, my tongue sliding into her mouth hungrily. She opened and her hands threaded through my hair as we kissed deeply. Her tongue met mine and I sucked it into my mouth. She moaned into me and my hips involuntarily thrust up into her. She was so hot; I could feel her heat through both layers of our jeans. " I'll never be able to, Brook."

  "I love you." She moaned softly as she ground her hips into mine. I felt a growl well within my chest, but she swallowed it with a kiss so it only came out a soft moan.

  I pushed my hands greedily under the hem of her shirt, seeking the soft warmth of her skin. I shoved it up quickly, letting my hand close over her lace-covered breast. The nipple was hard under my thumb and I ached to push her back into the seat and ravish her. "Babe, you're so bloody hot... I can feel you through our clothes."

  She smiled against my mouth and then nibbled on my upper lip. I let my teeth graze at her lower one. "That's ‘cause I’m on fire...” she chuckled softly and I had to join in at her reference to the concert we were on our way to attend, "for you."

  I grabbed her hips and surged against her again, leaving her in no doubt just how aroused I was.

  "Mr. Cade, Miss Brook; we've arrived at the concert hall. " Peter's voice came across the intercom, effectively halting my movements. I dropped my head to her shoulder with a frustrated sigh.

  "Bloody hell." I looked up into her flushed face and sparkling blue eyes. The dark hair made her eyes pop even more and I could drown in them. "I can't decide if you're an angel for arranging this concert or the devil for working me up when we can't assuage the need."

  "Poor baby...” Brook smirked as she pulled her shirt back down against the protests of my seeking hands. "Cade, stop. Come on. We have to go. You wanted to see this concert."

  In a flash, I flipped her on her back and ground my pelvis into hers, my hand closed over her breast to massage and tease her nipple, and my lips assaulted the curve of her neck in a series of soft, sucking kisses that I knew drove her crazy. "This," my hand slid down her body and began rubbing her sensually through her jeans until her hips started undulating in response. "This is what I want." It didn't take long until she was gasping and trying to pull my mouth up to her own. She was moaning against me when I pushed away and started to straighten my clothes. I left her panting, wanting more and she gasped in response.

  I shoved my stocking cap on my head and threw the hat she'd brought with her in her direction. Her eyes narrowed at me but she took it and scrambled into a sitting position.

  "Don’t forget two can play at that game, love. I'm not going to be the only one uncomfortable as hell all night." I knew I surprised her and I reached over and pushed the intercom button. "Peter, we're ready now. How does it look outside, mate?"

  "There are a few photographers, but the bodyguards are waiting, sir," he answered. "I'll come ‘round and open the door."

  I took Brook's hand and kissed the top of her knuckles. "Are you mad at me or mad for me?"

  She touched my face. "You know I'm going to have to get you back," she said with a sultry smile. I could see the desire in her face, her cheeks were flushed and I was mesmerized by the knowledge of what I could bring her to. It was intoxicating and my heart thumped in my chest, pushing blood around my body and infusing the obvious parts of my body. Her little hand closed around me, pulling and squeezing relentlessly. Her eyes were wide and I gasped in response.

  "Mmmm... that's mine," she said softly, as Peter opened the door and I startled. I was thankful that my shirt was long enough to cover the results of her sweet torture. “Don’t you forget it.”

  "Tonight is going to be fun in so many ways." I smirked and motioned for her to precede me out of the limo. The cameras were already flashing so we exited quickly, walking quickly past the paps and into the building.

  I threw my hoodie up out of habit and hunched down on the way in. It was hard to keep an eye on Brook with my eyes downcast, so I watched her feet move a few feet in front of me, followed by the two bodyguards that had been newly assigned for this film.

  Once inside, it was easier. The entire cast was already in the balcony off to the right of the stage and it was roped off so no one else could enter. Jeanne had done an amazing job, getting us located where we would have our own private bathrooms and there were three attendants on duty to get us drinks or food if we wanted. I settled in to Brook's left in the front row of the mezzanine. I drew in a deep breath. It had been so long since I was able to go to an event like this and just be normal. The band was already playing and the entire arena was filled with the unique melodies and full percussion. Brook knew I'd seen them in concert before and that they were one of the only contemporary American rock bands that I really enjoyed.

  "I'm not sure they wanted us to sit together, babe," she said under her breath, leaning in slightly.

  "I don't bloody care. You did this for me, so there is no way I'm not sitting with you. We agreed we'd be a little more open, didn't we? The others are here, so relax love."

  She glanced at me and my face was turned toward her. I didn't care who saw me gazing at her in adoration.

  "I am. I'm glad we're here." I wasn't sure if she meant the concert or back together in Vancouver. For me, the latter sent a sense of relief through me. I took a deep breath and reached for the beer that had been placed in front of me and I felt her hand scratch along my back. A rush of pleasure flooded every cell of my body. Brook’s gentle hand on me, and how she was allowing herself to openly touch me filled me with happiness. All I wanted in the world was to be with this woman and to be open about it.

  I stayed where I was, leaning up in my chair and watching the band to encourage her to continue roaming her hand over the muscles of my back. I closed my eyes at the pleasure such a simple action gave to me.

  Over the course of the night there were more touches and glances. I found myself smiling so much my face hurt. The music was excellent, but the best part of the evening was that it felt like a date. Even though we knew each other intimately, this was exciting in new ways. I reached over and brought her arm underneath mine so I could entwine my fingers with hers.

  When she leaned in to whisper in my ear, I relished in her breath rushing over mine. The others milled around us. Ethan was sitting behind us and Dawson took the seat on Brook's right, effectively shielding her from Wendy, who was draping all over her new man. The guys had become good friends and I'd been honest with them about my complete aversion to Wendy and her lying mouth being anywhere near Brook. Jennifer was dancing in the aisle and the new actors were mixed in around. We should have probably spent some time get
ting to know them, but my focus was only on Brook. Leah was there and she tried to get my attention once, but sitting in the seat to my left. I made casual conversation, asking her if she’d been to Vancouver before or if this were her first time seeing this band.

  More and more I felt Brook melt into me and I started rubbing the inside of her palm with my index finger. She shifted slightly in her seat but didn't say anything. Finally, they started Gold and the auditorium went wild. The screaming was deafening. I dropped my head toward her and leaned in so close I could press my lips to the skin below her ear, I could literally feel her pulse quicken beneath my mouth. Her breath stopped and her hand tightened on mine. After our little exchange in the hotel room and then the limousine, I was waiting for this song to put an exclamation point on the evening.

  "Cade...” her voice was aching. "Stop. You're killing me."

  "Then it will be a sweet death, love." I kissed her again, softly, coaxing. "Kiss me," I commanded. "I want to feel your tongue in my mouth, Brook. I need it."


  “Shhh. Don’t think.” I didn’t care if the world saw, and I didn’t want Brook to care.

  She turned her head toward mine and I fell into her deep blue eyes, made darker by the lack of light. Brook’s hand came up to clamp onto my jaw as my mouth opened over hers.

  Uh... that's it. The rhythm of the song vibrated all around us, and I kissed her deeply, hard and hungry, the urgency in my body, craving hers. I knew I couldn't kiss her for long, so I wanted to make it count.

  I pulled away and then kissed the corner of her mouth once more. Her breath rushed out as she breathed my name. "Cade... ugh...”

  "I know. I'm so turned on, Brook," the words were low and ripped from my chest.

  Her hand left mine to move onto my lap and close around my raging erection. I groaned. At the same time I covered her hand with my own to stifle her movements I placed the rumpled ball of my hoodie in my lap with my other hand. "Brook... Jesus. Please let me calm down."

  She nodded slightly and reached for her glass with her right hand, glancing at me through half closed lids over the rim of her glass. I knew that look and it said she was going to be wild when we were finally alone. I loved that part of her that couldn't help herself.

  I resumed my gentle teasing on her palm, rubbing little circles that I knew would remind her of my fingers on other parts of her body. My mind was racing and my body was pulsing with a life of its own. I leaned in once more, my voice intent, low and aching. "I'm going to take you so hard tonight. I want to feel you come all around me, in my mouth, under my hands. I'm bloody dying right now. You're mine. Forever."

  Her mouth dropped open and her eyes widened as I sat back into my seat. We were both vibrating, on fire... yearning for the end of the bloody concert so we could be alone.

  Her fingers tightened around mine. "Yes. Anything you want," she said in a low, breathy tone.

  "And anything you want. I love you so fucking much; I can't bloody breathe." She swallowed hard and then turned her face toward me, her breathing increased. Her eyes were glistening, intent and suddenly I wanted to be the hell out of there.

  "I'm right there with you. It scares the shit out of me how much." Her need was tangible ache in her voice.

  I squeezed her hand. "I know. It hurts; it's that incredible. I want to kiss you."

  "Cade... when can we leave?"

  I glanced over my shoulder and my eyes collided with those of Leah St. Claire. Fuck! I’d forgotten all about her sitting next to me, and my stomach lurched sickeningly. Now, I’d have to worry about her leaking this to the press, and if Denise could contain it. I blinked, deciding not to make a big deal out of it, and resumed my search for the bodyguards until my eyes met those of the one in charge. He nodded toward the door in question and I nodded my assent. After he spoke to the other three and opened his phone, they all rose and I pulled Brook to her feet with me. "Now."

  The others looked at us as we passed, some with questions on their faces and others with nods in understanding. Ethan patted my shoulder as I walked by him and pulled Brook behind me. Two guards in front of us led the way, and there were two others followed closely behind us. I let go of her hand and slid my arm around her back and side of her waist to pull her close. She turned her face into the curve of my shoulder in silent need as we walked quickly through the halls to the exit in the alley where Peter would be waiting. I turned to kiss her forehead before I could stop myself.

  On cue, Peter was there with the limousine placed perfectly so that we could quickly get in through the open door of the car as soon as we stepped outside. I followed Brook in and the door closed behind us. I was already closing the partition and she was shedding her sweatshirt. I struggled to pull mine off at the same time that I buzzed Peter.

  "Can you just keep driving, please?"

  "Of course. Anywhere special?" he asked in response.

  "No. It doesn't matter." I pulled my T-Shirt over my head and Brook fell to her knees in front of me, between my knees. She reached frantically for the button to my jeans and then slid the zipper down. I pushed her shirt up and she obediently lifted her arms so I could remove it. Soon she had me free of my boxer briefs and took me in her mouth, her left hand snaking up over my abdominals and reaching further up my chest. Her mouth was so hot and felt incredible; I just fell back in helpless surrender. Seeing her so intent on giving me pleasure with her beautiful eyes looking at mine as those sweet lips closed around my dick, it was my undoing.

  "Shit, Brook. Uuhhnnnggg... " Her fingers clutched at the skin of my chest and my hand closed around hers. I pulled it up and placed my open mouth on her wrist and sucked. I wanted the taste of her skin. I wanted to devour her like she was devouring me. She sucked and licked, her tongue swirling around wildly until I couldn't stand anymore. My muscles tightened in my stomach and she moaned over me. "Cade, I can taste you... let it go," she begged but I wasn't ready for this deliciousness to end. I fisted my hand in her hair and gently raised her head at the same time as I sat up. I twisted her head to the side so I could take her mouth with mine. I was starving for her. I wanted to wrap her around me and never let go. My other arm snaked around her and I lifted her to lie back on the seat.

  My body was so aroused that I thought my dick would explode with the slightest touch. "Brook, baby...” I moaned as I dragged my mouth from hers and started to undo her jeans. She lifted her hips, her eyes never leaving mine and I peeled them off after she kicked off her shoes.

  Mine were still on, just open, but I couldn't wait to remove them completely. She spread for me and I found her opening, plunging in hard and fast. She closed around me hot and tight and I stopped for a moment so I could get control of my body. I could come so easily. Her hips rocked into mine in protest. "Cade... I want you. Move in me."

  "Jesus, Brook. I don't want to come yet. You feel so good." She ignored my plea and clenched around me and surged her hips.

  "If you're not going to give me what I want, then I'm going to take it," she said urgently, breathlessly as she continued her movements. I struggled for control but her movements were driving me crazy and her hands in my hair urged my mouth to hers.

  Fuck it.

  I let myself go, mirroring her movements, but pushing in hard and then pulling out fast. I kissed her again and again; trying to concentrate on the kisses instead of the way her body was milking mine. When she sucked my tongue into her mouth with the same rhythm that her body was sucking on mine, I lost it.

  "Uhhhggg... .noooo... ." I gritted my teeth as pleasure ripped through me, but I needed to see her come with me. I dropped a hand between us and went to work on her sweet flesh. She was so swollen, so I knew she was close. I kept thrusting into her until her body trembled around mine and I knew I had her.

  "Cade... God, I'm coming...” She breathed out as her body shook and then stiffened against me.

  "Yes. I feel you. It's so beautiful. I love you, Brook," I panted into her shoulder. Her finge
rs raked down my back so hard I thought she would draw blood, but I didn't care.

  Our bodies were still moving, but slowing and my mouth found hers, kissing her softly as I pushed her hair off of her face. Her legs and arms wrapped around me tight and she kissed my shoulder wetly, biting and nipping in the end.

  "I love what you do to me."

  "Say that again," I begged. Even in the aftermath of such passion I wanted her words. "You're so beautiful, and everything I want in the world. Tell me you love me."

  "You already know it," her voice cracked on the words. "It's so intense I sometimes think it might kill me."

  "Like I said, my love, it's the sweetest kind of death. If we have to die, then let it be like this."

  HE WRAPPED ME up. Literally engulfed me; heart, body, and soul.

  It was to the point I could barely remember what life was like before him, what it felt like not to love him. Now, amidst all the chaos, I didn't think I could exist without him.

  I smiled into the darkness of the deep night. It was pitch black within the suite, the curtains drawn tightly over the windows and I’d thrown a towel over the clock on the nightstand. The wind whipped the rain into the windows on the 19th floor of our hotel as the strong arm that was wrapped around me tightened. Cade's legs entwined with mine, my naked body completely engulfed in his as he stirred against me. I spent the past several minutes listening to his steady breathing, his gentle presence the only thing I needed to gain peace from the craziness that was our lives. It was hell, yet it was heaven. I wouldn't trade a second of our time together; especially after the months we'd just spent on opposite coasts of the country.

  Cade moved against me and I pressed further back into him. He moaned softly, the sound so velvet and close beneath my ear as he buried his mouth in the curve of my neck. I could feel his arousal nudging at the back of my thighs, and my body responded of its own volition. His arm moved and his fingers grazed the nipple of my right breast. "Mmmm... Brook."


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