Beyond Famous (Famous #3)

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Beyond Famous (Famous #3) Page 30

by Kahlen Aymes

  When Brook's eyes met mine, her eyes widened and her face lit up in a joyful expression. “Cade!” she exclaimed happily. We both moved quickly and it wasn't ten seconds until she was in my arms with her feet dangling off the floor. “Why didn't you tell me you were coming?”

  I hugged her tight, pushing down the urge to kiss her. Torn, I knew the studio could do little about a friend visiting a friend on set, however, with the short time remaining until we were free, I didn't need to antagonize the situation. We'd have two days together and so I'd bide my time. My eyes met the steel gray gaze of the other man, and I nodded in his direction as I reluctantly released Brook. Her small hand trailed down my chest to rest for a split second on my abs.

  “To what do we owe this honor?” Sheldon said his annoyance barely veiled.

  “Hello, Shelly. I was in the neighborhood.” I dismissed him and turned back to stare down into beautiful blue eyes.

  Brook bit her lip at the nickname, laughter dancing in her eyes.

  “Cade,” he acknowledged. “How nice. Maybe we can all have dinner? Brook and I made plans to go to a little bistro down the street.”

  My back stiffened, and Brook's expression turned pensive, her eyes imploring me not to make a scene.

  “Really? I wouldn't want to intrude.”

  “That's crazy. We're all friends here, “ Brook put in. Her words were rushed; her voice tight.

  “Are we?” I asked.

  Sheldon strode closer, his pace slow and deliberate. “What are you doing here, again?”

  I huffed. He was just as irritated when I'd been there for the screen test. “As if I'd explain myself to you. If you'll excuse us, I have some things to discuss with my, uh, friend.”

  The other man's mouth thinned a little then he smiled slowly. “Uhhggg,” he cleared his throat “Fine.” He nodded in Brook's direction. “I'll call you about dinner in an hour or so.”

  Brook bristled, clearly not sure how to deal with the situation. By now my blood was boiling. Why was she even hesitating?

  “You do that, Shelly.”

  She looked back and forth between the other man and me; clearly struggling.

  When her eyes met mine, my eyebrows shot up and I shrugged slightly, hoping she understood I was irritated about her hesitation. I'd understand not wanting to blow off Noah, Gavin, or Jennifer on our set, but she barely knew this asshole. It pissed me off.

  “Shell, would you mind if we rescheduled?” She was pensive and pandering, which made my anger elevate.

  What the hell? Was she asking his permission?

  I sucked in a breath and squared my shoulders. “Look, Brook, clearly you're busy. I guess I should have called before showing up.”

  Brook bit her lip and started to wring her hands a bit. “No, Cade. I'm glad you came.” She reached out and rested her hand on my forearm. “Shell and I can have dinner another night.” She glanced his way, imploring with her eyes. “Right?”

  He laughed shortly. “Sure, no problem.” He moved toward her and wrapped his hand around her upper arm, before turning and starting to leave set. “See you tomorrow, kid.”

  My eyes locked with Brook's, mine harder than hers.

  “What's wrong? Why are you pissy? It was just dinner.” She took a step toward me but I put up my hand to stop her progress. “You were rude!”

  “Let's just… get out of here,” I said shortly.

  Her brow dropped and her expression turned to anger.

  “Okay, fine. I have to change.”

  “Yeah.” I remained rooted where I was, my hands still shoved in the pockets of my jacket.

  “You don't want to come with me to my trailer?” Her words were stiff.

  “Well, someone might get the wrong idea,” I said sarcastically.

  Brook huffed. “Whatever, Cade. Since when did you care what people think?”

  “Never. But obviously you do.”

  “Whatever.” She strode past me, knocking into me as she moved.

  Fuck it. I walked after her. She was right. I didn't care. I wanted people to know and I was done hiding the truth so wankers like Shelly Richards had room to move in.

  I felt every pair of eyes following us as we left the sound stage and walked outside toward her trailer. I took notice that Richards was sitting right next to hers. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary to have the two leads trailers in close proximity to each other, but my blood was boiling already, and it only added to my aggravation.

  Brook stomped up the three steps and pulled open the door and hurried inside, only noticing I was following when I grabbed the door before it slammed.

  “What the hell? I thought you weren't coming?”

  “Sorry to interrupt your plans with Shell. I guess showing up here puts a cramp in your determination to keep me a secret.”

  Brook turned on me. “Where do you get off? I was working! You expect my understanding with you and Davina and whoever else you have to parade around, and you act like a two-year old when it's my set! Are you gonna pout about it?”

  I laughed angrily and flopped down on the sofa against one wall of the trailer. I didn't take my eyes off her as she moved around and started to change, pulling a pair of jeans and light rose-colored sweater out of a drawer. I leaned my elbow against the back of the sofa, and my fingers absently plucked at my right eyebrow.

  “Maybe,” I snapped.


  She flung off her jacket and blouse, exposing her white lace bra, then turned her back and unzipped the matching skirt, pushed it down and stepped out of it. Her panties matched and even that grated. Jealousy ate away at me. “Nice matching underwear. Very nice.”

  Brook turned abruptly and glared at me. She was beautiful, her body perfect, a slight tan to her skin. They obviously had her in the tanning beds for this role. “I always wear stuff like this, so stop insinuating. Anyway, it's part of the costume.”

  “Wow. That makes me feel so much better.”

  She bent to push first one leg, then the other into the dark blue denim, shaking her head. “Now you know what I went through. Except Shell doesn't follow me everywhere I go.”

  “Really? What about dinner, then?” I was agitated and I shifted on the couch. “Got any beer? Scotch?”

  Brook threw the sweater over her head and shoved her arms into the sleeves, walked to the small refrigerator and opened it, reached in and pulled out a Coke. “No, alcohol in here.” She held it out to me. “Sorry.”

  I took the can and popped it open. “Answer the question,” I said steadily, my eyes trained on hers while I took a drink from the soda.

  “Dinner was to discuss a scene. I wanted to go over the script, and figured you wouldn't appreciate it if I met him in his room as we used to do.” She moved to a makeup vanity and sat down, picking up a hairbrush and began to comb through the silken strands roughly. “He's been nice to me. It was embarrassing how you treated him.”

  My mind shot to the many nights I'd spent in her hotel room or her in mine going over scenes, and using rehearsing as an excuse to make-out when we shouldn't have. Those were amazing memories and I'd have to be insane to think anyone else wouldn't want to get close to her like I had. I sucked in a breath and set down my soda on the floor next to the leg of the sofa.

  “I don't give a shit about him. People know I'm in here now. Oops.” I was feeling defiant, like a petulant child. I was older than Brook by four years, and prided myself on my professional ethics. I should respect her wishes to keep the intimacy of our relationship private, and it wasn't like me to act like a jealous idiot. The Harper's article screamed we were together, and that should have satisfied me, but I was tired of worrying and sneaking around. And going forward, it would ease my mind if people on her movies knew she wasn't single.

  Brook threw the brush down and it slammed into perfume bottles and makeup containers on the top of the desk, twisted on her stool and looked at me. “Did you come all this way to fight with me? I don't understand why you're
so mad. You knew it'd be awkward if you're around when I'm filming love scenes. There will be more tomorrow, so you should just stay off the set.”

  “Get over it, Brook. I'm going to be there.”

  Her blue eyes widened incredulously. “Why?” Her voice elevated again. “This is uncomfortable as it is. I've been dreading these scenes for weeks, and you show up right when this is on deck?”

  “Yeah.” I scowled. I'd wanted to see her, but I'd managed to get a copy of the shooting schedule from Jeanne and it was no coincidence I was here now.

  “How convenient.”

  I leaned back on the sofa again. “Isn't it? I guess I'm jealous. I don't like it, but it is what it is. I remember how it was with us. This is a romantic movie, like we had, and I don't like what's-his-name. I saw how he was looking at you, and I don't trust him. He has a reputation of bedding his costars. It would be easier if he knew we were together.”

  Brook suddenly jumped up, grabbed her bag, coat and shoved her feet into her boots. “Well, you're being ridiculous! I'm outta here. I hope you enjoy your time with Sheldon. Maybe you can call Marie and the three of you can make it a threesome!” She pushed open the trailer door with enough force to slam the door against the outside of the temporary dressing room.

  I was in pursuit before the door even closed; my shove on it echoed Brook's. I was rewarded with another resounding bang as I flew down the stairs and across the lot. She was running toward the black SUV waiting to take her back to her hotel. “Brook!”

  Her bodyguard was waiting and held the door open as she climbed inside. He was a big, burly, bodybuilder type. I didn't recognize him but he obviously knew who I was because he nodded and waited for me to climb in after her.

  “Awesome,” she spat. “Did you pay this guy off or something?”

  I ignored her jab. The bodyguard got in the front passenger seat and the driver asked Brook if he should proceed. She was keeping a good distance between us by staying close to the opposite door, her arms folded across her chest.

  “There will be photographers at the hotel,” Brook objected, pissed off when I didn't immediately answer. “Cade.”

  I nodded and brushed off her concern. “Mmm huh. Probably.”

  “What, did you leave a trail of crumbs from the airport to make sure?”

  My jaw stiffened. “That's a good idea. I'll remember that for next time.” I could feel animosity seeping off of her.

  “Is there a problem, Ms. Halloway?” the driver asked, glancing in his rearview mirror. He and her bodyguard were both very professional but it was clear they were there to do her bidding, and not mine, though that fact didn't unsettle me. I was beyond caring what anyone thought. “Should we get another car for Mr. Carlisle?”

  My response was to settle in and buckle my seatbelt, silently daring her to contradict my right to be in the car with her.

  She shook her head, but didn't say anything. Soon the car was moving. It was clear it would either be groveling or a down and out fight once we hit her hotel room, but I was done sneaking around to see her.

  I didn't consider she'd be angry that I was here. She seemed happy to see me when I'd arrived on set; until this. “Do you want me to leave?”

  “No. I just want you to respect my space. I don't want you watching me while I'm working. We discussed this before. It's not any different from you getting it on, on screen.”

  “First of all, it's not getting it on. It's acting.”

  “Thank you for making my point.”

  I understood what she meant, but there was a part of me that needed to be there; the part that couldn't stand the thought of anyone's mouth on her but mine.

  “It's different with this guy. He's notorious for being a dog.”

  "Cade, can you listen to yourself? It's acting for me, too. Besides, Sheldon is gross. He sweats all over me.

  “Dogs don't sweat; they piss on things.” I couldn't hide my antagonism.

  She paused and shrugged. "Work is work, and we will both have to kiss other people in the line of duty, so better to get the first one over with."

  "Hmmph!” I huffed. “I saw the way Shelly was looking at you."

  “Stop. He doesn't matter.”

  By now we'd arrived at the hotel and somehow managed to get in through the door by the restaurant kitchen without anyone seeing us; though the chefs, dishwashers, and wait staff all watched our every step. Bill led us through the kitchen and into a stairwell off to one side that we could take to Brook's room on the eleventh floor.

  I hoisted her on my back and she laughed. “Maybe you'll be kinder to me after this. Did you gain weight?” I was teasing but she knew I was still upset about the scene with Sheldon.

  “Cade. Seriously, do you think everyone doesn't know we're together? You're here. No one thinks we're just friends. Especially Shell.”

  When I kept quiet as I climbed the stairs, Brook continued.

  “Besides, all I can think about is that scene from When Harry Met Sally. You know the one?” She started reciting the scene. “You do not have great sex with Sheldon. Sheldon can do your income taxes. If you need a root canal, Sheldon's your man… but humping and bumping is not Sheldon's strong suit.” She giggled. “Right?”

  It was funny, sure, and I chuckled despite myself, but I wasn't easily sidetracked. “Brook, I know this guy. Don't let the pussy name fool you. He tries to get naked with every woman on set.”

  Bill was smiling wryly as he opened the door to her floor, and I moved through it.

  “What room?”

  “1120. Right by the elevator.” Brook pointed to my right. I could have let her down, but didn't.

  “Where's that prick's room? Is there a connecting door?”

  Brook burst out laughing as we entered her room.

  "Now who needs to get over it? Come on!" she teased, her eyes flashing.

  I peeled off my clothes and checked my messages while Brook took a quick shower. She joined me in the bedroom afterward, removing the towel from her blonde hair and starting to run a comb through it.

  I pulled back the covers on the bed, and sat down with my back to her. I could feel the heat of her eyes rake over me. "You don't seem to have a problem getting naked."

  Her nearness calmed me down. “Not with you," I murmured.

  She sidled up on her knees behind me and started to run the comb through my hair with her right hand, the other resting on the muscles of my left shoulder. I could smell her shampoo and the sweet scent of her skin. And her soothing strokes were relaxing me as she continued for a few moments, neither one of us speaking.

  It wasn't long before her warm breath rushed over the skin of my neck and her hot little mouth opened over the skin where my neck and shoulder joined. She sucked and bit me gently and it sent goose pimples rushing all over me. My body sprang to life, thickening and hardening within a few seconds.

  "Brook..." I pulled her hand in front of me so that I could kiss the inside of her palm, bringing her body flush against my back. "I love you, you know. I don't like being away from you. I hate being in the new house without you."

  The fingers of her other hand threaded through my wet hair and pushed my head slightly to the side so she could run a series of kisses down my neck.

  "I know," Brook whispered against my skin and another rush of gooseflesh rushed over me. I pulled her around until she was straddling my lap and my hands were untying the knot on her robe until it tumbled open to reveal her luscious body to my view. “I miss you every day. I'll be home in a few weeks,” she murmured against my temple. “Then we have the Movie Awards in L.A. before our last press tour. It's a month together before you leave.”

  “A month together flies by.”

  My hands pushed it open farther, my hands cupped her breasts, brushing over the nipples that instantly hardened beneath my touch and then sliding lower to her hips and behind her back to pull her closer to me as my mouth found one of the delicious mounds.

  "Mmmm, Cade," she moaned as m
y erection pressed into her soft swells. "I miss you, too."

  "I hate it when we fight," I said softly, my mouth moving up the skin of her chest and collarbones up her neck until I found her mouth. "Bloody hate it."

  “The distance makes it worse, but making up is nice.”

  Her fingers pulled my head closer as we finally started to kiss those deep, soul-searing kisses that said we couldn't get enough... that we were starving for each other. It amazed me how it never lessened and I thrilled each and every time her little tongue sought mine out and started the passionate dance I loved. I sucked her lower lip into my mouth just to give us both a breath before I took it in wild abandon once again and turned to press her into the mattress with my body.

  Brook's knees came up around my hips and I could feel the moistness of her calling my body home. It was easy and perfect as I slid so effortlessly into her, sinking and falling as I lost myself in the woman I loved more than anything. I loved her beyond the pains and glory of fame; beyond everything real or surreal that was a part of our messed up, blessed, and cursed lives. I loved her beyond anything. The love was strong enough to survive anything.


  “Brook, you know you’re going to win again, so suck it up already.” Jeanne’s voice droned over the phone. My stomach turned at the thought. It was bad enough to have to attend to present the clip of Don’t Forget to Remember Me, but the kiss…would this shit ever end? The award shows were months behind release, and the releases were a year behind production. We’d just wrapped A Love Like This, but the focus of this year’s award shows was on the second film.

  “Can’t they rig it so we won’t win? I’m so over these things.”

  “I thought you liked the glitz of this job.”

  “It’s wearing off.” I was tired of the press chasing me, and I’d just had an incident with Sheldon Richards two days ago when he’d asked to meet me to discuss a possible role in an upcoming film he was producing. It was a joke. I should have taken Cade’s concern seriously. After his visit, I took more notice of how Sheldon treated the women on the set. Not only in the cast, but also the production staff. It was obvious Cade wasn’t just jealous. The man was nothing more than a skirt chaser who wouldn’t take no for an answer. He’d made a big effort to get me in bed on set, but I’d kept my distance and holed up in my room.


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