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Dead & Alive Collection #1 [Books 1-6]

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by Smith, I. J.

  The Corporal once again looked uncomfortable; he asked Captain Jenkins, “Would you also like me to stay Captain?”

  “No, you can go!” She brusquely replied.

  Corporal Adams did not respond, he just gave a nod and with a jealous look left the room.

  Jack stood at attention in front of the Captain and her colleague, “At ease, Lance Corporal!” She told him.

  Jack relaxed and just looked at her. “Please, take a seat,” Captain Jenkins said.

  Taking a seat, Captain Jenkins began talking within seconds, “Jack we may not be friends, but I do feel we have a respect for each other as soldiers,” she said to him.

  “Of course,” Jack responded.

  “Look, I know what you did last year, choosing to transfer and drop rank was a tough choice. I am not the only one who feels you should be leading this Section,” she said.

  He looked surprised, “Frank is the Corporal, I knew that when I transferred,” Jack replied.

  Jenkins looked at him with a small smile on her face, “Yes, but we know he is not exactly up for the job, and he certainly does not have your skill set.”

  This mission is too important, so if at any time you feel he is not up to it, then you have our support to take command,” she told him.

  He sat there for a moment in silence and then giggled to himself, “If his command decisions place the Section at risk, I would take command, and honestly I don’t care about support. I am a solider I took an oath.”

  My past is my own; you have my word, and this mission will succeed!” Jack stated.

  The middle-aged man smiled, “You're right, he is the right man for this job!” he said to Captain Jenkins.

  “Thank you, Jack and the best of luck, for tonight,” she said while indicating he could leave. Jack stood and saluted the Captain and walked out the door.

  “Is he as good as they say?” the middle-aged man asked the Captain.

  Captain Jenkins looked at him, “He is better than good, he is why we chose this Section for this mission!” she replied.

  The middle-aged man looked on, “Should we have told him?” he asked.

  “There is too much at risk, telling him would jeopardize everything," she replied.

  “Shame we will lose him, but I guess it is a necessary loss,” he said while putting his laptop away.

  “The helicopter will be here soon to take us back to base, we should leave,” Captain Jenkins told him while walking to the door.

  Jack walked down the corridor with a concerned look on his face, he knew something was not right, but he knew even if there was a small chance of a cure, then it was his duty to find it.

  Jack walked through an open hatchway entering a huge area; it was full of vehicles, food, weapons, and even sleeping bags. This is where all of the Army personnel on board slept, he walked across the deck and could hear arguing coming from the area where his Section was.

  He walked over; he could see everyone was there except for the Corporal, typical he thought to himself, at a time like this he should be here with his team. “OK, EVERYONE SHUT UP!” Jack shouted at his team members.

  Jack moved in front of them, to confront his team. “So, what’s all this?” Jack asked.

  “Sir, I…” Private Walsh started to say, but was interrupted by Jack.

  Jack looked at the soldier in front of him; Private Walsh had a shaved head and a baby face, looking far too young to be a soldier, “I have told you, call me Jack not Sir, Josh Walsh!” Jack said while winking at him.

  Josh smiled, “Jack, I’m sorry, but this mission is a joke!” Josh told Jack. “You all feel like this? “Jack asked, looking around at the team.

  They all stood there looking at Jack with worried looks on their faces. He looked at each team member. Michael was big and strong with not a hair on his head.

  Bray made him laugh; and loved the fact he was a little chunky with shabby hair and had the attempts of a mustache growing on his face. It reminded him of his former drill sergeant. Sarah, if she was not a soldier she would have been a model with her looks and blonde hair, finally Andrew, he could make you laugh all day, he had the brightest ginger hair and beard around, Jack always made a comment that he was a walking target glowing in the dark.

  However, Jack was growing tired of the silence, “Josh Walsh, Elle Atkinson, Michael Ross, Bray Murray, Sarah Lewis and Andrew Reid, listen up.

  “This mission is a joke, but we are not here to debate it, we are here to follow orders and we have been ordered to travel to hell and rescue someone who can give us our home back!” Jack said to everyone.

  “Any of you want to say no to that?” Jack asked.

  The team looked at Jack, “Damn, you should be leading us Jack!” Elle Atkinson replied.

  “Now, Now, Corporal Frank Adams is our leader and we follow him to hell and back!” Jack replied with a touch of anger in his voice.

  The team laughed at Jack’s comments, Jack smiled at his team, “OK, we only have a few hours so we should get ready,” Jack told them.

  “All of you go and get some food and myself and the Corporal will meet you there,” Jack told the Section. The team started to walk away towards the mess hall.

  Private Elle Atkinson waited a few moments so she could speak to Jack alone, “You know we would follow you anywhere!” she said to Jack. He looked at Elle, into her dark brown eyes, she had the cutest little smile, Jack had always found Elle very attractive, and under any other situation would ask her out, but she was forbidden fruit.

  “I am honored! Keep an eye on the team for me, try, and keep things positive,” Jack asked her.

  Elle smiled back at Jack, “No problem,” she replied, then walked away to catch up with the team.

  Jack stood there for a few moments, “Damn you Frank, you should be here!” he whispered under his breath and then set off in search of Corporal Adams.

  In the command room, Corporal Adams was leaning over a tall desk looking over the detailed maps Captain Jenkins had given him, “I hear you and your team will be getting off this ship tonight,” A man’s voice said behind him.

  Corporal Adams was stunned; he turned to see Commander Groves approaching. “Commander, this mission is Top Secret!” Corporal Adams said in a sarcastic voice.

  “Relax Frank; we are all on the same side. Besides, they have to tell me when a stealth helicopter is disembarking from my ship and I have to disable all the ships tracking systems, so relax!” Commander Groves snapped back.

  They both stood in silence for a moment and were then disturbed by another voice, “There you are!” the voice said. Jack entered the room, “Jack, I have just been going over the maps,” Frank told him.

  “Frank, it’s a ten-minute walk. We will be fine,” Jack replied. Jack looked over to Commander Groves, “Hey Jonathan, everything ready for tonight?” he asked.

  Jonathan Groves looked at Jack and chuckled, “All is ready Jack, whatever it is you’re going to be doing, be careful out there, and remember we have our poker game Friday nights!” Jonathan said.

  Jack laughed, “We’ll be back before you know it! Do me a favor and give me a few moments alone with Frank?” Jack asked.

  “No problem, see you tonight,” Jonathan replied. He walked out of the room, knowing Jack wanted privacy; he closed the hatch behind him.

  “Jack, I would appreciate you calling me Corporal or Sir in front of other superior officers!” Corporal Adams told Jack.

  Jack turned to Frank with an angry expression, “I would appreciate you, looking after the team, Frank!” Jack snapped.

  “Why, is there a problem with them?” Frank asked.

  “They have all just been told their own lives are worth less than one Doctor!” Jack replied.

  Frank looked lost for words, Jack knew Frank did not mean any harm; he was just not that experienced in command, but his father was a General and used his power to help his son into command.

  “Look Frank, when it comes down to it, all we have is
each other out there; we all need to know we can trust the person next to us!” Jack told him in a polite voice.

  Frank gave an awkward smile, “You should be leading this team, not me!” He told Jack.

  “You are in charge, and I have your back. Just make sure the team knows you have their backs too!” Jack replied while placing his hand on Frank’s shoulder.

  “I know you cannot tell me the details Jack, but you have done this kind of mission before right?” Frank asked.

  Jack stepped back, “No mission is ever the same Frank, but I have been to hell before!” Jack replied.

  Frank tipped his head in gratitude to Jack; Frank knew Jack had a past and that his military file was sealed.

  Frank could only imagine what Jack was before he joined the Section. “Thanks Jack!” Frank said. Jack smiled, “No problem, Sir!” Jack replied.

  Frank laughed, “Jack, call me Frank,” he smiled.

  “Come on, Frank, the team is getting something to eat and then we are prepping for our mission, let’s go and join them,” Jack replied.

  They both laughed and left the room together to join their team.

  The team was sitting around a table in the canteen; the table had food spread all over it.

  They were laughing and telling obscene jokes to each other. Elle noticed the opening of the hatchway; Corporal Adams and Lance Corporal Mason were entering the room, “ATTENTION!” Elle shouted at the team.

  The Section started to stand, “NO! NO! It’s not necessary, sit down, do you mind if we join you?” Frank asked.

  The Section looked shocked, Private Ross was the one to answer, “Of course, Sir!” he told him.

  “Thank You Michael!” Frank replied, both he and Jack sat and joined their team. There was an awkward silence until one of the other team members broke the silence, “Sir, are you looking forward to getting off the ship?” Private Lewis asked.

  Frank looked towards Lewis, he looked at this short blonde haired, blue eyed woman, “Frank, please call me Frank,” he replied.

  Jack smiled, but jumped in, “Only when we are in private, understood?” Jack told them.

  That really broke the silence and everyone laughed. Jack nudged Frank, “Nice work,” Jack whispered to him.

  Everyone was smiling and enjoying their meal. Frank sat there looking at his team and he smiled.

  The flight deck of the ship was empty; all personnel had been restricted to their quarters until 22:30, just inside the hanger bay, the Section waited for their ride to arrive. You could see the team members were nervous; they were all dressed in black uniforms.

  “OK, everyone double check your weapons and kit, I don’t want to have to turn back!” Jack ordered them.

  “Where the hell are all the gas masks?” Bray asked.

  “We have been informed since this is non-hostile, they are not needed, and so only basic supplies are to be taken!” Frank told a worried looking group.

  Frank looked around at the team members, “Everyone, I just wanted to say something. I am not very good at this sort of thing, but I wanted to say, you are the best I have ever worked with, stick together, follow orders, and we will be back here in 24 hours!” he told them.

  Private Bray Murray started to clap his hands, quickly followed by Private Andrew Reid and the rest of the team, all except for Jack.

  Jack had moved to just outside the hanger, Frank noticed and walked over to him. “You OK?” Frank asked.

  Jack smiled, “I’m good, just anxious to get this thing started!” he replied.

  A rumbling noise came from the sky; a helicopter cut through the clouds in the night sky and approached the ship. “Here we go!” Jack said.

  Commander Groves came into sight from the hanger bay, “You all set?” he asked them as the helicopter landed on the flight deck.

  “As ready as we can be!” Frank replied.

  Jack turned to the team, “Mason, Walsh, Atkinson, Ross, Murray, Lewis, Reid, time to leave!” Jack shouted at them.

  The team walked out of the hanger and ran towards the helicopter; the Crew Chief exited the helicopter and guided the team members to their seats.

  “Ready, Jack?” Frank asked. “Give me a minute, I want to speak to Jonathan for a moment,” Jack replied.

  “OK, be quick,” Frank replied, as he ran towards the helicopter.

  Jack walked over to Jonathan, “If something goes wrong and we don’t make it back, do me a favor, and make sure they do not send anyone else after us!” Jack told him.

  Jonathan looked at his friend and placed his hand on Jack’s shoulder, “I expect to see you back on Friday for our poker game, I need to win some of my money back!” he said with a smile.

  Jack laughed, turned, and started to move towards the helicopter. Jonathan shouted out, “HAVE FUN!”

  Jack turned around, towards him, “I ALWAYS DO!” he shouted back while saluting his friend out of respect.

  Jack boarded the helicopter and within seconds, they had taken off. Jonathan Groves looked up at the sky and watched the helicopter disappear into the darkness. “Good luck!” he whispered under his breath.



  As the helicopter neared its destination, the Section all looked out over their former homeland. It was pitch black, only the light from the moon and the stars shown over England. This once thriving over populated country was now looking like a graveyard.

  The pilot spoke over the radio to Frank, “We are two minutes out, once we land you have thirty seconds to disembark!” the pilot informed him.

  “Understood, what is the plan for picking us up?” Frank asked.

  “In exactly 24 hours, have a place for me to land and light it with your flares. I will only pass over once, no flares and you’re on your own!” the pilot said sternly.

  Frank did not respond to the pilot. Frank indicated to Jack with a thumb up that they were almost there; Jack put his thumb up in response; the rest of the team got themselves prepared to go.

  The helicopter started its descent; it touched down on the grass. “OK, LET’S GO!” Jack, shouted, within seconds the team had disembarked and moved clear of the helicopter blades.

  Frank was the last one out; he closed the door behind him and banged the side of the helicopter to indicate they were clear.

  Frank joined Jack, “Here we are!” Frank said to him. They both looked up and watched as the helicopter flew away.

  “Home Sweet Home!” Jack replied to Frank.

  They had landed in the middle of a park and looking around, the darkness made it hard for them to see very far ahead. The grass was overgrown, making their trek through it, very difficult. The wind blew a cold breeze on them. There were trees in the distance, beyond that a black fence which surrounded the park.

  “OK, everyone we are moving out, so let’s take this nice and slow!” Frank told the team.

  The team started to move away, “Wait! Make sure your weapons are ready!” Jack told them while he watched, with a concerned look on his face.

  They each proceeded to check their main guns, which were the basic Assault Rifle Carbine.

  “Speaking of weapons, why do we even need them?” asked Bray.

  “Have you ever seen a hungry dog?” Jack asked Bray.

  Bray looked all around in curiosity and fear, “Fair point!” he replied.

  The team started to tread their way through the long grass, moving towards an opening in the fence. Jack was looking around and looked more concerned than everyone else did.

  They finally reached the fence, stepping off the grass onto concrete. The gate on the fence was wide open, Jack was first to move outside the park with his rifle raised. The team quickly followed him, all with their rifles at the ready. Jack kept looking around, there were abandoned cars scattered around the streets. The weeds and the grass were already starting to cover the concrete; there was debris all over the roads and pavements. Windows on nearby buildings had been broken; litter flew around in the

  “OK, remember the virus is still present in the bodies. So, stay clear of them!” Frank reminded everyone.

  Jack continued to move forward, Frank noticed that Jack was uneasy and approached him. “Jack, did you hear me? Be careful of the bodies!” he told Jack softly.

  Jack moved forward a few more feet, “Millions have died here!” Jack said.

  The team heard Jack and moved closer to him. Frank was starting to get concerned about Jack, “We know Jack, it’s tragic, but we still have to be careful!” Frank told Jack in a concerned voice.

  “No, you don’t understand. Millions died, so where are the bodies?” Jack replied in a worried voice.

  The team started looking around, Elle was the first to speak out, “What the hell?” she asked.

  Frank was now getting concerned himself; “We should keep moving!” he told the team.

  Jack started walking with the team following close behind him. They reached the edge of a building and turned the corner. “What is that?” Michael Ross asked, pointing ahead of him.

  The team looked and could see a dark figure moving ahead of them. The team started to move forward towards the figure.

  “HELLO?” Michael shouted out.

  Jack quickly reacted, “Michael, shut up!” he snapped angrily.

  As the team got closer, they could see the dark figure was a person on their knees crouched over a dog. The team got within ten feet of the kneeling person, Jack lifted his fist, indicating to the team to stop. Jack continued to move forward slowly, “Excuse me, are you OK?” he asked the dark figure. The dark figure began to turn; as it came into view, the person was covered in blood.

  “Oh, my God!” Michael said while defying orders and running to the person. As he got closer, he could see that it was a woman, long blonde hair stained in blood, half her face rotted away.

  Jack shouted to Michael, “STOP!”

  As Michael stood in front of the woman he could now see her fully, time seemed to slow down at that moment.


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