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Edge (Parker Reed #2)

Page 14

by J. M. Walker

  My stomach sunk at the cold look.

  “You running away, angel?”

  I swallowed hard and backed up. “I just…I need…”

  “What? Tell me what you want or need,” his voice was eerily calm as he came out from under the awning. “I’ll tell you what I think you want and need. First, you want to be alone. You haven’t been alone in months. Fine. I get that. Sometimes a person just needs the sound of silence. But,” his jaw clenched. “You need me. You need me to help you get to that safe place. To help you fly.”

  “Sex doesn’t solve everything,” I mumbled and turned around. Pressing the key fob, the alarm sounded, the locks unlocking on Parker’s black car.

  “No. It doesn’t. But in your case, you need it as much as I need to give it. You need to submit. And I need to dominate. Or did you forget?”

  Tears rolled freely down my cheeks, mixing with the rain that beat against my body. “How could I forget, Parker? But I just…I need to do this on my own.”

  “Is that so? I seem to recall you demanding me to come with you to see the good agent. Were you lying to me, Keely?”

  I swallowed hard and shook my head. “No. But I’m not going to see him. He can wait.”

  Parker chuckled. “As much as I would like to make Cross wait, especially when he eye fucks you every chance he can, we need to meet with him.”

  “Why?” My brows narrowed as I turned back to him.

  “Because he could help us.”

  “You want his help?” I laughed. “Since when, Parker?”

  “Watch it, pet,” he said, his voice filling with warning as he took a step towards me.

  I moved around the car and opened the driver’s side door.

  “Get in the car, Keely, and you’ll see how mad I can really get.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Are you threatening me, my love?”

  “Are you mocking me?” He came around the car and closed the distance between us. Shutting the door, he pinched my chin. “I understand that you’re upset. I get that—”

  “No.” I shoved my head from his grip. “You don’t understand anything, Parker. My dad is alive. My ex-husband has been holding him captive after all of this time doing who knows what to him.” My body shook as my mind conjured up images of my father being tortured and held against his will.


  “Don’t patronize me, Parker. I’m not stupid. I know they’re not playing video games and hanging out. I know Devin better than anyone.” Even though Devin liked to think that I didn’t, I knew that there was a part of him that he kept under lock and key. The part that allowed him to feel. After all of this time, I still didn’t know his complete story and I honestly didn’t care to know.

  “Don’t remind me,” Parker growled. “Now get in the house. It’s cold.”

  I stormed away, my breath huffing and puffing as it left my lips. The cold felt good against the angry trembling of my skin.


  As much as I wanted to turn around and go to him, I couldn’t. I felt like I was being pulled in two, my soul being ripped in half. I walked around the side of the cottage, not wanting the warmth from inside just yet. My chest constricted, my body craving the bite of the cold. If only it could freeze the pain in my heart. A sob shook through me and my knees gave out. Mud soaked through my pants, my shoulders shaking.

  Heavy arms wrapped around my middle, holding me tight against a hard body. “Let me in, Keely,” Parker whispered in my ear. “Do not shut me out. Please, angel.”

  And that was when I broke. “I can’t do this anymore. I’m not strong enough.”

  “You are strong. You are the strongest person that I know. Let me help you. Let me take away your pain. Even just for a moment.”

  “No.” I shoved out of his grip and started crawling away. Mud and grass stuck to my hands and knees, dirtying my already torn body. “I want to be alone. I need…I…”

  “Stop this!” Parker shouted, flipping me onto my back. “This is not just about you. It’s all of us. Stop trying to fight this on your own.”


  “Tell me the real reason. Tell me why you now don’t want me to go.” His fingers caressed down the side of my face. So soft. Soothing. “Why do you feel the need to do this on your own?”

  “Because I can’t lose you,” I snapped, pushing him off of me. I rolled over onto my stomach and rose to all fours when my ankles were pulled out from under me.

  “Tell me more,” he growled and covered my body with his. The heat radiating off of him enveloped us.

  My heart jumped, beating hard against my ribs when he leaned into me. “It would kill me if something happened to you. Something already happened to my dad because of me. I can’t…I can’t have that guilt on my conscience again if you get hurt.” A lump formed in my throat.

  “It’s not your fault. None of this is,” he breathed against my nape.


  “It’s not. Please stop blaming yourself.” He brushed the wet hair off the back of my neck. “Please, angel.”

  A sob escaped me.

  “Shhh.” He grazed his hand up and down my arm before linking our fingers. “Let me take you inside and get you cleaned up.”

  “No. Just…” I arched under him. “Not yet.”

  A soft snarl erupted from his chest. “You keep doing that and I’ll take you right here, pet.”

  A breath left me and I lifted my head. The rain was coming down harder, soaking us to the very bone. I was muddy and dirty but I didn’t care at the moment. “Do it,” I demanded softly.

  “It’s cold,” he said, his voice husky.

  “I need your heat.” God, I felt like I was arguing with myself. Having an internal battle. “Please. Sir.” All thoughts of should I or shouldn’t I forced their way into my mind. It wasn’t the right time. We had so much shit to deal with first before sex was even a consideration but this wouldn’t be just sex. It would be a moment where we connected as one. Dominant and submissive. Giving and taking. We would be pouring the strength into the depths of our love. “Please.” I arched under him again, rubbing my rear against the thickness between his legs.

  My pants were pulled down to my ankles when a light swat landed on my ass. I moaned.

  “I don’t give into begging.” A zipper lowered, sending a shiver down my spine. “But I’m sick of you tormenting yourself over this.” His hot breath caressed my ear. “Spread your legs. Let me in. Allow me to be that light in your darkness.”

  I did as he said and cried out when he thrust into me hard. Not giving me the chance to get used to his size, he pumped his length into me deeper and deeper.

  “Feel the sting of the cold air. Embrace the pain of my cock giving you the pleasure that you so desperately need.” His hips hit my rear in rough strokes, bringing me over the brink of ecstasy.

  His name left my lips on a scream.

  “That’s it. Shut off that beautiful mind for me.” He grunted. “Let me in. Let me make you fly.”

  “Please, Sir,” I whimpered.

  “I’m going to come for you.” He kissed the side of my neck, placing nips and bites on the sensitive skin under my ear. “And then I’m going to bring you inside and wash away your pain.”

  I lifted my hips, hinting.

  His fingers dug into the cheeks of my rear. “Come with me.”

  And I did. Over and over again.

  “YOU WILL not hurt her,” Ex said, storming into the house.

  “No. We just want to talk.” I sat at the table and waited.

  “I can’t stay long.”

  When the female voice finally entered the room, I turned to the sound. She was in no way what I was expecting. I didn’t really know how I thought she would look but tall, blond, and pretty was not it. Devin was a good-looking guy but I figured Sherry would be average. I was informed that she had a drug addiction and that Ex was trying to clean her up. A part of me felt sorry for her. An even bigger part hoped tha
t she stayed as far away from Devin as possible.

  “Sherry,” I said, rising to my feet.

  The woman’s brown eyes landed on me. “And you are?”

  “Keely Price.” I nodded and held out my hand. “I had no idea that Devin had a cousin.”

  She returned my handshake and scoffed. “I wish I wasn’t his cousin. Ex tells me that you guys don’t trust him now because I was too honest in being related to the fucker.”

  I glanced at Greyson, his jaw clenched. “Well, I’m not those guys. I just wanted to talk to you to see if you could tell me anything about him. Anything at all,” I said, sitting on the couch.

  Sherry sat beside me and crossed her arms under her chest. “He’s a douche. But you already know that given that you were married to him. Why did you marry him anyways?”

  “Because I was young and naïve. He promised me riches and a happy life. Little did I know that it would come at the price of his fist,” I said quickly, ignoring the way Parker shifted on his feet behind me.

  “Well…” She looked at Parker and then back at me. “Stay with the man you have now. Don’t you ever let Devin get his teeth in you again.”

  I winced at how true that statement had been in the past. “I won’t. Now tell me, do you see him? Have you talked to him at all? Does he have an alternate name that he goes by?”

  She shook her head. “No. He is Devin Tate. He’s too possessive and controlling to give that part of himself up. But I can tell you one thing, go in protected. I hear that you’re smart. Use your brain and everything will go smoothly.”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked, frowning.

  “I can’t give excuses for what my cousin did and does. I don’t even know the half of it,” she shrugged. “But I do know that something needs to be done.” She glanced at Greyson who stood a few feet away from us. “And you,” she pointed at him. “Don’t let this shit get between you and your brothers. I will leave first before I let that happen.”

  Greyson raised an eyebrow. “You would give up everything that you have with Ex, for me and my club’s suspicions?”

  She looked between all of us. “Yes.”

  He took a deep breath and clapped a hand on Ex’s shoulder. Leaning his forehead against the other mans, he whispered something to him.

  Ex nodded every so often, eventually letting out a heavy sigh. “I love you, brother.”

  Greyson squeezed his nape. “I love you too.”


  “Meet me in the alleyway two blocks from the station,” I told Steven Cross.

  “Keely? Why would I do that?”

  My back stiffened at the humorous tone in his voice. “I’m sick of you questioning me. If you want answers, then meet me.”

  “Fine. What time?”

  “Right now,” I said and hung up, throwing the cell phone in a nearby trashcan. After chatting with Sherry that morning, even though she wasn’t much help, we all decided that we needed to get this rolling.

  “You being demanding turns me on.”

  I laughed at the smooth deep voice in my ear. “Well, I learned from the best.”

  “You sure did.”

  I shook my head.

  Parker’s chuckle vibrated through me. “Hurry back, beautiful. I don’t think Agent Cross wants to deal with my charming self on his own.”

  I scoffed. “Probably not.” I rounded the corner and headed down a side street before turning onto a dim alley. If I wasn’t meeting Parker in the safety of his town car, I would probably be nervous. No one should walk an alley by themselves.

  When the black car came into view, I breathed a sigh of relief and took the earpiece out of my ear.

  “Nice choice for a meeting, don’t you think?”

  “Get in the car, Agent Cross,” I demanded, not bothering to turn around. Luckily Jones and Colin were in the front seat because I had a feeling that Parker’s jealousy might just try to get the best of him.

  “So demanding. Anything else you want to tell me to do?”

  The door opened slightly. “Get in the fucking car, Agent,” Parker’s deep voice bellowed.

  Steven met my gaze and raised an eyebrow. “Well this just keeps getting better and better.” He slid into the car.

  I followed in after him, shutting the door behind me.

  “Come here, angel,” Parker commanded softly.

  I moved to the empty spot beside him, making sure to sit between the both of them. Parker grabbed my hand, holding it in his lap. He had a smug smile on his face and under normal circumstances I would have rolled my eyes.

  “I see that you do know each other,” Cross pointed out.

  “You knew that. Why you felt the need to question me is beyond me,” I bit out.

  “So tell me why we couldn’t have met at the station like we were supposed to,” Agent Cross said, sitting back on the plush leather seat.

  “You know why, agent,” Parker mumbled.

  “We need to make sure that we can trust you,” I said before their conversation turned into a pissing match.

  “I’m an FBI agent. Of course you can trust me.”

  That time, I did allow myself to roll my eyes. “You do know that Devin has his hand in everyone’s pocket. Especially the cops.”

  “I am not paid by him. I may be an asshole but everything I do is fucking legal.” Cross sat forward, leaning his elbows on his knees. “It is.”

  “Are you trying to convince us or yourself?” I asked, pointing at him. “Doesn’t matter if what you do is legal or not. You think this meeting is legal? Does your boss know where you are? Does he know who you’re meeting with?”

  Cross frowned. “I liked you better when you were alone.”

  A slow grin spread on my face. “You see. The funny thing is, I’ve never been alone. This man beside me has always been with me whether I knew it or not. So, agent, I’ve never truly been alone.”

  “What do you want?” he said through clenched teeth.

  “Immunity,” Parker and I said at the same time.

  “You have got to be fucking kidding me.” Agent Cross scrubbed a hand down his face. “Alright. Explain.”

  “If you clear both of our records, free our names of any shit that might fall back on us after all of this is done…well, I guess mine just needs to be cleared,” I said, looking at Parker.

  “Parker is no longer considered dead,” Colin said, turning around in the front seat. “I have that part covered. But if you want our assistance, you need to make sure these two stay out of jail,” he told Cross.

  “And why would I want or need your assistance?” the agent asked, crossing his thick arms under his broad chest.

  “How long have you been trying to bring Devin down?” I asked.

  “Why does that matter?”

  “You told us that you wanted to help. So answer the damn question,” Parker barked.

  “Fine. Just over five years,” he mumbled, clearly unimpressed with how poor of a job they were doing at bringing down one of the most powerful men that I knew.

  “Exactly.” I wasn’t one to brag but the good agent needed our help whether he liked it not. “Do you know what I’ve been doing for the past twenty-four hours?”

  At that point, Steven Cross made a very stupid move and let his gaze roam down the length of my body. I was wearing jeans and a sweater. Why that made him want to check me out was beyond me. A growl sounded from beside me and the next thing I knew, Parker had the agent in a rough grip. His eyes widened but a hint of amusement flashed in his gaze, which in turn made things worse for him.

  “You think it’s fucking funny? Checking out my girlfriend while we’re trying to help your sorry ass out, you bastard?” Parker said through gritted teeth, his hand tightening around Cross’ throat.

  “Parker,” Colin snapped. “Focus your shit. You can play with him after we get this sorted.”

  Parker leaned down to Cross’ ear and whispered something to him on a low growl.

even coughed a laugh and rubbed his throat when Parker released him. “Possessive much, are we?” he rasped.

  “You haven’t seen anything yet.” Parker sat beside me, practically shielding me from the wandering eyes of our guest.

  “Alright, gentlemen. Let’s focus on the issue at hand or next time, we won’t stop him,” I told Cross. I pulled a stack of folders off the seat beside me and placed them on my lap. Stroking my fingers over the cream material, I took a breath and smiled with my sweetest smile at Agent Cross.

  “Uh….” His brows furrowed. “Why do I feel like you’re about to give me bad news?”

  “Oh, I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Maybe because I am. You’ve been a bad boy, Agent Cross.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” His back stiffened but he made no further moves so I continued.

  “You see, after you threatened me, I did some research.”

  “I didn’t threaten you.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “No? I seem to recall that you had a file on me, telling me that I wasn’t a good girl and all that shit. I don’t take kindly to threats, Cross. I was with Devin for years and even he never threatened me.”

  “That’s because he just took what he wanted,” he mumbled under his breath.

  “Watch your fuck—”

  “Parker.” I squeezed his arm and turned back to Agent Cross. “What Devin and I had is between me and him. How would your wife feel if she found out that you were siding with the bad guys? Yes, he abused me but that is no excuse. You of all people should know that.”

  He looked away, guilt written all over his face.

  I opened the folder before me and smiled. “You’ve paid your informants off in more ways than one. Getting cozy with the ladies, are we, agent? I see that some drugs have gone missing from the evidence room. And some guns, too.”

  His mouth fell open and he snapped it shut before shaking his head. A dark shadow moved over his face. “You don’t—”

  “I do. I’d be very careful what I say next, Steven. I’ve had a very long morning and I’m in no mood to deal with your uncooperative shit. Your life is now in my hands.” Thankfully my voice came out stronger than how I felt because, in reality, my nerves were shot. It had been a rough couple of months and I was in no way ready to deal with this. But I had to. A war was setting in between all of us and Devin and his boys. I didn’t even know how many people he had working for him but I could only imagine that it was more than what we had.


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