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Daddy Boss

Page 42

by Claire Bishop

  “And that’s a street show?” she asked, surprised. I nodded. “Well, I still want to see it. Oh, and I remember reading about a volcano? And another water show on the Strip. And what else is there?” She touched the tip of her finger to her chin. I took her hand as led her toward the street.

  “We have plenty of time to do everything,” I said. “Let’s start with that pirate ship.”

  After several street shows, we found ourselves outside of a casino themed like a castle. Everly had wanted to cross the street toward the street performers, but I had convinced her that there was something to be seen in the castle.

  “It’s Abby’s favorite part of Las Vegas,” I said. Everly pursed her lips and stared at the front of the casino. A clock chimed, and two doors opened as an evil queen walked out and stared at the pedestrians on the ground. Her animatronic face turned and scowled at everyone, before returning to the castle. Everly’s eyes lit up, and she asked if we could stay for the next one.

  “It’s every minute,” I said. “Why not?”

  “You’re going to have me spoiled.” She leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. It was quick and appreciative, but it made my desire stir deep inside.

  We watched it several more times before walking across the street to watch two groups in a dance off. I was well aware that Everly and I were the best dressed out of the crowd, and I made sure that my wallet was deep in my pocket and that Everly’s purse was in her hand. I had been robbed one too many times in the City of Sin.

  We retired to our room after a night of drinking, walking, and gambling. Everly was complaining about her feet, but there was a smile on her face regardless as she stared out the window. I realized then that we weren’t even sure what her room looked like.

  She had me unzip her dress, and she shivered as my fingers brushed against her skin. I kissed her neck and held her close, but for a moment, that was all I did. It wasn’t that I didn’t desire her; I wanted nothing more than to taste her and be inside of her, but at that moment, all I wanted was to hold her.

  This attraction wasn’t just physical anymore; it was an intimate affection that I had been looking for nearly all my life. And it seemed as if I had found it with Everly.

  Chapter Thirty


  Maddox was more affectionate as we returned to Seattle. He caressed my cheek as I took a light nap beside him in the private plane, and he held my hand throughout the entire journey. He always made sure I was taken care of; fed and happy with a blush from wine. I returned his affection, of course. His gray eyes closed and his thin lips parted to release a soft moan of pleasure as I took care of him in the empty cabin of the jet. Things had heated up unexpectedly, and we’d decided to take care of the situation. His strong arms held me as the turbulence helped rock my body against his. Before the plane began its descent, we finished together.

  “I’ll see you at the usual time tomorrow?” he asked as he parked in front of my apartment complex. He almost looked worried, as if he wasn’t sure if I would be coming back to him.

  “Same time,” I said. “I’ll have to come up with a recipe tonight, though, and I’ll pick up the ingredients on the way.”

  “Maybe add some dessert this time?” he suggested. “I would love to learn how to make dessert.”

  “I’ll think of something.” I flashed him a warm smile before leaning in to kiss him goodbye. My apartment felt smaller as I entered it alone, and the silence was almost overbearing. Maddox and I had shared plenty of silent moments together, and I was surprised to realize that I missed it. After a weekend of pleasure, I missed Maddox more than anything, and the intimate time with him was better than all that Vegas had to offer.

  I considered calling Lacey and gushing about the weekend, but it was already late, and she was most likely asleep. Then I contemplated if I should wake her anyway considering all the times her and Belle had woken me. I decided against it, and exchanged a few messages with Maddox as I got ready for bed. Just thanking him for the weekend and brainstorming meal ideas with him. Conversation was easy with him, and I had never met anyone I had such a strong connection with, especially over food. Not anyone I was romantically involved with, anyway.

  I fell asleep with my phone in my hand, the screen on Maddox’s contact image. I woke far earlier than usual, at least an hour before Lacey and Belle would usually arrive, and I decided to head to their house for breakfast instead. I whipped up a batch of muffins and a platter of bacon, and made three giant omelets before leaving my apartment. I called Lacey in the car, and she was awake and alert as I arrived.

  “You’re up early!” she said and let me inside. “Did you even sleep?”

  “Of course I slept.” Belle walked out of her room and rubbed her eyes. She was in her long blue nightgown with her hair tied up in a messy ponytail that she’d forgotten to take out. “Belle, come help me clear off the table and set up breakfast.” I stopped her and pulled the tie free and then she continued on her way.

  “This is a parallel universe,” Lacey said as Belle and I made the table.

  “I just couldn’t sleep in any longer,” I said. My phone chimed, and I unlocked it to find a text from Maddox wishing me a good morning. I couldn’t wipe the stupid grin from my face.

  “Who’s making you blush?” Belle asked. I rolled my eyes and sliced into my omelet, but Lacey wasn’t planning on letting the question go.

  “Maddox?” she asked, one thin eyebrow raised.

  “Maybe,” I said. “Oh, who am I kidding? It’s Maddox. It’s just a good morning text.”

  Lacey laughed as Belle looked at me with a confused look.

  “A good morning text? I haven’t gotten one of those since college,” Lacey said with a dopey grin. “So I guess you guys had a good weekend?”

  I looked away for a moment in consideration. “Amazing,” I said at last. The smile plastered on my face should have been proof enough. There were stars in my eyes for him that wouldn’t fade. “It was amazing, Lace. He’s amazing.”

  “What did you guys do?” Lacey asked. I opened my mouth and then realized there was still a 5-year-old at the table.

  “Belle, would you mind getting me the orange juice?” I asked. Belle nodded and left. I made sure she was out of hearing range before I continued. “We had sex on every single piece of furniture in the hotel suite,” I said. Lacey choked on a piece of bacon and gasped. “And then had the most romantic dinner, gambled a bit, and walked around the Strip. Did you know that pirate show Mom always talked about is basically a strip show?”

  Lacey shook her head. “Go back to that first part. You had sex the entire weekend?”

  I blushed and looked away.

  “Everly, you spent an entire weekend in Las Vegas making love with the richest guy you’ve ever met?”

  I shrugged. “And the most handsome,” I said.

  “Did you use protection?” she whispered as Belle returned with my orange juice.

  “Thanks, sweetie,” I said and nodded in Lacey’s direction. Her shoulders slumped with relief.

  Minutes later, we finished up breakfast, and Belle helped put the dishes in the sink. She stood next to me, tall for her age, and dried the dishes as I washed them.

  “You and Maddox are dating now?” Belle asked. I momentarily wondered how much she heard.

  “I’m not sure,” I admitted.

  “I hope you are. Because then you’ll have a kid soon, and then I’ll have someone to play with.” She looked at me with her wide green eyes, the same as mine, and an innocent smile. The cup I held in my hand dropped and shattered in the sink as her words entered my head. Belle gasped and I held out an arm and made sure she was alright.

  “Sorry, sweetie, I wasn’t paying attention,” I said and kissed her forehead. Lacey stopped by to check what was going on, and I apologized and carefully picked up the shattered glass.

  “You okay?” Lacey asked, and I nodded. But I wasn’t, not really. I hadn’t even considered the idea of having a c
hild, not once, as I spent the most magical weekend with Maddox. But it seemed as if we were slowly becoming serious, so why wouldn’t I have a kid? He and his daughter were a packaged deal.

  Belle wanted someone to play with, and if Maddox and I were going to be together, then she would have Abby. And then what? Did Maddox want more children? Would I be forced to live the life I never wanted? Or maybe he wouldn’t want another child and then I’d have the opportunity stripped away. I wasn’t sure what I wanted, but I was certain it too fast to decide if I’d have children of my own.

  “We have to leave for kindergarten,” Lacey said. I shook my head and forced the thought out of my mind. There was no reason to worry about it, at least not yet.

  “Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow. Have fun, Belle,” I said goodbye to them both and headed to my car. I needed to go to the grocery store for tonight’s ingredients, but for some reason, I wasn’t able to think about anything else other than Maddox, and his kid.

  I decided to keep dinner simple, and purchased top quality ingredients for lasagna, and picked up the more complex ingredients for a lava cake. Maddox hadn’t specified what type of dessert he wanted, and I knew we could never go wrong with chocolate and cake.

  I arrived at his house a little early. He answered the door with a wide smile and twinkling eyes; it seemed as if he had been looking forward to tonight as well.

  “You look incredible,” he said as he relieved me of my haul. I followed him into the kitchen where he placed the groceries on the counter.

  I glanced at him sideways and pursed my lips. “I’m wearing the same thing I always do,” I said.

  “Exactly.” He grinned wide, showing off his pearly whites. There was a five o’ clock shadow spreading across his chin, I assumed it had been a day or two since he last shaved, and he wore a loose navy blue sweater with khaki pants. He looked more casual, but in a fancy, let’s go to a golf outing in the middle of Florida way. I wanted to tell him he looked good as well, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Belle’s words and the immediate effect they had on me.

  “Thanks,” I said and rubbed my elbow. “So, we’re making lasagna tonight.” I set all the ingredients out on the table, and he took his time looking through them.

  “You know how to cook this already, don’t you?” I asked. He smiled sheepishly and nodded, spreading his hands over the freshly cut hair on his head.

  “I’m quite the expert on lasagna,” he admitted. “But I’m excited to see your method.”

  “My method is pretty simple,” I said. “I always felt like the simplest lasagna tasted the best.”

  “I’ve never considered that.” He moved behind me and placed his hands at my side. I stiffened, Belle’s voice a nagging entity in my head, and moved away from his grasp in the guise of prepping the oven. He didn’t seem to notice, unless he was pretending.

  “And for dessert?” he asked as he peered inside the paper bag.

  “White chocolate cake with a hazelnut chocolate liquid inside,” I said. “I’ve made it before, it’s not easy getting the different chocolates to mesh well, but when it does, it’s worth it.”

  “I believe it,” he said. We started crushing the tomatoes and making the dough for the pasta.

  “Is there anything you haven’t lied about?” I asked with a teasing tone in my voice as he created the pasta without a single flaw. Maddox hesitated.

  “I promise, this is it,” he said. “I just wanted an excuse to spend time with a pretty girl. Sue me.”

  I faced him. “So what is this now? You’re paying me more than a lot of chefs make in their lifetime to be your cooking buddy?”

  He stared at me, an intense look that made me part my lips and take deep breaths. He had such a way to make me feel naked in front of him, especially as his eyes trailed down my face and across my body.

  “I’m not sure,” he admitted. My cheek twitched. So, neither of us knew what we were doing anymore.

  I turned away and busied myself with the task at hand, and an hour and a half later, the lasagna was ready to plate.

  “My mother said she had a box reserved for the next Broadway show,” Maddox said as I plated our food. “I can’t remember what show it is, but she specifically invited you. In fact, she made a point to tell me that I wasn’t invited unless you agreed to come with.” He smiled as he shrugged in a what are you gonna do sort of way.

  I smiled softly. I knew exactly what Broadway show it was, and it would take a truly crazy person to decline. But seeing shows at the theater with a man and his family felt like such a step that I wasn’t ready to take.

  “I’ll think about it,” I said. “Let me know when and what time later.”

  Maddox nodded, but there was something off about his expression. He might have felt the tension between us, or the fact that I’ve had a 5-year old’s voice in my head all night, or maybe the lasagna just wasn’t up to par.

  Once again, he pulled out my chair, and we sat at the dining table. He took the seat beside me on the end and I watched as he took a bite. He closed his lips around his fork and closed his eyes. I loved the way he savored every dish, and felt a certain sense of pride that he enjoyed it as much as I did. Not only the results, but the process of getting it from the grocer to the gut, as Phil used to say.

  “Oh.” His eyebrows rose. “This is amazing.” He took an even bigger bite as I laughed.

  “Are you honestly surprised?” I asked. He opened his mouth to reply, but the doorbell interrupted him.

  He wiped his mouth with his napkin and rose from the table. “I’ll be right back,” he said on his way out. Moments later Nick’s voice entered the room, followed by a little girl’s excited speech.

  “She finished her painting,” Nick was saying as I pushed my plate away from me and met them in the living room. Nick stood in the doorway, his hands shoved into the pockets of jeans and a button-up shirt that was covered in fresh paint. Maddox was kneeling in front of Abby, who held a thin sheet of paper nearly two feet long. “She wanted to show you both.”

  Abby showed Maddox first, but she stared at me with such a bright smile and hopeful eyes that reminded me of Belle, and the years I spent annoyed by her.

  “This is beautiful!” Maddox said as he examined it. I stood just far enough that I couldn’t see the painting, but I could see the moment Maddox’s expression fell, and his eyes darted toward mine. “Oh, no.” He tried hiding the painting, but Abby tore it from his hands and held it for me to see.

  “I painted this!” She exclaimed and stood proud as ever.

  The center of the painting was a house similar to Maddox’s, and in front was three stick figures. A short one in the middle, with curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes, holding the hand of the tallest figure, a near bald head and gray eyes.

  But the short figure was also holding the hand of another figure, average in height, with bright green eyes and red hair. It took me a moment to realize what I was looking at, even as Maddox said my name and held Abby’s shoulder in his hand.

  The picture was of us, Maddox, Abby, and me; we were a family. I was Abby’s mother.

  I hope you are. Because then you’ll have a kid soon, and then I’ll have someone to play with.

  Belle’s innocent voice and Abby’s sweet gesture was enough to make my world spin off its axis and go unbalanced. Nausea washed over me, and I ignored both Abby’s frown and Nick’s worried eyes as I rushed out of the house. It was all too much too soon, and I had to get away from them both.

  “Everly!” Maddox called after me. I turned to find him in the doorway.

  “I have to go,” I said, holding up a hand to stop him from coming any closer. Then I turned and left before he could follow me.

  Chapter Thirty-One


  Everly ran out of the house, and I hesitated in the doorway. She said she had to leave, but the pure terror in her expression made me worry for her drive home. I decided I would call her in 20 minutes, and hopefully she’d give me a chan
ce to explain. I understood completely why she left, and why the painting freaked her out, but I still didn’t know what else to do or say. If she wanted to be with me, this was the only package I could present.

  “I’m sorry, man,” Nick said. “I didn’t know she was going to react like that.”

  “You didn’t think she’d be a little freaked out that a child wants her to be her mom?” I whispered. Abby was staring out the door, where Everly had run. Nick held up his hand.

  “Don’t be mad at me. You keep Everly all to yourself; how are we supposed to know what she’s thinking?” Nick said, and I couldn’t help but agree with him.

  “You’re right,” I said. “I’m sorry.”

  “She hates it,” Abby said and looked at the both of us with fresh tears in her eyes. I shook my head and tried soothing her, but she started crying even more. “It’s ugly, Everly hated it!” She ran toward the stairs, and Nick and I both watched as she stormed up to the second floor. I flinched as she slammed her door shut.

  “Shit,” I cursed. There were two upset women in my life, and I had no idea how to make either of them happy. I’d never felt so helpless.

  “Maybe this was for the best,” Nick suggested. I looked at him, not sure I wanted to hear the rest of his opinions. “Abby wants a mother. It’s not fair to anyone in this situation to be with someone who doesn’t want that. It’s not fair to Everly.”

  I raked my fingers through my hair and took a deep, calming breath. “She just needs time to think,” I said. “Finding out that way would be a bit much for anyone.”

  Nick got ready to leave, and he paused for a moment.

  “Are you convincing me, or yourself?” he asked and then without another word he left, closing the door a little too hard behind him. I sighed, frustrated and lost, without a single idea of what to do. Of course, I’d check on Abby first. But then what? What was going to solve this problem?


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