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A Home with the Rancher

Page 15

by April Arrington

  “Almost everything in life is a risk,” Nate said softly. “Just look at what you and Dani have done with this place. How you took a chance and brought it back to life.” He gripped his shoulder and squeezed. “Everyone has regrets, Mac. You’re a great dad. Wanting Dani in your life doesn’t mean you’re being disloyal to your kids and you’re not betraying Nicole by moving on. It’s okay to live again. To love again. Nicole would’ve wanted that.”

  Mac faced him then, his chest burning as he searched Nate’s eyes. “But I love Dani more.”

  “More than Nicole?”

  Mac forced himself to say it. Out loud. “Yeah.”

  Nate smiled. “That’s okay, too.”

  Chapter Ten

  Mac grabbed his cologne and sprayed it lightly over the base of his throat then behind his ear, smiling as Jaxon stared up at him.

  “Can I have some?”

  Mac cocked an eyebrow. “Why? You got a hot date tonight?”

  Jaxon rolled his eyes and laughed. “No. I just wanted to try it.” He leaned on the bathroom sink, fiddling with Mac’s razor. “When can I start shaving?”

  “That’ll be a while yet. But I’ll show you when the time comes.” He held up the cologne bottle. “Come here. I’ll spritz you.”

  Jaxon scooted closer and raised his chin, exposing his neck.

  Mac laughed and sprayed him once. “There. You’re good to go.”

  He hoped they both were. It’d been so long since he’d been on a date, he’d almost forgotten what one was. He guessed he could call dancing with Dani in the banquet hall a date. Hell, he didn’t care what it was called so long as he was able to spend time with her. He hadn’t been able to think of anything else since he kissed her last night.

  Well...except for his conversation with Nate. That was something he’d revisited more than once throughout the day, weighing the risks versus rewards of telling Dani how he felt. And he’d finally come to a decision.

  “Is it okay if I ask a girl to dance?”

  Mac refocused on Jaxon. “Which girl?”

  Jaxon shrugged. “Laura, maybe.”

  Mac grinned. Along with the dozen or so guests, he and Nate had invited several friends to the dance tonight. Laura was the daughter of one of Nate’s friends. A nice kid, around Jaxon’s age.

  “Yeah. That’d be perfectly fine.”

  Jaxon frowned. “But...but what if she says no?”

  “There’s always a chance of that,” Mac said, tapping his chin. “But you’ll never know if you don’t ask. And if you really like her, it’ll be worth the risk.”

  Almost everything in life is a risk. Mac rolled his shoulders, recalling Nate’s words, and decided there was no better time than the present to take the first step.

  “How ’bout we go find your sisters and have a quick chat before we head to the dance?”

  Jaxon nodded and they walked down the hall to the girls’ room.

  Once there, Mac knocked on the door. “Are you ready, girls? I’d like to talk to you before we head out.”

  There were muffled giggles and a scuffling sound then Nadine opened the door. She wore a green dress and her hair was brushed neatly, falling in shiny curls around her smiling face.

  “Like my hair?” she asked. “Ms. Dani did it.”

  Mac grinned and wound his finger through one of her curls. “It’s beautiful, baby.”

  “She did mine, too.” Maddie skipped out of the en suite bathroom, her skirt fluttering around her knees, and held out her hands. “And she painted our nails.”

  He smoothed his thumb over the glittery polish and chuckled. “Green?”

  “No. Mint Breeze.” Dani stood in the bathroom doorway, smiling. “They asked for something besides pink and that shade matches their dresses.”

  Mac stilled as his eyes drifted over her. The sleeveless dress she wore hugged her curves and the dark blue material deepened the tone of her eyes to a hypnotic midnight blue. Her wavy hair spilled over her bare shoulders, making his fingers tingle with the need to touch her.

  “I hope you don’t mind.” Her hands twisted at her waist and her tone was uncertain.

  “No.” He peeled his eyes from the sleek length of her legs and focused on her face. “It’s beautiful.”

  Pink stained her cheeks and her mouth parted on a swift breath, the soft sound making his blood rush. “I’ll just...go ahead and make sure everything’s set up,” she said, easing past the girls and heading for the door.

  Mac slowed her steps with a hand on her elbow then escorted her to the hallway. “Jaxon, wait in there with the girls for a minute, okay?”

  Jaxon grinned. “Sure.”

  Mac closed the door behind him then pulled Dani close. The soft material of her dress glided against his palm. “I know it’s usually customary for the kiss to come at the end of a date but I don’t think I can wait that long.”

  She smiled and stepped closer, tracing the curve of his bottom lip with her finger. “Is that what this is? A date?”

  He nudged her mouth with his, whispering, “Okay. We’ll go with that.”

  Laughing softly, she kissed him. Her hands smoothed up his chest then into his hair. The tips of her nails grazed his scalp gently, sending shivers down his spine.

  He wrapped his arms around her and deepened the kiss, wishing they had more time. Hoping that by the end of the night, she’d give him forever.

  Mac raised his head and drew in a ragged breath. “If we don’t stop now, we won’t make it to the party.”

  Her forehead dropped to his chest on a frustrated moan. “But you smell so good.”

  He laughed and kissed the top of her head. “All part of the plan, babe. I’m using every trick in the book to pull you in.”

  She looked up and her teasing expression dimmed. “I don’t think you could pull me in any more than I already am.” Her fingers picked at the buttons on his shirt. “Can we talk tonight? After the dance? There are things I need to tell you.”

  “That’s exactly what I had in mind. For the most part, at least.” He kissed her once more then smiled, moving away reluctantly. “I better get back before the kids get antsy. We’ll meet you down there shortly.”

  He watched her leave then smoothed a hand through his hair and entered the bedroom.

  Jaxon sat on the edge of one of the twin beds with Nadine on one side of him and Maddie on the other. All three of them were grinning from ear to ear.

  Mac’s mouth quirked. “What are y’all up to?”

  The girls giggled. Jaxon shrugged.

  “All right,” Mac said, rubbing his hands together. “Let’s have that talk.”

  “Is it about Ms. Dani?” Jaxon asked.

  Maddie bounced on the bed. “Are you still gonna dance with her?”

  “Can we take Ms. Dani camping again?” Nadine asked. “I bet she likes to fish.”

  “Whoa. Hold up a minute.” Mac edged his way onto the bed beside Nadine, freezing as it creaked beneath the four of them. When nothing gave way, he smiled, propped his elbows on his knees and looked at the three of them. “Jaxon’s right. I do want to talk to you about Ms. Dani. Is it safe for me to assume that all of you are still fond of her?”

  Jaxon nodded. “You know we like her, Dad.”

  “I know,” he said, glancing from one smiling face to the next. “But I know how much she cares about you and I thought I’d touch base with you again to see if you still feel the same way about her.”

  Nadine’s hand shot out and wrapped around his forearm. “Is she gonna stay? For good?”

  Mac hesitated. He had every intention of being honest with all three of them but how much should he actually share? Falling in love again was new enough, let alone figuring out how to merge his romantic life with that of being a single father. And though he knew Dani cared for him, he still was
n’t certain how she’d respond when he—

  “Dad?” Maddie leaned over Jaxon, staring up at him. “Did your heart grow?”

  Mac clenched his hands together between his knees, unsure of how to answer.

  Jaxon’s eyes clouded with confusion. “What’s she talking about?”

  “She’s talking about how I feel about Ms. Dani.” His neck heated and he cleared his throat. “I do feel strongly for her. Just like the three of you do.”

  They grew quiet. Jaxon sat up straighter, Maddie twisted the ribbon on her dress around her finger and Nadine stared thoughtfully at the wall.

  “I’ve always been honest with you and I’m asking how you feel about her because I’m thinking about the future.” He leaned closer, studying their expressions. “What if Ms. Dani stayed for good, like Nadine said? But not just as a hand. More like a partner.”

  Nadine frowned. “A partner? Will she work in the office with Ms. Ann?”

  Mac laughed. “No. Not like Ms. Ann. Our partner. Possibly, a part of our family.”

  Jaxon’s face brightened. “Are y’all gonna get married?”

  The girls’ heads jerked up and they stared at his face.

  “I don’t know yet,” Mac said gently. “I haven’t asked her but I’ve thought about it. And I wondered how the three of you would feel about it if I did.”

  “I’d like it,” Jaxon said, smiling.

  Mac nodded. “Nadine? What about you?”

  “Sounds good to me.” She grinned. “She brushes hair a lot better than Ms. Ann and tells good stories at bedtime.”

  “Maddie?” Mac waited, holding his breath as she stopped twisting the ribbon.

  “Do you like her a lot?” she asked.

  Mac bit his lip and decided honesty was the only way to go. “I love her, Maddie.”

  She blushed. A big smile spread across her face as she whispered, “I do, too.”

  Mac breathed a sigh of relief, excited about the possibilities and feeling more alive than ever. Maddie climbed into his lap and hugged his neck. Jaxon and Nadine followed, piling onto one another and throwing their arms around him, all smiles. He chuckled, struggling to wrap his arms around all three of them.

  A loud pop sounded then the bed fell, tumbling them onto their backs in a heap on the floor.

  Winded, Mac stayed still for a few moments then asked, “Everyone all right?”

  The kids burst out laughing and Mac dropped his head back to the floor, joining them.

  Jaxon pushed up on his palms and smiled. “Guess we’ll have to fix that too, Dad.”

  * * *

  THE WORLD SPUN then turned upside down. Dani gasped, her hair sweeping the dance floor, heart pounding in her ears and blood rushing straight to her cheeks.

  And, dear God, she loved it.

  “Damn, you’re beautiful.”

  She opened her eyes, barely catching the words over the blare of the music. Mac leaned over her, his strong arm wrapped tight around her back, big palm cupping her head and a devilish smile on his handsome face.

  Belly dipping just as quickly as he’d dipped her, she grinned. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

  “Is that all?” He frowned in mock affront. “Then I’ll just have to do something different to impress you.”

  His mouth—that wickedly skillful, delicious mouth of his—planted firmly against hers. The heavy throb of bass pounded through the banquet hall floor, traveled past her curled toes up to her chest, then mingled with the vibration of Mac’s groan of pleasure against her lips. Dani spread her hands across his broad shoulders and kissed him back for all she was worth.

  Dimly, the sound of applause broke through her passion-induced stupor and Mac released her mouth, straightening and drawing her up with him.

  A group of guests had formed a circle around them on the dance floor. They clapped and cheered, the encouraging shouts peppered with wolf whistles. The kids stood among them with Nate at their side. Even Cal and Tim had joined the fun, sipping beers and smiling. Dani laughed and buried her face against Mac’s warm throat.

  Mac hugged her close then led her off the dance floor. “Guess we should cool things off before they get out of hand.” He nuzzled her temple and spoke softly in her ear. “Though I wouldn’t mind picking this back up in private later.”

  She wrapped her arms around his waist and squeezed. “I wouldn’t mind that, either.”

  He stopped and cupped her face, smiling down at her. “I’m gonna hold you to that.”

  “Please do.”

  His eyes darkened. “You have no idea how much I want to—”

  “Dad, it’s my turn.”

  Mac jumped, hands tightening around her and eyes slowly closing.

  Dani peeked around his shoulder to find Nadine tugging at his pants pocket.

  “You promised you were gonna dance with me next, so come on.” Smiling, she yanked harder. “Make him dance with me, Ms. Dani.”

  Dani laughed and pushed Mac toward her. “I think you better keep your promise before you get in trouble.”

  “Oh, I always keep my promises.” He leaned over and kissed her neck. “And I’m coming back, so don’t you dare move.”

  He returned to the dance floor with Nadine, lifted her high in his arms and started spinning through the crowd. The sight took Dani’s breath away.

  She pressed a hand to her chest, her skin moist with sweat and her pulse pounding beneath her fingertips. He was so wonderful. Every moment with him reinforced how much she loved him. And every second without him reminded her how painful it would be to lose him.

  Her stomach roiled. She had to tell him everything. As soon as possible.

  “I taught him everything he knows.” Nate appeared at her side, grinning. He nudged her with his elbow then lifted a glass of wine. “Need a drink?”

  Seeking a distraction, she took it with shaky fingers and drank deeply. The tangy liquid tickled her throat, making her cough.

  “Slow down, there,” Nate said, patting her back. “I was trying to help, not make it worse.”

  Dani regained her composure and blinked away a sheen of tears. “What were you trying to help exactly?”

  “That guilty conscience of yours.”

  She almost choked again. “Wh-what?”

  “Easy,” he said calmly. “I haven’t given you up, yet, have I?”

  “On which part?”

  His brows rose. “How many parts are there?”

  Dani winced. “Too many.”

  She craned her neck, sifting visually through the dancing couples. Mac and Nadine reappeared, still twirling and laughing.

  “Why haven’t you given me up?” she asked.

  “I’m not one to judge. And for what it’s worth, I do believe you love him.” Nate glanced down at her and frowned. “But you need to come clean with whatever it is you lied to him about. The sooner, the better.”

  “I know.” Her fingers tightened around the glass, the condensation cold against her palm. “But I don’t want to hurt him.”

  “No way around that now, I’m afraid. And the longer you wait, the worse it’ll get.” He shook his head. “Mac can be stubborn. Real stubborn. Especially if he feels betrayed.”

  His jaw clenched and a muscle ticked by his mouth. “Do you know this from personal experience?”

  He took the glass from her and tossed it back, draining the wine from it. “Yep. So just take my word for it.”

  “Nate.” A pretty blonde, wearing glasses and a big smile, walked over. “Landon told me you were back in town but I didn’t believe him.”

  Nate dipped his head briefly, shifting from one boot to the other. “Dani, this is Amber Eason. Her older brother, Landon, owns the ranch a few miles up the road. He went to school with me and Mac.”

  Dani shook Amber’s hand, noticing
Nate visibly growing tenser by her side as they chatted.

  Amber returned her attention to Nate. “Care to dance?”

  Nate lifted his chin and cast his eyes over the crowd behind her. “Depends. Where’s Landon?”

  “Landon’s my brother, Nate. Not my father.” Her smile faded. “If you don’t want to dance, just say so.”

  Nate froze, a slow smile spreading across his face. “When’d you get so sassy?”

  Amber shrugged. “While you were gone. Don’t worry about it,” she said, spinning away. “I’ll ask someone else.”

  Nate sprang after her. “Now, hold up there.” He stopped, turned and shoved the wineglass back into Dani’s hands. “Mind holding on to that for me?”

  “Sure,” Dani said, but he was already escorting Amber to the center of the dance floor.

  She laughed and shook her head, watching every female head within Nate’s immediate vicinity turn in his direction. But his eyes were focused solely on Amber.

  Twenty minutes later, the small crowd parted and Mac emerged, holding Maddie and Nadine’s hands with Jaxon trailing close behind. The girls smiled but their eyes were heavy and the spring in Jaxon’s step had slowed.

  “It’s getting late and these three started looking droopy,” Mac said, stopping in front of her. He smiled and added, “Think it’s time I took ’em up to bed. Nate said he’d handle wrapping things up here. Want to walk with us?”

  Dani put the glass on the table and took Jaxon’s hand. “Lead the way.”

  They strolled up the dirt path from the banquet hall to the lodge. The moon was full, lighting their way, and the muffled music from the party eventually faded, giving way to the chirping of crickets and croaks of bullfrogs.

  Once they reached the family floor of the lodge, Mac nudged the kids ahead then whispered over his shoulder, “I’ll get them in bed then meet you in my room in ten, okay?”

  Dani nodded then made her way to Mac’s bedroom. She entered slowly and hovered by the door, flicking the light on.


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