by Ron Chernow
invitation to Lincoln to visit City Point suggested by, 477
Jesse’s attempt to borrow money from, 234
Jesse’s desire to live with, 92–93
Johnson’s acquittal applauded by, 612
lazy eye of, 33, 39, 69, 96, 332
and Lee’s surrender, 513
letters to Grant from, 39
Lincoln’s meeting with, 351–52
and Mary Lincoln, 482–83, 484, 519, 524, 528, 530
memoirs of, 32, 931–32
military strategy understood by, 277
money matters handled by, 96
money worries of, 95
in move to Corinth, 222
in move to Detroit, 64
in move to Galena, 113, 114
parties attended by, 65, 66
paternalistic attitude toward slavery, 32, 99
and plan to move to Kentucky, 103
in postwar visit to Washington, 519
pregnancies of, 67, 70, 72
in preparation to leave White House, 851–52, 853
and proposed third term for Grant, 810–11, 890–91, 900, 902–3
queasy feelings about Ward, 919
reading by, 31
return to White House desired by, 890–91
in Sackets Harbor, 64–65
on secession, 121
on Sherman’s feud with Stanton, 541
sick wards visited by, 331
spending by, 92–93, 96
strength and determination of, 34, 36
in tour of Richmond, 495
and transfer of Rosecrans, 226
at Vicksburg Campaign, 255, 261, 277
visit to Grant’s parents canceled by, 106
Washington left by, 523, 524–25
wedding of, 62
as White House hostess, 647–48
White House remodeled by, 646–47
Grant, Julia Dent (granddaughter), see Cantacuzène, Princess Julia Dent Grant
Grant, Mary (Orvil’s wife), 116
Grant, Mary Frances (sister), 7, 129, 177, 222, 226, 641
on Hannah’s concern for Grant, 52
Grant, Matthew, 4
Grant, Noah (ancestor), 4
Grant, Noah (grandfather), 4–5
Grant, Orvil Lynch, 7, 25, 78, 113, 177, 615, 804
corruption of, 897–98
death of, 899
father’s store run by, 109, 114, 116, 126, 127
in Indian Ring, 819–20
Julia disapproved of by, 116
Lincoln voted for by, 119, 120
mental problems of, 899
Grant, Peter, 5, 16
Grant, Priscilla, 4
Grant, Rachel Kelly, 4
Grant, Samuel, 4
Grant, Samuel Simpson, 7, 18, 25, 113
death of, 156
father’s store run by, 109, 114, 115
Grant’s hotel bill settled by, 91–92
Lincoln voted for by, 119
tuberculosis of, 109, 115–16
Grant, Solomon, 4
Grant, Ulysses (grandson), 940
Grant, Ulysses S.:
administrative skills lacked by, 104
affability of, 16, 21–22, 65, 252, 346–47, 360
on African American education, 894–95
alleged child of, with Native American woman, 78
as ambivalent about slavery, 99, 101
anecdotes of, 34, 61, 118, 352, 363, 521–22
appearance of, 10–11, 19, 21, 26, 60–61, 77, 83, 89, 92, 102, 116, 130, 134–35, 137, 146, 151, 308, 312–13, 334, 341, 351, 360, 547, 648
army report written by, 561
as ashamed of fighting in Mexican War, 38, 43
Asian tour of, 877–81
assassination plot against, 525–26, 528, 539
banquets as difficult for, 300–301
birth of, 3
Buchanan voted for by, 99–100, 107
Century articles written by, 929–30
charity received by, xviii, 925
childhood fights of, 11–12
children loved by, 96–97, 116–17
cigars sent to, 185
and civil rights bill, 571
and collapse of Grant & Ward, xvii–xviii, 921–27, 928, 939–40, 950–51
as confident of northern victory in Civil War, 122, 226
congressional protection of, 587
congressional testimony against Johnson by, 590
at convention of 1880, 899–903
conversion to Republicanism, 120
courtship of Julia and, 32–34, 36–37, 39–40
current events followed by, 12, 105
cursing disparaged by, 11, 19, 167, 352, 958
custom house job of, 108–9
death of, 953–55
debts of, 98, 109–10, 138, 639, 861
depression of, 26, 68–69, 76, 82–83, 84–85, 98, 132, 139, 192, 331
as disconcerted by public speaking, 12, 333
discussed as political candidate, 537, 546, 574, 580, 599
East and Midwest toured by, 558–60
education of, 12, 16–17
in Egypt, 871–72
Ellen Dent’s liking of, 35
as embarrassed by initials, 3, 19, 20
end of military rule in South desired by, 601–2
end of tenure as war secretary, 604–5
European trip of, 861–71, 872–77
on fact-finding tour of South, 563–66
farming at White Haven by, 93–94, 98, 99, 100, 101–2, 103, 114
father asked for loan by, 99
father’s avoidance of, 98
father’s store run by, 109–10
fevers of, 102, 104
fighting for Union as desire of, 124, 125, 126
in first meeting with Julia, 29–30, 31, 32
First Reconstruction Act approved of by, 586
first romance of, 26, 32
Frederick Dent’s worries about earnings of, 35–36, 93
free blacks hired by, 101
Frémont disliked by, 100
funeral of, 955–56
on Garfield, 904, 905, 908–11
in Garfield campaign, 905–7, 909
get-rich-quick schemes of, 75, 78–79
gift of money to, 546–47
at Grand Review, 540, 541–42
Guiteau’s stalking of, 910
on honeymoon, 62–63
horseback riding of, 13–14, 15, 24, 26–27, 42, 48, 65, 66–67, 96, 172, 302, 649–50
house raising by, 94–95
illnesses of, 26, 83, 88, 249, 435–36
and impeachment of Johnson, 597, 609–11
as ineligible to vote in 1860, 119
insulted by Mary Grant, 116
investments of, xvii–xviii, 88, 451, 776, 868, 874, 885, 892, 915–22
and Johnson’s acquittal, 612
in Johnson’s meetings on Reconstruction, 549
Johnson’s relationship with, 548–49, 552, 569, 576–81, 589, 593–94, 596–97, 599, 602–4, 606–7, 613
on Johnson’s southern sympathies, 550
Julia’s doting on, 95–96
and Julia’s lack of writing, 68–69
Julia teased by, 32–33, 96
lawsuit initiated by, 105
Lee criticized by, 554, 573
leg injuries of, 197, 200, 204–5, 302–4, 306, 308, 310, 311, 312, 313–14
leniency sought for Lee by, 550–54, 590
letter on war to Colonel Dent from, 127
letter to father on rejoining military, 127–28
Lincoln’s death and, 526–27
low income of, 885–86, 905–6, 912, 914
math skills of, 12, 16, 23, 27, 28, 29, 107, 172
in meeting with Johnson on Tenure of Office Act, 602–3, 604–6
at meeting with members of National Union Convention, 576–77
Memphis riot investigated by, 572
Methodism of, 11, 33, 65, 67, 80, 131, 811, 941, 942
Mexico visited by, 894
middle initial of, as bureaucratic error, 4, 18, 20
migraines of, 84, 88, 102, 109, 140, 217, 244, 245, 272, 503, 504
military history known by, 23, 882
and mission to Mexico, 582–83
modesty and shyness of, xvii, 13, 21–22, 23, 42, 94, 117, 172, 229, 252
money never mastered by, 15, 77, 88–89, 90, 91, 96, 103, 105, 109–10, 115, 138, 352
and mother’s death, 919
and mother’s emotional reserve, 6, 7, 10, 19, 26
move to Kentucky planned by, 103
in move to Radical Republicans, 506–7, 581, 583–85, 589, 590, 591–92, 596–98, 600
naming of, 3–4
on Native Americans, 78, 631–32, 658–60, 738–39, 755
and New Orleans violence, 575–76, 613–14
newspapers read by, 100, 121
New York brownstone purchased by, 914
in New York society, 561–62
opiates taken by, xix
as optimistic about Johnson, 532–33
and Orvil’s mental problem, 898–99
in Othello production, 43
as overpowered by father, 12–13, 17, 67
patriotism of, 105
pleurisy of, xvii, 920
presidential candidacy as viewed by, 296, 328–29, 330, 350, 439–40, 574, 580
political influence of travel on, 890
possible New York arrest of, 91
postwar action against Mexico favored by, 555–57, 582
postwar fame of, 547–48, 558, 594
reading by, 12–13, 23, 33, 66, 96, 117
in real estate partnership, 104, 106–7
as relaxed father, 67, 68, 69, 116–17
as repelled by sight of blood, xxi, 11, 15, 205
Republican extremism feared by, 119–20
reticence of, xix
and retirement bill, 938–39
retirement fund for, 912
in return from West Coast, 89–90
rheumatism of, xvii
in ride around Washington with Mary Lincoln, 519–20
riding accident of, 302
salary of, 115
at San Francisco reception, 883, 884–85
on secession, 121
sense of justice of, 67–68, 222
Sheridan’s removal opposed by, 596
and Sherman’s surrender terms to Johnston, 534
short stature of, 19, 21, 22
slavery opposed by, 45, 99, 101, 106, 139, 222, 229–30, 242–43, 440, 441, 563, 875
as slovenly, 89, 92, 95, 98, 108–9
smoking by, xviii, 22, 98, 115, 117, 174, 185, 205, 359–60, 547, 931
and son’s entrance to West Point, 558, 570
southern arsenals emptied by, 581
southern tour of, 894–96
South pitied by, 215, 536
speech to Galena volunteers by, 126–27
Stanton pressed to cut military by, 519
Stanton’s relationship with, 593
and Stanton’s restoration as war secretary, 603–4
as temporary secretary of war, 594–95
Tenure of Office Act studied by, 602–3, 606
and Texas annexation, 38
Texas desired under martial law by, 584–85
thigh muscle torn by, xvii, 920
throat and tongue cancer of, xviii, xix, xx, 928–29, 930–31, 933–34, 936, 937, 940, 941–42, 948–50
on tour of northern states, 577–80
on tour of West, 885–86
train excursion of, 919–20
and trial of Lincoln conspirators, 539
troops in South desired by, 572–73
turned down as civil engineer, 107–8
Washington defended by after Lincoln’s assassination, 529
Washington left by, 523, 525–28
wedding of, 62
Whitman’s praise of, xx
will of, 930
women respected by, 6, 11, 33, 78
writing style of, xviii–xx, 41, 365, 944
Grant, Ulysses S., drinking by, xx, xxiii, 11, 22, 49, 58, 67, 68, 69, 72–73, 80, 81, 84, 93, 105, 117–18, 130, 136, 168, 193, 225, 244, 333, 360, 368, 435, 581, 649, 671
as absent from Memoirs, 85, 958–59
in aftermath of Cold Harbor, 422, 423–24
Civil War rumors of, 187, 189–90, 194, 209–11, 237, 238, 250–52, 272–77, 282, 293–94, 302–3, 350, 449
Dana’s spying on, 251–53, 273, 274–75, 276–77
and election of 1868, 619
and election of 1872, 749, 750
in final illness, 946, 950
Julia and, 70, 86, 87, 97, 166, 211, 244, 277, 464, 546, 619
Kountz’s accusation of, 164–66
and leg injury, 302–3
and Lincoln, 415
after Lincoln’s assassination, 527
as possible cause of leaving military, 85–87, 138, 145, 336–37
Rawlins’s letters to Grant on, 272–73, 318–19
and run for presidency, 608–9, 619
on swing around the circle, 578–79
temperance lodge joined by, xxiii, 69–70
temperance meeting addressed by, 893
Walter Camp’s lecture on, 90–91
and world tour, 878, 884
Grant, Ulysses S., military career of:
accused of allowing many casualties, xxi, 267, 290, 326, 395, 407, 408
accused of being blindsided at Shiloh, 197–98, 208–9, 212
accused of winning through luck, 516–17
on adjutant general’s staff in Illinois, 131
Admiral Porter’s criticism of, 462
Admiral Porter’s relationship with, 255
on Albert Sidney Johnston’s death, 203
alcohol avoided by, 138, 139–40, 149–50
alcohol for troops limited by, 138, 139–40, 143, 150
almost captured by William H. Jackson, 217–18
American occupation of Mexico denounced by, 46
anecdotes about, 118
angry at father’s tirade against Governor Tod, 212–13
Army of the Potomac command resisted by, 295–96
Army of the Potomac visited by, 344–47
as Army of the Tennessee commander, 226
army supplies guaranteed by, 330–31
in assault on Fort Henry, 172–74, 176, 186
in assault on San Cosme gate, 55–56
as assistant quartermaster, 46
and attempts to capture Fort Fisher, 460–61, 462, 465
in attempt to restore generals to command, 358
in battle of Chattanooga, 320–22, 324–25
in battle of Cold Harbor, 403, 404, 405–7
in battle of Molino del Rey, 54–55
in battle of Palo Alto, 44–45
in battle of Resaca de la Palma, 45
in battle of Shiloh, 200–201, 202, 203–4, 205–6, 237, 265–66, 383, 701
in battle of Spotsylvania, 388–89, 390–95, 396–98
in battle of the Crater, 429–31, 435, 438, 439
in battle of the Wilderness, 375–85, 393, 404
and birth of Buck, 77–78
black adulation of, 299–300, 620–21, 632–33
black soldiers used by, 280–81, 282–84, 298–99, 303–4, 332, 373, 441, 450
blind to threats, 196–97
Boggs’s cursing at, 144–45
Brady’s photographs of, 350–51, 410
as brevet first lieutenant, 54
bridge burning stopped by, 227
as brigadier general, 142–43
Bruinsburg landing of, 259–60, 261
Buchanan’s harassment of, 30, 81, 85–86
Buell’s army merged with army of, 195, 196, 197, 203
Buell’s enmity toward, 188
and burning of Columbia, 472–73
and Burnside’s plan for mine explosion, 426–29
business enemies of, 163–64
Butler fired by, 461
Butler’s ouster sought by, 372
camping at Texas border, 38–39
and capture of Atlanta, 443
capture of Petersburg desired by, 410–11, 412
and capture of Port Gibson, 260
and capture of Richmond, 494
cavalry assignment desired by, 28
Charles F. Smith’s defense of, 195–96
chastised by Rawlins, 151, 272–73, 276, 318–19
in cholera epidemic in Panama, 73–74
in City Point strategy session, 483–84, 485–86
Civil War generals known to, 51
in clash at Champion’s Hill, 264–66
as colonel, 136
Colonel Dent’s anger at, 185
Confederate attack on boat of, 255–56
Confederate surrender to, xix–xx, 62, 98, 183, 288, 495, 504–13, 514–15, 529
congressional thanking of, 327
considering quitting army, 78–79, 84–85
contrabands used at Vicksburg by, 229–30, 280, 281
as cool under fire, 44, 54, 207
at Corinth, 218–19, 221
corruption rooted out by, 161
cotton trade opposed by, 232–34
daily reports of, 188, 189, 190
damage to supply lines of, 239–40
Dana’s criticism of, 420
Dana’s monitoring of, 251–53, 255, 256, 259, 261, 265, 273, 274–75, 276–77, 290–91
and defense of Shiloh, 196–97
defenses sent to Washington by, 418–19, 420–21
disadvantages in Virginia campaign of, 369
disillusioned with Rosecrans, 226
as disorganized, 148
in dispute with William F. Smith, 421
District of Southeast Missouri commanded by, 145–46
Douglass’s praise for, xxii, 230, 746
and election of 1864, 452–53
explosion in headquarters of, 434–35
fantasy of moving out West, 212, 215, 294
firing of officers recommended by, 358