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Grant Page 156

by Ron Chernow

  Nation, 685, 736, 741, 761–62, 764, 767, 779, 792, 820, 835, 854, 884, 892

  National Banks Act, 644

  National Convention of the Colored Men of America, 641–42

  national debt, 625, 631, 654, 748, 749

  National Intelligencer, 350, 605

  National Labor Convention, 684

  National Palace, 56

  National Union Convention, 576–77

  National Union Party, 409

  National Woman Suffrage Association, 749

  Native Americans, 24, 876

  congressional pursuit of genocide threats to, 657–58

  in election of 1862, 230

  Grant on, 78, 631–32, 658–59, 738–39, 755

  Grant’s Peace Policy with, 657, 658, 659, 738, 832, 836, 855

  Grant’s proposal for absorption of, 658–60, 738

  and Indian Ring, 657, 819–25

  named to federal positions, 641, 749, 855

  reservation system and, 658, 659–60, 738

  see also Oglala Sioux

  Nebraska, 90, 831–32, 885

  Nellie (horse), 48

  Nelson, Samuel, 722, 764

  Nelson, William “Bull,” 188

  Nevada, 58, 657–58, 885

  New Deal, 778

  New Jersey, 120, 783

  in election of 1862, 230

  Newman, John P., 649, 837, 941–42, 950

  New Market, battle of, 397

  New Mexico, 54, 58, 904

  New Orleans, La., 217, 236, 301–4, 327, 372, 568, 596, 638, 706, 745, 793, 846

  desegregation in, 589

  violence against blacks in, 574–76, 586, 613–14, 761, 790–92, 794–95

  New Orleans Times, 589

  News and Courier, 956

  New York, 20, 90, 91, 103, 365, 441, 486, 703, 561–62, 577, 675, 742, 752, 777, 783, 900, 912–14, 955–58

  in election of 1862, 230

  New York City draft riots, 298, 517, 617

  New York Custom House, 735, 736–37

  New York Evening Post, 909

  New York Herald, 146, 273, 326, 328, 344, 820, 822, 863, 870

  New-York Illustrated News, 185

  New York Ledger, 608, 678

  New York Standard, 863

  New York Stock Exchange, 777, 906

  New York Sun, 666, 752, 863, 884, 926

  New York Times, 160, 185, 235, 238, 249, 267, 366, 516, 557, 574, 585, 590, 597, 698, 713, 731, 735, 753–54, 819, 826, 846, 881, 894, 898, 899, 937, 949, 957

  New York Tribune, 148–49, 174, 252, 384, 444, 606, 736, 741, 767, 784, 820, 851, 863

  New York World, 245, 430, 638, 643, 663, 693, 737, 792, 943

  Nicaragua, 75, 102, 904–5

  Nicolay, John, 267, 343, 481, 523

  Nordhoff, Charles, 584

  North Anna River, 399–400

  North Carolina, 124, 356, 460, 462, 471–78, 485, 487, 493, 510, 521–22, 533, 571, 701, 710

  North Carolina, 51

  Northern Pacific Railway, 81, 776–77, 919

  Northwest Confederacy, proposal of, 237

  Northwest Territory, 8

  Nueces River, 40, 41, 43

  Nye, James W., 958

  Odyssey (Homer), 31, 871

  O’Fallon family, 31

  Ogden, Richard L., 89, 885

  Oglala Sioux, 739, 829–37

  Custer vs., 833–35, 855

  Oglesby, Richard J., 147, 156

  Ogontz, 776–77

  Ohio, 3–18, 28, 106, 208, 327, 329, 597, 622, 783

  creation of, 8

  runaway slaves to, 8

  Ohio, 71–72

  Ohio River, 63, 147, 153, 154, 163, 306

  O’Laughlen, Michael, 520, 539

  Old Arsenal Penitentiary, 539, 600

  Old Point Comfort, Va., 371, 920

  Oliver Twist (Dickens), 96

  Olmsted, Frederick Law, 91, 955

  Opdyke, George, 441

  Opelousas, La., 621

  Orange Turnpike, 379

  Orchard Knob, 320, 321

  Ord, Edward O. C., 224, 272, 287, 461, 465, 474, 482–83, 491, 494, 499, 507, 529, 530, 585, 610

  Ord, Mrs., 482–83, 512, 519, 524

  Order of the Star-Spangled Banner, 108

  Oregon Territory, 39, 76, 78, 282

  Osterhaus, Peter J., 563

  Othello (Shakespeare), 43

  Our American Cousin (Taylor), 522

  Overland Campaign, 374–410

  Smith’s criticism of, 421

  see also specific battles

  Oxford, Miss., 232

  Packard, Stephen B., 848

  Paducah, Ky., 154–56, 171, 235–36

  Palmyra, Ill., 140

  Palo Alto, battle of, 44–45

  Panama, 70, 71, 72–75, 102, 660

  Panama Canal Company, 904

  Panama City, 74

  Panic of 1873, 776–79

  Paris, 869–71, 873, 877

  Parker, Ely S., 117, 124, 185, 325, 338–39, 362, 391, 414, 435, 509–10, 514, 545, 558, 636, 656–57, 658, 668, 737–38, 820

  Parker, Frank, 151, 291

  Patrick, Marsena R., 360, 435–36

  Peace Democrats, 441, 584

  Peace Policy, 657, 658, 659, 738, 832, 836, 855

  Peixotto, Benjamin Franklin, 643–44

  Pemberton, John, 245, 256, 258, 262–63, 268, 270

  in aftermath of Vicksburg siege, 290–91

  in clash at Champion’s Hill, 264–65

  in Mexican War, 51, 55

  personality of, 286

  Vicksburg defended by, 268, 269, 278, 285–86, 287, 299

  Pendleton, William, 500

  Pendleton Act, 733

  Peninsula Campaign, 218, 402, 408

  Penn, D. B., 761, 793

  Pennsylvania, 103, 295, 407, 421, 597, 622, 657, 675–77, 783, 793, 810, 900

  People’s Party, 788

  Pepper, George W., 517

  Perry, Raymond, 695

  Perryville, battle of, 316

  Personal Memoirs of U.S. Grant (Grant), 952–53

  account of quitting military in, 84, 85

  argument with Prentiss in, 147

  Badeau as editor of, 932, 933, 943–45, 947

  battle of Molino del Rey in, 54

  bullfight in, 57

  burning of Columbia in, 472–73

  on church by San Cosme, 55

  Democratic Convention of 1864 denounced in, 441–42

  discussion of fear in, 140

  drinking absent from, 85, 958–59

  on election of 1860, 119

  fears of secession in, 100

  on feeling demeaned, 215

  Grant’s writing of, xvii, xviii–xix, 928, 932–36, 946–47, 949–50, 952

  Hannah in, 7

  Hooker disdained in, 321

  Jesse in, 7

  Lee praised in, 367

  Lee’s surrender in, 507–8

  Lincoln’s strategy session in, 344

  order expelling Jews absent from, 236

  painful composition of, xix

  plan to blow up Petersburg mine in, 427

  Rawlins’s absence from, 274, 671

  reception of, 953

  on Sherman’s surrender terms, 534

  on slavery, 99

  style of, xviii–xx, 952–53

  Texas annexation criticized in, 38

  on ties with England, 684

  Twain’s praise for, xx, 946–47, 953

  Twain’s publishing of, xix, 934–37, 939, 946–48, 953

  worst years skipped over in
, 103

  Petersburg, Va., 372, 376, 403, 410–11, 412–13, 417, 418, 438, 439, 457, 475, 484

  Lee’s abandoning of, 488, 491

  Lincoln’s visit to, 493–94

  plan to blow up mine at, 426–29

  Sheridan’s troops transferred to, 463

  storming of, 491, 492–93

  Peter the Great, 876

  petroleum, 776

  Philadelphia, Pa., 19, 20, 256, 295, 463, 482, 492, 545–46, 596, 527, 559, 626, 638, 743, 750, 828, 844, 862, 888–89, 932

  Philadelphia Press, 889

  Philadelphia Public Ledger, 651

  Phillips, Wendell, 570, 579, 702, 742, 746, 748, 792, 854

  Pickett, George E., 488, 489, 490

  in Mexican War, 54

  at West Point, 25

  Pickett’s Charge, 25, 295, 392, 407

  Pickwick Papers, The (Dickens), 96

  Piegan Blackfeet, 659

  Pierce, Franklin, 661, 713, 714, 765

  elected president, 77

  in Mexican War, 57, 77

  Pierce, James H., 842

  Pierrepont, Edwards, 611, 781, 787–88, 803, 804, 813–16, 823, 825, 848, 939

  Pike, James Shepherd, 784

  Pillow, Gideon J., 154, 157

  in Fort Donelson, 177, 179, 181, 182

  Grant’s joke about, 183

  Pilot Knob, Mo., 143

  Pinkston, Henry, 843

  Pitman, James E., 67–68, 650–51

  Pittsburgh Telegraph, 838

  Pittsburg Landing, 196, 197–98, 200, 202, 212

  Halleck’s arrival at, 213

  Pius IX, Pope, 872

  Pixley, F. M., 402–3

  Planter’s House, 97, 98

  Platt, Thomas C., 909

  Pleasants, Henry, 426–27

  pneumonia, 246

  Point Isabel, Mexico, 49

  Point Pleasant, Ohio, 3, 6, 7

  Polk, James K., 532, 660–61, 688

  furious with Taylor’s generous armistice, 48–49

  Mexican crisis brought to head by, 43, 44, 59

  peace with Mexico negotiated by, 54

  Taylor replaced with Scott by, 49

  Polk, Leonidas, 153–54, 159

  Poore, Benjamin Perley, 85

  Pope, Charles A., 332

  Pope, John, 188, 214, 601

  Army of Virginia commanded by, 220

  arrival in Pittsburg landing, 213

  Camp Yates quit by, 131

  Grant put in charge of three infantry units by, 142

  Island Number Ten taken by, 207

  at Second Manassas, 220, 366

  at West Point, 24

  Popocatépetl, 57–58

  Porfirio Díaz, José de la Cruz, 893, 913

  Porter, David D., 236–37, 239, 254–55, 258–59, 261, 285, 293, 314–31, 494, 628, 661

  attempt to purchase Samaná Bay by, 661

  in City Point strategy session, 483–84

  Fort Fisher attacked by, 461

  Grant criticized by, 462

  Lincoln informed of Vicksburg victory by, 292

  Vicksburg shelled by, 268–69

  Porter, Fitz-John, 187

  Porter, Horace, 222, 312–13, 342, 363–64, 377, 387, 414–16, 434, 438, 446, 450, 456, 463, 473–74, 482, 489, 490, 500, 503, 509, 519, 526–27, 541, 545, 558, 588, 636, 736, 797

  in battle of Spotsylvania, 389, 393, 394, 395

  in battle of the Crater, 429, 430

  in battle of the Wilderness, 382, 383

  Gould’s attempted bribery of, 675

  and whiskey scandal, 805

  Porter, Theodoric, 43

  Port Gibson, Miss., 260–61

  Port Hudson, La., 248, 262, 279, 291, 365

  Port Royal, Va., 530

  Potts, Benjamin F., 692

  Powell, Lazarus W., 235

  Powell, Lewis, 528, 539

  Pratt & Boyd, 787

  Pratte, Bernard, 62

  Prentiss, Benjamin M., 144, 147

  Benjamin Stanton’s diatribe against, 209

  Grant accused of drinking by, 237

  in preparation for battle of Shiloh, 199, 203

  Presbyterian Academy, 16


  Confederate, 458

  coverage of Grant’s cancer in, 937–38

  and Grant-Johnson meeting on Tenure of Office Act, 605–6

  Grant’s children in, 651–52

  Grant vilified in, 208, 211, 212, 245, 249–51

  McClernand’s boast in, 272

  plans for Vicksburg Campaign leaked to, 238

  Sherman’s moves in, 473

  Price, Sterling, 145, 556

  in battle of Iuka, 223–25

  Corinth invaded by, 225

  Frémont’s battle with, 156

  prisoner exchanges, 373, 450–51, 474

  Prometheus, 90

  Prostrate State, The (Pike), 784

  Protestants, 108

  Providence, 674

  Prussia, 869–70, 874–75

  Puerto Rico, 695, 715, 744

  Quakers, 657, 659, 820

  Quartermaster’s Ranch, 76

  Quincy, Ill., 138–39, 140

  racial discrimination, in public accommodations, xxiii, 568, 570–71, 573, 589, 795

  Radical Democracy, 439

  Radical Republicans, 441, 549, 565, 566, 580, 605, 607–8, 733

  civil rights bill of, 568–69, 570–71

  Fourteenth Amendment passed by, 573

  Grant praised by, 606

  Grant’s move to, 581, 583–85, 589, 590, 591–92, 596–98, 600

  and Grant’s run for presidency, 619–20

  Hoar’s opposition to, 688

  Johnson vs., 550, 567, 569, 573, 576, 578, 579, 585, 586–87, 590, 591, 594

  railroads, 108, 356, 357, 418, 436, 442, 444, 485, 644, 738, 752, 776, 778, 781, 914–15

  Raleigh, N.C., 470, 533, 535, 536–37, 564

  Randall, Alexander, 579

  Rankin, John, 16

  Rankin, R. C., 210

  Rapidan River, 366, 374, 375, 376, 377–78, 382, 385, 386, 391, 394, 396, 413

  Rathbone, Henry R., 523

  Rawlins, Emily, 128–29, 148, 149

  Rawlins, John, 118, 119, 121, 124–25, 156, 190, 239, 277, 297, 303, 306, 318, 328, 343, 348, 360, 373, 412, 419, 424, 433, 435, 436, 439, 489, 497, 504, 524, 538, 545, 546, 560, 573, 595, 617, 619, 635, 637, 678

  alcohol eschewed by, 149–50, 301, 318–19, 333, 428, 578–79

  as anxious about Vicksburg Campaign, 254

  on arrival in Chattanooga, 312

  as assistant adjutant general, 148

  background of, 149

  in battle of Belmont, 157, 160

  in battle of Shiloh, 201, 202

  in battle of Spotsylvania, 391, 398

  as brigadier general, 338–39, 515

  Cadwallader’s relationship with, 274

  and capture of Fort Donelson, 182

  Cuban insurgency supported by, 665–68

  and Dana’s monitoring of Grant, 252

  death of, 668–69, 670–71

  enraged at Johnson, 609

  at Fort Monroe, 371

  on Fort Pillow massacre, 373

  General Orders No. 11 opposed by, 234

  on gloom in Nashville, 331

  Grant chastised by, 151, 272–73, 276, 318–19

  Grant influenced by, 151–52, 337

  Grant’s army report and, 561

  on Grant’s emotions in battle of the Wilderness, 383

  on Grant’s move to Memphis, 217

  and Gran
t’s proposed leave of absence, 215

  on Grant’s reform of army, 358

  Grant’s reputation protected by, 210

  on Grant’s trip to Washington, 339–40

  Grant supported in battle with Johnson by, 606

  illnesses of, 297, 361–62, 435–36, 449–50, 561, 626

  in inaugural parade, 630

  kept as Grant’s chief of staff, 361–62

  and McClernand’s firing, 272

  on Oxford, 232

  and plan to capture Fort Henry, 169, 170

  on preparation for Shiloh, 199

  promoted to brigadier general, 297

  Reconstruction speech of, 592

  and reinstatement of Grant, 193

  as secretary of war, 626

  speech to Galena crowd on militia by, 126–27, 148

  and surrender terms to Lee, 502–3

  Vicksburg report delivered to cabinet by, 296

  volunteers raised by, 128

  Washburne’s letter on Grant’s drinking to, 165–66

  and wife’s illness, 128–29, 148–49

  worried about Grant’s trip to Washington, 337, 338, 339

  Rawlins, Mary E. Hurlbut (Emma), 297, 319, 334, 338, 339, 362, 372–73, 391, 405, 422, 428, 435, 496, 595, 626, 666, 668

  Raymond, Henry J., 441, 597

  Reconstruction, 521, 638, 784

  army in, 561

  associated with corruption, 740, 856

  black justice important in, xxii

  black office holders in, 686

  country divided over, 538

  and election of 1872, 741, 744, 748–49, 752

  end of, 839, 849, 853–54, 857–58

  Grant’s retreat from, 814–18

  Johnson’s pledge not to interfere with Congress on, 612

  Johnson’s refusal to call session of Congress on, 549

  Johnson’s refusal to enforce laws of, 609–10

  Johnson’s revealing of plan for, 550

  Morrill’s support for, 825

  retreat from, xxiii

  revisionist historians on, 856–57

  Sherman’s opposition to, 622

  Tilden’s opposition to, 828

  viewed as error, 856

  violence against blacks during, 568, 571–72, 573, 574–76, 583, 584, 586, 613–14, 621, 701–2, 705, 758–60, 761–62, 763, 786, 788, 789–92, 795, 813–16, 839–43

  waning faith in, 752

  see also Congressional Reconstruction

  Red Cloud, 739, 832

  Red Cloud Agency, 831

  Red River, 248, 262, 357, 373

  Red Shirts, 841

  Redstone, Albert, 780

  Reid, Whitelaw, 209, 740

  Republican Convention:

  of 1860, 118–19

  of 1864, 409

  of 1868, 607–8, 614–16, 747

  of 1876, 827

  of 1880, 897, 899, 900–904

  Republicanism vs. Grantism, 742–43


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