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Grant Page 157

by Ron Chernow

  Republican National Committee, 441, 838

  Republic Party:

  as business oriented, 645

  creation of, 77

  Douglass’s support for, 746

  in election of 1856, 99

  southern violence against, 621, 760–61, 788, 793, 813, 842, 843

  Resaca de la Palma, battle of, 45

  reservations, Indian, 658, 659–60, 738, 855

  retirement bill, 938–39

  Revels, Hiram, 684, 816

  Revolutionary War, 4, 206

  Reynolds, Joseph J., 97, 107

  Richard III (Shakespeare), 347, 365, 537

  Richardson, Albert D., 10, 147

  Richardson, Clarence, 578

  Richardson, William A., 776, 778, 779, 782

  Richmond, 877, 880

  Richmond, Va., 135, 178, 338, 352, 356, 362, 370, 372, 375, 376, 384, 385, 386, 388, 391, 392, 396–404, 410–11, 414, 416, 437, 470, 471, 474, 475, 476, 477, 479, 485, 488, 495, 496, 497, 515, 529, 537

  Grant’s plan to choke, 418, 424, 431, 436, 445, 446, 457, 463

  Lee’s evacuation of, 491–92, 493, 494

  Lincoln’s tour of, 495

  Sheridan’s aid in capture of, 487

  Richmond Examiner, 569

  Rienzi (horse), 432

  Rio Grande, 40, 41, 43, 45, 54, 58, 555, 556, 557, 582

  River Queen, 467–68, 477–78, 484, 495, 498, 512

  Robertson, William H., 908–9

  Robeson, George M., 628, 780–81

  Robespierre, Maximilien, 882

  Robinson, Mary, 35, 95, 96, 133

  on Grant’s desire to free slaves, 101

  on Grant’s smoking, 98

  Rocky Mountains, 144, 770, 885, 904

  Romania, 643

  Romero, Matías, 555, 893, 912, 913, 925

  Roosevelt, Franklin, 778

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 641

  Root, Elihu, 939

  Rose, John, 721

  Rosecrans, William S., 224, 225–26, 312, 428, 522

  in battle of Chickamauga, 304–5

  and plans to abandon Chattanooga, 309–10

  rescue of, 305–6

  Ross, Edmund G., 611

  Ross, Ishbel, 70, 87

  Rowley, William R., 902

  on bayonets at Shiloh, 199

  on drinking by members of Grant’s staff, 250

  at Galena meeting on Civil War, 126

  on Grant’s drinking, 166, 209

  on importance of Rawlins, 339

  southern fighting skills mocked by, 120–21

  volunteers for war raised by, 128

  Rucker, Daniel, 525

  Ruger, Thomas H., 844, 846

  Rusling, James, 330

  Russia, 484

  Sackets Harbor, N.Y., 64–65, 68, 69–70, 77, 90–91

  Sackett, Delos B., 350

  Sage, Russell, 785

  St. Augustine, Fla., 892–93

  St. Louis, 178, 179

  St. Louis, Mo., xviii, 29, 30–31, 35, 36, 39–40, 60–61, 62–63, 67, 68–69, 87, 91, 94, 98, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107–8, 109–10, 144, 145, 167–68, 217, 225, 300, 301, 332–34, 350, 414, 560, 579–80, 618, 620, 768, 784, 797–99, 801, 802–3, 804–5, 828, 861, 885, 924

  division of, in Civil War, 134

  proslavery sentiment in, 99, 105, 106

  St. Louis Globe-Democrat, 799, 901

  St. Petersburg, 875–76

  Salomon, Edward S., 642–43

  Samaná Bay, 660, 663, 664, 691, 693

  Sanborn, John, 257, 782

  San Cosme gate, 55–56

  San Francisco, Calif., 75, 79, 88–89, 192, 883, 884–85

  Sanitary Commission, U.S., 246, 464

  San Jerónimo, Mexico, 53

  Santa Anna, Antonio López de, 52–53, 56

  Santo Domingo, 660–62, 663–65, 666, 691–99, 703, 712–13, 715, 719–20, 732, 742, 755, 851

  commission on, 712–16, 718–19

  Saratoga Springs, 948–50

  Sartoris, Algernon, 772–75, 867–68

  Satartia, Miss., 272–76

  Saturday Club, 627–28

  Savannah, Ga., 447–48, 458, 459, 470

  Savannah, Tenn., 195, 197

  Saxton, Rufus, 568

  Sayler’s (Sailor’s) Creek, battle of, 498, 551

  Scandinavia, 875

  Schenck, James Findlay, 72–73

  Schenck, Robert C., 698

  Schofield, John M., 333, 456, 473, 475, 477, 483, 557, 585, 612, 633

  Schurz, Carl, 454, 563–64, 566, 640, 693, 694, 695–96, 715, 740–41, 853

  Scott, Dred, 101, 107

  Scott, Robert K., 702, 704, 752

  Scott, Walter, 23, 66

  Scott, Winfield, 159, 162, 166, 330, 507, 558, 561

  in election of 1852, 77

  first-rate team of, 50–51

  Grant’s praise of, 20

  in march on Mexico City, 53–54

  Mexico given generous terms by, 56–57

  Taylor replaced by, 49, 50

  as Union army commander, 141

  Veracruz invaded by, 49–50, 51

  Wellington’s praise of, 56

  Sea Islands, 471, 564

  Second Bank of the United States, 8–9

  Second Confiscation Act, 222–23

  Second Reconstruction Act, 587

  Seddon, James A., 271, 278, 436

  Sedgwick, John, 360, 379, 388–89

  Seligman, Henry, 65

  Seligman, Jesse, 65

  Senate, U.S.:

  Foreign Relations Committee of, 636, 665, 688, 693, 696, 713, 714, 717, 722

  Johnson’s impeachment trial in, 610–11

  Military Affairs Committee of, 602, 603

  retirement bill in, 938–39

  Stanton restored as secretary of war by, 602

  vote on Santo Domingo treaty in, 696–97

  Seward, Fred, 661

  Seward, William, 38, 77, 105, 342, 344, 363, 479, 564

  and Alabama case, 683

  assassination attempt against, 528, 539

  carriage accident of, 512–13

  and expansion of U.S., 661

  and Grant-Johnson meeting on Tenure of Office Act, 605

  and issuing of Emancipation Proclamation, 228

  and Lee’s surrender, 513

  and peace talks, 466–68

  and plot to kill Lincoln, 123

  and talk of action against Mexico, 555–57, 582, 583

  on tour of northern states, 577

  Seymour, Horatio, 617, 619, 620, 623, 747

  Shakespeare, William, 130, 191

  Shanghai, China, 879

  Sharp, Alexander, 148

  Sharpe, George, 434

  Sharpsburg, battle of, see Antietam, battle of

  Shaw, Eliza, 639, 653, 728, 767

  Sheffield, Delia, 73–74, 78–81

  Shenandoah Valley, 357, 374, 397, 402, 411, 418, 420, 431, 432, 433, 436, 444, 445–46, 449, 459, 463, 473, 476

  Sheridan, Philip H., 219, 258, 325, 348, 353, 401, 427, 546, 568, 582, 583, 793, 803, 862, 893

  action taken against Sitting Bull by, 832, 833

  in battle of Cold Harbor, 401–2

  in battle of the Wilderness, 376–77

  in battles with Early, 431, 445–47, 476

  in battles with Indians, 657

  in charge of cavalry, 346, 361

  in final stage of war, 487–88, 489–90

  Fred Grant on staff of, 770

  Grant’s conference with, 443–44

  at Grant’s funeral, 956

  on Gr
ant’s post-presidential career, 891

  Grant’s relationship with, 432–33

  Johnson insulted by, 616

  and Lee’s surrender, 504–5, 506

  Lincoln impressed with, 487

  McLean’s table purchased by, 512

  as military district commander, 585, 587–88, 596

  in move to Spotsylvania, 387–88, 392

  Native Americans denounced by, 657, 830, 855

  and New Orleans violence, 575, 576, 763, 791–92, 794, 795, 846

  nominated as lieutenant general, 627

  postwar action against Mexico as viewed by, 557

  in pursuit of Lee, 494, 496–98, 503

  in Shenandoah Valley, 431, 432, 433, 444, 449, 459

  troops transferred to Petersburg by, 463

  on western tour, 618

  Sherman, John, 329, 351, 578, 847, 892, 901

  Sherman, William Tecumseh, 649

  accused of insanity, 192, 201

  as acting secretary of war, 669

  background of, 191–92

  Banks’s Red River campaign disdained by, 357

  in battle of Chattanooga, 320–21, 322, 324

  in battle of Shiloh, 201–2, 207

  in battle of the Wilderness, 378

  in battles with Indians, 657

  on Belknap’s downfall, 823

  and burning of Columbia, 472–73

  on capture of Fort Donelson, 184, 186

  in City Point strategy session, 483–84, 485–86

  Cox suggested as war secretary by, 603

  depression of, 192

  as deputy to injured Grant, 302

  and election of 1876, 844, 845

  engraving of, 546

  Fayetteville captured by, 477

  foraging parties of, 297–98

  Fred Grant attached to staff of, 770

  in Grand Review, 539

  on Grant’s acceptance of ceremonial sword, 349

  Grant’s friendship with, 191, 192–93, 201, 317, 329, 443, 484, 862

  at Grant’s funeral, 956, 958–59

  on Grant’s humor, 958

  on Grant’s lost reputation, xviii

  and Grant’s political ambitions, 329, 331

  on Grant’s post-presidential career, 891

  Grant’s presidency criticized by, 637, 705–6, 784, 809

  and Grant’s promotion to command Army of the Potomac, 295

  and Grant’s proposed leave of absence, 215–16

  Grant’s strategy applauded by, 356, 517–18

  and Grant’s window-shopping, 547

  Grant teased over initials by, 20

  Grant visited in final illness, 933–34

  and groundswell for Grant’s presidency, 574

  on Halleck’s style, 167

  at Hamlet, 348

  Jews denounced by, 233

  Johnson’s attempt to control military through, 607, 609

  on Johnson’s Reconstruction policies, 549

  Knoxville siege broken by, 326–27

  as lieutenant general, 574

  Lincoln presented with Savannah by, 459

  and McPherson’s death, 426

  march on Atlanta, 257, 349, 396, 424–25, 442, 459

  on march through Carolinas, 470–73

  on march to the sea, see march to the sea

  as Military Division of the Mississippi commander, 347

  in mission to Mexico, 582–83

  money earned by, 546

  in move to Memphis, 305

  Native Americans denounced by, 657, 855

  nominated as general of army, 627

  pension for Grant sought by, 938

  on plan for capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, 168

  plan for Missionary Ridge attack of, 317, 319–20

  plan to merge army with Schofield, 473, 475, 477, 483

  politics loathed by, 337–38, 622

  proposed by Grant for presidency, 439

  in pursuit of Johnston, 349, 374, 396, 425, 488, 494, 521–22, 529, 533

  on Rawlins’s aid to Grant, 671

  and Rawlins’s death, 668, 669

  Rawlins’s praise of, 373

  Reconstruction opposed by, 622

  refusal to be appointed above Grant, 596–97

  remorseless warfare by, 353

  on Sheridan, 432

  and Sheridan’s mission in Shenandoah Valley, 433

  and son’s death, 305

  southern supply bases eradicated by, 470

  speech praising Grant by, 862

  Stanton’s feud with, 534–38, 541

  surrender terms offered to Johnston by, 533–38

  in Vicksburg Campaign, 236, 239–41, 245, 254, 262–64, 266, 267, 268, 270, 285, 295, 297

  as western armies commander, 346, 348

  on western tour, 618

  at West Point, 20, 24

  as worried about Grant’s trip to Washington, 337–38

  on Zachary Taylor, 41

  Sherman, Willy, 305

  Shiloh, 196–97

  Shiloh, battle of, xxviii, 199–204, 237, 265–66, 383, 481, 519, 670, 671, 701, 740

  casualties of, 201, 202–3, 204, 208, 211, 216

  Confederate preparation for, 198

  debates over, 199–200

  first day of, 199–205

  Grant blindsided in, 197–98, 199–200, 208–9, 212

  Grant’s article on, 929

  Grant’s belief in Union victory at, 207, 211–12

  national debate over, 208

  Reid’s account of, 209

  second day of, 205–8, 209

  Shrady, George Frederick, 931, 933, 936, 941, 949

  Sickles, Daniel, 571, 585

  Sierra Nevada, 90

  Sigel, Franz, 357, 397, 455

  Halleck’s insulting of, 357

  Shenandoah invaded by, 374, 397

  Singapore, 878, 891

  Sitting Bull, 832–33, 835

  Six Nations, 117

  Sixth Corps, 389, 500

  Sixty-Third United States Colored Infantry Regiment, 304

  Sixty-Fourth United States Colored Infantry Regiment, 304

  slaves, slavery, 645

  colonization plan for, 661

  as Confederate advantage, 517

  in Cuba, 665–66, 667

  of Dent family, 31, 32, 34, 36, 62, 101, 133, 884–85

  and Dred Scott decision, 100–101, 106

  and Emancipation Proclamation, 223, 228, 230, 242–44

  ending of, as Civil War goal, 228

  fall in price of, 470

  in Grant’s camps, 228–29, 299

  Grant’s relationship with, xxii, 45, 99, 101, 106, 139, 222, 229–30, 242–43, 440, 563–64, 875

  Grant’s worry about revolts of, 132

  Jesse Grant’s opposition to, 5, 8, 9, 25, 39

  Lee’s condoning of, 368

  on march to the sea, 470–71, 477

  and new territories, 121

  Peter Grant’s denunciation of, 5

  possible demands for compensation for, 839

  runaway, 8, 142, 162, 222, 223, 243

  in Second Confiscation Act, 222–23

  in territory won from Mexico, 58–59

  Vicksburg campaign impeded by, 248

  smallpox, 78, 246

  Smith, Charles F., 167, 171, 172

  in assault on Fort Donelson, 179, 181, 182, 188, 195, 196

  death of, 213

  Halleck’s treatment of Grant denounced by, 195–96

  injury of, 196, 213

  put in command of expedition up the Tennessee River,
189, 190

  Smith, Edmund Kirby, 510, 555

  Smith, Gerrit, 715, 746

  Smith, James W., 768–69, 770

  Smith, John E., 115, 363, 670

  Smith, Roswell, 930, 936–37

  Smith, Sidney, 56

  Smith, William Farrar “Baldy”:

  in battle of Chattanooga, 313, 314, 318, 421

  in battle of Cold Harbor, 404

  Butler almost replaced by, 423–24

  in fighting at Petersburg, 412, 415

  on Grant’s drinking, 422

  Tennessee River plan of, 313–15

  Smith, William H., 702

  Smith, William Wrenshall, 212, 217, 317–18, 323, 406, 558, 838

  Sons of Temperance, 69–70, 91

  South Carolina, 123–24, 125, 459, 470, 471–72, 563, 571, 600, 621, 623, 686, 702, 704, 707, 708–10, 742, 752, 761, 789, 839–42, 845–46, 857, 858

  election of 1876 in, 844, 845–46, 849

  secession of, 121, 532

  South Side Railroad, 418, 485

  Spain, 665, 666, 667

  Special Field Order No. 15, 471

  Specie Payment Resumption Act, 779–83, 825

  specie payments, 778–82

  Speciman Days (Whitman), ix

  Speed, James, 553, 573

  Spencer, George, 669, 922–23

  Sphinx, Grant’s visit to, 872

  spoils system, 624, 635, 688, 733

  Spotsylvania, battle of, 388–95, 396–98

  casualties at, 394–95

  Confederate prisoners at, 393

  Spotsylvania Court House, 385, 387

  Springfield, Ill., 128, 132, 134–35, 136, 139, 530

  Stalwart Republicans, 733–34, 736, 882, 900, 903

  Stanbery, Henry, 589

  Standing Rock, 820

  Stanford, Mrs. Leland, 166

  Stannard, George, 920

  Stanton, Benjamin, 208–9

  Stanton, Edwin, 304, 306, 348, 350, 354, 377, 400, 405, 433, 438, 448, 452, 453, 473, 493, 496, 501, 529, 552, 572, 584

  anxiety over Burnside’s fate, 320

  background of, 307

  on battle of the Wilderness, 382

  blamed for loss at Fredericksburg, 231

  Butler protected by, 372

  Dana sent to monitor Grant by, 251–53

  death of, 688–89

  and Early’s threat to Washington, 420

  firing of, 594–95, 602–7, 609, 611–12

  as furious at McClellan, 136, 169

  Grant ordered to transfer troops from the West by, 306

  Grant’s behavior at Shiloh investigated by, 211

  Grant’s drinking reported to, 225

  Grant’s meetings with, 306–8, 352

  and Grant’s nomination as major general, 186

  and Grant’s nomination for presidency, 616

  Grant’s plan for taking Mobile vetoed by, 327


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