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Your Neighborhood Cowgirl: The Neighborhood #6

Page 4

by Tarrah Anders

  I tear open the box of condoms then rip one from the strip, leaving the remaining ones on the night table. I hand him a condom, and he leans over me with a wicked grin.

  “Take two,” he says, lowering his face to mine and taking my mouth. Our tongues tangle together as he fits perfectly between my legs again. He’s careful to keep his dick away from my center, but his hand roams my sides to around my front as he cups my breast, pulls at my nipple and flicks it.

  A low moan comes from my lips at the movement, and my back arches as we forget about the small mix-up and get lost in one another.

  “Put your fingers in me, please?” I beg of him.

  He doesn’t skip a beat. His fingers graze my pussy again, and a moment later he inserts his finger, pumps, and then retreats.

  “Very responsive,” he whispers, retreating and leaning back. He grabs the condom that lay beside his knee on the bed and rolls it onto his dick.

  Once sheathed, he moves between my legs again. With one hand on himself, he guides his dick to my entrance, and again we’re joined.

  My body lights up from the contact as he pushes in and out of me, picking up his tempo after a minute of languid thrusts. His head dips to kiss me as my hips meet him thrust for thrust from underneath. We both grunt with each push and pull of his dick. His lips skim the length of my neck as I turn my head and let out an animalistic groan of ecstasy.

  He bucks into me, and I meet him each time. It’s not long before we’re moaning through our climax, and my body shivers from the touch of his. His hips slowly push into me as he milks the remainder of his orgasm, and then he stills, buried to the hilt. Our bodies are flush against one another as he kisses me with enough fire to light up the building.

  “I don’t know how you do it,” he mumbles against my neck.

  “Do what?” I ask, my hand drifting up and down his back.

  “You’ve got me under a spell woman, and even though I just came, I think I could go again!” He leans up on his elbows and winks. “Are you ready?”

  “Wait, already?” I ask.

  “No, babe. I need to pull out and dispose of this condom.” He counts to three in a whisper, and then suddenly the wholeness that I felt prior is gone, and Darrel is moving through my apartment naked. He returns a moment later, his dick saluting as he walks to his side of the bed, and he climbs under the covers.

  “I’m sorry about going bare,” he apologizes again.

  “It’s okay, we both were swept up in the moment,” I reply.

  “Well, I may have to permanently live with a condom strapped on around you.” He laughs.

  Although he can’t see it, I’m rolling my eyes but happy about it.


  I wake up to a very welcome feeling.

  Light licks against my clit alert me to the gentleman kneeling underneath the covers feasting on my pussy in the early morning hours.

  I hear him lightly growl and then feel his tongue adding more pressure with a finger added to the mix, inserting inside me, then retreating.

  My hands move under the blankets to the top of his head, threading through his thick locks as I widen my legs, allowing him more space, and he groans happily.

  My hips move to the rhythm of his fingers as he flicks the tip of his tongue over and over again against my clit.

  I mewl and tighten my hold on his hair as he hits the right amount of pressure. His lips suction around my pussy and his tongue rubs against my pleasure nub.

  “This is the best way to wake up,” I confess to him.

  He hums in agreement but doesn’t respond in any other way aside from continuing to pleasure me. A few moments later, he pulls away from me and begins to travel up my body, planting kisses in his wake. He stops at my breast and pulls my nipple into his mouth as his hand squeezes the other, then repeats the same on the other side.

  Once he’s showed my chest enough attention, he continues to move up my body and kisses my lips.

  “Morning breath.” I try to pull away.

  “I taste like your pussy and right now it’s the best taste in the world,” he says kissing me again.

  I taste myself on his lips, and wrap my arms around his neck as I pull him deeper into a kiss.

  As we kiss, his hips move against mine, and soon his dick is at my entrance.

  I stop moving and reach for the condom box I placed on the side table, but Darrel bats my hand away.

  “But, a condom?” I ask.

  “I’ve already got one on. I’m prepared this time.” He smiles as his dick inches inside my tight morning pussy.

  “Such a Boy Scout,” I say with a breathy moan.

  “Always be prepared,” he grunts as our bodies are joined.

  After a delectable early morning fuck, Darrel and I get dressed side-by-side and then make our way to the diner on the main road. We’re seated at a table, place our orders with the teenage waitress who eyes Darrel up and down, forgetting that I’m in the booth, and that I used to babysit her.

  “She’s nice, is everyone in this town nice?” he asks, lifting the mug of coffee to his lips.

  “I mean, people have their mean moments, but it’s a small town, with small town charm.”

  “Cool. I like Mercy.” He nods.

  “I do too; I’ve never lived anywhere else,” I admit.

  “Would you move away from Mercy?” he asks, leaning in.

  “It would be a huge decision, but at this point in my life, I could honestly live anywhere. I would hate to leave the bar, but I would definitely up and leave if my teaching career took me somewhere else.”

  “That’s honorable.” He nods.

  “What about you, have you lived in Hollybrooke your entire life?”

  “I have. My family is all in one place, and no one has branched off yet. But I could see myself living off the grid a little bit, as long as I could still have close access to civilization.”

  “Mercy isn’t off the grid,” I laugh.

  “Oh no, that’s not what I meant. Like, I could do the whole super roughing it thing. I wasn’t implying anything about Mercy being that small, I know you guys have Wi-Fi and shit.” He looks worried that I may have taken what he said negatively and back-pedals.

  “Don’t freak out, we’re new as a baby calf. I’m not going to beg you to move to Mercy for me or anything. Like you said the other night, let’s just figure shit out as we go.”

  “I wasn’t freaking out, for the record,” he says.

  “Oh, I believe you.” I smirk, definitely not believing him.

  Breakfast is served hot and is gone within minutes as we eat in silence. Underneath the table though, we play footsie and my bare foot may have landed in his lap a few times, playfully.

  Upon paying the bill, we set out back on Main Street.

  “So, the weather is nice, and we’re in a very small town. What is it that people do around here?” he asks as we walk hand in hand along the sidewalk.

  “Normally, I would be stuck inside reading or working on school stuff. Or I would be at the bar. Some people go to the swimming hole, and sometimes, we have block parties which end up being an entire town party. Time goes slow in Mercy, but not so slow that you count the minutes waiting for time to pass.”

  “You mean, you guys all find value in the slow pace of life. Folks in Mercy are relaxed and not living their life strapped by time?”

  “That’s right. It’s an easy way of life around there. We don’t have much trouble, but when we do, it’s everybody’s business. We have a couple town drunks, we have rowdy teens, and we have a good group of people that come and go.”

  “So, for today, want to lounge around and do a whole lot of nothing?” he asks.

  “Nope. Today, we’re going to head north and go to the beach,” I reply.

  “How far is that?” he asks, stopping.

  “Only about thirty minutes, there’s a cute little beach that’s off the side of the road that I like to take my victims to.” I smirk.

Your victims, eh? Is that why you haven’t had a relationship, because you toss them to the sharks right away?” he jokes.

  “Oh no, you found out my secret!” I play, pressing my hand to my chest and the other across my forehead.

  “Nailed it!” He pulls my hand and we walk back to my house.

  The beach is quiet and isolated. Darrel and I make out for half of the day and the other half we play in the water. If we would have thought ahead of time, we would have brought condoms, and no one would have known what we were doing. I mark that on my reminder list for the next time I bring him to this beach, but it is just nice to be close together and to enjoy the beginnings of our relationship.

  Upon returning home later in the evening, we park his car outside my apartment, and we walk over to The Neighborhood for dinner and entertainment.

  I walk into the bar first and notice Noah moving behind the bar. He waves as I enter, and does a double take when Darrel walks in directly behind me. Noah wipes his hands and calls me over. We walk over to the bar, take a seat on the barstools, and I feel Darrel go stiff beside me when Noah greets us.

  “How’s it going?” I ask.

  “Well, it would be going a lot different if you didn’t tell me that you’re hanging out with this guy,” Noah says with annoyance to his tone.

  “You guys know each other?” I ask, looking between them.

  “I know of him; he’s Val’s ex.”


  Well, now I feel pretty freaking awkward standing here with my new guy, and he also appears to be someone from Valerie’s past.

  Valerie happens to be Noah’s girlfriend and someone that I hang out with on the regular. In fact, we were all supposed to get together tomorrow for a BBQ at Rhi and Luke’s house.

  Well, this is an interesting development.

  I look between the two guys. I don’t see too much animosity between the two, but I do see a little bit of irritation.

  “What brings you to Mercy?” Noah asks Darrel.

  Darrel pulls out the barstool, sits down, leans on the bar, and asks for the best that he has on tap.

  Noah flips a coaster down in front of him, pulls the tap, and places a glass in front of Darrel. He does the same with me, knowing my drink of choice being the light blonde beer that we have on tap.

  “I met Deb through a mutual friend, and we hit it off,” Darrel says cryptically.

  “A mutual friend?” Noah questions. “I thought I knew all your friends. I mean I doubt Val would introduce you guys, and she hasn’t mentioned to me that she’s spoken to you,” Noah says.

  Might as well let the cat out of the bag. Rhiannon will likely mention something anyways. I take a deep breath, glance at Darrel, and smile at Noah.

  “So, I have an agency that comes to my apartment a few times a week. I don’t - I mean didn’t - have a anything resembling a romantic relationship until very recently, and I was starved for human contact. So, I hired cuddlers, and that’s how I met Darrel.”

  Noah’s expression doesn’t change as he crosses his arms and widens his stance behind the bar.

  “I’m confused, what is a cuddler?” he asks.

  “It’s someone who would come and cuddle you. It’s in the name, easy as that,” I reply with a shrug.

  “And you paid people, random strangers, to hold you?” he asks.

  “I vetted them, we talked before the cuddles happened, and if I wasn’t okay with a cuddler, then the session wouldn’t happen.”

  “How many people do you cuddle with?” he asks.

  “In total, I’ve had three cuddlers. I have Mrs. Maxwell, who is like a grandmother. I’ve had Devin who was great, and then Darrel.”

  “Never mind that this is the weirdest shit that I’ve ever heard, but wouldn’t you want to keep your private life and your… I guess, professional life, private? Why would you cross the lines?” he asks, spreading out his arms.

  “Well, he’s no longer someone that I have cuddle appointments with, I only see Mrs. Maxwell now.”

  “You stopped your cuddle appointments, and now you have sex appointments,” Noah laughs turning to Darrel. “I thought you worked in medicine or something?”

  “Medic. I needed a break, and a friend referred me to Cuddle Puddle.”

  “This is just so weird,” Noah mutters to himself. “Your relationship with Val, it wasn’t a shitty ending, and from what I hear, you treated her fairly. So, then why the attitude?”

  “She’s the one who broke it off with me, man. I didn’t even know where she moved to. It’s been two years since I’ve seen her, let alone talked to her,” Darrel says with his palm up, facing Noah. “I’m not here by any means to try to get her back; no offense, but I haven’t even thought about her.”

  “Dude, I’m secure in our relationship, I know. But Deb here is not only an employee of mine, but she is a friend. We’re family here. I just want to make sure that - well actually, this whole situation is frankly odd, but um, good for you guys,”

  “Thanks,” I reply, not knowing what else to say.

  “I guess I should let Val know, not to make the BBQ tonight too awkward, but I guess it’s nice to meet you. As long as you don’t screw over Deb here, I have no problem with you.” Noah holds his hand out and Darrel takes his hand to shake.

  “Can I get a menu?” I ask, once the manly shake is finished.

  “What are you new here? You know the menu like the back of your hand,” Noah laughs, turning around to the back of the bar and grabbing a menu.

  “It’s for him,” I offer in explanation. “He’s had Percy’s burgers, but there are other wondrous things on that menu that I’m sure he’ll like too.”

  “Ah yes, well, Percy has revamped the menu in he recent months. It’s more of a culinary experience than just a bar food experience here now.” Noah smiles wiping his hand on the towel hanging off his pocket.

  “You sound like an infomercial,” I joke.

  “You sound like an informercial!” Noah says back in a singsong tone making fun of me making fun of him.


  The rest of the weekend went great. There were zero weird interactions between Val and Darrel at the BBQ, and there was a lot more amazing sex had.

  After Darrel left to go back to Hollybrooke on Sunday night, I had a drink at The Neighborhood with Valerie just to make sure that she and I were okay.

  She swayed her hips as she walked over to the booth I sat in, purposely giving Noah an eyeful with a smirk tossed over her shoulder.

  “Hey, girl,” she says with a smile, dropping her bag across the booth.

  “Hey,” I reply while she slides into her seat across from me.

  “Everything okay?” She asks.

  “I just wanted to, you know, meet up and talk. We’re friends, and I wasn’t aware that I was now dating an ex of yours until Noah and Darrel met. It’s like a code, and if you’re not okay with it, then I definitely don’t want that coming between our friendship,” I say quickly.

  “Deb, I genuinely appreciate it, but you don’t have to worry about it. I broke up with him; I’m not lusting after him, and besides, I don’t think the relationship was that serious to begin with. Noah just doesn’t like the thought, as silly as it is, that I had relationships with other people before he came along. He likes to get all alpha-male on me and pretend that I’ve only ever belonged to him.”

  “Do you mind if I ask why you broke up with him?” I ask hesitantly.

  “We dated for maybe a year, I met him at the tail end of him going to school to become a medic, and he was busy. I was busy, and I knew that my endgame wasn’t in Hollybrooke. I wanted a simpler existence, hence coming to Mercy. While Darrel was busy graduating and starting his first job on a medic team, I was applying to jobs all throughout the state. I liked him, but I honestly didn’t see the relationship as lasting, and he knew it too. We passed the time with one another for a brief period of our lives. We had a good time together, but it was never something as serious and lastin
g as what Noah and I have. So, you and Darrel dating. I’m happy to see two people that I know be happy. If he makes you happy, then go for it.”

  “Thank you. If I would have known, I would have come to you sooner, but-.”

  “Like I said, as long as he makes you happy, I’m happy.”

  “You sound like Noah.” I smile over my glass.

  “I do spend a lot of time with him, so that makes sense!” she says with a laugh, signaling for Wyatt to come and take our order.

  My phone rings and startles me. I’m situated on the floor surrounded by homework and snacks. The screen shows that Darrel is calling, and I smile before answering.

  “Hey there, how was your day?” I ask him.

  “Shit, it was complete shit,” he says on an exasperated sigh.

  “Oh no, what happened?” I ask, putting down my highlighter and leaning against my couch.

  “So, I got called into the main office with Tre as soon as I got into the Cuddle Puddle offices tonight. We have a weekly all staff meeting, so that was tonight. I generally show up about thirty minutes beforehand and write up any notes that I need to, assure that my marketing section is on point, and reply to reviewers. So anyways, long story short, I’m no longer in the Cuddle Puddle family.”

  “Oh shit. What happened?”

  “Breach of contract. I think Devin reported seeing a photo of you and me from my Instagram over the weekend. I was accused of fraternizing with a client, and when Tre looked at me and asked me what was going on, I couldn’t lie.”

  “But I canceled all the appointments that I had with you,” I say.

  “You’re still a client, and even though Tre doesn’t believe me when I say what is happening between us started after our last session together, she feels that I acted inappropriately.”

  “Man, this sucks. I can talk to Tre and-.”

  “No, it’s pointless. Apparently, Devin was pissed off that I took you as a client, but whatever. It’s done,” he says dejectedly.


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