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The Brody Bunch Collection: Bad Boy Romance

Page 61

by Sienna Valentine

  I had a feeling that it would be a long time before the village settled down to anything resembling normalcy, but in my opinion that was a good thing. This place could use a little shaking up. I still thought the fact that most of them seemed to still be favoring forgiveness, even after the cops had arrived, discovered the evidence, and hauled Amos away, was pretty fucked up.

  “It’s just the Amish way,” Beth nodded, when I voiced my feelings about the situation after she had returned from talking to the police.

  It didn’t mean I had to like it. “Well, you have brains enough to see how completely fucked up it all is, why can’t they?”

  Beth sighed, casting a look across the group of sad and angry faces that still watched, silently, from the shadows. “I think it’s different when it’s so close to home. Much easier to preach forgiveness when you aren’t directly affected.”

  “I don’t know how you could live in a place like this. I mean, I know it’s where you grew up and I mean no offense, but I just couldn’t do it. I’m more of an eye for an eye type of guy.”

  “I don’t think I can,” she said softly, still looking away from me. I wasn’t sure what she was referring to.

  “You don’t think you can what?”

  “Live here. Not anymore. Even without my father around….” She let out a shuddering breath, so I reached out and drew her against me. Her blond hair tickled my nose, smelly faintly of lilac.

  “You don’t have to,” I said. “I… I don’t want you to.” I thought back to what I had said earlier, when her father had first appeared. Then I thought about how Beth had said the same thing, later. I had meant it when I said it, but I wasn’t sure if she had. At the time, she had been defending the fact that we had slept together. Much easier to do if you claimed that the person you had lost your virginity to had been someone you loved.

  “I really meant it when I said that I love you,” I confessed, tilting my head down to speak into her ear. Having you leave me was one of the worst things I’d ever felt in my life, and I know I did stupid things and hurt you and maybe you have no right to trust me, but—”

  “Stop,” she said, turning her head and leaning back to look up at me. Her blue eyes seemed wet, but she was smiling. “I meant it when I said it, too. You don’t need to apologize. I was the one who left, and I should have given you more of a chance to explain. I knew in my heart you would never do something to hurt me, and I regretted leaving even before I set foot back in my house.”

  I leaned forward, pressing my lips hard against hers. Beth’s hand slipped up along my back, skimming my neck and stopping on my head, fingers combing through my hair as she pulled me closer. By the time we ended our kiss, I noted a fresh batch of disapproving looks being directed our way. But there were a few smiles, too. Just a few.

  Maybe there was hope for some of them yet.

  “You’re going to have to tear yourself away from him, Beth. Time to go.” Hannah walked by and winked at us as she passed.

  “The police want us to come down to the station,” Beth explained when I raised an eyebrow. “Apparently we have to go over everything we already told them again while they write it all down and we sign it.”

  “Statements, right,” I nodded. “Let’s finish this… discussion… later.”

  Beth grinned, without even a blush, and gave me another peck on the lips. “For certain,” she agreed. Then she headed off to join her sisters as they followed some officers back towards their car.

  Reid and Ash approached, both of them smiling at me like complete goons. “Shut up,” I said, before they had a chance to say anything.

  Another officer approached, a man familiar to the three of us. Officer Mooney had been one of the ones that had busted my dad, and every time we ran into him around town he seemed to stare at us, as if he were just waiting for one of us to fuck up, just like our old man. Of course, even before my dad went away, everyone around town knew about the Brody bunch. It was a tough reputation to shake.

  “Well, well, look at who we have all mixed up in this,” he said as he approached. “The Brody boys. Color me surprised.”

  “Office Mooney,” Ash said with a nod. I just gritted my teeth, waiting for him to come down on us.

  “Did I hear things right?” he asked. “Were you the ones that called this in?”

  Ash nodded again.

  “From what I hear, this dirtbag was the one supplying all the drugs to the Beasts, who were the main source of product coming into Bright Falls.”

  “Yeah, that’s what we understand as well,” I said carefully, worried he was trying to trap us into admitting something.

  “Huh,” he said, shaking his head slowly, his lips pursed. “The three of you may have single handedly cleaned up this town. Imagine that.”

  Reid, Ash and I exchanged glances as the officer started to turn away.

  “Best be careful boys,” he continued over his shoulder. “Shit like this may lead to you cleaning up the Brody name around here completely, and then how would you attract all those pretty young ladies?”

  “Ha!” Reid exclaimed, as soon as the officer was out of earshot. “Imagine that. Officer fucking Mooney paying us a backhanded compliment. This day just keeps getting stranger.”

  Ash cast a smile in my direction. “I’m proud of you, bro. I know it probably isn’t easy to be one of the reasons the Beasts finally fall. But doing this was the right thing, and I know you know that.”

  “Meh,” I grumbled, turning away to hide my own smile. I hated to admit it, but the idea of finally shrugging off the mantle of my old man was starting to sound really good to me, now that I was sure I wanted nothing to do with his legacy.

  “Hey,” said Reid suddenly, changing the subject before things got too uncomfortable. “I know the bet was all bullshit, but if it hadn’t been, who was the winner?”

  “You seriously want to compare notes about this now, after everything we just went through?” I asked, rolling my eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter,” Ash cut in. “You guys never had a chance. Hannah and I had been dancing around each other for weeks before you guys even met her sisters. You lost the bet before I even proposed it.”

  Even though he had already admitted to me that he and Hannah had known each other before that night at Trick Shots, I didn’t know they’d already slept together. I laughed.

  “Fucking figures, you lying son of a bitch,” Reid said, but he was smiling as well.

  “Hey, if I am, that makes you guys one too,” Ash replied.

  “You must have known she was one hell of a woman, to stick your neck out for her like this,” Reid said. “I mean, not that anyone knew how it would all go down, but still….”

  Ash turned to look at the girls that were still standing by Hannah’s car, talking to the police. “She is,” Ash nodded.

  “They all are,” I agreed, giving Beth one last long look before the three of us headed back toward our own rides, happy to leave all of this behind.



  One of my favorite things since leaving home was showers. After a lifetime of baths, sometimes without time to properly warm the water, there was just something so relaxing and invigorating about letting hot water cascade down over my skin, or pound against my back in a gentle massage. It’s a good time to be alone with my thoughts, and I often found that by the time I actually forced myself to leave, I’d stayed in far longer than intended.

  “Got room in there for one more?”

  Of course, a warm shower wasn’t the only activity I’ve discovered a passion for in the last three months since my Rumspringa adventure. And being alone with my thoughts was often overrated anyway.

  “Only if it’s you,” I smiled, wiping the water from my face just as Wyatt slipped around the plastic curtain to join me.

  “That’s the right answer,” he said, stepping into a wet kiss. I returned it eagerly, letting my hands run over the hard contours of his body.

/>   For so long, the mere thought of having sex with a man would cause me to blush furiously, knowing how forbidden it was until marriage. Now I couldn’t get enough of it. Luckily, neither could Wyatt. It’s almost as if ever since he began to work on controlling his temper, this had become his new outlet for relieving stress. And I was more than happy to help. Hannah said we were like a couple of rabbits. Finally, an analogy I actually understood.

  The water cascaded down our heads, adding to the heat that our bodies were generating just from our kisses. As my fingers skimmed along the muscles of his arms and back, I could feel something else harden against my hip. My hand dropped down to it as if drawn by a magnet.

  Wyatt answered my touch with a groan of pleasure, moving his lips to lay a trail of kisses across my neck.

  “You didn’t say you were bringing this in as well,” I teased, giving his cock a little tug. “I’m not sure if we have room in here for all of us….”

  “Oh don’t worry,” he growled against my ear, giving the lobe a playful bite. “I’m sure I can find a place where it will fit perfectly.”

  “Promises, promises,” I sighed, tilting my head back to remind him of where he left off. Wyatt took the hint; his lips returned to my neck immediately. My breath quickened as I leaned against the side wall of the shower for support. Wyatt’s soft kisses continued to move down my body, past my neck, down my chest, and then along the curve of my breasts. He didn’t stop until he got to my nipple, pulling it between his lips. My knees weakened as I felt his tongue glide along the tip. It was a good thing I had thought to brace myself along the wall.

  Especially when the fingers of his hand moved between my legs, pressing between. I let out a gasp of surprise. There was never a dull moment sharing Wyatt Brody’s life. It had been almost two weeks since I’d moved in, and each day I’d had reason to be thankful that I had made that decision.

  This was today’s reason.

  After spending just the right amount of time with just his fingers, Wyatt slipped them out and lifted my leg under the knee, placing it on the side of the tub. Then, before I could question him, he dropped to his own knees and pressed his face against my mound. I think I actually squeaked with pleasure as his tongue pressed against my clit and then dipped lower and deeper as it searched out my core. I drove my fingers into his hair, pulling him against me in an effort to help him find it.

  Water continued to beat down across his broad back as he knelt between my legs, splashing back up to spray me even though I was leaning outside of the direct stream. It didn’t matter though; I was hot enough.

  Wyatt continued to lick and nibble between my legs until I was writhing against his face, bringing me right to the edge of release before he pulled away, spinning his head from my grasp and standing up. I wanted to object, but then I felt his hands slide around to grab my behind and lift me up and against him, my legs spread.

  I only just realized his intention a moment before he lowered me down onto his hardness, filling me as he effortlessly supported my weight. He looked deeply into my eyes as he held me there for a moment, the two of us literally joined at the hip. His eyes were looking more green than anything today, and they seemed full of happiness.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too,” I responded.

  We’d said as much to each other on almost a daily basis over the last months, but I was still never tired of hearing it. Or saying it. I felt like each time the words came out of my mouth, I meant them even more.

  Wyatt kissed me then, and it was filled with passion and emotion. I kissed him back, matching his enthusiasm. A moment later, his hands lifted me up, drawing me along his length for as far as we could go before our bodies disconnected, and then he pulled me back down. I cried out as every nerve cell inside of me was stimulated at once, but I barely had a moment to catch my breath before he repeated himself.

  Again and again, Wyatt lifted me up and slammed me back down until my ass slapped against the tops of his thighs. After a few minutes he turned slightly, and I felt the cool tile of the wall touch my back. I pressed against it, sitting supported by his hands and riding his hips, but now his pace quickened even more. Waves of pleasure crashed through me, so intense I had to squeeze my eyes shut. I felt my body spasm around him, but still he continued.

  Just when I thought I couldn’t take any more, that my body needed a break, I felt him stiffen with his own release. His cock jerked and pulsed inside my body, and he lifted me again, pulling me from the wall into a tight embrace as the shower washed away the sweat of our exertion.

  I was just drying myself with a towel when my cell phone rang. Wyatt had gotten me the latest model, claiming he couldn’t take me seriously whenever he saw me holding a flip phone. It was Hannah.

  I wrapped the towel around my body and walked into the bedroom where Wyatt was already getting dressed.

  “Hi, Hannah,” I said, dropping down on the bed. Wyatt looked over at me and grinned, his eyes roving up and down my legs. I rolled my eyes.

  “Beth, I hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time. Or knowing you two, a very good time.”

  She was talking quickly, almost as if she was out of breath.

  “No, we just got out of the shower, actually.” This time I did blush as I realized that I had just said “we”. Wyatt laughed at my reaction as he dropped onto the bed next to me. His hand immediately moved to my thigh, giving me a little squeeze. I flashed him a dirty look.

  “I have some big news,” she said, completely ignoring my accidental admission. Normally she would have been all over me saying something like that. Whatever it was, it must be really big to have her so distracted. Wyatt was doing some distracting of his own, moving his hand slowly up my leg and under the towel. I swatted away his hand.

  “What news? Is anything wrong?”

  “No, no, everything is great actually. Ash and I are engaged! He asked me to marry him!”

  I let out a little shriek.

  “Ash and Hannah are going to get married!” I said to Wyatt, explaining my reaction.

  “That’s wonderful, Hannah,” I said back into the phone. “That’s so exciting! Did you tell Sarah and Mother? What did they say?”

  I knew Sarah would be happy, but Mother hadn’t seemed herself these last few months. After everything that had come out that night about Father, she just couldn’t stay at home anymore. She tried for about a month, but claimed that the house was too much for her to handle on her own. I’m sure that was a big part of it, but I got the feeling there was more to it. After speaking up against Father in front of everyone, people back home just weren’t treating her the same.

  So she moved in with Hannah and had been living with her ever since. At the time, Sarah and I had been staying there as well, and things got very crowded in that little apartment. That led to Sarah and I spending more and more time with the Brody brothers, which in turn led to Wyatt and I finally moving in together officially. I was pretty sure Reid and Sarah were very close to making that same decision.

  But Mother was still adjusting to the English world. I’m sure it was much harder for her than it had been for us.

  “I’m calling Sarah next, but Mother is thrilled. Oh, Beth, I can’t even describe it. It’s like our engagement has relit a fire within her that has been missing for so long. She said she can’t wait for us to start having children! She wants Ash to move in here with us and said that she’ll cook and clean and take care of us. I’m not sure how keen he is on the idea of the three of us living together, though.”

  I laughed at that. “No, I imagine not.”

  “Anyway, I don’t have any details yet because it only happened this morning, but I want you and Wyatt to come over as soon as you can so we can all celebrate and maybe even start planning. I’m going to go and call Sarah now, too.”

  “We’ll be there soon,” I promised as I hung up, still smiling. If anyone deserved to be happy, it was Hannah, after everything she had been through.
r />   Still, it was amazing to think how far we’d all come in the last few months. I never imagined all this back when Sarah and I were sneaking through the forest towards our own forbidden adventure.

  “So Ash actually proposed?” Wyatt said, shaking his head. “Who would have thought my older brother would ever actually settle down.”

  It was true. From all the stories I’d heard of Ash over the last couple of months, this really seemed to go against his nature. But then again, I’d seen the way he looked at Hannah. I didn’t doubt the love he felt for her was as true and deep as what I felt for Wyatt. It seemed like it wasn’t just the Miller sisters that were changing, but the Brody brothers, too.

  “I guess he really has it bad for Hannah, to go from Ash the ladies’ man to Ash the family man.”

  “People don’t really change,” I shrugged. “They just become more of who they were always meant to be.”

  Wyatt squinted at me, quiet for a moment as if he was considering what I’d said, then he smiled slyly. “What if I was always meant to be with you?”

  I laughed. “You’re not going to ask me to marry you, are you? This is Hannah’s day!”

  He just shrugged and blew me a kiss as he rolled off the bed to continue getting dressed.

  I could never quite be sure what was going on in Wyatt’s head, but that was okay with me. Living with a Brody was always full of surprises. And I love surprises.

  Sneak Peak - Pranked

  My latest book is Pranked - a Bad Boy Billionaire Romance that I think you might enjoy. I’ve included a couple of chapters here for you to take a look!

  And don’t forget about my Name a Character contest! You can find the details at the back of this collection. It’s still running for a few more days!



  I woke from a deep sleep to the unmistakable feeling of an icepick being shoved through my left eye.


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