Book Read Free

Stroker Ace

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by Lilah E. Noir



  Lilah E. Noir

  Copyright © 2015 Lilah E. Noir

  Stroker Ace

  Copyright © 2015 Lilah E. Noir

  Kindle Edition

  Published by: Lilah E. Noir

  Special thanks to Blackthorne Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved!

  No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the author. You can find more information on



  Author’s Note 5

  One 6

  Two 11

  Four 32


  This story contains strong BDSM elements and explicit sexual scenes including domination and submission, lesbian sex, spanking, humiliation, oral sex, anal play, punishment, discipline, double penetration, menage and all-around debauchery. While the story is all about seduction there is a small element of reluctance. If you find any of this offensive or objectionable I’d strongly suggest that you don’t buy or read it.

  All characters are over 18 years old.

  Author’s Note

  Hello dear pervs,

  Just for the record “perv” is a huge compliment according to my eschewed moral code. Thank you for buying or downloading my story and I hope that you will find it exactly up your street. If you like or love it I’d really appreciate a review on Amazon or Goodreads, it is my greatest pleasure to hear back from content readers. Thank you.

  I dedicate this to BK who deserves an award for putting up with my whining, doubts, insecurities and for his endless moral support and help with beta reading and editing. This story would not be written without you. A big thanks to Mr. Blackthorne and all the ladies from the writing group of the Nymphettes. You are all amazing and inspirational.

  Sinfully yours,



  “Seriously, of all evenings did we have to go out tonight? My new shoes are all soaked…”

  That was literally the first sentence that her experienced ear caught as she entered the bar on that suffocating albeit rainy night. It was one of those times when late spring cries its bitter tears and drenches the entire landscape with its frequent downpours. The season is practically at its end and in just a few days it would be replaced by the lustful witch of summer. At the same time the heat is in the air, impossible to ignore, weighing down like a piton in a tropical forest, threatening to crush us. For those lucky ones such as that woman it was not a tragedy. She was used to life and its ever changing course so her body and mind were adaptable to every situation.

  However, not everyone has the good fortune of the lady’s attitude, especially during that crazy stretch of time – right before the summer shoots its heat wave and start the sweet process of melting brains on the asphalt, sweaty bodies and horny tomcats howling in the night, searching for their sweet lover’s prey. No matter where she was at the end of spring, no matter whom she encountered there was always this onset of madness in everyone. Tonight was no exception, She could hear the tension and repressed words in that single sentence so clearly it cut her like a knife.

  Usually a woman like her was pretty difficult to miss or blend in the crowd and therefore masks and cover stories were important. It took time and observation to assess a target properly so the attention to her persona was strongly unwanted. However tonight the stranger didn’t have to use her usual array of tricks. Mother Nature had taken good care of her disguise. Wet clusters of her long hair were sticking to her face and body, disheveled after the sudden rainfall caught her in open air. The dress she chose earlier didn’t do much to protect her from the cold so right now the woman was shivering and rubbing her benumbed skin. That physical state quickly altered her usual leonine stance and she hunched her shoulders looking down humbly at her feet while making her way to a suitable spot. It had to be far away enough so they wouldn’t notice her and not so further that she would miss her chance to observe the speaker of that sentence. It was so soaked with fury that a collector like her couldn’t resist the urge.

  The bar’s shimmering neon sign proudly announced that it was bearing the pretentious name SaxArt. If we say that it was bustling with activity that would be a gross exaggeration. Still it was full enough that none of its visitors would pay attention to the shabby looking woman in an old dress clutching a muddied leather bag. Finally as she took the seat close to her target she found the time to study her environment. It was a nice place, with soft, sensual music and ambiance that promised full release of inhibitions after a few drinks. The walls in burgundy red were lined with music instruments, pop art paintings, the usual black and white photographs of jazz bands on stage and famous performers’ fake autographs, typical for such establishments. The main area was occupied with short round tables, rather scratched, either because they have been here for a while or for vintage effect. The wall behind the dark wood bar was covered with mirrors so that strange heroine didn’t even have to look directly at the young couple. Their reflection was perfectly visible from her position. Save for the candles on each of the tables and the single spotlight that was fixed at the top of the bar there were no other sources of light. So many shadows in which a woman like her could find shelter while she could think of her next move. There was also a small stage for the orchestra but tonight there were no live performers. Good. The lady loved listening to live music, especially in such intimate setting but tonight she had other agenda.

  Even if it was generally a jazz bar the playlist was eclectic enough to suit a variety of tastes. The boudoir red light evoked thoughts of depravity and suited our lady’s tastes more than fine. She ordered an Angel Face cocktail even if she had no intention of touching it. Sobriety was important in her line of activities. Meanwhile the Miles Davis track ended and was replaced by a soft, sensual song that she was particularly fond of. The lyrics suited her mentality perfectly. On top of that the singer had purring seductive voice that arose her imagination even further. The woman leaned back at the wooden chair and fixed her gaze at the mirror. The show was about to begin.

  Her initial suspicions got confirmed as she took a good look at the young man and woman sitting nearby. Their bodies almost touched but they both looked at different directions, avoiding each other and choking on the unspoken. She was without a shadow of a doubt as pretty as a picture in spite of her complaints that the bad weather has completely ruined her outfit. The naturally blonde hair was plaited in an elegant chignon. Just one small tress of hair was falling down the side of her tender face. The expression of those eyes, filled with irritation and contempt, and her clenched jaw destroyed any impression of tenderness, though. That was a shame since she had cute features that gave her elfin appearance, an upturned nose and thin, pink lips. Probably they matched the color of her nipples. The woman was quite petite and probably that silk blouse hid medium sized tits with perfectly shaped nipples that would be so good to squeeze, fondle and pinch till their owner screamed. Just looking at her made the mysterious lady itch with the need to put the blonde over her knee. That little beauty needed someone to erase that arrogance and self entitlement, to tame her ill temper. She needed it badly before the man next to her got bored with her antics. Ten minutes and she was still bitching about those damned shoes!

  Speaking of the devil. The lady could tell that he cared for h
is girlfriend or wife judging by how he stole glances at her. The expression in his dark eyes ranged from affection to lust all the way to the poisonous rage at her constant rant. At one point his broad palm reached for her and stroke her gently but she pulled away as if he had bitten her. The anguish was visible on his handsome face. He squeezed his fist and turned his attention back to the smart phone he was holding. It was pretty obvious that he was reaching his limit of patience and only some sense of duty was keeping him bound to that table. The man was definitely impressive and what was even better – imperfect. His nose was slightly crooked and he had some birth mark on his lip that made him appear more attractive and somehow human. The lady could tell that his height and athletic figure were surely a problem in the bedroom with that tiny minx. She could practically see him on top of his elfin girl, his ass muscles contracting as he prepared to pump deep inside her tight slit. She is screaming out in irritation with those thin lips in a line. “Easy, you damned brute, are you trying to crush me?”

  Both of them were smartly dressed in business casual outfits that suggested either some corporate job or maybe even joint business. However the lady didn’t care what they did in their mundane life, what she wanted to explore was their nighttime personas. That particular night the rules of the game were changing whether they knew it or not.

  The man loosened his tie, as if he was physically suffocating with the drama. He ran his hand through his dark hair and attempted to cut into her tirade but she didn’t give him that chance, interrupting him with a sharp gesture of her hand. Meanwhile the unknown songstress was begging the nice couple to bring her home with them as their pet. So helpless and endlessly eager to please yet with a plan of her own and a pussy in heat. That sparked the idea in her sordid mind and she grinned from ear to ear sending a mental thank you note to the author of those lyrics.

  The plan formed quickly as she savored the cherry in her cocktail, licking it behind the veil of her long hair.


  Fifteen minutes later Annabelle and Evan walked out the bar door. He was stoically bearing the pain of her voice as she was complaining for the umpteenth time of her ruined shoes and the stains on her stockings. It amazed him that there were times when he literary wanted to push her panties in her mouth just to make her shut up. The irony was that one of the first things he fell in love with when he met her was that beautiful voice with the sexiest accent he ever heard. At which point had the sweet, intelligent woman turned into the monster she was right now?

  Annabelle wasn’t having the best time as well. She was tired, her back hurt and the past week had been a nightmare both at work and home. Recently she and Evan did nothing but fight and he regularly ended up sleeping on the couch. Usually after they had finished shouting at each other Annabelle was crying with frustration. She often realized she didn’t have the right to be so mean to him but her pride prevented her from apologizing.

  They moved side by side yet so far away from each other, lost in their own thoughts and worries that they almost tripped at the body lying on the ground. Annabelle let out a small scream and Evan instinctively grabbed her hand pushing her back before he sighed with relief. The stranger was in a total mess, her white dress was soaked in the mud and one of her shoes had its heel ripped. She was curled on the pavement in fetal position, her face covered by her hair. Annabelle felt the cold chill of fear shoot through her at the sight of that weird creature. It was like facing the ghost of a raped victim from some B-rated horror film. However there was no doubt the woman was still alive. Her shoulders were shaking with loud sobs as she clutched to her bag for dear life.

  Evan was the first to get over his initial shock and do something. He reluctantly let go of his wife’s hand and knelt beside the fallen lady.

  “No!” Annabelle uttered in fear. “What if she is dangerous, she might be some drug addict.” She realized how ugly her words sounded the moment she spoke but there was no turning back. So her fingers just clutched the umbrella tighter as her eyes fell down to the street. Evan ignored her and moved the stranger’s hair from her face.

  “Miss, are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?” He took her by the shoulders and helped her get up. The face of the stranger appeared swollen and muddy and her flesh was shaken with chills. She looked so small and vulnerable that Evan sensed something that surprised even himself. That sudden protective urge was very unfamiliar to him. “Did someone attack you?”

  “We should call the police…” Annabelle said quietly, still ashamed with her earlier reaction. “She was probably…” That finally triggered reaction from the shell shocked woman who instantly got up on her knees and clutched her hands together turning her wax pale face to them.

  “No, no, please, don’t call the police, I don’t want to get in trouble… I don’t live here…”

  Evan frowned and raised himself, his hands still planted on the stranger’s shoulders, which caused the jealous side of Annabelle’s to wake up.

  “But you were assaulted, you need to file a complaint, besides if you were…”

  The woman shook her head and turned her eyes up to him.

  “He just pushed me down and stole my purse. But I had nothing in there, just some twenty dollars in my wallet.”

  “He took your purse but left your bag? Seriously?” Annabelle raised her eyebrows.

  “It was some kid, he tried to pick it up but it was too heavy and he ran.” Before Annabelle could grill her any further the stranger sobbed loudly. “Please… I’m new in town, I moved in here with my boyfriend and he just kicked me out.” Her shoulders once again shook in violent spasms. “I have no one to turn to.”

  “Can’t we just take her to a shelter or something?” Annabelle no longer cared how she would come across as. She just wanted to go home and relax in her tub, as selfish as it was.

  “Please, you both seem so kind.” The woman was still kneeling and staring at them with such a despair that Evan felt his heart break. His natural sensitivity was not something he wanted to flaunt because people tended to take advantage. But right now he couldn’t help feeling that stranger’s pain and fear. “Take me home with you, please, I’ll make it up to you in any way I can. I just need a place for tonight. I’ll sleep on the floor, wherever you put me. Just, don’t leave me here.”

  “What?” Annabelle shrieked in that annoying high pitched manner and squeezed her fists. “We are not falling for the oldest trick in the book, miss! Let’s go, Evan.”

  “Do you seriously want to leave this poor woman all alone with no place to stay? Really? Are you that cruel?” Evan didn’t even try to move. He knew his pragmatic significant other probably had a point and it was foolish of him to ignore the voice of reason. But still he knew he’d feel haunted by the image of that broken woman for the rest of his life if he didn’t do anything to help her.

  “Are you that blind!” Her creamy face has turned so red that Evan was afraid she’d burst a vein. “She has probably been lurking here to throw her sob story at someone so she’d rob them blind! We don’t know anything about that woman and you want to let her in our home? Forget it!”

  “Please, please, sir, ma’am…” The aforementioned was already in the most humiliating pose, prostrated low on the ground. “I’ll do anything you two want, you can keep me chained if you’re afraid I’ll rob you. I’ll serve you in any way you wish…” With these words she crawled to Annabelle’s designer heels and kissed them. The blonde pulled away with disgust and rolled her eyes. Evan on the other hand felt strange excitement and something stirring in his pants at the sight of that woman on her knees and crawling. He snapped out of it, feeling the usual self loathing that possessed him each time he sensed those urges.

  “That won’t be necessary.” He extended his hand to the woman and smiled at her encouragingly. “Stand up, you’ll catch your death here. What is your name?”

  She blinked a few times before her pale fingers wrapped around his so she could get up to her feet.

“Kitty, sir.”

  Was it just Evan or there was some seductive purr in her voice? He cleared his throat and dropped the stranger’s fingers before saying firmly.

  “Give us a minute.”

  He came closer to the infuriated Annabelle and placed his hands on her shoulders, an act of tenderness that she couldn’t handle in her current mood. His wife pushed him away and gave him her most evil glare. Evan just took her hostility with the usual calmness and kept on talking.


  “You don’t care about what I want, do you?”

  “If that was the case we wouldn’t have this discussion.” Before she could say another word he raised his hand and spoke as fast as possible. “Let’s take her home so she can have a shower and calm down. Tomorrow I will persuade her to call the police and seek professional help. She seems like she needs just a good nights rest and we have enough space.” He squeezed Annabelle’s shoulders and uttered in a low voice. “Please. I won’t forgive myself if I see her picture in the paper tomorrow.” Evan felt a pang of guilt for saying that. Not that it was a lie, he did want to help. But just the way she looked down on her knees… it was probably the sexiest thing he had ever seen and that made him feel twice as worse, like some pig perving on that poor troubled woman.

  Finally Annabelle hissed with malice and once again pushed him away.

  “I must be crazy… All right but you take full responsibility if we end up being robbed!” Evan sighed as they both went back to Kitty who still stood with her eyes cast to the ground. So obedient…Three

  Annabelle and Evan recently bought their first home – a small two-level apartment at the city center. It was perfect for a young, recently married couple even if there was not enough space for nursery. However, both of them were still in their career driven phase at which the idea of children was more of a mirage and they didn’t give it a serious thought. Given how fast their marriage was going sour it was probably for the best. The only disadvantage of their residence was the lack of private space.


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