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Tough Love

Page 61

by Susan Rice

  Gore, Al, 196, 202, 405

  Govashiri, Ferial, 3, 354, 411, 441

  Gowdy, Trey, 337

  Graceland (Paul Simon album), 115

  Graham, Lindsey, 310 SR and Benghazi, 11, 315, 316

  SR as secretary of state opposed, 319–21, 323–25

  SR unmasking charge, 468

  Gramm, Phil, 141

  Gration, J. Scott, 272, 273

  Great Depression, 36

  Great Lakes Justice Initiative, 152

  Great Recession (economic crisis, 2008), 237, 242

  Greece, 456

  Gregory, David, 314

  Gross, Alan, 408–9, 410

  Guantánamo Bay detention facility, 237, 243, 450 detainees-Bergdahl swap, 393

  Guinea, 401, 403, 405

  Haddad, Essam el-, 348

  Hadley, Robyn, 113–14

  Hadley, Steve, 6

  Hagel, Chuck, 350, 389

  Haggar, Anis, 210

  Hailemariam, Desalegn, 380, 381

  Haines, Avril, 352, 355, 357, 369–73, 400, 411, 415, 422, 438, 459

  Haiti, 136, 142, 160

  Ham, Carter, 275, 276

  Handley, Bill, 104

  Hannity, Sean, 309–10

  Hardy, Molly Huckaby, 492n189

  Hargadon, Fred, 91

  Harvard Business School, 227

  Harvard University, 28, 29, 41–42, 91, 92

  Hawkins, Augustus “Gus,” 85

  Heusgen, Christoph, 359

  Hezbollah, 366

  HIV/AIDS crisis, 199, 202 PEPFAR and, 202

  Hobson, Kenneth Ray, 492n189

  Holbrooke, Richard, 76, 184, 195–99, 336 animosity of, 182, 196, 199–200, 326

  Congo Security Council Summit, 197–99

  Congo War and, 195–99

  Dayton Peace Accords and, 183, 196

  To End a War, 183

  Ethiopia-Eritrea conflict and, 182–83, 199

  HIV/AIDS campaign, 199 SR confrontation with, 197–98

  as U.N. ambassador, 182, 195, 197

  Holder, Eric, 223, 238

  Hollande, François, 359, 399, 454

  Holmes Norton, Eleanor, 117–18, 120

  Hoyer, Steny, 320

  Huddleston, Vicki, 169

  Hu Jintao, 267

  Humphrey, Hubert H., 53

  Hurricane Katrina, 40

  “I Feel Good” (song), 125

  Ijaz, Mansoor, 209

  India, 24, 46, 265–66, 286, 345, 381, 434, 451

  Innocence of Muslims (video), 309, 313–14

  International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 253, 264, 417

  International Criminal Court, 271, 279, 280

  International Monetary Fund for the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries initiative, 201

  Iran, 411 American hikers captured, 262

  Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, 269

  Levinson missing in, 262

  nuclear deal (JCPOA), 269, 386, 411–18, 451, 472

  nuclear program, 262, 263–64

  P5+1 nuclear deal and, 412

  sanctions on, 260, 264, 266–69

  Sudan and, 157

  Syria and, 366, 367, 368

  terrorism supported by, 264

  U.N., SR, and, 261–64

  U.N. Mission, N.Y., 261–62

  U.S. back channel to, 261–63

  U.S. Embassy hostages, 82

  U.S.-Iran conflict threat, 417

  U.S. relations with, 415

  Iran-Contra affair, 19

  Iraq, 40, 243, 367 Erbil and, 419

  ISIS and, 418–19, 422–23, 451

  Mosul and, 418–19, 422

  Mosul Dam, 421–22, 458

  Obama and Iraq War, 222, 230

  Obama policy, 242, 418, 451

  SR and, 212, 219–20, 326

  urban counterinsurgency, 140

  Irish, James Theodore “Ted,” 44

  Isaias Afwerki, 160, 177, 178–79, 182, 184

  Isakson, Johnny, 326–27

  ISIS, 301, 421, 449 beheadings by, 404, 420

  Libya and, 293

  in Mosul, 418

  Obama’s counter-ISIS campaign, 4, 418–23, 451, 458

  Syria and, 297, 366

  U.S.-led coalition and, 420

  Israel Goldstone Report and, 253

  Iran and, 307

  Iran nuclear deal and, 412–17

  memorandum of understanding (MOU), 430–32

  nuclear program, 253

  Obama trip (2008), 95

  Palestinian negotiations, 450

  Peres and SR, 254–55

  Peres funeral, 432

  Sderot, 95

  SR at U.N. and, 252–54

  SR’s family trip to (1979), 88–89

  Syria and, 365, 366

  Trump and, 432–33

  Turkey conflict, 253

  two-state solution, 253–54, 432

  U.S. abstains on U.N. anti-settlement vote, 432–33

  U.S. aid to, 349, 430

  Yad Vashem, 95

  “J’Accuse!” (Shalit), 209–10

  Jackson, Jesse, 168, 222

  Jackson, Ronny, 374

  Jamaica SR’s childhood visit to, 51–52

  SR’s grandparents and, 24–25

  Japan, 37, 227, 252, 345, 376, 434, 451 Ebola epidemic and, 403

  North Korean sanctions and, 258, 259

  North Korean threat to, 256

  Snowden’s leaks and, 359

  Jarrett, Valerie, 229, 250, 290, 376

  Jennings, Elizabeth, 57–58, 67

  Jimenez, Adela, 206, 241

  Johnson, Bob, 222

  Johnson, Jeh, 387, 405, 438, 444

  Johnson, Lyndon B., 53

  Johnson, Ron, 310

  Joint Base Andrews, 7, 8–9, 306, 374

  Jones, Deborah, 475–76, 477

  Jones, James, 130, 238

  Jordan, 95, 366

  Jordan, Vernon, 43–44

  Kabila, Laurent, 193, 195

  Kagame, Paul, 149, 151, 160, 172, 178, 326

  Kahl, Colin, 352

  Karl, Jon, 319

  Karzai, Hamid, 390–92

  Kassig, Abdul-Rahman, 420

  Katzman, Julie, 232

  Kavalar, Prabhi Guptara, 492n189

  Kavanaugh, Brett, 90

  Kennedy, Donald, 105

  Kennedy, Patrick, 314–15

  Kennedy, Robert F., 52

  Kenya bombing of U.S. Nairobi embassy, 186–91, 492n189

  Bushnell as ambassador, 186

  Lokichoggio, 270

  Nairobi, 270

  Obama trip, 2015, 379

  U.S. Sudan embassy in, 157, 158, 209

  Kerry, John, 231, 239–40, 335, 368 Afghanistan BSA and, 391, 392

  China’s climate change policy and, 436

  diversifying State Department workforce, 429–30

  Iran nuclear deal and, 386, 411, 412, 414, 415, 416

  on Morsi’s deposing, 350

  as Obama’s secretary of state, 318–19, 327, 331, 363, 364, 411

  presidential campaign, 2004, 17–18, 40, 107, 220–21

  Principals Committee and, 389

  South Sudan and, 395, 397

  SR and, 1, 315, 321, 331, 352, 385–87

  U.N. resolution on Syria’s chemical weapons, 386

  Khalilzad, Zalmay, 241

  Khazaie, Mohammed, 261–63

  Kiir, Salva, 276, 277, 395–98

  Kim Jong Un, 450, 477

  King, Martin Luther, Jr., 52, 101 quotation on Oval Office carpet, 4, 14, 460

  King, Peter, 310

  Kingibe, Baba, 168

  Kirk, Arlene, 492n189

  Kirk, Ron, 250

  Kirk-Greene, Anthony, 120

  Kirk-Greene, Helen, 120

  Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 459

  Kislyak, Sergey, 443, 446

  Kissinger, Henry, 6, 433

  Klain, Ron, 405

  Kruzel, Joe, 184

  Kucinich, Dennis, 78, 472

  Kupchan, Charles, 400

/>   Ladysmith Black Mambazo, 115

  Lake, Julie, 19

  Lake, Anthony “Tony,” 6, 17, 19, 216 as Clinton’s NSA, 17, 136, 147, 148, 154, 156, 161

  Holbrooke and, 182

  Obama’s policy and, 242

  Obama’s presidential campaign and, 59, 76–77, 94, 232

  Rwanda and, 143, 147, 148

  as special envoy for Ethiopia and Eritrea, 181–84, 193

  SR interviewed by, 131, 132

  as SR mentor, 186, 347

  SR’s promotion and, 154–55

  U.S.-Africa partnership and, 161

  Lavrov, Sergei, 267, 268, 364–65, 386

  Lea, Tim, 341–42, 384

  Leahy, Patrick, 410

  Lebanon, 187, 269, 281, 284, 366

  Lee, Charles F., 32

  Leland, Mickey, 179

  Lempert, Yael, 430

  Levertov, Denise, 101

  Levi, Peter, 101

  Levin, Carl, 321

  Levinson, Robert, 262

  Lew, Jack, 318

  Lewinsky, Monica, 189, 335

  LGBT rights, 244, 429

  Li Baodong, 266

  Liberia, 156, 269 Ebola epidemic, 401, 403–5

  Monrovia, drawdown of U.S. embassy staff, 200

  Libya, 4, 450. See also Benghazi, Libya; Benghazi terrorist attack Arab Spring and, 279–82

  girls named Susan, 291

  ISIS in, 293

  McCain and, 475–76

  NATO air strikes in, 289, 291, 298, 367

  no-fly zone and, 280–81

  post-Qaddafi problems, 292–94

  regime change in, 291, 297

  sanctions and, 260

  SR and, 153, 279–83, 369

  SR and U.S. position, 283–84

  SR visit, 2011, 291–92

  Sudan and, 272

  UNSC sanctions and, 278, 280

  U.S. embassy, Tripoli, 280

  Liddy, G. Gordon, 54

  Lieberman, Joe, 323

  Lincoln University, 32, 34

  Lippert, Mark, 77

  Livni, Tzipi, 252

  Lodge, Henry Cabot, 246

  Lovell, Whitfield, 249

  Lula da Silva, Luiz Inácio, 268

  Lyall Grant, Sir Mark, 265

  Lynch, Loretta, 438

  Macdonald, Anne, 81

  Machar, Riek, 277, 395, 396, 397

  Magruder, Jeb, 54

  Maliki, Nouri al-, 418–19

  Malley, Rob, 411, 422

  Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT), 227, 428

  Mandela, Nelson, 105, 175–76, 214, 377, 379

  Maret School, 216, 473

  Martin, Mary Louise, 492n189

  Marton, Kati, 197

  Mathews, Sylvia (Burwell), 119

  Mauritius, 159

  Mazimhaka, Patrick, 178–79, 180

  Mbeki, Thabo, 202

  McCain, John, 141, 230, 231, 310, 350 Jones’s anecdote about, 475–76

  SR and, 231, 323–24

  SR as secretary of state opposed, 319, 320, 322, 325–26

  SR’s reflections on, 474–77

  McCaskill, Claire, 416

  McClellan, Whalen, 124

  McConnell, Mitch, 445, 451

  McCormick, Shawn, 327

  McCoy, Van, 54–55

  McDonough, Denis, 77, 250 Cuba negotiations and, 408

  as deputy national security advisor, 296, 323

  Ebola epidemic and, 405

  Russian interference in 2016 election and, 441, 443

  Syria and, 362, 368

  as WH chief of staff, 9, 343, 352, 353, 389, 426

  McFarland, K. T., 459

  McFaul, Michael, 104

  McGurk, Brett, 420

  McKinsey & Company, 121–22, 131, 132, 133

  Medvedev, Dimitri, 267, 285, 286

  Meles, Zenawi, 160, 172, 177, 178–80, 182–83, 216

  Menendez, Robert, 158–59

  Meng, Jianzhu, 438

  Merkel, Angela, 95, 359, 394, 399, 456

  Mexico, 304–5, 345, 359

  Mikva, Abner, 17

  Millet, David, 249

  Mitchell, Andrea, 323, 410

  Mobutu Sese Seko, 160, 193

  Mogae, Festus Gontebanye, 172

  Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), 454

  Monaco, Lisa, 353, 355, 369–73, 379–80, 387, 405, 438

  Moniz, Ernie, 411, 414, 416

  Moore, Missy, 462

  Morell, Michael, 323–24, 325

  Morsi, Mohamed, 348–51

  Moscone, George, 84

  Moscone, Rebecca, 84

  Mozambique, 136, 161, 172

  MSNBC, 12, 323 Morning Joe, 352

  Tucker Carlson Show, SR on, 229–30

  Mubarak, Hosni, 157, 279, 348

  Mueller, Kayla, 420

  Mueller, Robert, 370

  Mugabe, Robert, 119, 160, 171, 174, 199

  Murphy, Eddie, 453

  Museveni, Yoweri, 172

  Muskie, Edmund, 118

  NAACP, 27, 28

  Nagel, Jacob, 430

  Najdi, Karim, 342

  Namibia, 193, 194–95

  Napolitano, Janet, 238

  National Cathedral School (NCS), 50, 81, 88, 92–93 SR attends, 79–82, 86–93, 99

  National Child Research Center (NCRC), 50

  National Democratic Institute, 212

  National Economic Council (NEC), 131–32, 133, 347

  National Scholarship Service and Fund for Negro Students (NSSFNS), 32, 43

  National Security Advisor (NSA) Donilon as, 279, 315, 332, 334, 343, 344–45

  Jones as, 130, 238

  Lake as, 17, 136, 147, 148, 154, 156, 161

  SR as, 13, 344–452

  SR’s appointment, 342–44

  National Security Agency (NSA), 358–59 PPD 28, “Signals Intelligence Activities” and, 360

  Snowden’s leaks and, 358–61

  National Security Council (NSC), 2, 13 Berger and SR, 131, 132

  budget, 135

  Clarke and SR, 134, 135

  collegiality at, 135–36

  daily presidential briefings, 354–55

  Deputies Committee, 387

  Egypt and Morsi coup, 348–49

  Holiday Party, 373

  Lake and SR, 131, 132

  National Security Staff, 347

  Obama-era records, 7

  Obama’s approach to governing and, 424–25

  office of, 348

  operations of, 136

  Prendergast and, 178

  Rwanda genocide and, 143–53

  “Scowcroft model,” 424

  size of staff, 135

  Soderberg as staff director, 119

  Somalia and, 136–41

  SR hired for director for international organizations and peacekeeping, 132–34

  SR mentored by Beers at, 134–35

  SR on Somalia and lessons of, 139–41

  SR’s mantra, 135

  SR’s U.N. portfolio, 136

  staff of, 346, 347

  Trump team and, 455–60

  U.S. policy on U.N. peacekeeping and, 142

  National Security Council (NSC), Principals Committee, 130, 246, 247, 272–73, 343, 345, 356, 387–90, 424 Ebola epidemic and, 401, 402

  Iran nuclear deal and, 413–15

  ISIS and, 419–20, 422

  Libya and, 281, 283

  Mosul Dam threat and, 422

  Russian election interference in 2016 and, 442, 447–48

  Somalia decisions and, 140

  South Sudan and, 396

  Sudan and, 158

  Syria decisions, 368

  NATO, 381 in Afghanistan, 390, 391, 393, 394, 395

  European Reassurance Initiative and, 400

  Libyan air strikes, 291, 298

  Somalia conflict and, 146

  Summit in Wales, 401

  U.K. and, 103

  Ukraine and, 399, 400

  war against ISIS and, 420

  NBC ISIS fears and, 421

  Meet the
Press, 308, 314

  Obama’s Cuba policy and, 410

  Williams’s SR interview, 330

  Netanyahu, Benjamin, 95, 252, 265, 307, 381, 412, 413 Israel-U.S. MOU and, 430–31

  Obama’s Iran negotiations and, 414–15

  settlements and, 432, 433

  New Yorker, Roz Chast cartoon Furies 2.0, 370–71, 373

  New York Times, 44, 291, 326 on cause of Benghazi attack, 313, 314, 318, 321

  Rwanda genocide and, 148

  Trump on SR in, 470

  Nicholson, Marvin, 374

  Niger, 120

  Nigeria, 47, 156, 172, 285, 286 Abiola death and SR, 166–69

  debt relief and, 201

  transition to democratic rule, 200, 202–3

  9/11 Commission, 207, 210

  9/11 Commission Report, 18

  9/11 terrorist attacks, 135 SR and, 206–11, 326

  Sudan and, 207, 208, 326

  Nixon, Richard, 53, 54

  North, Oliver, 144

  North Korea, 4, 450, 458 ballistic missile launch, 255

  China’s role with, 435

  “New York channel” to, 263

  nuclear weapons and, 256, 263

  Six Party Talks, 256

  U.N. sanctions, 255–60, 266

  Norton, Eleanor Holmes, 320

  NPR, Morning Edition, 352

  Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, 244

  Nuland, Victoria, 400

  Nunes, Devin, 468

  Obama, Barack The Audacity of Hope, 19

  background and family, 41

  character and personality, 353, 355, 358, 360, 377, 387–88

  criticism of, 222

  DNC speech, 2004, 18

  Hope Fund, 19

  Iraq War opposition, 222, 230

  as junior senator, 19, 95, 271

  overseas trip, summer, 2008, 95–96, 231

  presidential campaign and election, 2008, 40–41, 59, 76–79, 94–97, 107–8, 129, 221–24, 226, 228–33

  as role model, 18

  Russia and, 267

  senate race, 2004, 17–18

  SR’s relationship with, 2, 8, 17–19, 41, 60, 130–31, 221, 229, 245, 246, 289, 290, 303, 315–17, 319–20, 330, 344, 350, 353, 377


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