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Tough Love

Page 63

by Susan Rice

  husband Ian and, 133, 154

  Lake and, 17, 131, 132, 154–55

  Liberia and, 156

  New African Leaders, 160, 177

  Nigeria and, 156

  PDD-25 and, 142–43

  Rwanda genocide and, 143–53

  as senior director for African affairs, 154–65

  Somalia and, 136–41

  South Africa and, 155–56

  status at, 150

  Sudan policy and, 156–60

  as U.N. director, 136, 154

  U.S. policy on U.N. peacekeeping operations, 142

  —1997–2001, Clinton’s assistant secretary of state, 13, 59, 152 African Crisis Response Initiative, 152

  African debt relief, 200–201

  African education initiatives, for girls, 201–2

  age and appearance, impact of, 171–72

  Albright’s official African visits and, 161, 172–73

  Carson as deputy, 162–63

  Chiefs of Mission serving in Africa conference, 170, 171

  Clinton appoints, and Senate confirmation, 161–65, 204

  Clinton’s Africa trip and, 174–76, 200

  Congo War, 193–99

  Congo War regional tour, 193–95

  direct reports to, 169–70

  East Africa embassy bombings and, 186–91, 206, 307, 325

  East Africa trip, following embassy bombings, 188–89

  goals, Clinton’s agenda, and, 170–71

  Great Lakes Justice Initiative, 152

  Holbrooke and, 196–200

  Lake as advisor, mentor, 186

  leaks and, 172–73

  maternity leave and, 164, 165

  “New Partnership with Africa for the 21st Century,” 170

  in Nigeria, Abiola’s death and, 166–69

  Nigeria’s Obasanjo and, 202–3

  office of, 169

  personal mantra of, 171

  Pickering’s anger at, 191

  press attacks on, 326

  professional growth and lessons learned, 203–4

  reputation from NSC, 170

  Samuel Nelson Drew Memorial Award, 183–84

  Sudan trip, 270–71

  Summers’s animosity, 201

  team, 169

  Wolpe’s criticism, advice, 192

  —2001–8, between Democratic administrations, 205–37 Asia and Middle East travel, 212

  Aspen Strategy Group and, 212

  Brookings Institution and, 17, 76, 94, 96, 211–12, 214, 219, 221, 226

  career goals and, 211

  Hillary Clinton’s presidential bid and, 59–60

  Howard Dean’s primary campaign and, 219–20

  Elle magazine article and vindication, 209–10

  Kerry/Edwards presidential campaign, 17–18, 220–21

  leaves government, 205

  9/11 terrorist attacks and, 206–11

  on nonprofit boards, 212

  Obama’s election and, 107–8, 232–33

  Obama’s first contacts with, 17, 18–19

  Obama’s presidential run, 2007–8 and, 59–61, 76–79, 94–97, 108, 221–24, 228–32

  Obama transition team and, 231–32, 233, 237

  public assault on integrity and competence, 210

  TV appearances, 228–30

  Vanity Fair article and false accusations, 207–10

  —2009–13, Obama’s U.N. ambassador, 13, 200, 237–337 Africa trips, 269

  appointment and Senate confirmation, 129–31, 237–40

  Ban Ki-moon and, 252–53

  Benghazi embassy attack, 2012 and, 10–12, 87, 247, 293

  Benghazi political fallout, 309–31

  Benghazi postmortem, leadership lessons, 334–37

  bin Laden’s killing, 295–97

  bringing Jake to sessions, 257

  as chair, UNSC, 300

  championing of human rights, fighting global poverty, 244

  China and, 256–58

  Churkin and, 257, 259, 264, 274–75, 277, 285, 297–98

  climate change and, 244

  Hillary Clinton and, 239, 246–47

  on The Colbert Report, 299

  commuting to N.Y. and, 240

  on The Daily Show, 334

  D.C. office and staff, 246

  DS agents for, 240, 247–49, 258, 262, 289, 295, 305, 330

  duties, 241, 243

  eating habits during tenure, 357

  “To enhance our common security, we must invest in our common humanity,” 238–39

  family life and, 241, 249–50, 287–90

  farewell party, 298–99

  FBI and, 262

  hosts UNSC party, 265–66

  husband Ian’s participation, 300

  inclusion in the cabinet, 246

  Iran back channel, 261–63

  Iran sanctions and, 263–64

  Israel supported by, 252–54

  job protocol, rituals, 299–301

  learning negotiation, 259–60

  LGBT rights and, 244

  Libya, Qaddafi, and military intervention, 153, 279–94

  Libya trip, 2011, 291–92

  love for the job, 303–4, 343–44

  member, NSC Principals Committee, 130, 246, 247, 272–73

  Mexico trip and cactus mishap, 304–5

  Mubarak’s resignation and, 279

  North Korean sanctions, 255–60

  Obama’s management style, 245

  Obama’s objectives, 241, 243

  Obama’s view of role, 238

  P5 members and, 264–66

  Palestinian status at U.N. and, 253

  Peres’s friendship, 254–55, 431–32

  principal deputy Wolff, 241

  relationship building with member states and, 251–52

  “right to food” issue, 244

  Russia and, 255–57

  as secretary of state candidate, 318–31

  successor for, 344

  Sudan conflict, 270–77

  Sudan trips, 273–77

  Syria and, 153, 297–98

  team for, 241, 317–18

  UNSC members and, 252

  WAT apartment, 249–51, 302, 328

  women’s advancement and, 244

  World Bank presidency offer, 303

  —2013–17, Obama’s National Security Advisor, 13, 344–452 in Abu Dhabi, 2016, 454

  accompanying Obama to Martha’s Vineyard, 350–51

  Afghanistan policy, 390–95

  Afghanistan trip, 2013, 390–92

  appointment of, 342–44

  Bergdahl release and, 392–93

  bias for action and, 369

  Blinken as deputy, 343, 352, 353, 369, 408

  brutal demands of the job, 460

  China and, 433–41

  China-Hangzhou Summit, 2016 and “stair-gate,” 439–41

  classified iPad, 1, 352

  counterterrorism operations, 372

  criticism of, 424

  Cuba and, 407–10, 427

  daily schedule and routines, 351–57

  diversifying the national security workforce, 427–30

  DOD and, 372

  eating habits during tenure, 357

  Ebola epidemic and, 401–7

  Egypt, Morsi, and, 347–51

  end-of-administration responsibilities, 4–5

  family demands and, 460

  FBI investigation into Trump campaign and, 449

  final APEC Summit, Peru, 457

  final overseas trip with Obama, 8

  Flynn and, 4, 6, 457–60

  Foley killing by ISIS and, 420–21

  “The Furies” and, 370–71

  G20 Summit, 2013, 358, 364

  Haines as deputy, 369–70 (See also Haines, Avril)

  health affected by job, 357–58

  intelligence briefer for, 1, 2

  Iran nuclear deal and, 386, 411–18, 427

  ISIS and, 418–23

  Israel MOU and, 430–32

  Kerry and, 352, 38

  leaking accusations, 469, 470

  leaving office, 1–9, 460

  Libya policy decisions and, 293

  NSC Holiday Party and, 373

  Obama at Mandela’s funeral and, 377–79

  Obama in Ethiopia, 2015, threat against, 379–81

  Obama’s “affirmative agenda” and, 385

  Obama’s approach to governing and, 425

  Obama’s Fourth Quarter quote, Jan. 2015 and, 426

  Obama’s overseas trips, routine and protocol for, 374–77

  office of, 4–7, 348

  opening pitch, Nationals Park, 341–42

  Paris Climate Change Agreement, 385, 427

  PDB and, 352

  preparation for role, 345–46

  as Principals Committee chair, 348–49, 356, 362, 387–90, 400

  Putin and, 383

  responsibilities of, 345, 346, 369, 384–86, 398

  Rose and, 382

  Russia, Ukraine, and, 398–401

  Russian election interference and, 441–49

  Secret Service agents and, 1, 2, 7, 9, 341–42, 384, 440

  Secret Service call sign, 384

  “snap-back” and sanctions lexicon, 414

  Snowden’s leaks and, 358–61

  South Sudan and, 395–98

  staffing president’s phone calls, 398

  Syria and, 153, 362–69

  team for, 346–47, 352, 369–74

  Trump and, 382–83, 453–60

  unmasking accusation, 468–70

  WH briefing, Jan. 5, 2017, 5–6

  Rice, Ulysses Simpson (grandfather), 34

  Rice, Ulysses Simpson, Jr. (“Suber,” uncle), 34, 35, 36

  Rice, Walter Allen Simpson (great-grandfather), 32–33, 227, 428

  Rice-Cameron, John “Jake” (son), 11, 18, 77–78, 107, 213–18, 228, 232 birth of, 164, 213

  college acceptance, 461

  interests of, 265–66, 471

  at Maret School, 216

  mixed-race heritage of, 219

  Obama and, 472

  politics of, 471–74

  prekindergarten school, 214–15

  SR as NSA and, 357

  SR as parent and, 205, 471

  SR away from family, 287–88

  SR’s Africa trip and, 173, 174

  SR’s withdrawal as secretary of state candidate and, 328–29

  Sudan trip (2011), 275–77

  unmasking controversy and, 471

  U.N. sessions and, 257

  Rice-Cameron, Maris (daughter), 7, 107, 216–19, 228, 232, 287, 309, 461 Benghazi controversy and, 10, 11, 316, 334

  mixed-race heritage of, 219

  political opinions of, 472–73

  SR as U.N. ambassador and, 239, 240, 266, 287–88

  SR’s withdrawal as secretary of state candidate and, 328–29

  Trump election and, 455

  unmasking controversy and, 470–71

  Richards, Laura, 87, 90, 112, 125

  Ried, Curtis, 7

  Rivlin, Alice, 57

  Rizza, Tom, 7, 440

  Robinson, Mary, 172, 173

  Roecklein, Trinka, 87, 125

  Romney, Mitt Benghazi and SR, 308, 315–17

  presidential bid, 2012, 308

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 33

  Rose, Charlie, 382

  Rose, David, “The Osama Files,” 207–9, 210–11

  Rouhani, Hassan, 269, 411, 412, 413

  Rousseff, Dilma, 358

  Rubin, Robert, 131–32, 133, 200

  Russia. See also Churkin, Vitaly “Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent US Elections” (ICA), 5

  Côte d’Ivoire and, 269–70

  Crimea and, 299, 398, 399, 400

  cyber espionage by, 442

  election interference by, 441–49, 478

  expelled from the G8, 399

  G20 Summit, 2013, 358, 364

  invasion of Ukraine, 299

  Iran sanctions and, 267, 413

  Libya, Qaddafi, and, 284, 285–86, 291

  Obama presidency and, 243

  sanctions on, 399, 400, 447–48

  Snowden in, 359, 361

  South Sudan and, 396–97

  SR’s travel and, 116

  Sudan and, 270, 272, 274

  Syria and, 297–98, 299, 364–65, 367, 368, 369, 423

  Trump and, 400, 448, 449

  Trump-Russia collusion allegations, 5–6

  Ukraine and, 398–401, 448, 449

  UNSC, North Korean sanctions and, 255–56, 257

  U.S. relations with, 291, 299, 361, 364–65, 366

  Russwurm, John Brown, 27

  Rwanda, 136, 142, 160, 172, 326 Belgian U.N. peacekeepers killed, 144, 145

  Clinton Foundation in, 146

  Clinton visit, with SR, 175

  Congo War and, 193, 195

  evacuation of U.S. citizens, 144

  French forces in, 149–50

  genocide in, 143–53, 195

  International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, 152

  Kigali, 143, 144

  president’s plane shot down, 143–44

  Radio Mille Collines, 144, 147

  recovery from genocide, 151

  refugees from, 150–51, 193

  SR affected by, 151–53

  SR witnesses genocide in, 143

  UNAMIR, 145, 147

  UNAMIR II, 148

  U.S. Operation Support Hope, 150

  U.S. policy in, 146–47, 152–53

  Ryu, Rexon, 246

  Sadat, Anwar, 82

  Saddam Hussein, 367

  St. Albans School, 50, 84, 92, 102, 342 the Little Sanctuary, 123

  St. John, Bonnie, 113

  Salehi, Ali Akbar, 414

  San Bernadino massacre, 420

  Sanqcu, Baso, 278

  Sarkozy, Nicolas, 95, 287, 292

  Saudi Arabia, 279, 381, 417, 450, 477

  Schieffer, Bob, 311–12, 314

  Schiff, Adam, 320

  Schneidman, Witney, 169, 201

  Scotsman, The, 230

  Scowcroft, Brent, 424

  Senegal, 120, 161 Goree Island, 176

  Sessions, Jeff, 457, 468

  Sewell, Terri, 113, 416

  Shah, Uttamlal T., 492n189

  Shalev, Gabriela, 252

  Shalgham, Abdurrahman, 280, 302

  Shalit, Ruth, “J’Accuse!,” 209–10

  Shange, Ntozake, For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Suicide/When the Rainbow Is Enuf, 113

  Sherman, Wendy, 159, 411, 416

  Sidwell Friends, 214

  Sidwell Tennis Camp, 73

  Sierra Leone, 200, 401, 403, 405

  “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” (song), 232

  Simon, Paul, 115 Graceland, 115

  Singh, Priya, 292

  Sisi, Abdel Fattah el-, 348, 351

  60 Minutes, SR interview, Dec. 2013, 413–14

  Smith, Adam, 320

  Smith, Gayle, 19, 76, 177, 178, 195, 203, 216, 380 NSC’s Ebola response effort and, 401–2, 405

  as NSC senior director for African affairs, 181, 201

  Obama’s development programs and, 385

  SR and, Congo War regional tour, 193–95

  threat against Obama in Ethiopia and, 380, 381

  Smith, Sean, 306–7

  Snowden, Edward, 341, 358–61, 451 PPD 28, “Signals Intelligence Activities” and, 360

  Soderberg, Nancy, 119, 131

  Somalia, 136–42, 160, 177, 269 Black Hawk Down, 138, 140

  influence on U.S. Rwanda response, 144, 145, 146, 147

  Mogadishu, 137, 138

  Operation Restore Hope, 136

  U.N. peacekeepers in, 137

  U.S. and U.N. casualties, 136, 137, 138, 139

  U.S. Congressional response, 138–39

  U.S. policy, 137–38

  Sotloff, Steven, 420

  South Africa, 105, 172, 194 anti-apartheid movement and, 102, 104–5, 115

  ARMSCOR case, 202

bsp; Clinton administration and, 202

  Clinton visit, with SR, 175–76

  cultural boycott of, 115

  Libya, Qaddafi, and, 285, 286

  Mandela government, 155–56

  Mandela’s prison cell and, 175

  Obama’s and SR’s trip, Mandela’s funeral, 377–79

  U.N. ambassador Sanqcu, 278

  U.S.-South Africa Binational Commission, 202

  South Korea, 252, 256, 258, 259, 345, 434, 451

  Souza, Pete, 354, 371

  Sperling, Gene, 119, 131

  Stanford Business School, 228

  Stanford University, 102, 106 “America in the 1960s,” 101

  Amy Biehl Foundation, 105

  Free South Africa Fund, 105

  “Group Communication,” 102–3

  King’s papers at, 101

  Oxford University vs., 110

  Rhodes Scholars, 1986, 104

  SR and campus anti-apartheid movement, 102, 104–5

  SR attends, 96–106

  SR meets Ian Cameron, 97–98

  SR receives scholarship, 103

  SR’s decision to attend, 91–92

  SR’s graduation from, 105

  SR’s Oxford quarters, 101–2

  Jake Rice-Cameron at, 472

  Stanford-Berkeley game, 1982, 94, 98–99

  Ujamaa at, 102

  victory song, 296

  Stevens, J. Christopher, 10, 293, 306–7, 308, 322, 475

  Stevenson, Adlai, 43

  Stewart, Jon, 334

  Strickler, Adam, 7

  Suber, Pratt (great-grandfather), 34

  Sudan, 156–60, 161, 177 Al Shifa factory bombed, 189–90

  atrocities in, 270–71

  bin Laden in, 190

  Clinton administration and, 156–60, 270

  Comprehensive Peace Agreement (2005), 271, 273

  Darfur genocide, 271–74

  gum arabic exports, 158–59

  human rights violations in, 158

  Lui (hospital), 270

  Marial Bai (village), 270

  Mubarak assassination attempt, 157

  National Islamic Front government, 158

  NGO expulsions, 273

  9/11 terrorist attacks information, 207, 208, 326

  Obama policy and, 270–77

  Rumbek (town), 270

  Russia, China, and, 270, 274

  sanctions against, 158

  South Sudan, 270–77, 395–98

  SR trips, 270–71, 273–77

  Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM), 159

  terrorism and, 156–57, 207–8, 210–11


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