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Joyce, Rebecca - Her Dirty Mechanics [The Men of Treasure Cove 12] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Rebecca Joyce

  Everything was where he had left it. A thin film of dust coated everything around him. Instruments that hadn’t been used in years lay untouched, waiting for him to wield them. He had designed this room for her, knowing everything in here would bring her to heights of passion unlike anything she ever experienced. Now, it lay unused, as memories of the last time he was in here with her flooded his mind. He could still smell her arousal, hear her soft whimpers, taste the sweat from her body, feel her soft skin under his fingers. She was everywhere in this room.

  He knew it was just an illusion set in his mind, but to him, it still felt real. He could almost feel and hear her moving about the room, as if she was actually here.

  He missed her. Of course he would never tell his friends that. Peter knew it was wrong to miss a woman who ruined everything, but he couldn’t help himself. Part of him still loved her. She wasn’t nice or loving the way he thought, but she had her moments, and he thought of those times often. In one moment of time, he had had everything. Then she was gone, and he became a single father. She shifted his world, and for a long time, it hadn’t righted.

  Gone were the nights of endless pleasure, replaced with bedtime stories and worry. He never really knew just how devious she was until everything was heaped onto his shoulders. Some nights, he was too worn out to even shower, collapsing on his bed in exhaustion, only to start the next day, tired once again.

  He couldn’t remember the last time he had a good night’s sleep. By the time he finished taking care of Colby, cleaning the house, working on the books for the shop, it was always after midnight. Many days, he just ran on autopilot, never knowing what to do next.

  Even with his friends around, they helped ease his burden, but he knew even they were beginning to feel the effects. It was his responsibility to raise and take care of his son, yet even with three grown men, it was hard looking after an energetic six-year-old kid.

  Now, she was in his home, hurt, scared, and unsure. He gave his word that he would help her, yet she didn’t want his protection. She was strong, independent, and full of life. There was an inner strength in her that made her vulnerable, and God help him, he liked her.

  So different from his wife, Vanessa was her own person. She didn’t need anyone to protect her, to hold her, to make the pain go away. She could do that herself.

  Smart and resilient, she was a survivor, and he wanted her.

  For the last six years, he hadn’t looked twice at a female, resigned to just raising his son and trying to be a good father, and yet in a blink of an eye, she was before him, not wanting him, not wanting anything from anyone. She just wanted to break free and run.

  She was wild and untamed. He watched her every movement, expression, and reaction when they were talking to her in the kitchen. She responded beautifully, and she was completely honest with them. Yet, when he asked a direct question, she lowered her eyes and his body responded. Defensive and stubborn, she would fight him every step of the way if he chose to pursue her, and he would enjoy the chase. However, there were his friends, and he knew that Brice and Carter wanted her, too. With the three of them going after one woman, there was bound to be fighting and hurt. He had been through that already, and he refused to go through it again.

  Oh, he knew the kind of town they lived in, and it was nothing for more than one man to be with one woman. However, the most he had ever seen or knew about that were friends were two, not three. Typically, the three or more relationships were brothers. He knew the chemistry between the men had to be solid to take care of the needs of one woman. He wondered if he and his friends were capable of loving and taking care of one woman. They tried it once, and all it got them was heartache.

  Women were fickle creatures. He knew that. Hell, before his wife left, her mood swings swayed faster than a flag blowing in the breeze, but even with the help of his friends, nothing any of them did could make her stay.

  The thought of sharing a woman on a permanent basis again scared him. Oh, he and Carter messed around at the club with willing subs every now and then, but to live the lifestyle, permanently, well, that was something his head was having a hard time wrapping itself around.

  He liked Vanessa. Damn, the first time he saw the woman, he found himself staring, watching her every move. She was stunningly beautiful, and when she smiled, her whole face lit up like the Fourth of July. He also noticed she had one hell of a temper on her, and something in the back of his head begged him to take the challenge, desperately wanting to tame the fire in the woman before him. Peter knew that he and Carter would welcome the challenge, but there was Brice. Brice didn’t get into the BDSM lifestyle as he and Carter did. Brice preferred the softer, more sensual side of sex. He had to admit, it would be an even exchange between the three of them. He just needed to be sure they could do it.

  Knowing what he wanted to do, Peter walked out of the dark room and locked the door once again. Firm in his decision, he knew in his gut he was making the right choice.

  He just needed to talk with his friends before proceeding.

  Peter walked out of the house and into the mechanic’s bay, looking at all of the unfinished work around him. Yet where there should be men working on cars, none could be found. Heading over to the paint bay, he figured there was no time like the present to talk to his friends about what he had in mind.

  * * * *

  Brice, Carter, and Peter had just finished the meal Carter had prepared when they all heard her. Looking up at each other, each grimaced as they shifted in their seats. For the last fifteen minutes, they sat at the table in agony. It wasn’t that the food wasn’t good. It was. Everything Carter cooked tasted delicious. However, it was the background noise that was killing them.

  “She isn’t making this easy on us,” Carter groaned, readjusting his cock as they heard another moan filter from the back room.

  “Keep eating,” Peter quietly said, taking a big drink of water, but when she cried out his name, he spit water across the room. Quickly jumping to his feet, his chair slammed against the floor.

  The moment they walked into the house and heard the water running from the bathroom of her bedroom, none of them could concentrate long enough to eat the fine meal Carter had prepared. Just sitting there, listening to her moan and cry over and over again had his dick straining hard against his pants. A man could only handle so much before he broke, and when she cried out Peter’s name, apparently he had had enough.

  “Stop her. Stop her now,” Peter said as he quickly walked out the back door. Brice knew leaving Carter to tend her was not a smart choice, but it was either Carter or himself, and Brice didn’t think Vanessa would appreciate being bent over a spanking bench while Carter tanned her fanny redder than a candy-apple-red mustang they had in the paint bay. Nope, the best thing for Carter to do was to leave.

  Watching Peter leave, he looked at Carter and sighed, “I’ll go.”

  When Carter reached out and grabbed his arm, Brice just looked at his friend as he smirked at him, “Be gentle with her.”

  Smiling, Brice nodded.

  Brice had just entered her bedroom when he heard her scream out again. He knew by her tone that she had reached the orgasm she sought and was now in la-la-land. Deciding to take the bull by the horn, Brice entered the bathroom. Standing frozen in one spot, he tried to get his brain to assimilate what he was seeing. However, the sultry vixen before him, had bewitched him. There were no words to describe what he was seeing. Only he knew that without a doubt, he would remember this moment for the rest of his life.

  Anxiety welled up as he proceeded closing the door behind him. He had never done anything like this before, and he wondered if she would receive him well, or was another bloody lip waiting on him. Taking the cautious step, he smiled. She lay there with her eyes closed, her head leaning back against the tub, as she basked in the afterglow of her orgasm. Moving slowly, he said nothing as he approached. Kneeling down beside her, he wanted to kick himself when he startled her.

p; “Brice?”

  Not knowing what to say, he did the only thing he could come up with and leaned over and kissed her gently once more. He was amazed how she melted into him and wondered if she expected him to come to her. However, none of that mattered anymore, because his dream was coming true. She was with him, and he was kissing her.

  Coming up for air, Brice gently touched her face, but said nothing. Taking in the look of her beautiful face, he wondered how he could ever get this lucky to find someone like her.

  “Are you okay?” she asked.

  Nodding his reply, Brice stood, never taking his eyes off hers.

  “Oh my,” she gasped.

  “You’re a fantasy,” Brice whispered reverently, taking in everything about her.

  “I don’t feel much like a fantasy,” she said, turning away. “Why are you in here, Brice?”

  “I don’t rightly know.”

  Grinning, Vanessa turned to look at him. “Oh, I think some part of you knows what it wants.”

  “Are you scared?” he asked, needing to know her answer.

  “Of you, no.”

  “Good,” he said shyly. “Scooch up.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Please,” Brice asked, pleading with her as he waited for her decision. This was it. She was either going to accept him or reject him. Prepared for the worse, he waited on bated breath. Yet, when she looked up at him and smiled, saying nothing as she made room for him, his heart leapt. With the steam so thick, he didn’t know why he did what he did, but after he quickly stripped down to nothing, he took a deep breath and prayed that he wasn’t about to fuck everything up. He took her outreached hand as he eased into the large, soapy tub. The warm water greeted his skin until he slid all the way in. Sitting behind her, he picked up the large loofah sponge and began to wash her. His hands glided over her back in soft circles. He never took his eyes off her as white milky suds slowly rolled down her creamy caramel skin. Her relaxed pose reminded him of a painting he once saw in a museum, stunningly beautiful and serene.

  Soaking the sponge, he traced the curvature of her spine as he glided his hand over her warm skin. He never imagined skin could feel like silk.

  “May I wash your hair?”


  Laying the sponge off to the side, he slowly reached up and tenderly removed the large clip she had holding up her voluminous hair. When the clip disengaged, heavy tendrils fell in waves down her back, covering her silky skin. Brice gasped, for he had never seen anything more beautiful before in his life.

  Reaching for the large cup that sat on the rip of the tub, he filled it with water and slowly poured it over her hair as he watched the water cascade like a waterfall. He repeated this process three more times, mesmerized by the effect. Placing the cup to the side of him, he lightly massaged her head with his fingers. When he was satisfied that her hair was wet enough, he filled his hands with shampoo and resumed massaging her hair. He worked her hair into a thick silky lather and then made his way down her back so he could rub his hands all over her. Reaching around her, he turned the water on again. Waiting until the water was just beyond warm, he grabbed the large cup, filled it with warm water, and poured it over her hair and back, washing away the soap.

  As the water rushed across her body, it sent quivers through his, stimulating his cock in a constant rush. Her hands wrapped around her knee as she sighed, enjoying the feeling. Brice said nothing when she quietly leaned her head back as he once more poured warm water over her hair. Brice watched in a daze as the sensual woman before him bewitched him. When she turned to look at him, something in her eyes made him want to lose himself forever in her arms.

  Watching as one hand trailed from her thigh, to pull her damp hair from her neck, Brice leaned for forward slowly and kissed her lightly on the lips. The second his lips touched hers, warmth flowed over his body as his mind watched his whole life flash before him. Laughter, love, and happiness surrounded him. A life he dreamed about but never thought he would have welcomed him home as she turned into him, wrapping her arms around him. Her touch was so tender, so loving, Brice felt as if she were home.

  The flow of her sensuality overwhelmed him, and before he could stop himself, a sob escaped. Breaking the kiss, Brice looked away, trying desperately to gain control of the myriad of emotions she had brought out in him. When gentle hands cupped his face, he didn’t fight her as she turned his face toward hers. Staring into her dark warm eyes, he fell fast into her loving embrace. She smiled, caressing his face. Her grace and gentility unmanned him.

  “Don’t cry, Brice,” she whispered, kissing away his tears.

  “If you knew what this moment meant to me,” he whispered as another tear rolled down his cheek. His whole life he waited for someone to come along and accept him for who he was. He wasn’t smart like Peter or pretty like Carter. He was just Brice, the big oaf that people made fun of. He wasn’t graceful, and never would be, but he had a heart, and it was breaking. Like shattering glass, she broke through all his pain and wrapped him in her tranquility. How could he ever deserve a woman like her? He didn’t know, but he would spend the rest of his life trying.

  Attentively, he moved his hands up her arms and wanted to weep, for her gentle acceptance.

  Tenderly, he massaged her in ways he didn’t think possible as her back arched in pleasure. His fingers glided over her wet skin like butter. Her breathing deepened as he continued to touch and caress her. Gulping in air, Brice continued as her moans grew louder with each passing wave of pleasure he gave her. When she leaned back against him, he held her in his arms, barely believing how this wonderful woman would allow him this pleasure. She was everything he wanted and more.

  She felt like home.

  Time had no meaning with her in his arms as Brice gently moved his hands up her ribcage. She didn’t stop him, only sighing as her head fell back against his chest. Reaching up, he cupped her full breasts, reveling in the feel of their weight in his hands. Softly kneading her breasts, he teased her nipples as he rolled the pert tips between his fingers. Her moans escaped through gritted teeth as he stopped to kiss her cheek. She turned her head, and before Brice knew what she was doing, she kissed him, taking him into her mouth, moaning as his tongue entwined with hers as he shared a kiss so deep it curled his toes.

  His hands rise up and cup her face as she turned to face him, straddling his body. His mouth continued its mission as he received pleasure from her. Her body leaned against his, her chest to his, stomach to stomach, even her hot pussy rubbed against his straining cock. Her arms wrapped around his neck, and Brice was lost, having given so much of his focus on the many sensations that were raining down him. Their bodies were like an unending trio of mouths that were bringing him closer and closer to the edge.

  Leaning forward, he licked her neck until he was gently nipping on her other shoulder. Raising her breast up, his mouth slid down her chest and met her breasts. The heat from his mouth hovered over her areola as he swirled his tongue around it. Vanessa groaned that she wanted him to take it into his mouth. Therefore, he did. Swirling his tongue in closer until the he enveloped it completely.

  “Oh, Brice,” she cried out as he sucked her nipple deeper. Soon after working her nipple to full arousal, his mouth slid over to the other as he repeated the dance his tongue made, making it again and again over every inch of her breasts.

  Brice watched and was amazed to see her mouth hanging open, her eyes wild as a mixture of ecstasy and lust wash over her. Her muscles tightened by desire and eyes wide and full of longing. He drew a breath and lifted her breast up, just out of reach of his mouth. Her eyes locked with his as he franticly teased her nipple with his tongue. His strong flickering tongue aroused her more as she panted in delicious agony whispering the word more. She started to grind on him, and Brice was lost.

  Driven beyond the edge, she leaned forward, taking control. Tongues fought over the chance to touch each other as he continued to massage and tease her breast. Sha
ring this carnal treat with her was new for him, and Brice reveled in the grace of her generosity.

  Holding each other, her kiss ignited a spark within him as he began to quake. Her head thrown back, her voice roared out as she glided against his cock, taking what she wanted, needed from him. Her groans and moans become screams as the moment he had longed for arrived. Her arms flailed out and slammed against the tub’s frame as the sound of her delight shook him as much as her body did. Heaving with excitement, her screams continued as the waves of her orgasm wash over her. His joy was simply watching the way she enjoyed his adventure. When her eyes finally opened, he was astonished to see hunger burning within their depths. Brice smiled, and she grinned back, both having shared such and fantastic moment, he softly kissed her again.

  When their kiss ended, Vanessa laid her head on his shoulder. Brice had never experienced anything like her before, and he was humbled that she let him into her world, if only for a small fraction of time. Lying there in the tub, with her in his arms, he said nothing, too afraid to mess it all up. However, when she looked up at him and asked, “What about you?” Brice simply replied, “Don’t worry about me, Vanessa. I have what I need right here in my arms.”

  Brice said nothing as she turned around and unplugged the tub. Slowly the water drained out.

  “Here, let me get out first,” he said, rising from the warm water, reaching for a towel. After drying off quickly, he wrapped the towel around his waist and then handed her one. “Would you like some help?”

  “I can manage.” She smiled, taking the towel from him. Brice stayed silent as he watched Vanessa lift herself up onto the side of the tub. After drying what she could, she leaned over and towel dried her hair. When the last of the water was drained from the tub, she dried off her leg.

  It killed him to see her sitting there, unable to move about like him. His whole life he took everything for granted without a care in the world as to what could happen in a blink of an eye. He couldn’t image missing a limb, let alone one of his legs. Yet before him sat a strong woman with a determination made of grit and steel. She didn’t let anything stop her, nothing.


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