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The Daddy Dilemma

Page 78

by Tia Siren

  I noticed that my room was joined to Grant’s via a single door. My heart leapt slightly when I noticed it, and even more so when I realized that it was a door that didn’t lock. Very odd. I wondered, and hoped, that maybe Grant had asked for that specifically.

  I opened the door, stepping into its frame but not into Grant’s room entirely. “Very subtle,” I said coyly, as I leaned in the doorway.

  “What are you talking about?” he asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” I smirked, running my hand over the frame before turning and heading back into my room.

  “If you think I had anything to do with this,” he began, following me into my room, “then I hate to disappoint you. But these were the last two rooms available.”

  “I honestly have no idea what you are talking about,” I said blankly. “Now, are you finally going to tell me what you brought me along for, or am I going to have to guess my way through it?”

  One thing that had annoyed me to no end was Grant’s refusal to actually lay out the specifics of what we were doing in Atlantic City. I knew it was some sort of sales convention, and I knew it was a chance to show his products off to a wider market, but beyond that, I was at a total loss. And for some reason, he seemed to delight in not telling me a thing.

  “Dinner is at six,” he said, refusing to answer my question. “I’ve made a reservation for the two of us.” He turned back to his own room. “And it’s a nice establishment, so make sure you dress appropriately.” And he was gone, closing the door behind him.

  My emotions were a mixture of raw anger and pure attraction. The tension between us was so obvious, I was sure even the butler could sense it. He seemed to smirk as he stood in the corner, watching the two of us.

  But if Grant was going to play games, then so was I. I had brought one dress with me that I wasn’t sure if I would even wear. But, considering the directive, now seemed as good a time as ever.


  The dress was a veritable ball gown. Opal green in color and strapless in design, it hugged my bosom in such a way to ensure that they were on display. It swept down my body and billowed out around my legs. It was the type of dress that required to hold it as I walked, or else I would trip over my feet. On top of that, I called the front desk and had them send someone up to do my hair and makeup. And, considering the hotel, they did just that.

  The end result was that I looked stunning. Beyond stunning. As I made my way toward the restaurant, I could feel the eyes of the other guests on me. I could see jaws drop and eyes bulge. My confidence had never been higher. Or at least, that was what I thought. But when I entered the restaurant and caught Grant’s eye, I could see that my plan had its exact effect. It was clear that he did all he could to look nonplussed at my outfit. But it wasn’t enough. There was no doubt what was going through his mind as I made my way to him.

  “Nice dress,” he said, offering me his first compliment of the day.

  “Nice suit,” I said back. That was true enough, too. He always looked good, but tonight, he looked particularly dashing, in a navy blue tux and white shirt. I had the distinct feeling that he had been trying to do the same thing I had done to him. I felt like I’d won this bout.

  Dinner was a nice as could be expected, considering the circumstances. To call it cold would have been going too far, but it wasn’t warm, either. Coming off our brief appreciation of each other’s outfits, I tried to keep the tone light. I made a joke about how it felt as if we were on a date, only for him to shoot me down and remind me that it was all business.

  I tried to escalate our small talk by asking the odd personal question, only for him to be cold and distant. I asked if he wanted to share a bottle of wine, only for him to tell me we shouldn’t be drinking on the job. It was nothing but a cold shoulder from him all night. And to make matters worse, when I finally had enough and asked him what was wrong, he replied with the very cryptic, “You should know.”

  In short, when I made my way to my room that night, I felt more down than I had all day. At least during the events of the day, I had managed to elicit some sort of reaction from him. Anger, jealousy, loathing? At least these were emotional responses. But dinner was the complete opposite. I may as well have eaten alone. At least alone, I might have gotten a decent conversation from myself.

  As I lay in bed, I was unable to sleep. I was very aware of the door at the end of my bed, the one that led into Grant’s room. And because of that, I was aware of the fact that Grant was in that room, most likely wearing very little clothing as he got ready for bed.

  Despite how the day had gone and despite how he had treated me, I was as attracted to him as ever. The reason for it was that I could tell that he still felt something for me. I could tell that underneath it all, he still cared for me and hated himself for it. Knowing that was the only thing that kept me going.

  It was because of these thoughts that I found my hand moving down my body. It was because of these thoughts that I found my thighs spreading apart. And it was because of these thoughts that I felt myself becoming insatiably wet as I moved my hand down my stomach and over my lips.

  Chapter 19


  The connecting door between our rooms was an accident. I didn’t request adjoining rooms. I didn’t even ask for our rooms to be next to one another. This weekend would be hard enough without adding more temptation into the mix.

  Maybe inviting Kendra along on this trip had been a bad idea. I tried telling myself that it was made as a pure business decision. She was, after all, the most qualified. So it was easy enough to tell myself that at first. But even I couldn’t keep that charade going on in my head for too long. I invited her on this trip as a test to myself. I wanted to see how I really felt. After three weeks of not seeing or talking to Kendra, I hoped that my feelings had subsided.

  They had not.

  It started at the airport. I tried to assert myself over her–an act that was usually easy enough to achieve. But to my surprise and annoyance, she rebuffed my taunts with ease, leaving me feeling weak and pathetic. That was why at dinner, I upped the ante. I lured her in with a false sense of warmth, before shutting her down entirely. By the time she left to go to bed, I was sure that I had gotten to her.

  This should have left me feeling better. But it didn’t. It only made me realize that I wanted her even more than I had realized. I wanted every piece of her. She looked amazing in that dress at dinner, and all I wanted to do was climb across the table and tear it off her.

  And then there was the door. That door, leading into her room. As I lay in bed, staring at it, it seemed to grow in size. It seemed to take up the entire wall, calling me, beckoning to me. I knew that she was just behind it, laying in her own bed. It would be so easy. All I would have to do is walk in and take her.

  But could I? She had hurt me once. And had nearly done it again before I stopped it. As much as I wanted her and as much as I knew she wanted me, I didn’t know if I could handle being with her. Before I was ready to be with her again, I needed to know that I could trust her. I needed her to prove to me that I could trust her.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I had to have a look. Just a peek. I had to see her.

  As quietly as possible, I got to my feet and walked across the room to the adjoining door. It was unlocked. It didn’t even have a lock. As gently as I could, I pushed the door open just a fraction, just enough to stick my head through. And that’s when I heard it.

  It was faint. Barely above a whisper, but it was definitely there. A low, sexual moan the came from her bed. For a terrible second, I wondered if she had someone else in bed with her. Then I saw her outline in the darkness. Kendra was on her back with her knees in the air. They seemed to shake as her moans increased in volume. It was still soft, but in that moment, she may as well have been screaming.

  Unable to stop myself, I remained where I was, watching and listening. It was an incredible turn on, seeing her pleasuring herself in the darkness. Also, I was sure she pleasur
ed herself while thinking of me. Of that, I had no doubt. The more I watched, the more turned on I became.

  I was only wearing a pair of boxers, and before long, I could feel my cock harden, sticking itself through the hole in the front of my shorts. My head peeked out and pointed directly at the bed. Directly at its target. This weekend was supposed to be about self-control, it was supposed to be about resisting the irresistible. About proving that I could. But I was weak. And oddly enough, I was okay with it.

  “Having fun?” I asked as I pushed the door open and strolled into the room.

  “Oh, my—” she sputtered, sitting up hurriedly. “What are you doing in here?!”

  “I was going to ask you the same question,” I smirked openly as I walked to the end of the bed. My eyes had adjusted to the light, and by that point, I could see Kendra pretty clearly. Indeed, she had been doing exactly as I thought. She looked flustered as she tried to pull her sheets up over herself.

  “That’s none of your–I wasn’t doing anything.”

  “Liar,” I said, standing over her now. My dick was still hard and pointed right at her. I saw her eyes go to it, before quickly looking away. “Tell me, what you were doing.”

  “Fine,” she said, dropping her bedsheets to reveal that she was completely naked under them. If I hadn’t been turned on before, that would have done it. Her breasts were out and exposed, and I could see how hard her nipples were. “I was masturbating. Happy?”

  “Who were you thinking about?” I demanded.

  She bit her lip, and I could tell she was trying to decide whether to tell me the truth or not. “You,” she admitted. “I was thinking of you.” She held my stare as she said it, as if daring me to call her out.

  “Liar,” I said again. I knew she was telling the truth, but I didn’t care. “What have I told you about lying to me?”

  “It’s not a lie,” she protested, sitting up straighter. “I was thinking about you. I was about to come to before you interrupted me.”

  “I hate liars,” I said. It was more of a reference to what had happened the other week than what was happening here. And I think she knew it, too. “It’s time for you to see what happens to liars.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?” she asked defiantly. This time, her eyes flicked down to my raging erection. The head of my cock was fully out of my boxers now.

  I didn’t answer her. Not with words anyway. Instead, I reached my hand forward, running it through her hair before taking a handful and holding her head firmly. She didn’t move to stop me or protest. She knew exactly what I had in mind.

  Then, wordlessly, I guided her head forward, aiming it for my cock. And, like a good girl who knew that she was in the wrong, she obliged eagerly.

  I sucked air in through my teeth as her mouth wrapped around the head of my cock. She didn’t take the whole thing at once, choosing instead to lick at the tip. Like a puppy, lapping at a bowl of water, she licked and licked, getting my head nice and wet. Each time she did, a cold shiver ran up my legs and through my spine. I tried to stay strong. I didn’t want her knowing how good it felt. I wanted her to think that she wasn’t getting to me. But it was difficult, and before long, I was groaning, loud and low.

  As I left out my first groan, she pulled her head off, but only so that she could wrench down my boxers, before reapplying her mouth to my cock. But this time, she took the whole thing. In one quick movement, my entire shaft disappeared down her throat, and I nearly fell to my knees from the sensation.

  She kept all of me in her mouth, sucking and gagging. I could feel her tongue working the head of my dick. I could feel her throat closing around my shaft. And, like a vacuum, I could feel every piece of me being sucked dry.

  I grabbed onto the side of her head with both my hands, holding her in place as she continued to work me. She didn’t move her head or try and throw me off. She kept my entire dick down her throat, willingly taking it. Even as she gagged, even as saliva dripped from her mouth and out her nose, she kept herself there.

  It didn’t take me long to come, either. A few more minutes of that, and I could feel it working its way up my legs and to the base of my shaft.

  “I want you to swallow it,” I commanded. “Show me that you can.”

  She didn’t respond. Not with her words anyway. Instead, she kept that big piece of meat in her mouth as I filled her with my load. It poured from the end of my cock as she kept her mouth there. It filled up the inside of her cheeks, and she kept her mouth there. And then, even when it was finished and I was done, she kept her mouth there. She didn’t remove it until every last drop was gone.

  When she finally did remove her mouth from me, she simply gave her lips a wipe, lay back in bed, and looked up at me, a serious expression on her face. It was as if she were saying, “Satisfied? Good enough?”

  “Good girl,” I offered curtly, bending down and pulling my boxers back up. “Maybe you weren’t lying after all.”

  I then turned and left the room. She watched me the entire way. As I reached the door however, I stopped and turned back, “I want you up and ready to go by 7:30 tomorrow morning. Don’t be late. You know how I hate tardiness.” Then I walked through the door and closed it behind me.

  I went to bed that night with a smile on my face. The first one I had worn in three weeks. It wasn’t the blowjob that made me smile, but the fact that she was so willing to give it. Just as a means to prove her point that she wasn’t lying to me.

  Knowing this, a part of me decided that maybe there was still hope for us. Maybe, there was a chance that I could forgive her and move on from the past.

  Chapter 20


  I don’t know who I was more furious with, Grant or myself. My reason for being furious with Grant was pretty clear in my mind. He had straight up used me the previous night. I thought, for some reason, that if I did what he asked then it might prove to him finally that I wasn’t a liar and that I actually cared for him. I sucked him dry, without hesitation. I gagged, I choked, and I swallowed all of him. And when I was done? He turned and went back to his room.

  And that was why I was mad at myself, too. I should have known what he would do. One act of contrition wouldn’t be enough to change the way he felt about me. Why did I ever think it would? I didn’t even know why I still cared for him so much.

  At first, it was a sexual desire. Perhaps the strongest I had ever felt for another person. But then, it became more than that. He took a hold of me and now refused to let go, no matter how hard I tried to get away. It was so frustrating. I didn’t want to care about him the way I did. I didn’t want to ever think about him again. But I couldn’t help myself. The heart wants what it wants, and it wanted Grant. For better or worse. Although at that point in time, “for worse” seemed to be the more likely option.

  So, it was another sleepless night for me, thanks to Grant. How many hours of rest had I lost over him? Too many. The only positive thing about not being able to sleep was that it meant I was able to get up and get ready on time. The moment 7:30 a.m. struck, I walked through the adjoining door into his room. He wasn’t going to chastise me for being late. In fact, he was never going to chastise me again. I’d had enough.

  “Right on time,” Grant said the moment I walked in. He was ready too. He sat on the edge of his bed and looked like he waited for me. “It’s good to see that you’re learning.”

  “Is that what you think this is?” I shot back, feeling my temperature rising. Already, I could tell he was in a smug mood. I had a feeling it was going to be a long day.

  “Or maybe you just got a good night sleep? I know I did. Never slept better, actually. Can’t imagine why.” He smirked as he stood from the bed.

  “Me too,” I lied. “Although, I went to sleep about fifteen minutes after you. I had to finish myself off. But that’s starting to become part for the course, it would seem.” I fixed him with a cold stare that didn’t seem to affect him at all.

  “That’s a shame. You should
really look into that.” He made his way for the door. “Now come on. We have a big day. You, especially.” And he was at the door.

  I, however, remained where I was, steaming mad over his reaction. It seemed that my initial impression was correct, and I was nothing more than a hole and a mouth to him. Why did I have to like him so damn much?


  We rode to the convention in silence, not even making eye contact the entire way. It was an awkward silence, at least on my end. For all I knew, he was thoroughly enjoying himself. Much like he had last night. For some reason, he seemed to get off on humiliating me, as if it were all justified by one mistake I made years and years ago. How many more times did he have to hurt me until he finally forgave me?

  It was a question that was soon to be answered.

  The hotel was only five minutes from the convention, although when we arrived, I soon learned that convention was the wrong word for it. In fact, I really had no idea what to think when the car pulled up.

  The building we arrived at looked more like a laboratory than anything. I even spotted the odd man in a white coat walking through the sliding doors at the front of the building.

  “Where are we?” I asked. I had been expecting a concert hall or stadium of some kind. Any large space that could house hundreds of people. This was nothing like what I had been expecting.


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