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The Daddy Dilemma

Page 89

by Tia Siren


  “Jack is an absolute menace. He insisted that he be involved in the hiring process. I said yes, obviously. I mean, why wouldn’t I? But the moment that we started, I knew that I had made a mistake.”

  “Let me guess,” I said, not even bothering to hide my knowing smile. I knew exactly what the problem was going to be, of course. “He only hires the pretty girls?”

  “Not even that!” she exclaimed. “If he only hired the pretty ones, then we might have gotten somewhere. But they had to be beyond pretty. He insisted. They had to stop time and make jaws drop and... and...”

  “It sounds kind of like this girl I hired one time.” I put my glass down, pulling her back into me. “She used to make jaws drop when she entered the room, too. And I swear, that one day, I was so late because time actually stopped when we were together.”

  “That was different!” she protested, trying but failing to pull herself from me. “I can actually read. And count. And string sentences together that contain multi-syllable words.”

  “Oh?” I asked. “You thought I was talking about you?”

  She slapped me on the arm again. “Very funny.”

  I smoothed her annoyance away with a kiss. “Okay, okay,” I relented, letting her go and picking my glass up again. “But, after all that, how is everything?”

  “Everything is perfect.” And I knew she wasn’t just talking about the club. As if she wanted to confirm just that, she kissed me on the tip of my nose. “I’m just going to pop into the bathroom, and then we can eat.” She hurried across the room toward the bathroom.

  Yes, everything was going perfectly. We were both obviously happy and hadn’t had anything even resembling a fight in a full month. I just hoped that didn’t change. I had two more things I needed to broach and just prayed that she took them the right way.

  It was as we ate that I decided to ask her. Kendra was always in her best mood around food, and as she was also a few glasses deep at that time, too, I figured that the timing was perfect.

  “So, what do you think of the new additions to the apartment?” I asked, casually.

  “You mean the ones I picked out?”

  “Yeah. Those ones.”

  “Well,” she began, eyeing me suspiciously. “Seeing as how I’m the one that chose them and then forced you to put them out, I would say that I rather like them.” She finished her bit, her eyes still locked onto mine.

  “If that’s the case, how do you feel about adding some more?” I tried to sound as normal as possible while asking, as if I were just making pleasant conversation. I had the feeling though that she wasn’t buying it.

  “I could do that. But why would I? I had a hard enough time convincing you to put that rug down.”

  “Hold up. It wasn’t that hard. I just wasn’t sure about it.”

  “You called it the ugliest thing you had ever seen in your life. You said that you would rather knock the entire room down than put it out.”

  “I was tired,” I protested, throwing up my hands in defense. “You know what? That really isn’t important. What is important is what I’m going to ask you next.”

  “Okay,” she said simply, giving nothing away.

  “I was wondering, hoping actually, that since you enjoyed furnishing the place so much, and seeing as you’re already here so often, it just makes sense. Well, maybe it doesn’t make sense, but I think it would be a good idea, if you wanted to—”

  “Grant,” she cut in, holding her hand up for me to stop. “I would love to move in with you. In fact, I’m kind of mad you didn’t ask me sooner,” she finished with a smile.

  “How did you know?” I asked, surprised that she was so clued in. We had, after all, agreed to take our relationship slow, and her guessing my motivations was the complete opposite of this pact.

  “Please, I know everything. But I will only agree on one condition, and you have to promise me that you will honor it?”

  “Sure. Anything.” I had no idea what she could possibly ask for.

  “That you treat me like an actual employee and not your girlfriend. Seriously, I’m sick of having to explain to everyone at the club why my paychecks are always so much bigger than theirs.”

  “Oh, that.”

  If we had anything close to a fight over the last month, that was it. About three weeks ago, when Kendra had signed her new contract for her new role, I had offered her a rather lucrative raise. She, however, found the amount of money offered was ridiculous, as in it was too much. And on that point, she could not be argued down. She simply refused to sign the contract if she was to be getting paid as much as I had offered. So, to counter this issue, I opted to pay her in bonuses each week instead. Whenever her pay went through, a small bonus sum was attached, enough to ensure that she was more than comfortable.

  For some reason that I could not understand, she found this insulting and refused to spend the extra money. She even created a separate account to store the bonuses, with the intention of giving it all back, once she figured out how to get me to take it. It seemed that she had now found a way.

  “If we are to do this,” she was saying. “And you are serious about us living together, it’s going to be as equals. My pay will help go towards rent, food, and other expenditures. I’m not your mistress. I’m your girlfriend. Understand?”

  The last thing I wanted was an argument. We had argued more in the past few months than most couples do in a lifetime. Plus, from the look on her face, I could tell that arguing would be all too pointless. So, biting my tongue, I nodded. And to that, she smiled back, lifting her glass in the air in celebration. Our glasses clinked, and it was the sound of change.

  “So,” she began as we finished up our food and drinks. “The rug is out. The plant is out. Did you have the foresight to put the bedsheets on, too?”

  “Oh, did I ever,” I said with a wicked smile.

  “Show me.”

  I took her by the hand, leading her to the room. She didn’t really want to see the bedsheets; her desires were far more devious than that. But still, I was glad I had the sheets on nonetheless. Anything to keep her mood elevated.

  One thing that had improved beyond measure since the two of us had become more serious was the sex. Every single time now, it was mind blowing. Sometimes, we made it about her, sometimes it was about me, and sometimes it was about both of us. I found that it didn’t matter honestly, as every session was equally as intense as it was pleasurable. I got as much pleasure from going down on her as I did from receiving a blowjob, and she told me the same thing about her.

  In the end, I guessed that was when you knew that you had found that special someone. Whenever everything you do is the best it could be, just so long as you have that someone by your side. And, as I led her to the room, I had a feeling that tonight was going to be extra special.

  Chapter 38


  It was going to be all about him. I figured that he deserved it. Although we were taking things slow, I was starting to get worried that we were perhaps taking things a little too slow. I feared that he may have taken that expression as an excuse to never move forward, as men are wont to do. So needless to say, I was more than a little happy with his proposal that I move in with him. And also, that he was so willing to let me pay my way, too. He really had grown over the last month.

  So yes, it was up to me to show him just how grateful I was.

  I pushed him onto the edge of the bed the moment we entered the room. “Make yourself comfortable,” I urged. He didn’t need to be told twice. He knew exactly what was coming. That was the way that it had become with us by that point. We were both so in tune with one another’s bodies and desires that we didn’t even need to speak.

  The moment he was down, I dropped to my knees and unzipped his pants. He was already hard, in fact, I couldn’t remember a time that wasn’t the case. He liked to claim that I turned him on more than any girl he had ever been with, and so far, he had proved it time and
time again.

  I wrapped my hand around the base of his thick, throbbing erection with delight, licking my other hand before grabbing the top of his shaft. Then, with my two hands wrapped firmly around him, I began to slowly stroke him. As I did, I leaned forward, letting saliva drip from my mouth and dribble onto the top of his cock. I then ran my hand over his head, getting it all nice and wet.

  He let off a loud moan as he fell backwards, enjoying the way that I worked him. Then, without further ado, I took him in my mouth. Even after a full month, I still loved the way he tasted and felt inside my mouth. I loved the feel of his shaft as I ran my tongue up it. I loved to feel his dick pulsate and throb as I tried to fit the whole thing down my throat. And I loved how he moaned when I ran my tongue from the tip of his head, all the way down to his balls, which I then sucked on.

  My plan was to spend the entire night pleasuring him and him only. But it seemed that he had different plans. No sooner had I taken my mouth off his cock, just to take a breath, did he sit straight up, pulling me onto him. We kissed as my hand wrapped around his shaft. His hand found my skirt. He wiggled the skirt off me, following this with my thong. I knew what he wanted before he even gave any indication.

  Still holding onto his member, I slowly spun myself around. He lay flat on his back as I parked myself directly over his face, over his hungry mouth. His hands wrapped around my booty, and he pulled me down onto his mouth. A shiver sent itself up my spine as his tongue licked my lips, and another positively made my knees buckle as his tongue found my engorged clit.

  As he licked my pussy, I sucked his cock. It was hard, as I was unable to concentrate while being so thoroughly devoured, but I did my best. At least, for as long as I could. The problem was that he was just so good that within moments, his cock had all but been forgotten as I sat up, squeezing my breasts together and moaning in delight. I wriggled my hips, moving them around his tongue and mouth. He licked, sucked, and nibbled. I hung onto his cock for support, but was unable to put it back in my mouth. I just couldn’t concentrate.

  But I didn’t want to come. Not yet. With great difficulty, I pulled myself from his mouth, saddling myself forward while still facing his feet. I then got on my knees, crawling forward so that his dick was pointing up directly under my now dripping wet pussy. I pressed my lips onto his head, teasing it, pretending to put it in before pulling away.

  He groaned, grabbing my ass and trying to force me to sit on it. I danced around it for a few more seconds, enjoying the way that his cock shivered every time it thought it was entering me. And then it did. Unable to wait any longer, I finally sat down, taking all of him inside of me. Every single time he entered me, every single time, it felt like the first. He was so big, both in length and girth, that I sucked in through my teeth, arching my body as he slid inside me. It almost hurt, it penetrated me so much, and for a moment, I thought I was going to pop. But then I didn’t.

  Once he was totally inside of me, his hands on my ass helped me move, and I began. I bobbed up, making sure that his entire length slid from my pussy lips as they made to exit, only for me to then come back down. And as I went down, I ground my hips forward, my clit rubbing against his shaft. Up, down, back, and forth, I moved, getting faster and faster as I went. This was his favorite position, and I knew I could make him come easily from it. But I also knew that I could make myself come.

  We almost always came together. It was just so simple to do, like it was meant to be. In fact, I never came without him, and he, well sometimes he couldn’t help it, but he always tried his best. That night, I knew that we would, too.

  I felt it in my toes first. They went cold and then numb. That numbing sensation then spread up my legs and through my body. But soon, the numbing turned to fire, and the fire threatened to erupt inside of me. As this was happening, I increased my speed, never slowing down, never letting up. And as I did, I could feel him, also increasing his movements. His cock pounded at my pussy, working it like it never had before. Ravaging it. Destroying it. Devouring it.

  And then we came together. As we did, I let out a scream, he a moan. Our howls filled the bedroom and most likely echoed to the streets outside and below. He sat up, wrapping his arms around me while still inside me, and I kissed his arms and any part of him that I could. We then fell backwards into my sheets, wrapped in one another’s arms and were left to wonder for the hundredth time if that was the best we had ever had.

  “Can I confess something?” I asked as I lay in his arms. There was something on my mind that I had wanted to get off my chest since he asked me to move in.

  “Of course,” he answered, taking me by the hand and kissing it.

  “I’m a little surprised that you asked me to move in with you. I thought for some reason that you were going to propose tonight.”

  “What?” he sputtered, suddenly ripping his arms from under me as he sat up frantically. “You thought I was going to propose?”

  “Only for a second. When you were stammering and carrying on. Jesus, I’m sorry.” I noticed him getting more and more nervous. Like really nervous. His breathing had definitely increased, and it looked like a new layer of sweat slicked his amazing body. “Sorry to scare you.”

  “Scare me?” He attempted a fake laugh, as if the whole thing was no big deal to him. But it didn’t come out quite the way he had hoped. “Who said anything about being scared?”

  “You clearly are. But don’t worry. I’m not forcing you to propose. I was just making a statement.” I tried to calm him down. Well, that was my goal initially, but then something hit me. “But it’s really good to know where you are with that, too.” His reaction, I had realized, was totally over the top. Like, ridiculously so. I hadn’t even said that I wanted it, just that I thought he was going to, and then he had flipped out.

  “What’s that supposed to mean? Look, you know that we discussed this. We’re taking it slow, remember?”

  “Yes, I remember.”

  “And didn’t I just ask you to move in with me? Didn’t I break your rule already once tonight?” He continued looking at me very seriously.

  “I guess so.”

  “Look. I do want to marry you. You have to believe that. Just right now, I think we need to stay in the slow lane for the time being. Just until we know, okay?”

  “Okay,” I agreed, letting out a sigh.

  He was right of course. Taking it slow was probably the best option. I just wished that he wasn’t so married to the idea. The last month, everything had been going amazingly. Better than that, even. As we already had so much history, it felt like we had been dating for years, too, not weeks. I honestly felt like marriage wasn’t that big of a stretch. But clearly, he did.

  “Can you do me a favor?” asked a visibly more relaxed Grant as he slid back into the bed. “I bought a new hand cream I want to put on. It’s in my top drawer. Can you grab it for me?”

  If this request sounded odd, it really wasn’t. He was big on grooming and probably owned more lotions than I did. As such, I leaned over his prostrate body toward the bedside dresser. Reaching it, I popped open the drawer, and my mouth fell open in shock.

  Sitting in the drawer was only one thing, and it wasn’t a new hand cream. It was a small, velvet covered box, open. And inside the box was an engagement ring.

  “Grant.” I didn’t know what to say. I could barely speak. Surely, it was some sort of mistake?

  “Kendra.” He was up and out of the bed, grabbing the ring before I even realized that he had moved. The next second he was down on one knee, naked. “I love you more than I ever thought I would be able to love someone. I thought that you moving in here would be enough. But it isn’t. I could see you all day, every day, and it wouldn’t be enough. I know you wanted to take it slow. But I’m not okay with that. So, Kendra Lange, will you marry me?”

  “Yes!” I screamed, leaping off the bed and throwing myself in his arms. As he went to catch me, he lost his footing, tumbling backwards onto the floor with me on
top of him.

  I didn’t need to think about it. There was no need. I had wanted to marry him since we had first started taking things slow. Heck, really since that night at the restaurant when he had me sucking on that chocolate dildo. Although back then, I didn’t know what those feelings were, just that they were strong. As such, yes was the only answer that I could possibly give. And it was one that I knew I would never regret.

  “Just promise me one thing,” Grant said, still laying on the ground, me on top of him.

  “Anything,” I said.

  “That we pick the furnishings together next time. No more Egyptian rugs.”

  “We’ll see,” I joked, kissing him on the lips. He returned my kiss, too. And the two of us lay on the hardwood floor, not even feeling it. At that moment, we may as well have been floating.



  It had been a very long ten months. And that cannot be overstated enough. I used to read about and see movies about couples who were getting married, complaining about all the organization that went into a wedding, and I always assumed that they were exaggerating. It couldn’t be that hard, I thought. Rent a space, invite a few friends around, and get married. Simple. Oh, how wrong I was.

  Now, I know that it will all be worth it. I wanted to get married to Kendra more than anything. For that, I would literally walk through fire if I had to. It’s just that I had no idea how much preparation actually went into a wedding. As such, ten months after the proposal and I was all but ready to get the thing over and done with.


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