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The Daddy Dilemma

Page 98

by Tia Siren


  I didn’t ask her again. I took her hand in mine and led her into the street. We were both walking a lot faster than when we had started our little stroll.

  “Here,” I told her, nodding to the doorman holding open the door but not stopping to make small talk.

  We made it to the elevator. The moment the doors slid shut, I was on her. My mouth ravished hers while my hands slid up her sides and to her breasts. I was already hard and wanting. The ding of the elevator snapped me out of my haze of lust long enough for me to practically drag her down the corridor to my front door. I felt like a caveman, but I didn’t care. With shaking hands, I managed to get the door unlocked and open.

  I pushed inside, dragging her with me before pulling her out of the way and kicking the door shut. I was pulling her top off within seconds. Her hands fumbled with my zipper. I pushed them out of the way and yanked the zipper down myself.

  Within seconds, my hands were back on her, pushing her skirt down. I was so thankful for elastic waists at that moment. She stood there in a hot pink thong that was making me hornier than I had thought possible. My hands went to her back and unhooked her bra. Her breasts spilled out, and I was there to catch them in my hands.

  “Mason,” she moaned as my mouth closed over one taut nipple.

  I stepped away and yanked my shirt off. I couldn’t wait to fuck her. I was desperate with need. Her hand snaked out and grabbed my dick, wrapping her fingers around it and squeezing.

  I jerked forward, my mouth clamping down on her nipple, eliciting a small shout from her.

  “Bedroom,” I grunted, pulling away from Lara while grabbing her hand and leading her into my room.

  Finally, my bed was in sight. I pushed her back onto it. She willingly laid down, her hand moving over her stomach and to her breasts. I took a moment to stare at her nearly nude body and felt like the luckiest man in the world.

  “God, you’re beautiful,” I whispered before climbing onto the bed beside her. My mouth closed over her nipple again as my hand spread out over her flat belly.

  She had a tiny waist, but she wasn’t overly skinny. Her hips were full, and her breasts were luscious. I ran my hand between her legs and pressed the heel of my hand against her pussy. The tiny scrap of fabric she wore as underwear was hot and moist. Her hips rose up and pushed her wetness against my hand.

  Her hand moved back to my cock. She gently rubbed down the length of my swollen dick and then grasped me. She started to stroke up and down, slowly at first. I pushed my heel against her pussy harder, and she ground herself against me, rubbing me faster.

  I moved the scrap of fabric out of the way and gently rubbed my fingers over her lips. I used one finger to spread her before sliding another finger between her slick folds. She was soaked. I pushed one finger in just past my fingernail. I felt her legs spread wider, her pussy opening for me. I slid the finger in deeper, relishing in the feel of her hot, wet passage.

  Fuck me, she was hot.

  “Lara,” I groaned.

  Her body was arched, and she spread her legs wider. I couldn’t believe it when I felt it happening, but I wasn’t going to ask questions. I kissed her hard and shoved in another finger, pushing in and out of her pussy and rubbing the pad of my thumb over her sensitive nub. I pressed in a circle and swallowed her scream when her orgasm tore through her.

  I plunged my tongue into her mouth, sucking and biting her tongue as her body jerked and spasmed. When her back was flat on the bed again, I rose over her, my mouth never leaving hers. I wanted so much more from her, but at that moment, I needed to fuck her. I needed to fuck her more than I needed the air I was breathing.

  I looked down at her before slowly sliding inside.

  “Fuck me,” I mumbled. “Fuck me, you’re so wet, Lara.”

  I pushed in a little farther and felt her wiggle a fraction underneath me.

  “Are you okay?” I asked her.

  “Uh-huh. You’re big. I don’t remember you being this big.” She moaned as I pushed my hips down and into her soft body.

  “Am I hurting you?”

  “No. I like it. Go deeper.” She breathed out.

  I obliged with one hard thrust. She jerked upward, and I could feel her growing wet again.

  “My god,” I said through clenched teeth.

  I was barely able to hold back my orgasm. There was no way I would let this be over so fast, though. I wasn’t a teenage boy anymore. I had some staying power. I was going to fuck her until she came again and again. I wanted her body limp by the time I was done. I wanted to fuck her for hours.

  I rose to my elbows and lowered my mouth to her breasts. She had a lovely set of tits. I pulled one nipple into my mouth and sucked and then used my teeth to nibble. A low moan in her throat drew my attention up. I covered her mouth with my own and began to move in and out of her. Her nails raked over my back, down to my butt where she squeezed and pulled me in deeper.

  Her sweet, sweet pussy was squeezing me and pulling me in every time I pulled out. I needed to get deeper. I pulled away from her and lifted her legs, putting her ankles on my shoulders while I got on my knees. Using my hands on her hips to pull her body up and onto my thighs, I pushed in higher. She moaned at the deep penetration.

  I fucked her hard and fast, pushing in and out slowly and steadily at first and then with frantic urgency. I could feel her body winding up. I slowed my pace and put my thumb on that sweet, sensitive nub and began to rub.


  I kept rubbing while moving in and out of her. Her head thrashed back and forth on the bed.

  “You’re fucking hot, Lara. I want to fuck you again and again. I want to fuck you in the shower, on the floor, on the table. I want to fuck you hard and slow. God, you’re fucking wet. Come, Lara!”

  Her body writhed under mine. I kept one hand firmly on her pussy and reached up to pinch her nipple with my other. She broke over me, her pussy gushing fluids and pulling my own orgasm from me in one violent pull.

  “Fuck!” I shouted, pounding into her body.

  I fell to her side once my body stopped pumping into her. We both lay there, panting. My heart was dancing a jig, and my body—well hell, my body was feeling mighty relaxed after that. I could feel her shudder from the aftershocks of the orgasm I had just given her. I wanted her again.

  She started giggling. Not exactly the response I had been expecting. “Uh, everything okay?”

  The giggles continued. “Yes. Fine. This is so us, sneaking around.”

  “I’m not sneaking around. Hell, I damn near fucked you right in that alley,” I muttered, really not appreciating the giggling after what I thought was an excellent sexual encounter.

  “You know what I mean. Brian would flip out if he knew what had happened.”

  “I don’t care what Brian thinks. I’ll parade you all over town. I’ll announce it from the rooftops. Anything.”

  She jerked away and shot up off the bed so fast that I wondered if she had been shocked.

  “This is not that.”

  I sat up. “This is not what?”

  She stood there, gloriously naked, and looked at me aghast. “Us. We aren’t a thing. This isn’t going to happen again. There’s no need to parade me anywhere.”

  “What?” I asked, stupefied.

  “Mason, I want a baby. I don’t want a baby daddy or a relationship. This just happened. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  I nodded my head, pretending to agree but not. Not at all. This most definitely meant something to me. I couldn’t believe she was using me as her rebound guy. I was not a rebound guy.

  “Lara, maybe we can talk about this,” I said softly.

  She pulled her thong on and then walked out of the room, her beautiful ass perky and luscious. I had to smile. She was still a fine piece of ass. She had a womanly body now, but she was still my Lara.

  She came back into the room fully dressed. I was still sitting naked on the bed.

  “I have
to go,” she said.

  “I’ll walk you home,” I said. “It’s the least I can do.”

  “I don’t need you to walk me home. It’s not far.”

  “Lara, I’m going to walk you to the damn door. Downstairs. This was not a quick fuck. I have some decency,” I said, scooting off the bed and pulling on my underwear before stalking past her to find the rest of my clothes.

  She was behind me. I could feel her. Neither one of us said anything as we walked down the short hall to the elevator. Once we reached the lobby floor, she waved and took off. She couldn’t get away from me fast enough.

  Chapter 13


  I couldn’t pretend yesterday hadn’t happened. It had. I didn’t regret it for a second. It had been glorious. My toes had literally curled. Sex with Mason was so much different than it was with Mitchel. Mason made me hot. He could make me come with a simple touch. The sex had been satisfying and reminded me of coming home after a long time away. Mason was my home base. It had been so long, but my body still recognized his.

  It wasn’t just the sex that had been fantastic. Having lunch with him and actually having a real conversation had been nice. He was funny and really listened to me. H seemed to be interested in what I thought and what I enjoyed. It was all so different for me. For so long, my life had revolved around what I needed to do to keep Mitchel happy and loving me. I had lost that battle long ago, but I hadn’t realized it until a few months ago. I had felt defeated, but not anymore.

  When I’d woken up this morning, I had felt as if I could conquer the world. One quick round of sex with him and I was renewed. He had helped complete my transformation into this new woman I wanted to be. Too bad he couldn’t be a part of my life. I wasn’t looking for a relationship, but I could definitely get used to having sex like that regularly. Just thinking about his dick inside me made me feel flush.


  I looked up to see Kali standing in front of me, glaring.

  “What? What did I do?” I asked. “What do you want me to stop?”

  “You better tell me,” she hissed.

  “Tell you what?”

  She grabbed my arm and pulled me to the back of the store. “Who did you do?”

  I busted into a fit of giggles. “That is so crass!”

  She waved a hand. “Yeah, yeah. Spill. Don’t pretend you didn’t because I can tell you did. You are practically floating around here, and you have that smile on your face that says you are extremely satisfied. I know you had sex. So, who? Did you pick up some random stranger?” she asked, her eyes bulging.

  I considered denying her accusation but quickly dismissed the option. It would be futile, and I wanted to tell someone. I was an adult and single. There was nothing wrong with doing what other single women my age did all the time.

  “I did. I did it,” I confessed.

  She squealed. “I knew it!”

  “I don’t think that’s possible,” I said dryly.

  She shook her head. “Yes, it is. You are glowing. Floating. It is totally obvious you got laid, and judging by the strength of the glow, I would say it was mighty good. So, who was it?”

  I took a deep breath. “Mason.”

  “Mason?” She paused for a moment, and I waited for her to figure it out. “The baby doctor!?” she shouted.

  The one customer browsing the shop looked at us. I blushed. “Shhh,” I scolded her. “Yes, the baby doctor, but he was my first love before he was a baby doctor. I don’t think it is nearly as scandalous as you are making it out to be if you have sex with a guy you’ve had sex with before.”

  “I knew it. I knew you two would get back together. It isn’t scandalous at all. Sex is a good thing.”

  “No, no. It isn’t back together. It was a one-time thing.”

  “Lara, it’s obvious you have a thing for him. Let yourself be happy.”

  I shook my head. “No. I don’t want to open that can of worms again. The past is best left in the past. There’s a lot of history there, and I don’t think it is good history. It’s certainly not a wound I want to reopen. This was closure. We didn’t get to say good bye. Now we have.”

  She laughed. “Sure. Keep telling yourself that.”

  The door chimed, and she left me to go greet the customer. I was happy, and the last thing I wanted to do was get involved with a man and potentially muck things up. I sashayed out onto the sales floor and started unpacking the new inventory that had been delivered. As I pulled items out of the box, I spent some time imagining my own baby wearing each item. I loved this part of my work.

  As I folded clothes and chatted with customers as they came in, I realized how much I loved my job. Mitchel had never understood why it made me so happy. He didn’t want children—a fact we should have discussed a bit more before the wedding. My dream of opening the store had never pleased him. I’d had the money, and I did it anyway, and now I was so glad I had.

  It gave me great joy to see excited moms and dads buying products for their babies that helped them to not worry. I couldn’t wait to have my own baby growing in my belly. I wanted a personal reason to be concerned about what chemicals were in the fabric and whether BPA was harmful to my infant. Mitchel said it was pointless to worry about such things. He was an idiot.

  It wasn’t pointless. Thank god I was rid of that man.

  The door chimed, and I turned to greet the new customer. “Hi,” I said, then paused, recognizing the person. “Brian?”

  He pulled off his dark sunglasses. “Hi,” he mumbled.

  I wasn’t sure if the sunglasses were a disguise to avoid being recognized or a way to hide the black eye he was still sporting.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked, hoping he hadn’t somehow found out about Mason and me. I would kill Mason if he had told Brian. Literally kill him.

  “I wanted to apologize. Again. I keep stepping into shit with you.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him for talking like that in my store.

  “Sorry,” he muttered. “Lara, you have to know I didn’t chase Mason away to be mean all those years ago. I swear I was only doing it to look out for you. I didn’t want you to get hurt.”

  I smiled. “I know. But you did it wrong. You believed rumors, idle gossip from a very unreliable source, Brian. Seriously, Misty Sinclair?”

  He chuckled. “I know that now, but let’s just say I wasn’t thinking all that clearly back then. I saw a damsel in distress, and I wanted to help her out.”

  “Sleeping with her helped her how?” I asked dryly.

  He blushed. “You know what I mean. She was sad, and I wanted to make her feel better.”

  “Oh lord. I don’t need details. It’s fine. It’s in the past, but don’t you dare do that again. It’s my life. I can make my own decisions, and I don’t want you butting in. I will probably make mistakes. That’s my problem. I mean, save me if you see me completely failing, but otherwise let me make my own mistakes.”

  “I will. I promise.”

  Kali was hovering. I could see her casually picking up items from the box and pretending to focus on the folding and stocking. She was failing to fool me.

  “Kali, you’ve met my brother, right?” I asked, pretending I didn’t know what she was doing.

  Brian ran a hand through his hair and focused his attention on my assistant manager and best friend.

  “We’ve met,” he said.

  “Not officially,” she said with her best come-hither smile.

  I bit back the laugh that nearly burst out when I saw her transform from the sweet, innocent Kali to the seductress. I didn’t think Kali was a slut, but the woman loved men. She was always on the prowl. Her favorite saying was that you had to kiss a lot of frogs to find your prince. She was doing a lot of kissing.

  I couldn’t fault her for her mission to find the man that made her happy. I should have kissed a lot more men before I had settled down. Instead, I’d ended up with a toad.

  The door chimed, and a customer
came in. I waited for Kali to greet the heavily pregnant woman. She didn’t. She and Brian were exchanging some smoldering looks and had eyes only for each other. I felt uncomfortable with the heat that was being generated between the two of them and quickly evacuated the area to welcome the woman.

  “Hi,” I said. “What can I help you find?”

  I had half my brain trained on the customer and the other half focused on Kali. She was like a snake charmer. She practically had Brian dancing. The woman was talented. I quickly helped the pregnant lady find what she needed and rang up the sale. The whole time I kept an ear trained on my brother as if he were in danger of being eaten alive by my best friend.

  They were talking in whispers, making it difficult for me to hear what was being said, but the body language said it all. Once the customer left, I rejoined them.

  “You two act like you’ve known each other forever,” I commented.

  Kali delivered her megawatt smile and winked. “Sometimes you just know.”

  I fought back the urge to roll my eyes. I had heard that line before.

  “I should be going,” Brian said to me, but his gaze was focused on Kali.

  “Thanks for stopping by, Brian. I’m sure it will be the last time I see you in here.”

  It was said with heavy sarcasm, but it was lost on him. Kali had him bewitched. His attention was focused entirely on her.


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