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Rescued by Love (Love in Bloom: The Ryders): Jake Ryder

Page 14

by Melissa Foster

  He said, “I want you, baby,” at the same time she said, “We’re a thing.” They both laughed, and as he folded his arms around her and swept her beneath him, she said it again and again.

  “Was that so hard?” he teased.

  “No, but this is.” She lifted her hips and slid lower, aligning their bodies perfectly. “You promised me you’d take a very long time.”

  “Baby, if I have my way, we might never leave this room.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  “YOU’RE LOSING YOUR alpha status,” Addy teased as she and Jake walked out of his room and headed toward hers, a few doors down. After Jake made good on his promise several times over, she’d wanted to stay in bed for the entire day just to revel in the aftermath of their lovemaking. And what they’d done had definitely been making love and not wild monkey sex, as they’d been doing with reckless abandon these last two days. But Jake insisted they watch the sunrise from the beach. They’d tapped into their wild sides, having sex in the shower, conquering another first she’d forgotten to add to her list earlier.

  “Do you need me to throw you over my shoulder and carry you back to my bed?” He carried a blanket in his free hand, and wore a confident, cocky grin on his face. “I want to watch the sunrise with my girlfriend. There’s no shame in that.”

  “Girlfriend?” she whispered to herself. She liked the sound of that a lot more than she’d thought she might, although she hadn’t put their being a “thing” and “girlfriend” together until just now.

  “Don’t get all weird about it. Multiple orgasms earn me the right to call you my girlfriend.”

  “How about ‘better half’?” She pushed open the door to her room and found her flip-flops inside with a handwritten note from Gabriella. That was so Tarzan of him! You belong together, Ad. He’s as bullheaded as you are. Have fun! Xo, G. She turned the note over, feeling embarrassed by how much Jake carrying her off had affected her. It had been romantic, and sexy, and beyond alpha.

  Jake grabbed her around her waist, hauling her against him again.

  “How about I bend you over that couch and take your better half?”

  “Promises, promises.” She wriggled out of his grip. He was so big and broad he made her cozy room feel small. “I’ll be right back. It’ll only take a sec for me to change. Make yourself comfy.”

  All the rooms at the inn had a living space separate from the bedroom. As she left the room, she noticed sore muscles from their extracurricular activities. She changed into clean shorts and a T-shirt and slipped on a hoodie as she walked into the living room.

  The blanket Jake had brought for the beach was lying on the coffee table. Jake sat on the couch, his long, jeans-clad legs spread wide, his bare feet flat on the floor. Oh, how she loved the look of frayed jeans over masculine bare feet. His arms were stretched out along the back of the couch, reaching nearly end to end, and his head was tipped back, eyes closed. He was…stunning. Her stomach fluttered, thinking about how much she liked waking up in his arms, snuggled up in his warmth.

  He lifted his head, his eyes zeroing in on her like lasers, causing her pulse to spike. As he rose to his full height, his chin fell to his chest and he gave her a slow, deliberate appraisal. She felt self-conscious, wishing she’d chosen something sexier than a purple zip-up hoodie and a loose, comfy shirt. His mouth curved up in that wicked invitation she knew so well. My wicked invitation. A sense of power and warm appreciation accompanied the naughty thought.

  He was beside her in two long strides, his hand circling her waist. “We’re going to have a problem if you plan on looking this hot all day.” His hands slid down her thighs, moved over her hips, and he grabbed her ass. Tight.

  Enjoying every second of his attention, she rubbed against him, pleased to feel that even after all the sex they’d had he was still raring to go. “I never knew you were such an ass man.”

  Kissing her neck, he said, “With you I’m an everything man. We’d better go, sexy girl, or we’ll be in here all day.”

  “That wouldn’t be so bad.” She wound her arms around his neck and went up on her toes. He brushed his mouth teasingly over hers.

  “I promise you, it would be very, very good. But I only have one sunrise left to watch with you until you’re back from your trip.” He kissed a path across her neck to the sensitive pulse point at the base and laved his tongue over it.

  Her knees weakened. He’d found all her pleasure points.

  “Unless you’re ready to let me come with you on your trip,” he said seductively. “Then we can have ten days of sunrises and ten nights of sinful sex and sunsets.”

  Curling her fingers around his forearm, she forced her brain to push past the lust. “Jake.” His name came out breathy and wanting. “I’m going on the trip alone.”

  He leaned back, his face a mask of sexual restraint—his eyes full of disappointment. It was almost enough to make her reconsider.

  “Sorry,” she whispered.

  He shrugged it off and grabbed the blanket. When he took her hand and leaned in for another kiss, she whispered, “Sorry,” again.

  “Like I said,” he said. “I’m not missing my one chance at watching a sunrise with you before you go.”

  This time when she gazed into his eyes, she was met with acceptance, and something more. Understanding? He was surprising her at every turn, and it meant the world to her that he wasn’t pushing her harder.

  “You’re a romantic,” she said as they left her room. He pushed open the door to the resort and they were greeted by crisp ocean air.

  “Whatever,” he said, taking her hand in his. “Keep that to yourself.”

  “Making another mental note to tell your brothers.” She’d never been romanced, and as they started down the dusty dirt road hand in hand, with morning dew on the grass and mist in the air, everything seemed more intimate. The fear she’d experienced about opening up and accepting that she had feelings for Jake no longer overrode the goodness of the emotions.

  “It seems like a month ago when you carried me away from the bachelorette party,” she said as they crossed Main Street.

  He leaned down and kissed her, and she noticed he was doing that more often, too. Like he’d been stockpiling kisses until she opened the floodgates.

  “Because every thought leads you back to me?” he asked.

  “I’d never admit it if it were true. It’s not like your ego needs a boost.” She leaned in to him with the tease.

  Addy glanced down the road, where gorgeous sprawling oak trees with long, thick branches draped in moss bordered a dense forest. Just beyond, the newly renovated docks looked as pretty as a postcard in the morning haze. Addy remembered when she’d first visited the island with Gabriella and they’d joked about how one day they’d jump from the boat to the old dock and it would crumble beneath them.

  Jake held her a little tighter as their feet met the cool, soft sand. “What are you thinking about?”

  “The work Duke’s having done on the island. I’m glad he’s doing it. It’s funny, Gabriella had worried about an investor coming in and taking away all the cultural elements that were so important to her and her family. Did you know her family emigrated here from Greece? They were the original settlers. And then Southerners came from the mainland. It’s surprising that the two strong cultures didn’t clash.”

  He stopped to spread out the blanket in the sand. “Duke would never do that. He respects family too much.”

  “That seems to be a theme among the Ryder clan.” She glanced back the way they’d come and startled at the sight of Jake’s parents headed their way. Andrea carried a picnic basket, Ned carried a blanket, and both were watching them curiously.

  “Um, Jake…?” she said nervously.

  Jake put a proprietary arm around Addy’s shoulder, and she froze, instantly hating herself for it.

  “I didn’t expect to see anyone else out here this early,” Andrea called across the beach. “Mind if we join you?”

“Not at all.” He tightened his grip on her.

  “Hi, yes, of course. Please, join us,” Addy said, shooting Jake her best way-to-ease-into-it glare, which he chose to ignore as he sank down to the blanket and pulled her down with him. She crossed her feet at the ankles and leaned back on her palms, leaving a few inches between them.

  Jake repositioned her so she was leaning against the side of his chest, tucked beneath his arm. It was a mighty fine position, despite her worries.

  “Someone needs a lesson in girlfriending,” he said to his parents.

  Lord, could he give her an inch? “I’m a little out of practice, and was unexpectedly thrust into coupledom.”

  She’d dated in college, but even then she’d never felt particularly close to anyone. She was kind of glad, though, because she might have missed out on noticing the little things that she found so overwhelming yesterday, and until a few minutes ago she’d found surprisingly exhilarating. Now she was as nervous as a high schooler on her first date, and no matter how hard she tried to calm her nerves, it wasn’t happening. She’d known she’d need Gabby’s approval, but she hadn’t expected to want his parents’ approval this badly.

  “Girlfriending? Never thought I’d see the day.” His father draped an equally as possessive arm around his wife and kissed her cheek. “You were right, doll face.”

  Caught off guard, Addy was still processing the Never thought I’d see the day comment when Jake’s parents leaned in closer to each other. She watched with fascination as they gazed into each other’s eyes with the same intense attraction as she and Jake had so many times in the last two days. She’d never seen any passion between her parents, and she felt a little like a voyeur.

  “I know my boys.” Andrea kissed Ned, then smiled at Addy. “It’s all in the eyes. My boys think they can hide their emotions behind muscles and gruffness, but”—she pointed to her eyes—“it’s all right here.”

  “Christ,” Jake mumbled.

  Addy tilted her head up, studying the softening of his face. That’s it. That’s the look I saw in the picture of you and your mom. Her fight for space washed away like the rumbling tide.

  He caught her staring and lowered his mouth beside her ear, whispering, “Even she knows we’re a thing. Get used to it. The cat’s so far out of the bag, it’ll never find its way back in.”

  A thrill raced through her. She was in a relationship with the man she had hoped to forget. How could she have been so shortsighted? She could have missed out on all his goodness.

  Ned opened the picnic basket and set out two plates and muffins. He split each muffin in half and handed one plate to Jake. Andrea poured two mugs of coffee from a thermos and gave one to them.

  “Thank you,” Addy said, accepting the mug and offering it to Jake.

  “You first, sexy girl,” he whispered in her ear, one arm still locked around her.

  Sexy girl. Was he trying to make her even more nervous by pulling out all of his seductive techniques? It took two to tango, and she was always up for a good game of secret seduction.

  Cupping the mug between both hands, she inhaled deeply and licked her lips.

  “Mm. It smells heavenly.” She sipped the coffee, closing her eyes as the warm liquid slid down her throat, emitting a pleasure-filled sound. Turning a sultry gaze up for Jake’s eyes only, she licked her lips again, slowly and sensually, capturing his rapt attention. “Pure nirvana. Would you like some?” She batted her lashes innocently.

  Jake repositioned his hips and took the mug. A quick glance south told her she’d had the desired effect on him. Score one for me!

  The sunrise graced the sky with gorgeous golden and crimson hues. They made small talk as they ate breakfast. It was nice to be with Jake’s parents without the jokes and chaos of the entire family. And having this relaxed time with Jake was even nicer.

  “I’ll never forget our first sunrise,” Ned said to Andrea.

  “We were camping,” she said with a thoughtful expression. “Ned dragged me from the tent at the crack of dawn to climb to the highest point. Talk about waking up fast. The mountains are cold in the mornings, even in the summer.”

  “Speaking of,” Ned said. “Tell us about this trip you’re going on. Ten days of solo mountaineering?” He lifted serious eyes to Jake before returning a softer gaze to Addy. “Are you prepared for that? Have you had proper training?”

  “Training?” Hiking 101? Put one foot in front of another. Addy pictured a circle of girls standing and mulling over directions for putting up a tent. She’d bought the easy-erecting type. Put the nylon flooring down, hammer in a few spikes to hold it down, pop open the tent, hook it to the spike heads, and poof! A tent. The guy at the outdoors store assured her it was perfect for her trip. “No, but I’ve read online about what to bring and what to expect. And I bought extra clothes, new hiking boots, a compass. All the things I need. I should be okay.”

  His father and Jake exchanged a worried look, but it was the heaviness of the vibe between them that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end.

  “Addy,” Ned said. “Nighttime in the mountains is no day in the park. There are serious dangers.”

  Geez, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Jake and his father would have to learn that she was a hands-on, do-it-herself kind of girl. She didn’t need men telling her the ways of the world. She could handle this, and nothing would stop her from taking this solo trip.

  “We’re going to talk about that.” Jake nudged her. “Right, Ad?”

  Not that I was aware of. “Um, sure. Right. But really, Mr. Ryder—”

  “Honey, how many times have I told you to call me Ned? Don’t give me more gray before my time.” He rubbed his goatee, which was more silver than brown.

  “Ned,” she said. “I’m not a pampered princess. I assure you, I can handle myself.”

  “I never considered you overly pampered, sweetheart. But the wilderness is a beast in and of itself. Even the most skilled hikers can run into trouble.” The look he and Jake had shared earlier made a repeat appearance.

  “Oh, Ned, stop. You’re going to frighten her,” Andrea said, alleviating some of Addy’s tension. “You can take the man off the mountain, but you can’t take the SAR out of the man. Where are you camping?”

  “In the Silver Mountains, not too far from the city. My friend Logan has a cabin there, so if I run into problems, I can always go there. Not that I anticipate having trouble.” She felt Jake tense up again, and when she looked up, the green-eyed monster was baring down on her.

  JAKE LOVED HIS parents, but come on. First they watched the sunrise with him and Addy, then they walked back to the resort together, and now everyone else was awake and milling about, preparing for Trish and Boone’s wedding. The girls were running in and out of the bedrooms talking about dresses and shoes, and they’d absconded with Addy the second they’d arrived back at the resort. Boone’s mother, Raine, and her boyfriend, Patrick, had disappeared with his mother, and Boone and his brothers were looking around as confused by the commotion as Jake was. At this rate he’d never get a moment alone with Addy, and he was so tightly wound over this Logan dude, he was sure he’d grown horns. How could he have gone thirty years without knowing he had a jealous bone in his body? That realization sucked, but it was what it was, and if he didn’t get her alone and find out just how well she knew this guy and why the hell she hadn’t mentioned him before, he might just explode. A cabin in the mountains. He wasn’t sure he wanted to know how she knew about that.

  “Hey, while you’re chewing on nails over here, can you please hold Seth?” Cash handed Jake his little boy. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. I have to go help Duke and Blue get something from the kitchen.” Cash gave Seth a quick kiss, then lightly smacked Jake on the cheek. “Whatever it is, get over it,” Cash said. “Trish needs your head in the game, and so does my boy.”

  Jake ground his teeth together and glanced down at his nephew, who blinked soundlessly up at him. Seth was
only two months old, and holding him was a little like holding a squishy football. A football who looked a heck of a lot like Cash, from his light brown hair to his serious eyes. It was hard to stay pissed off with that cute little muffin in his arms. He lowered his face and kissed Seth’s cheek.

  “Let me tell you something, buddy.” Seth’s eyes widened at the sound of Jake’s voice. “One day you’re going to meet a woman who blows your mind, and she’ll make you want to hold her and run from her at once.” Seth’s lower lip pushed out in a pout. “Yeah, it kind of sucks, but it’s also pretty freaking cool. Unless, of course, this guy with the cabin in the woods is someone she’s hooked up with. Then it’s not cool at all. Then it bites. Then—”

  Seth’s face scrunched up tight, and he let out a high-pitched wail.

  “Oh shit.” Jake lifted the baby to his shoulder and patted his back, pacing the hallway. “It’s okay. It’s not like that. I’m sure it’s not. She wouldn’t have offered it up so casually.” Why was he explaining this to a baby?

  “Dude, need a little help?” Boone asked.

  “Yeah, but not with the kid.” Seth quieted, but Jake continued pacing, hoping to work out some of his frustration.

  “With your girl?” Lucky asked. “Because I can help you out. Take her off your hands, give her a little thrill.”

  “Lucky!” Boone glared at him. “Ignore him.”

  “What?” Lucky stretched, eyeing Cage, who smacked him on the back of the head and told him to behave. “Whatever. I’m heading up to the villa to start carrying shit down to the beach.”

  “Watch your language,” Boone called after him. “Sorry, man. He’s still got some growing up to do.”

  “No big deal.” Jake hadn’t been so different from that cocky kid when he was his age. Hell, he wasn’t so different a week ago. He paced, patting Seth on the back and listening to Boone and Cage talk about Lucky, and he realized that a few months ago he’d been proud of being the player who hooked up with a different girl every week. Now he wasn’t sure he even knew who that guy was.


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