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Rescued by Love (Love in Bloom: The Ryders): Jake Ryder

Page 24

by Melissa Foster

  Jake nuzzled against Addy’s neck. “There’s no escaping us, sexy girl. I told you that the night of Duke and Gabby’s wedding.”

  “Speaking of weddings,” Siena said with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “When are you two taking the plunge?”

  Jake squeezed her hand again, flashing the I’ve-got-this look she’d come to adore and rely on.

  “We’re secure enough in our relationship not to need rings,” Jake said, lifting their joint hands and revealing their new tattoos.

  “Oh my gosh!” Gabriella laughed. “Only you two would do that.”

  “I love them,” Siena gushed, reaching for Addy’s hand and inspecting the tattoo more closely. “That must have hurt like crazy.”

  “It did,” Addy said as Jake reclaimed her hand and pressed a kiss to her wrist.

  “But all things worth their salt come with pain,” Jake said, gazing into her eyes. A silent message of I love yous passed between them. “We do have our own announcement to make.”

  “You’re pregnant!” Lizzie said hopefully.

  “No, no, no, no, no,” Addy insisted. She hadn’t realized she’d been afraid of mirroring her mother’s hands-off parenting style until she and Jake had begun discussing having a family of their own. He’d seen through her declarations of not being wired to be a mother, and like everything else, he’d gotten to the core of the issue and they’d faced it together, through talking, tears, and love. Addy knew their love was too big and they were too stubborn to let anything scare either of them away. They both wanted a family someday, when the time was right. Or as Jake put it, When Addy finally realized she could never be the type of parent her mother was because her passion ran too deep, and that she’d instill the need for independence in their babies. He was sure they were destined to have adorably stubborn children who tested them at every turn, and she looked forward to it. One day.

  “SHE’S NOT PREGNANT,” Jake said. “Jesus, you guys are in such a hurry. I’ve waited my whole life for this woman. I’m in no rush to share her.” Although for a guy who hadn’t wanted any ties or distractions, he was all in with Addy. And when she was finally ready to have children, he was all in for that part of their lives, too. And if they decided down the line that they didn’t want children, that was okay, too. As long as they had each other, their life was complete.

  Addy was looking at him so openly lovingly, his heart skidded. He’d experienced so many life-altering moments with her, he’d come to expect them. They hit every morning when he woke up with her in his arms and every evening when she walked in the door after work. And in a million moments like now, when a single glance reminded him of how far they’d come and how many incredible years they had to look forward to. No, he wasn’t in a rush to share her, or to leave her for a single day, which was why he was thrilled with Addy’s decision.

  “Dude,” Gage urged. “Are you going to share your news? Sally and I have a plane to catch. We have a meeting early tomorrow for the new community center we’re opening.”

  “It’s snowing pretty hard,” Jake pointed out. It was mid-November and they’d been hit with an early winter storm.

  “I’m sure the pilot will cancel if it’s unsafe,” Gage assured him.

  “Can you share your news, please? Lizzie and I have a wedding to plan,” Blue said.

  Their wedding was taking place in just a few weeks, over the holidays. Jake was pretty sure it was already planned to the hilt, which meant Blue wanted to get Lizzie back to their hotel for some smokin’-hot loving. Not that he blamed him. He was dying to get Addy alone, too.

  “Or do I have to take you out back and pummel it out of you?” Blue joked.

  Jake scoffed. “First, I’d kick your ass, and second…I don’t have a second, so I’d kick your ass again.”

  Everyone laughed. Addy leaned in to him and touched his cheek. He’d never get used to the way her touch sparked an avalanche of emotions inside him.

  “We all know you’re big and bad,” Addy said, running her finger along his jaw. “So stop chest bumping and tell them.”

  “Yeah, big, bad Jake,” Duke teased. “What’s up?”

  “Hey, that’s for me to say,” Addy said sternly. “Go rub your wife’s belly or something.”

  “My girl’s got my back, Duke. Watch it.” He pressed a kiss to the back of Addy’s hand. “My incredible girlfriend has decided to train for search and rescue. When Gabby reduces her office hours, Addy’s going to go on SAR missions with me.”

  “We’ll go on them together,” she corrected him.

  “I’m not trying to get the upper hand,” Jake explained. But one look in her beautiful eyes, and he relented. This had been her decision, and he’d actually tried to get her to change her mind at first, explaining that he worked in all kinds of weather, in the middle of the night, and often in deleterious environments. But true to her stubborn nature, she’d wanted no parts of his excuses. And she was right. She wasn’t merely tagging along. She insisted on being formally trained and certified, and he was proud as hell of her. “We’ll go on them together.”

  “Addy? Is that true?” Ned set his fork down beside his plate, giving her his full attention.

  “Yes,” she said with pride in her eyes. “When I was on Pirate’s Peak alone and scared, two things became very clear to me.” That pride warmed to adoration, and she gazed into Jake’s eyes. “The first was that I was madly in love with my big, brooding, possessive boyfriend.”

  She returned her attention to his father. “You raised such an incredible man, I was hoping you and Jake could both help me learn how to do search and rescue. Gabriella and I help others on a legal front, and I love the work we do.” She smiled at Gabriella. “But so much changed while I was on the mountain. I fell in love with the wilderness. Everything felt bigger, more real, and natural. Like I could breathe better, and believe it or not, after I got past the pain of using muscles I didn’t know I had, I missed the pain. It had meant I was pushing myself. And I really miss doing that.” She smiled at Jake, and he nodded, encouraging her to reveal the other thing that had haunted her since her trip.

  “There was this moment in the woods that made me want to do more with my life. I had kicked off my boot and found it lying in the woods outside of my campsite. All I could think about was how desolate that image was and what you and Jake must face with search and rescue. Being frightened and alone on Pirate’s Peak put me in that boot and made me realize how terrified a person who is lost must feel. I want to help. I don’t think I can know Jake’s going out to help find someone and not want to be right there helping, too.”

  “You know, sweetheart,” Ned said, “we don’t always work in the best of conditions or during normal working hours.”

  “Boy, the apple really doesn’t fall far from the tree,” Addy said. “Jake already tried to talk me out of it.”

  “Waste of time, Dad,” Jake said.

  “Well, I for one am proud of you,” Cash said. “It takes a strong person to be willing to drop everything to help others.”

  “Addy’s the strongest woman I know.” Gabriella smiled at Addy. “And I’m happy for you, Ad, but no SAR missions when I’m having my baby, okay? I need you there telling me to shut the hell up and push, because Duke would push for me if he could.”

  Addy’s eyes glassed over. “You know I won’t miss it. Andrea, I was also hoping you would consider teaching me how to cook. Jake’s tried, but I think I need to learn from someone less bossy.”

  He knew she was only half teasing. Every time he tried to teach her to cook they ended up naked. Hell, when they were at home, they spent a lot of time naked, and he loved every minute of it. She and his mother had become as close as a mother and daughter. Addy needed that connection, and as he listened to his mother say she’d love to help, he had a feeling his mother needed it, too. Without realizing it, Addy had taught Jake that there was no such thing as being loved too much, although there was a fine line between love and possession. He was learnin
g about that, too. As much as she was his, she’d always be her own person first, and he admired that about her.

  “Thank you,” Addy said to his mother. “I hear you make delicious cream puffs. Would it be okay if we started with dessert?”

  When she shifted a wickedly naughty gaze in Jake’s direction, his stomach dipped and heat flooded his veins. He’d once wondered if that crazy fluttering in his stomach would ever change, and now he knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that with his stubborn, sexy girl, it never would.

  Ready for more Ryders?

  Fall in love with Gage and Sally!

  It’s been years since Sally Tuft’s husband died, years since she was left to raise her teenage son alone, and years since she’d told the only other man she wanted that they should be just friends. Now her son has left for college, and Sally has no distractions to keep her from thinking about her best friend and coworker, Gage Ryder, and what could have been.

  Gage Ryder believed that one day Sally would move past the death of her husband and they would finally leave the friend zone and explore the passion that’s simmered between them since the day they met. But it doesn’t seem that’s ever going to happen, and it just might be Gage’s turn to move on.

  When Gage and Sally are tasked with opening a new youth center, their close-knit world is expanded—and sexy new prospects move in. Sally and Gage are forced to confront their attractions, or let each other go forever.


  Have you met the Bradens?

  All Braden books may be enjoyed as stand-alone novels or as part of the larger series

  From New York Times bestselling author Melissa Foster comes a new sexy romance, WHISPER OF LOVE, in which Tempest Braden, a music therapist, meets Nash Morgan, a reclusive artist, and single father, with a secret past.



  Melissa’s newest sexy, stand-alone romance

  Mysteriously sexy Bear Whiskey was first introduced in RIVER OF LOVE (The Bradens at Peaceful Harbor) and you fell in love with him in TRU BLUE. Now watch Bear claw his way to his happily ever after in this fun, flirty, and five-flames hot, standalone romance, WILD WHISKEY NIGHTS.


  Don’t miss out on Melissa’s giveaways or releases! Sign up for her newsletter!

  More Books By Melissa


  Love in Bloom books may be read as stand alones. For more enjoyment, read them in series order. Characters from each series carry forward to the next.


  Sisters in Love

  Sisters in Bloom

  Sisters in White

  THE BRADENS (Weston, CO)

  Lovers at Heart

  Destined for Love

  Friendship on Fire

  Sea of Love

  Bursting with Love

  Hearts at Play

  THE BRADENS (Trusty, CO)

  Taken by Love

  Fated for Love

  Romancing My Love

  Flirting with Love

  Dreaming of Love

  Crashing into Love

  THE BRADENS (Peaceful Harbor, MD)

  Healed by Love

  Surrender My Love

  River of Love

  Crushing on Love

  Whisper of Love

  Thrill of Love


  Daring Her Love

  Promise My Love

  Our New Love


  Game of Love

  Stroke of Love

  Flames of Love

  Slope of Love

  Read, Write, Love

  Touched by Love


  Seaside Dreams

  Seaside Hearts

  Seaside Sunsets

  Seaside Secrets

  Seaside Nights

  Seaside Embrace

  Seaside Lovers

  Seaside Whispers


  Bayside Desires


  Seized by Love

  Claimed by Love

  Chased by Love

  Rescued by Love

  Swept Into Love


  Tru Blue (Set in Peaceful Harbor)

  Wild Whiskey Nights


















  Includes characters from the Love in Bloom series

  Catching Cassidy

  Discovering Delilah

  Tempting Tristan

  Chasing Charley

  Breaking Brandon

  Embracing Evan

  Reaching Rusty

  Loving Livi

  Standalone Books by Melissa

  Chasing Amanda (mystery/suspense)

  Come Back to Me (mystery/suspense)

  Have No Shame (historical fiction/romance)

  Love, Lies & Mystery (3-book bundle)

  Megan’s Way (literary fiction)

  Traces of Kara (psychological thriller)

  Where Petals Fall (suspense)


  I really enjoyed writing about Jake and Addy and all their angst about letting go and falling in love. Theirs was not an easy story to write, but it was true to their nature and I hope you loved it. I’d like to thank Christopher Boyer, executive director/COO of the National Association for Search and Rescue, for patiently answering my many questions. Had it not been for you, I couldn’t have given readers such a well-rounded book. Thank you. I have taken fictional liberties in this book. Any and all errors are my own and not a reflection of Chris’s knowledge or expertise. Please also note that the Silver Mountains are a fictional mountain range, not intended to be the Silver Lake Mountains. All noted points of interest, such as Pirate’s Peak, are also fictional.

  A special thank-you to Lisa Bardonski and Christy Dyc for pulling me off the ledge and reminding me to go with my gut instincts. It really helped. I met Lisa and Christy through my fan club on Facebook. If you haven’t joined my fan club yet, please do!

  The best way to stay abreast of Love in Bloom releases is to sign up for my monthly newsletter (and receive a free short story!).

  Follow me on Facebook for fun chats and giveaways. I always try to keep fans abreast of what’s going on in our fictional boyfriends’ worlds.

  Thank you to my awesome editorial team: Kristen Weber and Penina Lopez, and my meticulous proofreaders: Elaini Caruso, Juliette Hill, Marlene Engel, Lynn Mullan, and Justinn Harrison. And last but never least, a huge thank-you to my family for their patience, support, and inspiration.

  Meet Melissa

  Melissa Foster is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author. Her books have been recommended by USA Today’s book blog, Hagerstown magazine, The Patriot, and several other print venues. She is the founder of the World Literary Café and Fostering Success. Melissa has painted and donated several murals to the Hospital for Sick Children in Washington, DC.

  Visit Melissa on her website or chat with her on social media. Melissa enjoys discussing her books with book clubs and reader groups and welcomes an invitation to your event.

  Melissa’s books are available through most online retailers in paperback and digital formats.

  escued by Love (Love in Bloom: The Ryders): Jake Ryder




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