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Torn apart Tisha's Story

Page 4

by LeTasha S. Robinson

  “David, David!” Diane screams through the phone. Being shaken out of his thoughts, he shakes his head and returns back to the conversation. “Diane I am so happy for you and Frank. I was just thinking about everything you and Frank had gone through.”

  “Yes, and you know the best thing about it?”

  “What Diane?”

  “I got pregnant without any fertility drugs!”


  “Yep, nothing. I had stopped taking fertility drugs and me and Frank was actually looking into adopting and a couple of weeks ago I started feeling tired a lot lately and went to the doctor and they tell me I am 12 weeks pregnant!” Diane starts to laugh, “Boy I went in thinking I had a sinus infection or the flu and the nurse comes tipping in and tell me that I got the flu, but it’s the nine-month flu. I about tore that doctor’s office up praising God.”

  “WOW! Diane, this is great, but look let me go and get this food. I will come by later and we can finish this discussion.”

  “OK and David?”


  “Thanks for being there for me every step of the way. I love you and I will see you when you get here.” Hanging up the phone with his sister, he wipes the tears off his face and looks up to the sky. “Thank you, God, for answering my prayers.” Taking a deep breath, he enters the restaurant. Now this was time for a real celebration. “I can’t wait to tell Tiffany this!”

  Going into the restaurant his excitement quickly dies as he spots Tiffany in the restaurant. There in the corner was his girl with another man. Blinking furiously, he tries to make sure the image he saw was correct. So, this is why she has been so distant lately? Not even wanting to have sex or spend any quality time with each other. Thinking about how he had been trying so hard to save their relationship because of their son Trey, David’s blood begins to boil as he starts to walk towards them. Walking up to them he caught the guy’s eye and as his girlfriend starts to turn around. Catching his girlfriend eye, he remembered the look that came across her face, it was a look of terror.

  “Tiffany, do you know this man?” the man that was sitting across from her asks.

  “Yes Tiffany, who am I?” Stuttering Tiffany cannot get any response out. “Well since she can’t let me help her.” Extending his hand to the man, “My name is David, I am Tiffany’s boyfriend well let me rephrase that ex-boyfriend.”

  “Trey’s father?”

  Stepping back about to lose his cool, “Hold up you know my son?” The guy starts to wave his hands, “Hey man. Calm down,” As he stands up from the table. “He knows my son, Tiffany!” David slams his hands on the table causing the table to shake.

  “Hey Man, I done told you to calm down.”

  “Is there a problem gentlemen? A problem that needs to involve me calling the police?” The cashier yells from behind the counter as she waves the phone at them.

  “Look, Tiffany told me about her baby’s daddy, but she said you and she weren’t talking anymore.” Taking a deep breath, “I am not looking for any trouble and all she has every said about you is that you are Trey’s father.”

  “So, this is why you been acting so cold and distant because you have been seeing someone else?”

  Tiffany finally getting her courage back. “David it isn’t what it looks like.”

  “It’s not Tiffany? Then what is it?”

  “You know what David it is! I am tired of putting up a front like I am happy. You are barely here.”

  “I’m barely here because I am starting a new company. It takes time to build one and I told you that. You act like I was doing something like cheating on you, but I am trying to make sure we,” Moving his fingers back and forth between the both of them, “have a stable income coming in.” Taking a deep breath, “Look I forgive you, I know it has been tough the last couple of weeks, but we have so much going on and besides I love you girl.”


  Putting his hand up, “Let’s just go home and talk about this.” Reaching his hand out to grab hers,

  One of the patrons yells out, “If that ain’t stupid.” Turning around and facing the direction in which the comment came from.

  “It ain’t stupid and nobody asked you anyway!” Grabbing Tiffany’s hand, he turns to walk out being stopped suddenly by an unmovable Tiffany. Snatching her hand out of David’s hand. “David look I’m sorry you had to find out like this.” Turning back around and facing Tiffany. “Find out like this? Tiffany what are you saying?”

  “I am sorry David, but…” The rage that had started to die down started to rise back up. “But what Tiffany? I know you ain’t really trying to get with this joker?”

  “Hey man! Watch it! She was playing me just like she was playing you,” as he braces himself for whatever David may come at him with.

  “You know what, I am about to be tired of your talking.” Going towards him David gets ready to slam his fist into Todd’s face when Tiffany stands in front of him.”

  “No David, no!” Tiffany screams at him.

  “What you mean, No Tiffany!” balling both of his fists up. “I have been with you for almost four years. I was planning on proposing to you on your birthday and you sit here, saying no? After I told you I have forgiven you.” David picks up the table with one hand and slams it into the wall.

  Seeing red, he reaches back about to hit Todd when he feels a hand on his shoulder. Turning around he sees Paul.

  “That’s it I am calling the police. This don’t make any type of sense.” The cashier runs to the phone, picks it up and starts to dial the number.

  Suddenly someone starts to clap. “Hey, I know ‘Willie’ is known for a lot, but theatrical events too? WOW, what great acting!”

  Taken aback by his comment, he gets ready to tell him something when Paul whispers in his ear, “Look I know the feeling, but you don’t want to give up everything for someone who obviously isn’t worth it.”

  Tiffany gains her composure back and mimics David’s hand gesture, “We ain’t working anymore and me and Todd, well I love him and he loves me,” looking at Todd. Todd looks at Tiffany in shock to her announcement, “Love? Girl I don’t love you, I barely know you.”

  Tiffany immediately starts to look crazy. “Todd, but what about?”

  “Look Tiffany I just came into my money from the wreck. I ain’t trying to love nobody right now.” Todd starts to walk away from them. In fact, I don’t even like you right now. You got too much drama. I’ll holla at you later.” Todd turns around and almost runs out of the restaurant.

  Tiffany is now standing alone with all eyes on her. “David you know what, you are right let’s go and talk about this alone.” Staring down everyone that was in the restaurant, she reaches out to grab his hand, but found herself gasping for air.

  “David, you just said you were going to propose to me on my birthday. So, I know you still love me. Love doesn’t just go away like that.”

  “You are right, but I play second fiddle to no one. My sister was right the entire time. You were nothing but an opportunist. Looking for someone who was willing to pay the highest price. Well you can take my name out of the running because I am no longer bidding.”

  One of the customers begins to laugh. “I guess she better be glad that Willie makes you pay before you eat, or dinner would be on her.” More customers join in with the laughter.

  “Yeah baby, you got played trying to play.” More patrons join in making fun of her. David turns around he heads to the counter of Willie’s as Tiffany stands there for a couple of seconds calling his name, but as the laughter grows she storms out of the doors of Willie’s.

  As David continued his walk to the counter, he remembers a presence right beside him, stopping he turns to look at the white man that walked beside him. “Hey, I just want to say thank you for back there. Thank you for helping me.”

  Stepping back, he extends his hand to David, “My name is Paul and lunch is on you today.” That was the beginning of their friendship. He has be
en hanging around Paul since. He found his cool nature and his way of handling things to be a blessing. Paul can be in the midst of a lot of trouble, but always remain cool, calm, and collected. He didn’t let his personal issues get the best of him. Walking up to Paul he quickly slaps hands with him.

  “Hey, Paul what was so urgent that I had to get down here today before 11.” Sitting down in the chair across from Paul and signaling the waitress. He had been there so many times the wait staff already knew his order.

  “Well you have a meeting at 11 and I didn’t want you to be late to it.” Paul stated with a sheepish grin.

  Looking at Paul with a crazy look, “What are you talking about? I don’t have a meeting at 11.”

  Sitting back in the chair and placing his hand behind his head.

  “Yes, you do. You have a meeting with Tisha Carter at 11.”

  “Paul what are you up to?” The waitress brings him his usual glass of ginger ale and David takes a sip of it, before staring back at Paul.

  “Look, I think Tisha can be good for you and definitely a stage up from who you’ve been dating.”

  “So, you stage a fake meeting with someone so that I can look stupid and not know what I am talking about?” Pushing away from the table, David displays a heated look at Paul.

  Waving his hands at David, “Calm down, you know your second business that you have, the landscaping business?” Not waiting on David to answer Paul continues “I set up a meeting with Tisha to discuss some marketing strategies to get your business going.”

  Letting out a sigh, David places both hands on his table, “You have gone overboard this time Paul!”

  Paul grabbing his friend’s hand, “Look do you trust me?”

  “You know better than to ask that, but this is beyond…” Paul interrupts him.

  “If you trust me, then you know that I would not lead you astray.” Seeing David relax some Paul continues with his conversation. I have been working with Tisha for almost five years. She is about to turn 35 and is graduating with her Masters in Marketing in a couple of months. She is average height and she is thick just like you like ‘em.” Catching his interest.

  “How thick?”

  Paul grinning, “You will like what you see trust me, but there is one circumstance to this meeting.”

  Shaking his head back and forth “I knew it, I knew it! What is she psycho, crazy, a stalker, what man, what?”

  “No, she is none of those, she is very reserved about her past. If you hurt her, I will have to hurt you. I have grown to really care about Tisha over these years that I have known her.”

  Calming down as Paul had regained his interest. “Does she know about me?”

  “No, as far as she knows you are just another meeting. I only tell you this because if you are interested give her the world, but if not step away quickly. Staring directly into David’s eyes, “Don’t hurt her.” Watching David as he starts to shake his head yes, he lets out the breath that he had been holding in since he first came up with this plan. Leaning back into the chair, Paul closes his eyes, “David, I believe by the end of this you will be thanking me. I know more about Tisha’s past than I will tell you. I am not only her boss, but her Pastor also. I been trying to get you to come to church and meet her, but you always have something to do.”

  Laughing, “Man. So that is why you have given me like 10 invitations in the last couple of weeks to come to your church? I was like they sure are having a lot of family/friends’ days?” Both men laugh at the statement.

  “Well, Tisha doesn’t date much. She is a homebody from what I know. If it isn’t church, then for the most part, she is at home.”

  “So, she is boring?” David asks while looking concerned.

  “No, she likes to have fun. I just think outside of church she really doesn’t have a lot of people that she associates with.”

  “Well you know if this works out that will change.” Leaning forward David takes the napkin out of his lap and throws it onto the plate. “Well let’s see if you are man enough to make that change.” Paul said still leaned back into his chair as he looks at David. “Deal?” as Paul extends his hand to David.

  Slapping his hand with Paul, “Deal, now let me go meet this thick goddess!”

  Chapter 4

  The Meeting

  Looking at the clock in her office it was 10:45 a.m. pulling herself together Tisha quickly went into the drawer and pulled out her makeup bag. “Ok, let me get to looking like a million dollars again. I definitely do not want to mess up this meeting with this new client.” Quickly reapplying her eye shadow and lightly applying a little press powder around her eyes to hide any bags she manages it in the nick of time as Beverly knocks on the door. “Ms. Carter, a Mr. David Johnson is here to see you.”

  “Of course, Beverly send him on in.” Straightening up in her chair for a brief moment she watches Mr. Johnson come through the door. Standing up to meet him and extending out her hand to him, “Mr. Johnson I am Tisha, Tisha Carter and I will be assisting you in making some marketing decisions for your company today.”

  Taking her hands, he expected to feel a weak handshake, but was taken aback by the firm handshake he received. A woman with confidence he thought as he shook her hand. “Yes, I was highly recommended to your company by one of my associates.”

  “Really, which one?”

  “Ummmm,” debating to tell her the truth or make up one he decided to go with the truth. “Paul”

  “So, you know Paul?” Tisha asks while she is still standing up from greeting him.

  “Yes, we are friends.”

  “Ok, I never heard him mention you before. I wonder why he didn’t just help you himself?”

  “Well, I have never been one that likes to incorporate business and friends. He highly recommended you and said I would be pleased with you.”

  “Paul is a sweetheart and I will try to live up to his recommendation. So, let’s get to work. Let us first start with you telling me a little about your company. You want to sit at the conference table? We will be able to better draw up ideas and work on your proposal.”

  Following her lead, he took the time to admire her. Paul had been correct. She was thick just like he liked them. Looking down at her feet he noticed that she had on a closed toe shoe. He had to get a look at her feet to close the deal! Silently praying that she had pretty feet also; I will definitely have to thank Paul later for this. Tisha’s speaking breaks his thoughts.

  “Mr. Davis... Mr. Davis?”

  “I am so sorry. Yes Ms. Carter?”

  “I was wondering would you like to have anything to drink while we work.”

  “Yes, water would be nice.”

  Turning around to phone Beverly for the request Tisha had time to think. Paul is very easy on the eyes. He stood about a head taller than her and he was built in some areas of his body, so she knew he either worked out or played sports, but either one she could tell it wasn’t consistent because he still had some fat in some areas, shaking her head at the thoughts that she was having. Ok Tisha, she said to herself get yourself together he probably has a woman any way.

  “Ok, Mr. Johnson, your water will be here in a moment.” She stated as she sat herself across from him.

  “Thank you Mrs…”


  “Ok, Ms. Carter,” smiling, “Where do you want me to start?” he asks as he settles himself in the chair across from her. He did a quick assessment of her; she wore a short hair style. He normally likes women with long hair, but the short hairstyle suited her round face. She wore glasses that normally took away from a woman’s look, but for her it seemed to enhance it. With what seemed to be a tailored grey business skirt suit that fit her body perfectly. Yes, he would definitely have to thank Paul later.

  “Well, I work better from a storyline, so let me hear the story of how you started your business.” Sitting back with a pen and a legal pad ready to take notes and jot down ideas as he talked.

  “Well, I have
a lawn care business that started out as just a hobby. It was a way to make some extra money that was lacking from the first job.” He continued to talk as Tisha listened intently waiting for the right thing to jog an idea that they could build upon and then he said it.

  Raising her hand, “Excuse me can you repeat that?”

  “The last thing I said?” Looking at her as she shakes her head yes, he clears his throat and repeated.

  “Ok stop right there!” Turning around in her chair she sits back and shuts her eyes and becomes very quiet. David is glad for the distraction. Tisha looked at him directly when he talked to her about his business. She was fully in tune about his business as he continues to go on about it. He rarely found women that were interested in his businesses outside of the money that it gave them to spend. This is going to be good he thought as he grinned sheepishly to himself. As if she was listening to his thoughts, Tisha turned around.

  “I am sorry, but when I hear something that inspires me to come up with a pitch line, or a slogan I immediately have to ponder on that to get everything together.”

  Reaching for a glass and a bottle of water that Beverly had brought in moments earlier for them he opens the bottle and pours himself a glass as she start to take notes in her legal pad. Taking a swallow of the water, “Do you need me to continue?”

  “No, give me one more moment,” she requested not even looking up from her legal pad.

  Finishing his glass of water, he starts to gather more information. She looks to be about a head shorter than me. That’s good he thought he could not stand for a woman to be taller than him. She seems to be a work alcoholic. He knew that most women who were work alcoholics were women who did not have a life outside of the job. He held back a grin as he thought that would change if they were to get together.

  Sitting up from her chair, “Ok, Mr. Johnson I think I have it.” Pushing her glasses up on her face she noticed that they were extremely dirty and took them off to clean them while she spoke. “You stated that you started your lawn care business as a way to supplement your income, and you said that you wanted to offer affordable lawn care with a professional quality. This is what I came up with,” turning the paper to him and then putting back on her glasses, “Reliable lawn care with your purse in mind.”


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