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The Cursed Sword (The Nine Worlds Trilogy Book 1)

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by Debbie Champion

  The Cursed Sword

  Book One of the Nine Worlds Trilogy

  By Debbie Champion

  Text copyright © 2016 Debbie Champion All Rights Reserved

  For my know who you are!


  The ancient ring of stones cast long shadows across the grass as the sun dipped behind the mound. As the sun disappeared a final ray caught the top of the central stone, highlighting the runes and the deeply engraved snake.

  As darkness settled the snake writhed and stretched around the stone, searching once more. Tonight felt different and the snake excitedly slunk down to the base of the stone its tongue flicking in and out, tasting the air. Mist gently oozed from the snake's mouth and curled around the stones, seeking the source of power the snake could sense, the gentle thump, thump of a beating heart.

  The mist gradually spread out encasing the valley in a deep grey fog. White fingers formed and stretched out seeking the source. When it reached the hospital, the mist swirled up a drainpipe and slipped into an open window.

  The new born baby lay tucked up tight against his sleeping mother’s side. The mist swept across the floor, seeking the tiny heart beat that thrummed in the air. As it reached the bed it snaked up the covers and gently stroked the baby boy’s cheek. His eyes flickered open and he let out a small cry. The mist recoiled hissing with pleasure and slunk back through the open window, back through the valley to the sleeping granite stones. As the mist seeped back into the central stone the runes on the top most edge started to glow.

  Finally, after a thousand years the curse had been triggered. The gate could now open and Hel could break loose from her bonds and seek revenge on those who had sought to contain her in the Underworld. A deep chuckle sounded from within the depths of the ground and the runes burned brighter, a beacon to those who had been waiting in the shadows for a millennium. It had begun....


  A hand snaked around the door to the maternity ward and a pale face peered around the edge. Loki muttered a spell under his breath and the mother sighed deeply and turned over on her side in a deep sleep. He waited a moment and then approached the edge of the crib where a baby was sleeping peacefully.

  "Ew gross," he sneered, curling his lip up into a grimace. "Looks puny, nothing like his father," he whispered to his companion.

  "He'll grow," he replied.

  "Not if I can help it and there's nothing my darling brother can do about it."

  Loki grasped the edge of the blanket and moved it across the baby's face, brushing his cheek with his finger.

  Suddenly a flash of bright white light burst from the crib and flung Loki back slamming him into the wall.

  "What the...?" he spluttered.

  His companion sniggered. "Loki, your hair is smoking."

  Loki cast him a murderous look and pushed himself off the floor. "Sneaky devil. He's protected the little rat. Magnus you try."

  "Seriously? Look I'm your right hand man but I like my hair, I'm not going anywhere near it."

  "Do it, or you'll have more to worry about than your hair.”

  "Loki seriously, look in the mirror, he nearly killed you."

  "I'm immortal you moron, I am a God, a son of Odin. I am invincible."

  "Exactly. I'm not."

  Loki grabbed the smaller man by his neck and held him up in the air.

  "Do you'll be paying an early visit to my sister in Hel," he snarled.

  "I can't breathe..ok..ok..put me down," Magnus wheezed.

  Loki flung him forward towards the crib. "Quickly, before someone comes."

  Magnus gingerly poked the baby's cheek and jumped back.

  "Come on, it's fine," hissed Loki.

  "It tingled," Magnus whined, rubbing his index finger.

  "Man up, at least it didn't fry you. Go on...kill it. We need to get out of here."

  Magnus crept towards the crib again. "It's awake...I can't do it when he's looking at me."

  "Oh for Odin's sake, just cover the face, then it won't be looking at you." Loki threw his arms into the air in despair.

  "Look he's staring right at me. He knows," Magnus whispered out of the side of his mouth.

  "He won't care in a minute if you just get on with it," Loki hissed in his ear.

  Magnus reached down into the crib and the baby waved his arm up into the air and grabbed Magnus's little finger.

  "Ah he's cute you know, look at that. Strong little begger."

  "For the love of Odin kill him," Loki screeched.

  The sudden shout startled the baby and he started to cry loudly.

  "I’m out of here," Magnus said scooping up the baby.

  He tucked him inside his heavy coat and ran towards the door.

  A concerned looking midwife bumped into him as he flung the door open.

  "What?...What are you doing in here?" she shouted angrily.

  " your thing quick. I'll sort this out later," Magnus said pointing inside his coat and sidling out of the door.

  Loki took in a deep breath and raised his eyes to the ceiling.

  "I seriously, seriously hate humans," he said between clenched teeth.

  "Come here then love," he said flinging his arm over the midwife's shoulder and drawing her closer to him. He turned her so she was facing him eye to eye.

  "Now then, there's nothing to see here is there? The baby in this room went home with his mother today and you forgot to do the paperwork. Best get on with it now eh love, and then you won't get into any trouble? Go on then, off you go and sort it out," Loki murmured softy into her ear.

  "What the hell are you talking about?" she asked pushing away from him.

  "Er that's not meant to happen," he said gripping her head in both hands and staring into her eyes. She was wearing contact lenses.

  "Get off me you weirdo," she screamed, kicking his knee hard.

  "Seriously? Did you just seriously kick me? You sniveling excuse for a human, you dare touch me?"

  "Let me go," she screamed, twisting her head away from his powerful grip.

  "Fine, we could have done this the easy way. You could have done what you were told, gone home, had a nice cup of tea, tucked your kiddies up in bed. But no, you have to be difficult, like my day hasn't been bad enough. Oh I'm done."

  Loki twisted her neck in one swift motion and there was a sickening crunching noise. She slumped to the floor in a heap.

  "Well that didn't quite go to plan," he murmured to himself.

  He stood up smoothly, straightened his hair and then his jacket and cruised out of the door humming softly to himself.


  Magnus sat in his car and plucked the baby out from inside his coat.

  "So you're the one eh little man?"

  The baby gazed up at him with big blue eyes and reached up with his hand to grab Magnus's finger.

  "I reckon your uncle is just a weeny bit jealous of you. Well he can stick his immortal godliness up his you know what," he whispered stroking the baby's cheek.

  "Reckon it's time for us little folk to show them what's what eh? Come on littleun, time to get you somewhere safe."

  Magnus placed the baby in the foot well of the front seat and tucked the blanket firmly around him.

  "For such a little one you sure stink," he mumbled to himself, making a note to stop off and get some necessary baby items....

  Chapter One

  Eighteen years later

  9.10 a.m. Monday 21st June

  The sound of a mobile phone vibrating under his pillow made Alex turn over in bed. He reached under the pillow and put the phone to his ear and grunted i
nto the receiver.

  "Dude where are you? We're about to go, your gonna miss the coach man."

  "What? Who is this?" Alex fumbled with his phone, looking at the screen to see the caller ID.

  "Matt? What's up? It's way early," he said sleepily.

  "Dude its gone nine o'clock and Franklin is really freakin out, you better get your butt over here quick," said Matt.

  The phone cut off and Alex looked over at the clock by his bed.

  "Oh crap."

  He swung his legs out of bed, grabbed the jeans and t-shirt he had worn the day before then ran down the stairs and out of the front door. He tore open the garage door and swung his leg over his bike and peddled frantically down the road. It was at times like this that he wished he had the money to buy himself a car, or come to think about it had even passed his driving test.

  Dark clouds gathered overhead as he darted between cars and a rumble of thunder echoed over the valley.

  "You friggin kidding me?" he yelled as he glanced up at the rain cloud. A flash of lightning lit up the sky and the thunder crashed closer. A raven swooped towards his head making him duck towards his handlebars and he swerved to a sudden stop.

  "What the hell?" he cried.

  Lightning lit up the sky again and the sharp smell of sulphur filled his nose. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he grasped it to his ear.

  "Come on man, they're loading the coach, where are you?" said Matt worried.

  "Two minutes, delay them, I'm nearly there," said Alex.

  He gripped the handlebars and pushed off towards the school. The coach doors closed just as Alex tore into the car park.

  "Hey wait up," he shouted chaining his bike to the rails.

  The coach pulled up next to him and his history teacher Miss Franklin stood in the stairwell glaring at him. The door hissed open and Alex stumbled in pushing past Miss Franklin.

  "Alex Thornson that's the third time this term you have been late, I appreciate you need your beauty sleep, but...."

  "Yeah whatever," he growled making his way to the back of the coach where Matt was sitting. It was easy to spot him, he was the second tallest in the class and he had jet-black short wavy hair which stuck up uncontrollably.

  "Oh no sunshine you are sitting up at the front with me," she smiled pointing to the seat next to her by the window.

  Alex stopped in his tracks and swung round, his blue eyes shooting daggers at her. Thunder crashed overhead and everyone ducked in their seats. Alex sneered and flung himself into the seat by the door. This day really had not started very well.

  It was at this point that he noticed that his t-shirt really didn't smell too good and he had left the house without showering or brushing his teeth. He looked and felt gross and to top it all he was starving and needed coffee. Thunder crashed overhead again as his black mood settled in for the day.


  Two hours later they arrived in the city and pulled up in the coach park of the museum. Alex was the first off and stood by the door waiting for Matt. He glanced up and Sasha Piper tottered down the steps; her skirt rolled up so high she looked like she was wearing a black belt.

  "Hey Alex, are you going to give a lady a hand?" she asked, looking down at him and pouting prettily.

  Alex sighed. This day really wasn't getting any better. He was sick to death of Sasha always hanging around him. Over the last two weeks he had noticed that every time he turned around she was there watching him.

  He wandered towards the rear of the coach trying to catch Matt's eye. As he glanced up he caught the eye of Becca Rodgers instead. Now he wouldn't have minded helping her off the coach. She looked past him as he gave a weak lame wave and tossed her long dark hair over her shoulder.

  Alex groaned to himself. "Please tell me that did not just happen."

  "Dude it happened, she completely blew you out," Matt sniggered in his ear. "Sasha's waiting for you lover boy, she told Franklin that you wanted to be her partner for the day.”

  "Seriously? The chick’s a stalker, this isn't funny any more," said Alex exasperated.

  "She's the hottest chick in the year and you don't want to know. Man you are weird. At least put in a good word for me," Matt said punching him lightly on the arm.

  "I can't stand her, she's so thick if I asked her for a penny for her thoughts I'd get change back. Nah she's all yours," said Alex walking off.

  Becca jumped off the coach and surreptitiously glanced over to where Alex was talking to Matt. She had blown it, what was the matter with her? As soon as she had seen he was looking at her, she had quickly looked past him completely embarrassed. She just couldn't deal with him. He was sheer perfection. Tall, blonde tousled hair, icy blue eyes and muscles everywhere, even in places she had no right looking. He looked her way again and she plucked her phone out of her pocket and selected some music. Plugging in her earphones and tucking her long hair behind her ear she turned her back on him and followed the others who were making their way to the museum entrance.

  "Face it man, she's icy, I would rather date Sasha any day," Matt said laughing.

  "Yeah well you can have her," Alex muttered following the back of Becca and admiring her long legs.

  "Roll call," shouted Miss Franklin waving her clipboard in the air. As she called out names Alex scratched the back of his neck. He just couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching them. He peered around the car park and caught Sasha's eye.

  "Damn it," he muttered looking down at his shoes. She wandered over to him and squeezed his arm.

  "Alex darling we're buddies today, make sure you behave yourself, I don't want people talking," she said smiling showing off her perfect white teeth.

  "Trust me Sasha you couldn't be safer. Perhaps you would prefer to partner Matt today if you're worried," he said shaking her off his arm.

  "Oh no sweetie, we are going to get on just fine. I have been so looking forward to getting to know you better,” she giggled into her hand.

  Alex rolled his eyes towards the sky and saw a big black bird circling overhead.

  "Weird," he muttered to himself. "What is it with birds today?" He stalked off towards the entrance in a foul mood and a rumble of thunder sounded in the distance.

  The group of students entered the foyer and Miss Franklin handed out work sheets.

  "Ok class, you have one hour to complete the sheets. Stick to your buddies and do not go outside," she warned.

  "Right where's the cafe?" asked Alex looking at the map.

  "Cool let’s get a coffee and chat," said Sasha looping her arm through his.

  "No I'm starving, oh and by the way I haven't showered or brushed my teeth today so you might want to give me some room," he said moodily.

  "Ew gross....wait you are kidding aren't you?" asked Sasha.

  "Nope, that smell is one hundred per cent pure sweaty male," he said grinning.

  "Oh my God, you are so gross. Don’t you know how to take care of yourself?” she asked with raised eyebrows.

  "I'm outta here," said Alex pushing her away firmly. He strode off following the signs to the cafe.

  "Alex wait up," called Matt. He jogged up with Becca tagging along behind.

  "You two buddies today?" asked Alex.

  "Yep, wanna swap?" Matt asked hopefully.

  "Too right," Alex grinned.

  "Nah better not, we don't want Frankie getting all tetchy and I don't think Sasha would be too pleased," Matt grinned back.

  "You sir are no friend of mine," Alex shook Matt’s arm off his shoulder and headed off quickly towards the cafe.

  "Ok, ok, we'll hang out together. Man you're in a bad mood. What is it?" asked Matt.

  "Dunno, didn't sleep well and I just feel really weird today. I want to explode, I am so wound up," said Alex running his hand through his hair.

  "Save it dude, let's get some munchies into you and then you'll feel a whole new man," said Matt grabbing Alex in a headlock and pushing him along the corridor towards the cafe.

sp; *

  "So Becca isn't it?" asked Sasha hooking her arm through Becca's.

  "Sasha I've been in your class the whole year, you know my name," said Becca annoyed.

  "Sorry I've been distracted, oh my God he's such a hunk," she giggled into Becca's ear. "What do you think he would look like with his shirt off?"

  "Er semi naked? Sasha I really don't think he's into you," said Becca.

  "Oh so you're after him are you?" asked Sasha unhooking her arm.

  "No, no I'm not, look just forget I said that, of course he must be into you, half the school are," Becca laughed.

  "Ladies, come on our table awaits," Matt called over opening the door to the cafe.


  Alex tucked into his all day breakfast feast with relish, stopping occasionally to gulp down some coffee.

  "Alex, you're a pig, slow down or you'll give yourself heartburn," Sasha whined stirring more sugar into her coffee.

  "I could eat a horse," he said with a full mouth.

  "You probably are," said Becca eyeing up his sausages dubiously.

  "Right what's first?" asked Matt plucking the crumpled worksheet out of his bag.

  "What are we even here for?" asked Sasha studying her nails.

  "Vikings," said Becca. "They found a new burial barrow and the contents are amazing, fully preserved pots, helmets, swords, coins, jewelry, that type of thing."

  "Old pots, great, that's an hour of my life I'm never going to get back," moaned Sasha looking into her pocket mirror and touching up her lipstick.

  Alex glanced up at Becca as he scooped the last bit of egg into his mouth and grimaced as egg dribbled down his chin. Not cool..he quickly wiped it away with the back of his hand and she reached over and passed him a paper napkin. He was really regretting not taking that shower now. At least he managed to grab some mints from the counter and he popped one into his mouth.

  "Ok, I'm done let's roll folks," said Alex rolling his shoulders and stretching. "Ah I feel human again."

  The sudden loud cawing of a bird made them all jump and look toward the window.

  "Is it my imagination or is that bird looking at us weirdly?" asked Alex standing up and backing away from the table.


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